NATO Parliamentary Assembly (Keir Starmer)

The following will represent the United Kingdom at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly:

Derek Twigg MP (Leader)

Stuart Anderson MP

The Rt. Hon. the Lord Beamish

Kevin Bonavia MP

Nesil Caliskan MP

Juliet Campbell MP

The Rt. Hon. the Lord Dodds of Duncairn

Richard Foord MP

Lord Fox

The Rt. Hon. the Lord Lancaster of Kimbolton

Baroness Kingsmill

Emma Lewell-Buck MP

Gordon McKee MP

Yasmin Qureshi MP

Lucy Rigby MP

Tim Roca MP

The Rt. Hon. Sir Alec Shelbrooke MP

The Rt. Hon. the Lord Spellar

seen at 10:29, 6 November in Written Ministerial Statements.
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