This website has a high number of frequent requests from the National Library of Wales servers. We were publishing a list but it's getting out of hand so we're making a blog especially to track the rather odd behaviour...
National Assembly for Wales: Organisation Index: Assembly Parliamentary Service Webcasting For a trial period, we are providing live and archived coverage of Plenary Sessions and committee meetings held in Cardiff Bay over the internet. This pilot project will run until April 2003. This notice still appears on the Assembly's website. Does anyone know how the webcasts were received? Seems a bit advanced for an organisation that still refuses to produce RSS feeds.
The stars flock to the French Riviera each year for the celebrated film festival. But this year, the Welsh Development Agency decided it was the perfect place to send eight of its staff on a four-day conference ...
Former Prime Minister Jim Callaghan has died aged 92. Tony Blair said he would be remembered with 'affection and respect'.