21 July 2005
Revision of the code of conduct for special advisers
seen at 18:37, 21 July in
Committee On Standards In Public Life News - national
(Our copy).
Law Enforcement Agencies Meeting
seen at 18:31, 21 July in
Downing Street Says
(Our copy).
The PMOS told journalists that he could not give the entire cast list for obvious reasons but the following would be present at the Law Enforcement Agencies meeting this afternoon: the Prime Minister; the Home Secretary...
Australian PM Meeting
seen at 18:31, 21 July in
Downing Street Says
(Our copy).
Asked what would be on the agenda this afternoon, the PMOS said that he imagined they would discuss Iraq given the presence of Australian troops there. No doubt they would also have a discussion of the outcome of...
Special Advisors
seen at 18:31, 21 July in
Downing Street Says
(Our copy).
Asked about criticism of changes to guidelines for Special Advisors, the PMOS said that the Cabinet Office had already dealt with that. They had pointed out that it had been in the Gazette on July 5th and that we...
Ministerial Gifts and Travel
seen at 18:31, 21 July in
Downing Street Says
(Our copy).
Asked about whether the Prime Minister could use gifts held by the Prime Minister's Office, and whether he paid the full amount or the difference between the value and the allowance, the PMOS said that the normal...
Morning press briefing from 21 July 2005
seen at 18:31, 21 July in
Number 10 » News Stories
(Our copy).
Press briefing from the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman on: Ministerial Gifts and Travel, Special Advisors, Australian PM Meeting and Law Enforcement Agencies Meeting
Saxa vord radar site placed on care & maintenance
seen at 16:28, 21 July in
Ministry of Defence News - national
(Our copy).
The radar site at RAF Saxa Vord will be placed on Care and Maintenance from April 2006, Secretary of State for Defence, John Reid, announced earlier today. Â Â
Exotic animal disease generic contingency plan
seen at 16:25, 21 July in
Department for Environment, Food And Rural Affairs News - national
(Our copy).
Defra's new Exotic Animal Disease Generic Contingency Plan has been laid before Parliament today. Â Â
Research findings show that cetacean strandings and bycatch of common dolphins show steep decline in the south west
seen at 16:25, 21 July in
Department for Environment, Food And Rural Affairs News - national
(Our copy).
Strandings of harbour porpoises and dolphins in the South West have shown a steep decline this year. The bycatch of dolphins in the UK pair trawl fishery for bass in the Western Channel have also shown a significant...
Incidents in London: the latest
seen at 16:23, 21 July in
Number 10 » News Stories
(Our copy).
There have been a number of incidents on the London transport network today. Prime Minister Tony Blair has given a statement in Downing Street.
Concordat Between The Scottish Executive And The Department For Constitutional Affairs
seen at 14:29, 21 July in
The Scottish Government Publications - Latest
(Our copy).
This Concordat is intended to provide the framework to guide furure working between the Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs, other DCA ministers and DCA officials and Scottish Ministers and their officials...
Goverment allocates £1.3billion to over 100 local authorities in greatest need to improve quality of life
seen at 14:28, 21 July in
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister News - national
(Our copy).
A package of £1.3billion to help local authorities and their partners to tackle crime, anti-social behaviour, education, housing, livability, health inequalities and worklessness was announced by the Office...
Government offers incentive for business creation
seen at 14:28, 21 July in
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister News - national
(Our copy).
Final details of a scheme which will give local authorities an incentive to maximise business creation in their areas have been announced today by the Government. Â Â
Goverment allocates £1.3billion to over 100 local authorities in greatest need to improve quality of life
seen at 14:28, 21 July in
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister News - national
(Our copy).
A package of £1.3billion to help local authorities and their partners to tackle crime, anti-social behaviour, education, housing, livability, health inequalities and worklessness was announced by the Office...
Sustainable communties at the heart of leading design - housing design awards
seen at 14:28, 21 July in
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister News - national
(Our copy).
Projects that are driving forward housing design standards were recognised today at the annual Housing Design Awards in London. Â Â
Culture minister david lammy acts to protect wreck site of early 17th century ship in the west bay in lyme bay, dorset
seen at 14:25, 21 July in
Department for Culture, Media and Sport News - national
(Our copy).
Culture Minister David Lammy has today announced that the wreck site of what is believed to be an early 17th century ship has been designated under the Protection of Wrecks Act 1973. Â Â
Report hails success of digital switchover trial
seen at 14:25, 21 July in
Department for Culture, Media and Sport News - national
(Our copy).
A report published today shows that a technical trial of digital switchover in Wales was a success and had overwhelming support from the people who took part. Â Â
Future stars to get new boost
seen at 14:25, 21 July in
Department for Culture, Media and Sport News - national
(Our copy).
Generations of future Olympians received another big boost today when Olympics Minister, Tessa Jowell revealed that an extra £1 million per year is being given to increase funding to the already successful...
Appointments to chair the environment agency regional fisheries, ecology and recreation advisory committee (rferac)
seen at 14:25, 21 July in
Department for Environment, Food And Rural Affairs News - national
(Our copy).
Fisheries Minister Ben Bradshaw today announced the appointment of three new Chairs of the Environment Agency's Regional Fisheries, Ecology and Recreation Advisory Committees in England. The appointments have been...
Clocks turned back at alkborough - elliot morley marks new direction in flood risk management
seen at 14:25, 21 July in
Department for Environment, Food And Rural Affairs News - national
(Our copy).
Work will begin at Alkborough in the Humber Estuary today (Friday, 22 July) which will see the clocks turned back half a century and land which was reclaimed from the river in the 1950s returned to the estuary. ...
Defra publish advisory leaflet on cormorant research project
seen at 14:25, 21 July in
Department for Environment, Food And Rural Affairs News - national
(Our copy).
Defra have published a new advisory leaflet to inform fishery interests about the encouraging results emerging from ongoing research into the use of fish refuges as a means of reducing the impact of cormorants at...
Government set to deliver integrated health and social care systems
seen at 14:25, 21 July in
Department of Health News - national
(Our copy).
A joint white paper, designed to deliver integrated health and social care systems, was announced today by Care Services Minister Liam Byrne. It will bring together proposals for both adult social care and all care...
Minister urges business to get involved in shaping the eu corporate law agenda
seen at 14:25, 21 July in
Department of Trade and Industry News - national
(Our copy).
Trade and Industry Minister Gerry Sutcliffe today launched a guide designed to get business more directly involved in shaping EU policy in the key area of corporate law and governance. Â Â
Making a reality of rights for millions: timescale for new disability laws announced
seen at 14:24, 21 July in
Department for Work and Pensions News - national
(Our copy).
New disability rights will come into force from December this year and protect millions of people in Britain from discrimination - the Government said today. Â Â
Change of ambassador to the people's republic of china
seen at 14:24, 21 July in
Foreign and Commonwealth Office News - national
(Our copy).
Mr Wiliam Ehrman CMG has been appointed Her Majesty's Ambassador to the People's Republic of China in succession to Sir Christopher Hum who will be retiring from the Diplomatic Service. Mr Ehrman will take up his...
Oft issues warning order to suffolk estate agents
seen at 11:27, 21 July in
Office of Fair Trading News - national
(Our copy).
The OFT has issued a warning order to Suffolk estate agents Gobbitt & Kirby Property Services Ltd, that if they continue to engage in certain specified practices they will be banned from carrying out estate agency...
Minister consults on new £27m funding programme for rural sector
seen at 11:24, 21 July in
Department for Environment, Food And Rural Affairs News - national
(Our copy).
Voluntary and community organisations and parish councils in rural areas are to be given a boost of £27M over two years if Government proposals to help rural communities shape their own futures are accepted...
Review of administration of coal health compensation schemes announced
seen at 11:24, 21 July in
Department of Trade and Industry News - national
(Our copy).
An independent review is to be conducted into the administration of coal health compensation schemes for former miners affected by lung disease and vibration white finger. Â Â
Capital for enterprise board announced
seen at 11:24, 21 July in
Department of Trade and Industry News - national
(Our copy).
Small Business Service (SBS) Chief Executive Martin Wyn Griffith has announced the final composition of the Capital for Enterprise Board. Â Â
Housing benefit fraud and error goes down, new figures show
seen at 11:24, 21 July in
Department for Work and Pensions News - national
(Our copy).
Fraud and error in Housing Benefit is estimated to have fallen by £50 million since 2002/3, according to official figures published today. Â Â
seen at 11:23, 21 July in
Downing Street Says
(Our copy).
Asked if we would be inviting Muslim extremists to express their views at the conference and whether it would achieve anything if we did not, the PMOS said that there seemed to be, to use the Prime Minister's words...
International Conference
seen at 11:23, 21 July in
Downing Street Says
(Our copy).
Asked how advanced the planning for the international conference on tackling extremism was, the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman (PMOS) said that we had a clear idea about what we wanted such a conference to ...
Afternoon press briefing from 20 July 2005
seen at 11:23, 21 July in
Number 10 » News Stories
(Our copy).
Press briefing from the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman on: International Conference and Extremism
Lord-Lieutenant for the East Riding of Yorkshire
seen at 11:23, 21 July in
Number 10 » News Stories
(Our copy).
The Queen has been pleased to appoint The Honourable Mrs Elizabeth Susan Cunliffe-Lister as Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant for the East Riding of Yorkshire.
Nowhere to hide: magistrates get access to database to track down missing offenders
seen at 10:25, 21 July in
News from Department of Constitutional Affairs - national
(Our copy).
Magistrates' courts across England and Wales are to gain electronic access to one of the country's largest databases to help track down missing offenders who ignore fines and other court penalties. Â Â
Better Regulation Bill
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
A copy of the consultation document on proposals for a Better Regulation Bill is today being placed in the House Library and on the website of the Cabinet Office Better Regulation Executive at:http://www.cabinetoffice...
Ten-Year Science and Innovation Investment Framework
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
HM Treasury, the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department for Education and Skills are today publishing "The ten-year Science and Innovation Investment Framework Annual Report 2005". Alongside this, HM...
MCSI Inspection of Court Services Annual Report for 2004–05
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
The MCSI Inspection of Court Services annual report for 2004–05 has been laid before Parliament today. This document gives full details of MCSI's performance for that year. Copies of the report have been placed...
Legal Services Commission Annual Report 2004–05
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
The Legal Services Commission (LSC) has today published its annual report for the financial year 2004–05 which includes its statement of annual accounts.Paragraph 14 of schedule 1 to the Access to Justice Act ...
Aircraft Environmental Noise
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
The House will be aware from recent Adjournment debates that military flying activity is essential if we are to maintain operational capability. However, we also take our commitment to minimise, as far is reasonably...
BFPO Key Targets
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
The Key Targets have been set for the Chief Executive of BFPO for the Financial Year 2005–06. The targets are as follows:Key Target 1. To provide a 100 per cent. secure Defence Courier Service (DCS) for the carriage...
Military Low Flying
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
The amount of low flying training carried out in the UK Low Flying System (UKLFS) during the training year April 2004 to March 2005 was the minimum required for aircrew to reach and maintain their ability to fly...
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
Networked enabled capability is the way we intend to improve our operational effectiveness on the battlefield through more efficient and effective sharing and exploitation of information by our armed forces, both...
RAF Training Group Defence Agency
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
The commander-in-chief, Royal Air Force Personnel and Training Command has set the chief executive of the Training Group Defence Agency the following targets for Financial Year 2005–06:Key Target 1Output—RAF...
Gateways to the Professions Report
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
I am able to inform the House that the Secretary of State for Education and Skills has received a copy of Sir Alan Langlands' report examining the gateways to the professions.Sir Alan Langlands was appointed by ...
Annual Review of Controls on Imports of Animal Products
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
As required under the Animal Health Act 1981 (as amended by the Animal Health Act 2002) the Government will publish today a review of controls on the import of animal products for the financial year 2004–05. We...
Afghanistan/UK Enduring Relationship
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
I wish to inform the House that my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister and His Excellency Hamid Karzai, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, signed a joint declaration of an enduring relationship between...
2004 Annual Report on Strategic Arms Controls
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
The 2004 annual report on Strategic Export Controls will be published at 1400 today as a Command Paper. Copies will be placed in the Library of the House. The report includes information on licensing decisions made...
Wilton Park's Annual Report and Accounts
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
Wilton Park is an academically independent executive agency of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Its annual report and accounts for 2004–05 is published today.Highlights of the last year include: the greatest...
Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
The 2004–05 annual report for the Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health, HC194, was laid before Parliament today. Copies are available in the Library.
NHS Estates and Facilities Management Development Agency Annual Report and Accounts
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
We have received the NHS Estates and Facilities Management Development Agency annual report and accounts 2004–05 and copies have today been laid in accordance with the requirements of section 5 of the Exchequer...
Variant CJD
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
Further to the statements made to the House by the then Secretary of State my right hon. Friend the Member for Airdrie and Shotts (John Reid), on 17 December 2003 and 16 March 2004 (and the written statements of...
Health Trainers
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
In the White Paper "Choosing Health" we announced the introduction of health trainers, a new type of personal health support in the public health workforce. From 2006 national health service accredited health trainers...
NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency: Annual Report and Accounts
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
The NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency's annual report and accounts has been published today and copies have been placed in the Library.
Sexual Health and HIV (Select Committee Report)
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
The Government's response to the Third Report of the House of Commons Health Select Committee, on New Developments in Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Policy, Cm 6649, has been published today.Copies have been placed ...
Criminal Records Bureau Annual Report and Accounts
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
I announce that copies of the 2004–05 annual report and accounts for the Criminal Records Bureau have been placed in the Library of the House today. Arrangements are now in hand for their publication.
Lord Carlile's Report on the Terrorism Act 2000
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
Lord Carlile of Berriew QC prepared a report on the operation in 2004 of the Terrorism Act 2000, which I laid before the House on 26 May 2005.I am grateful to Lord Carlile for his detailed report and I have considered...
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
I am very concerned about the deepening nutritional crisis in Niger, and I spoke yesterday to Jan Egeland, the UN's Emergency Relief Co-ordinator about what needs to be done.DFID was one of the first donors to respond...
Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
I have today arranged for the Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland Corporate Plan 2005–08 and Business Plan 2005–06 document to be placed in the Libraries of both Houses. This document will also be made available...
Independent Assessor of Military Complaints Procedures (Annual Report)
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
I have today arranged for copies of Jim McDonald's annual report for 2004 to be placed in the Libraries of both Houses.The report of the independent assessor continues to provide valuable reassurances to both the...
Report and Financial Statements of Strategic Investment Board Limited
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
My hon. Friend the Minister of State for Northern Ireland (Lord Rooker) has made the following ministerial statement:"Copies of the report and financial statements of Strategic Investment Board Ltd. for the year...
Youth Justice Agency of Northern Ireland Annual Report and Accounts for 2004–05
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
I have placed copies of the Youth Justice Agency's annual report and accounts for 2004–05 in the Libraries of both Houses.This is the Agency's second annual report since its inception on 1 April 2003. It achieved...
Independent Monitoring Commission Report on Paramilitary Activity
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
On 24 May 2005 I laid in Parliament and published the 5th report from the Independent Monitoring Commission (IMC).As required by the agreement that established it, the Commission reported on the nature and levels...
Army Prosecutions
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
My right hon. Friend the Attorney-General has made the following written ministerial statement."In my statement of 14 June 2004, Official Report, columns WS 22–23, I undertook to inform the House by way of written...
Army Prosecutions (No. 2)
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
My right hon. Friend the Attorney-General has made the following written ministerial statement."In my statement of 14 June 2004, Official Report, columns WS 22–23, I undertook to inform the House by way of written...
Company Law Reform
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
I would like to draw the attention of the House to the explanatory statement that has been placed in both Libraries of the House on the subject of company law reform. This statement is also available at www.dti...
London Gateway Port
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
I am today setting out my position on the proposals submitted by P & O to develop a new container port at the old Shellhaven oil refinery site in Thurrock, Essex. I am minded to approve the proposals, subject to...
Financial Planning Guidelines for Local Transport Plans
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
I am today publishing a consultation document setting out how I propose to allocate funding, other than for major schemes, to local transport authorities outside London during the second local transport plan period...
A303 Trunk Road (Stonehenge)
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
Plans to upgrade the A303 trunk road passing Stonehenge and to improve the setting of this outstanding World Heritage Site have a long history. In July 1998, after extensive assessment of alternative options, the...
New Deal for Disabled People
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
The New Deal for Disabled People will be extended for a further year to 31 March 2007. This will provide continuity of support to priority customers and allow emerging evaluation evidence, from this and other initiatives...
Child Support Scheme
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
This quarterly report is to update the House on progress of the Child Support Agency. It covers the period from March to June 2005 and contains improved management information. The last report formed part of the...
Social Fund/Social Fund Commissioner
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
The Secretary of State's annual report on the social fund for 2004–05 (Cm 6595) was published today and has been laid before Parliament.The report records that total gross expenditure in 2004–05, excluding winter...
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
Remploy's achievement against its targets set by Government for 2004–05 is in the table. Target Achievement Gross Margin—the Company will achieve Gross Margin of £60.5m £60.5m £...
Agency Annual Reports and Accounts
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Written Ministerial Statements
(Our copy).
I am pleased to announce that the Department for Work and Pensions has today published the 2004–05 annual reports and accounts for five of its executive agencies: The Pension Service (HC342), Child Support Agency...
Prime Minister's Question Time
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Number 10 » News Stories
(Our copy).
Tony Blair answered questions about the Parliamentary cleaners strike, the Muslim 'task force', Pakistan, the use of 'intercept evidence', terror intelligence and GP services during PMQs. Watch the broadcast again...
UK trade leads way on cutting carbon pollution
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Number 10 » News Stories
(Our copy).
Major firms who are the biggest producers of CO2 - the main 'greenhouse gas' responsible for climate change - reduced their emissions by 8.9million tonnes more than the target last year.
Cash boost for 'life changing' libraries
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Number 10 » News Stories
(Our copy).
An extra investment of £4 million will help put Britain's libraries at the heart of the government's cultural and social policy.
PM considers international summit on extremism
seen at 09:23, 21 July in
Number 10 » News Stories
(Our copy).
Tony Blair says he is looking into holding an international conference for countries concerned about or affected by Islamic extremism. During PMQs he said the aim was 'to try and take concerted action across the...
Review of Public Administration
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Review of Public Administration
Proposals to consolidate and revise the Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) Regulations 1994 and the Construction (Health Safety and Welfare) (CHSW) Regulations 1996, and revise the supporting guidance
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Proposals to consolidate and revise the Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) Regulations 1994 and the Construction (Health Safety and Welfare) (CHSW) Regulations 1996, and revise the supporting guidance
The Alternative Compliance Scheme (ACS)
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
The Alternative Compliance Scheme (ACS)
Use of Mobile Phones
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Use of Mobile Phones
Consultation on the establishment of a voluntary Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Licensing Regulation
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Consultation on the establishment of a voluntary Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Licensing Regulation
Consultation on proposals for Regulations transposing Article 6 of the WEEE Directive
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Consultation on proposals for Regulations transposing Article 6 of the WEEE Directive
Consultation on proposed EC Directive on controls for avian influenza
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Consultation on proposed EC Directive on controls for avian influenza
Framework for Commissioning Substance Misuse Services
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Framework for Commissioning Substance Misuse Services
Children and Young People: Rights to Action Stronger Partnerships for Better Outcomes Draft Guidance on Local Co-operation under the Children Act
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Children and Young People: Rights to Action Stronger Partnerships for Better Outcomes Draft Guidance on Local Co-operation under the Children Act
Local Governmnet Plan Rationalisation
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Local Governmnet Plan Rationalisation
Administration of estates - Review of the statutory Legacy
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Administration of estates - Review of the statutory Legacy
National Contingency Plan for Marine Pollution from Shipping and Offshore Installations
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
National Contingency Plan for Marine Pollution from Shipping and Offshore Installations
The Safety of Sports Grounds (Northern Ireland ) Order 2005 and Explanatory Memorandum - Consultation Document
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
The Safety of Sports Grounds (Northern Ireland ) Order 2005 and Explanatory Memorandum - Consultation Document
The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity (Amendments) Regulations 2005
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity (Amendments) Regulations 2005
Repeal of Methylated Spirits Provisions
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Repeal of Methylated Spirits Provisions
Further revision to the Local Authorities Executive Arrangements (Functions and Responsibilities) (Wales) Regulations 2001 and the Local Authorities (Alternative Arrangements) (Wales) Regulations 2001
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Further revision to the Local Authorities Executive Arrangements (Functions and Responsibilities) (Wales) Regulations 2001 and the Local Authorities (Alternative Arrangements) (Wales) Regulations 2001
European small claims procedure
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
European small claims procedure
Science and Innovation Stategy
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Science and Innovation Stategy
Energy Wales Route Map
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Energy Wales Route Map
Scottish Forestry Strategy Review 2005 (Scotland)
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Scottish Forestry Strategy Review 2005 (Scotland)
Consultation Paper on Licensing of Taxi/Private Hire Car Booking Offices
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Consultation Paper on Licensing of Taxi/Private Hire Car Booking Offices
The Proposed Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) Regulations (Scotland) 2005
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
The Proposed Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) Regulations (Scotland) 2005
Proposals by the Director General of Water Services for the modification of the conditions of appointment of Mid Kent Water Limited as a water undertaker
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Proposals by the Director General of Water Services for the modification of the conditions of appointment of Mid Kent Water Limited as a water undertaker
MD 205: Modification to new licence Condition R - consultation
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
MD 205: Modification to new licence Condition R - consultation
Emergency Service Arrangements provided by DNs to IGTs
seen at 02:30, 21 July in
Open UK consultations
(Our copy).
Emergency Service Arrangements provided by DNs to IGTs
Oft urges smes to report anti-competitive practices
seen at 02:29, 21 July in
Office of Fair Trading News - national
(Our copy).
Nearly a quarter of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) across Britain believe they are harmed by unfair practices such as cartel price fixing and collusion to set tender prices, says new research from the...
Commission annual report 2004-05 highlights challenges for the future
seen at 02:26, 21 July in
Criminal Cases Review Commission News - national
(Our copy).
The Criminal Cases Review Commission received 955 applications in 2004-05, the highest number for five years. Â Â
Fall in number of 'fuel poor' homes continues
seen at 02:25, 21 July in
Department for Environment, Food And Rural Affairs News - national
(Our copy).
The number of people across the UK unable to afford to heat their homes adequately dropped in 2003, a government report reveals. Â Â
Industry beats co2 reduction targets
seen at 02:25, 21 July in
Department for Environment, Food And Rural Affairs News - national
(Our copy).
British industry last year cut by 14.4million tonnes the amount of carbon dioxide it releases into the atmosphere, more than double the target set by government. Â Â