David Miliband will be online next week to answer your questions as part of the government's policy review.
make smoking cigarettes illegal. Make it illegal to buy them in the shops.
America has too many accidents with British troops with friendly fire issues...
A prime minister of the UK should spend the majority of his time in the...
The BBC plans to launch an on-demand tv service which uses software that...
Introduce significant tax relief on mortgages and private pension payments....
Road fuel taxes should be raised every year in order to reduce miles driven...
Create a secure R&D facility to explore the principles of clean free energy...
we would like free licenses for Internet Broadcasting Radio for Teens
I have three A grades at A level and applied to study medicine and, although...
The DTI ruled two years ago, that vets had a monopoly on the sale of pet...
i would like business rates for small businesses to be either scrapped or...
The Foreign & Commonwealth Office in partnership with the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Wilton Park will be holding a conference on 21-23 February. It will bring together around 75 people from across the...
A meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) will be held in meeting room 1 (ground floor), 10 Dean Farrar Street, London SW1 on Thursday 22 February 2007 at 10.00 a.m.
Tax parents doing school runs when they live less than a mile from the...
People who require medical treatment shoule receive it! Provide more nurses...
'...Order his Transport minister to use the underground in rush hour every day for a month, just like the rest of us, to prove how wonderful public transport is' -- Paul Worthington
'...simplify and streamline the current English house purchase system that is frustrating and expensive for the consumer and appears to only exist for Estate Agents, Solicitors and Surveyors to creat substantial...
Pensions should with savings still be benifcial to pepple on pensions...
Give them there just deserves
Include Road Fund Tax in the price of Petrol, there is no escape from paying...
On 10/03/06 the Times Higher Education Supplement identified that Vice-...
Motoring offences are uniquely subject to absolute penalty, for all...
'...introduce a law banning politicians blatantly lying to the people of this country on all matters.' -- Kerry Moseley
It appears, based on Glaxo SmithKline's own internal trials and...
Seal clubbing, STOPS NOW! Hunting, STOPS NOW! Killing animals for fur, STOPS...
In addition to moving road tax and third party insurance to fuel duty, and...
I would like to ask for everyone to sign this petition asking for all those...
I would like to see the age for driving a car raised to 21 years. This...
A government provided scheme to ensure that all car drivers have the minimum...
Convicted Young Offenders should be sent for National Service instead of...
Acton Main Line Station is poorly served for trains. One every half hour,...
The present situation is that, on attaining the legal age for retirement -...
In the news, we hear all about taxing big engine cars, airline fuel taxes...
A government is a product of its people, not the other way around. Without...
Banks and Building societies are putting undue presure on families who have...
The present system allows totally unprepared applicants to take control of...
soldiers on average are paid considerably less than the minimum wage for...
Why shouldn't we get tax breaks for paying for our own medical care?
People with autism often feel unable to apply for senior posts because they...
I believe the United Kingdom has the ability to aid the United States in...
1. As the Treason Act 1351 is written in Norman-French, judges over the...
The Chancellor imposed this APD in Dec 2006, but nobody seems to have any...
This country is supposed to be a democracy, but more and more people are...
The current level of personal allowance for a funded resident of residential...
The MOT is for road safety.If there were no MOT most people would drive...
DeedNOTBreed is a recently formed team of dog owners, rescue centres and...
many councils are starting an 'ABC' system, where-by refuse is only being...
MPs should be made to behave like the rest of society and be seen to be...
'...Enforce road safety by the presence of real police officers at the roadsides, issuing fines to earn their living' -- Michal Lipnicky
What do they actually accomplish? All they really do is create time-...
The E.U. has for many years been bleeding this nation dry with it's stupid...
Acknowledge and act upon the fact that the majority of people in the UK...
It would reduce traffic on the roads at rush-hour if workers had the chance...
We, the undersigned, urge the Prime Minister to reassess the implementation...
Coventry is a major example of one of the Powerleague sites that has caused...
Currently housing benefit is decided on your age, if you are under 25 you...
enviromental health officers should be given the power to stop anyone...
it is imperative that we stop these two men trying to destroy what is a...
To make a compulsory 12 month ban if caught using a mobile phone whilst...
The government has recently been criticised for wanting to introduce...
In an age when they are continuously bomb barding us with don't drink and...
The introduction of a Identity Card scheme is a direct infringment of the...
'...remain in office until the next General Election.' -- Peter Fookes
The Leader of the House of Commons will be online on 14 March to answer your questions in the latest of our Policy Review webchats.
Dr John Murton has been appointed British High Commissioner to the Republic of Mauritius in succession to Mr Anthony Godson who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Dr Murton will take...
Responses to the consultation on the proposed merger of Bell College of Technology and the University of Paisley
Assets Recovery Agency Financial Investigators have secured a Confiscation Order for £310,000 against convicted benefits fraudster Paul Doherty of Sillwood Street, Brighton.
The legal burning of heather and moorland is so outdated. This so called '...
Many people think Ant and Dec have done alot for the entertainment industry...
With minor modifications, diesel engines can be run on vegetable oil such as...
VAT was originally a tax on luxury items, it replaced purchase tax. Domestic...
'...Stop taxing the ordinary members of the British public to death, those members who are currently the most taxed and regulated individuals in the world. Allow them to be governed in an open, honest and transparent...
As a tax-free alternative to other proposed methods of reducing road...
I have not been in this situation myself, but it does seem unfair that the...
If needs be, send the recently reported prison inmates, who are known to be...
..to permit free choice to qualified riders or those over a certain age.The...
All rights which come on a person's 18th birthay, to now be given on their 16th.
Cancel ID Cards immediately. Govt to promote/accept range of secure forms of...
I am 15 almost 16 and I've noticed That Every election we put up with people...
If motorways were made twin lane roads there would be outrage, so why do...
Nearly everybody who thinks of it will tick the gift aid box. Cut the...
'...oppose military action by the USA against Iran and commit to withdrawing British troops from all operations in support of the USA around the world in the event of any such unprovoked attacks, to ensure the safety...
During an election a spoiled ballot paper can mean many things but the...
Countless times I have seen drivers maneuver on roundabouts with little...
The UK is the only major country in the world with out astronauts ,we should...
The Government talks of creating or reinforcing a national identity. If they...
Individual speed limits including a MINIMUM speed limit in different lanes...
There had been a series of cases in which elderly people have been allegedly...
The Core Principles of the NHS can be summed up as follows: To provide care...
Sir Ian Blair, has since his appointment in office, transformed the worlds...
The teaching of Latin and/or Greek is a fundamental component of literary...
Quite basic really. It is unprecedented in British history for a chancellor...
'...Make ALL persistent juvenile offenders to sign into the armed forces for a MINIMUM of 3 years. To learn moral values respect others & learn a trade.' -- P Lawrence
Following on from the road pricing scheme we should force the Government to...
From statistics about the number of otherwise law-abiding citizens who are...
Stop advertisements for debt problems which appear on digital, terrestrial...
This is a petition to investigate the ruthless practice of insurance...
The families of British troops killed in Iraq are being treated with "...
We wish to be paid for 52 weeks of the year and not on a term time basis. As...
Children learn better if taught the same way as in European countries such...
By removing the principal family dwelling house from IHT liability, when...
Now that the EU has refused the extension of derogation of Fuel Tax for...
Currently adding solar panels, wind turbines etc to your property adds to...
The government has asked for a debate about the ways in which vehicle use...
As the government seems determined to stop people smoking and therefore...
Pensioners already struggling to find money for the ever increasing energy...
It is unfair that it is based on the value of property rather than water...
If £20 billion is available, it could be much better spent in other ways,...
If all the journeys made by government employees and representatives were by...
Fit coded cut off engine boxes in all vehicles past, present and future,...
Paying for refuse collections in accordance to the weight is fair in this...
the underlying principle behind this petition is to ensure that '...
Ban Motorway services from charging to park. This should remain a free...
Illegal immigrants come to the UK ostensibly to improve their lives. No-one...
Currently Local Authorities are paying pensions out of current income (i.e....
The petition against road pricing has touched a national nerve. Dealing with...
Asked if the Prime Minister would be attending the unveiling of Margaret Thatcher's statue, the PMOS replied that he did not know but would check. Asked if the Prime Minister had any plans to celebrate Gordon Brown...
Asked if there had been any contact from the police, the PMOS replied that there had been no contact with the Prime Minister from the police....
Asked if there was any comment on the BBC 10pm News report on America's plans for Iran, the PMOS replied that the best answer came from the US themselves. The State Department Spokesman had said "We are convinced...
Asked to clarify the Prime Minister's email response to an e-petition on ID card security, the PMOS replied that he was somewhat surprised by the story in the Daily Telegraph. Not least because, going back to an...
Asked what the Government was going to do now regarding the Mental Health Bill, the PMOS replied that we would reflect on the votes that had taken place and then announce our intentions. There would be a period ...
Asked to comment on the story in today's Times that Councils were complaining that access to money to fund transport projects would only be given if linked to road pricing, the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman...
Asked to comment on the story in today's Times that Councils were complaining that access to money to fund transport projects would only be given if linked to road pricing, the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman...
Press briefing from the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman on: Road Pricing, Mental Health Bill, ID Cards, Iran, Police Inquiry and MISC
The Government's response to a human flu pandemic was tested in Exercise Winter Willow on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th February.
The Attorney General has announced today that he will conduct a review of cases where Professor David Southall, a consultant paediatrician, was involved as a prosecution witness.
MFL teaching reflects the principle that exposure to unfamiliar language...
Vehicles failing to display a valid vehicle excise licence (tax disc) need...
Blackpool lost the Casino bid fair and square, Blackpool Council should now...
Raising 'interest rates' for existing borrowers is unfair, unnecessary and...
See citezens Advice website for more details
'...increase the punishment for anyone caught driving a motorcar without insurance - it is cheaper to get caught than to be a young driver who is insured... what do you get? £5 a week fine and 6 points on ...
The govenment is planning to store everyones details on a new computer...
Free up the housing market so that people can build the necessary houses to...
A small portion of the A22 between Eastbourne and Brighton remains as a...
People who are terminally ill should be given the right to choose the timing...
To make compulsory the study of a foreign language up to A-Level standard.
PLANS to quadruple state funding for political parties to £28m a year have...
we wish to stop local authorities and church land owners selling our...
Alan shearer a real sports idol and a real example to all those footballers...
Aviation is the fastest-growing source of greenhouse-gas emissions, already...
How many times have you been stuck behind a caravan, thats being towed by an...
Although I will get my full state pension when I am 65, because I left the...
the governments policy according to wakefield council is they have to give...
Make ASBOs less of a wanted rather than a wanted item; make having one '...
Sack the current Chancellor of the Exchequer and replace him with someone...
The despicable practice of gazumping can leave its victims both emotionally...
To be honest, I am trying my hardest to be a person who is "Green" and...
Fast and loose, again... Despite having had ample opportunity to learn from...
The Traffic Sign Regulations say, with regard to temporary signs, "...
We pay road tax, to pay for upkeep of the roads. If this is the case then...
The NHS is reaching crisis level and yet millions of pounds are wasted each...
There is a huge difference in the price that people in the US and the UK are...
Carers over 60 years of age, not in receipt of benefits but drawing the Old...
As it stands the three major faith groups of Christianity,Islam and Judaism...
In Germany they have developed 'safe standing' at major grounds like Bayern...
why do our children learn a language which is spoken nowhere? some children...
The Government has proposed a new National Pensions Savings Scheme (also...
'...Abolish the politically and financially motivated push for the MMR vaccine. Permit the parents to choose single jabs under the NHS and refund fees already paid by concerned parents who have needed to go private...
The benefits currently available provide no incentive to discourage the long...
Everytime there is an issue in the news that might be a little embarassing...
The Government supports measures to reduce Global Warming, yet completely...
It is so difficult as from my personal experience to obtain council housing...
Motorcycle riders are subject to age and experience restrictions when...
It is almost a neccessity to own a bank account to recieve an income from...
Reducing class size to 15 will allow the standard of education to rise...
company car tax, differentiate between work and perk. reinstate the 50%...
'...permit discrimination in the provision of goods, services and facilities on the grounds of sexual orientation where such provision would be contrary to the religious belief/s of the person/s or organisation/...
A monthly peoples forum set up where Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, John Reid etc...
Much of the housing market has been fueled by the 'Buy to Let' mortgage...
This petition is to reduce the environmental impact from metal and plastic...
Today, the Economic Secretary to the Treasury, Ed Balls MP, brought representatives from the European Commission together with leading representatives of London's financial sector, while also announcing the implementation...
The Spring Supplementary Estimates, presented to the House of Commons today, seek authority for expenditure by government departments of £7,069 million in resources and £7,656 million in cash...
Comments of the SFHA on the consultation draft PAN Community Engagement.
Assets Recovery Agency Financial Investigators have secured a Confiscation Order for £310,000 against convicted benefits fraudster Paul Doherty of Sillwood Street, Brighton.
Members of the public are being urged to visit The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre's Most Wanted website as a new offender is identified by West Mercia Constabulary.
Plans to protect vulnerable agency workers and clamp down on rogue companies were set out in a Government consultation today.
A new, more intensive way of tackling offenders has cut their offending by almost two-thirds, a report reveals today.
With effect from 1 April 2007 the Defence Transport and Movements Agency (DTMA) will cease to hold agency status. This has been decided as part of restructuring within the supply chain element of the Defence ...
The Ministry of Defence "Votes A Annual Estimate 2007-08", will be laid before the House on 20 February as HC 280. This outlines the maximum numbers of personnel to be maintained for service in the armed forces...
On 18 January 2006, the Home Office informed police authorities and police forces of their allocations of capital grant for 2006-07.
The sums had been adjusted to take account of money which had been retained...
Lin Homer, the director general of the immigration and nationality directorate, has today provided a comprehensive update to the Home Affairs Committee on the progress being made by the IND in deporting foreign...
I am pleased to say that in accordance with section 14(3) and 14(5) of the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005, Lord Carlile of Berriew QC has completed the report on the operation of the Act in 2006, which will...
I have today laid before both Houses the report of the Interception of Communications Commissioner, the right hon.Sir Swinton Thomas, for 2005-06 (HC 315), and the report of the Intelligence Services Commissioner...
The Secretary of State for Trade and Industry has granted consent under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 for the construction of the Greater Gabbard offshore wind farm.
The consent is granted to Greater...
THE DEPARTMENT FOR TRANSPORT today announced the parties that have qualified as Bidders for the Intercity East Coast (ICEC) franchise. They are:
Put to him that a poll in the Times this morning said that most doctors now believed that this Government essentially wasted tax payers money on reforms, and an internal Department of Health report said that 96...
Asked if the Prime Minister thought it was fair that the Security Services could tap the phones of MSPs and MEPs, but not MPs, the PMOS replied that the conventions on this were laid down some time ago. The Government...
Asked what the Prime Minister would be saying in his reply to the 1,605,764 who had signed the road pricing petition, the PMOS replied that at the risk of stating the obvious, the journalist would have to wait until...
Put to him that he had mentioned this morning that a gun crime summit would take place in the next few weeks, but John Reid had since confirmed that it would take place on Thursday, the PMOS replied that this...
Asked what had prompted the Leader of the House to change his mind, the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman (PMOS) replied that this was a matter for the Leader of the House to brief on. We had made clear from the...
Press briefing from the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman on: House of Lords Reform, Gun Crime Summit, Road Pricing, Security Services Report and Health
John Reid will be online on Tuesday 27 February to answer your questions on security, crime and justice.
The Queen has approved the nomination of the Reverend Clive Malcolm Gregory MA, to the Suffragan See of Wolverhampton, in the Diocese of Lichfield, in succession to the Right Reverend Michael Gay Bourke MA, on his...
January: £14.1 bn budget surplus
Aspiring models and entertainers are being warned to look out for rogue casting agencies who will try to relieve them of their money on the false promise of fame.
The OFT today recommended that the Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme (PPRS) should be reformed, to deliver better value for money from NHS drug spend and to focus business investment on drugs that have the ...
2007 Statement - updating Scotland's policy on architecture