Asked if there had been any response to Sir Alistair Graham's comments, the PMOS said no....
Asked if the Prime Minister would be voting on casinos, the PMOS said he wasn't sure but would check....
PM warns of "different phase" if sailors not released Asked if there were any plans to publish the GPS coordinates of where the British personnel were picked up, the PMOS said, as he had this morning, we...
Asked when the press conference was likely to be for this month as time was slipping away, the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman (PMOS) said that he wasn't sure if there would be one next week but that there would...
But keep the questions coming as we plan to reschedule the event
Take a great moral step by returning all previously taken artefacts to their...
Head Teachers would work better if their jobs depended on parents. If a Head...
the department would be responsible for the issue of permits and licences...
At present DLA does not assess whether a person can use public transport or...
Government takes money out of council housing, leaving many councils unable...
It would be possible to ensure that all new aircraft flying in UK airspace...
In order to reduce global warming, Remove VAT from the purchase price of...
I submit this petition on the grounds that this is a serious and immediate...
Create Bank of England high street branches offering a service to the people...
Recently, innocent individuals wrongly convicted and sent to prison have...
castleway school is a small primary school in the heart of the leasowe...
At present the law states that a tenant who live in the same house as their...
Over the last few years the term UK has become more and more used in public...
We ask that the International Community, especially South Africa,becomes...
'...Remove Staffordshire bull terriers from the dangerous dogs list' -- John Clifford
Prosecutions for excess speed aalone are alienating motorists from the...
'...Lower The Minimum Drinking Age Of The U.K To 16' -- Daniel Smith
Asked if the Casino order was lost tomorrow, would happen next, the PMOS said that the question was a hypothetical one, but the important thing was that the Government had set out the process when we made the announcement...
Put that the figures attached to Jim Murphy's announcement today showed that they were getting worse, the PMOS said it was better to wait for the announcement to come out. The PMOS said that the majority of the ...
Asked what the platform was for the crime statistics, the PMOS said that it was to show how crime had fallen since 1997, and it underlined the basic message of what the Prime Minister was saying this morning. Whether...
Asked what did the Prime Minister mean today when he said that the situation could move into a "different phase" if the Navy personnel were not released, the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman (PMOS) replied...
Plans to target offenders and extend public services reform to the criminal justice system are among a raft of measures unveiled by the Prime Minister.
Jack Straw has been called away on urgent business and is unable to take your questions about the role of the state.
There is "absolutely no justification" for Iran to hold the 15 sailors seized in the Persian Gulf last Friday, the Prime Minister has said.
Press briefing from the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman on: Iran/Kidnapped personnel, Crime Statistics, Child Poverty and Casino Orders
Press briefing from the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman on: Prime Minister's Monthly Press Conference, Iran, Casinos and Sir Alistair Graham
Ed Miliband, Minister for the Third Sector, today launched the Government's search for a partner to deliver a new £1.2m Innovation Exchange - a programme to support the third sector's capacity to innovate...
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions John Hutton today announced a comprehensive review of the health of the working age population, assessing current health levels and providing a benchmark against which to...
I call upon the Government to make it a criminal offence in the United...
Many like me have been given Hepatitus C in infected NHS blood transfusions...
Insurance companies treat all people over 64 years of age as being ill. 95...
Every weekend newspapers are supplied with CDs or DVDs in order to attract...
A significant percentage of the working population who have had criminal...
For casual and occasional users, the Severn Crossing accepts only cash...
The petition is to encourage 'poured drinks'. With Pub closures ocurring...
To stop the insurance industry ripping people off (how else do you explain...
Xbox 360 Video Game RRP: £49.99 RRP in United States: $59.99 Equivilant...
I suspect that the goverment has found that far from reducing the amount of...
The partners of the Peacock Surgery have been striving for over 10yrs to...
There are many students who were misled into taking on huge debts and...
I think that the smoking ban in British Legions should be removed . My...
On 1 November 2006 the Chancellor set out a funding package for the Northern...
Higher rate mobility DLA gets you access to all sorts of mobility assistance...
The government plan to scrap South Beds District Council and give all powers...
'...ensure sex education is not taught to children below their teens.' -- Oliver Lines
Move the Congestion charge camera near Royal oak station on Porchester Road...
Priory are opening a class C2 clinic in Widnes for the treatment of mental...
The £1000 alternative is a deterant not only to the dishonest - as intended...
The Royal Navy has a tradition of naming ships that should not be...
Public Service Vehicles get their fuel cheaper - so the tourists buses are...
Green taxes have gained increased popularity due to environmental awareness...
Do we really give greater priority to funding fighting wars and building...
I would like to see a vehicle microchip ID system that identifies and...
Many people who claim disability benefit are more than able to hold a full...
The M4 Bus & Taxi lane is a great way to get to Heathrow quicker that cars...
There is "absolutely no justification" for Iran to hold the 15 sailors seized in the Persian Gulf last Friday, the Prime Minister said today.
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has achieved 'significant successes' and has 'knowledgeable, committed staff and a positive working environment', according to the departmental capability review...
Cabinet Secretary, Sir Gus O'Donnell, today announced publication of five more Capability Reviews alongside a summary report on the key themes emerging from all twelve Reviews published so far. Reviews were published...
Lord Falconer today welcomed the Prime Minister's vision for the criminal justice system saying: "We cannot stand still because criminals don't stand still."
One-Planet Security' speech by Rt hon David Miliband MP Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs at the WWF One Planet Living Summit
Ministers reconvene Citizens Summit to engage directly with public
An improved military medical manning structure has been introduced, following a review of requirements, Defence Minister Derek Twigg announced today.
The Ministry of Defence is universally highly regarded and is renowned for its ability to respond positively to the challenging demands of operations, according to the findings of the Capability Review published...
Consultation on Scottish Historic Environment Policy paper on the listing of historic buildings.
Consultation on Scottish Historic Environment Policy paper on scheduled monument consent
Consulttaion on Scottish Historic Environment Policy on Properties in the care of Scottish Ministers
Consultation on Scottish Historic Environment Policy paper on Listed Building Consent
The purpose of this Statistics Release is to present national figures for care homes for adults in Scotland.
The purpose of this Statistics Release is to present the fourth set of national figures for services provided by local authorities in Scotland for adults with learning disabilities.
Transport Minister Gillian Merron today announced a consultation on changes to the scheme for disabled parking badges. The new regulations will be in place by September 2007.
The Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) has released its report today into two separate derailments of passenger trains on the Ravenglass & Eskdale railway on 29th May and 5th July 2006.
More learners than ever in Further Education are participating in longer, high priority courses, including literacy and numeracy, full Level 2 and Level 3, official statistics revealed today. The increases are in...
Figures released today by the Department for Education and Skills show that the provisional figure for the Higher Education Initial Participation Rate (HEIPR) for 2005/06 has increased by two percentage points since...
Firms that begin to export boost their business productivity by up to a third in the first year. This is one of the key findings of new research published by UK Trade & Investment (UKTI), the Government's trade ...
'...Award a knighthood to Colonel Patrick Mercer MP OBE' -- Mike Asacret
Advance tax payments on Pensions ie paying 50% of next years tax in January...
Raising the threshold would reduce costs and encourage growth in small...
'...Allow the self-employed to earn their wages before having to pay tax. The current law requires the self-employed to pay tax on future earnings, which are based upon their earnings in the previous year. They...
I hate it when i have to pay even fifty pence when some fat 4 by 4 takes up...
'...make it illegal for companies to force staff to work overtime at the end of their shift without first balloting their workforce on this issue.' -- allan curtis
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to endorse and affirm...
My main reason for creating this petition is that the charity LIFE, which...
Lord Phillips's apparent sympathy for the criminal (displayed by his...
We petition the Prime Minister to take steps in proposing and then help...
To seriously tackle greenhouse gas emissions, we have to change the way we...
Railway travel is very London-centric. All the railways lines meet in the...
During State Visits and other diplomatic/governmental events, large sections...
Why do we have to endure the use of a relatively unknown scotsman on our...
At the moment private healthcare provided by employers is a taxable benefit...
Make the DAISY international standard for Digital Talking Books (DTB) a...
Legislate to-Bring back 'Bottling plants' deposits on reusable glass bottles...
In the UK, the government has initiatives to help fund the creation of...
These Guidelines removed a previous service offered by NHS dentists, namely...
Have a 12 monthly election via new media to make our representatives reflect...
We ask this as this unit has recently been closed down. Thus meaning that...
The Hull Daily Mail and East Riding Mail, serving soldiers, and parents of...
Stop this cover-up of the facts and name those responsible for the MSC...
We are not allowed to travel in a car, bus, coach etc while standing up. Why...
Many people and small businesses find themselves paying 'unlawful' bank...
Lets fight back to keep people visiting the UK, there are so many wonderful...
Please sign this petition if you would like to see the plans for a national...
The Royal Mail should have to give a higher quality service before it can...
Screen women (and men, if need be) for breast cancer at the age of 40...
In the interests of democracy, I feel that it is necessary to allow the...
which cross high ground. The area through which the motorways pass is...
Grant free T.V. licences to the over 65 years of age pensioners,provided...
The petitioner(s) declares that: kinship carers that are bringing up...
The undersigned believe that today's political system unfairly treats youth...
Obesity is a horrible ordeal.. Yet they suffer in silence as society accepts...
At the moment there are NO minimum standards for toilet access or provision...
Make it compulsory that all owners of temporary allotment sites make them...
Tony Blair met with frontline public service staff at a breakfast event at Downing Street.
Jack Straw has been called away on urgent business and is unable to take your questions about the role of the state today.
Your health, your care, your say: Citizens' hold the Government to account
New figures show half a million more people in the United Kingdom have registered to vote.
The UK Government today (Tuesday) starts a series of joint Ministerial visits to key European capitals to drive forward EU action on climate change.
New measures to lift thousands more children in the UK out of poverty by getting more parents into work have been announced today by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions John Hutton.
The Highways Agency today confirmed details of its plans to help drivers to safer and more reliable journeys on England's motorways and major A roads in the coming year.
My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for International Development has made the following Statement.
I represented the UK at the EU Development Ministers' informal meeting in Bonn on 12 to ...
My written statement of 26 January 2007 announced the terms of reference for the independent review of issuer liability that I invited Professor Paul Davies QC, Cassel Professor of Commercial Law at the London...
The Economic and Financial Affairs Council will be held on 27 March in Brussels. The items on the agenda are as follows:
Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact
Stability and Convergence Programmes...
I have today set the following key performance indicators for the Valuation Office Agency for 2007-08:
Customer satisfaction
To achieve overall customer satisfaction of 88 per cent.
I am pleased to announce that the review by Government (the UK Government and the devolved administrations) of the long term management of the UK's solid low level radioactive waste (LLW), started on 18 March...
I have today placed in the Libraries of the House papers relating to decisions that have been taken during the period 28 October 2006 - 1 March 2007 which relate to the North/South Implementation Bodies and Tourism...
EU Heads of State and Government met in Berlin over the weekend 24-25 March to mark the 50th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome. The Berlin Declaration recalls the historic achievements of the last 50 years, ...
Further to the statement that I made to the House on the financing framework for Royal Mail letters business on 8 February this year I am pleased to confirm that this has now been completed and put in place. ...
Producer responsibility under the UK WEEE Regulations will begin from1 July 2007. Non-statutory Guidance to assist business affected by the regulations to understand their obligations and identify the most appropriate...
I would like to update the House about the grants to increase walking to school that I announced on 22 November 2006. I have today placed in the House Libraries the grant determination under Section 31 of the...
Proposals to strengthen the transparency of the payment mechanisms on park home sites in England and Wales have been announced by the Government today.
i believe that there should be a station outside liverpools new stadium as...
Airsoft is a huge hobby, and more so a huge community. The ban targets BB...
At present rod licences are sold per 2 rods at a cost of £22 per licence ,as...
Currently, an owner occupier pays their mortgage out of their net of tax...
In a bid to cut emissions by 60% by 2050, the draft Climate Change Bill...
Many property owners are having thier properties devalued by neighbours...
Plans to target offenders and extend public services reform to the criminal justice system are among a raft of measures unveiled by the Prime Minister today.
A National School of Government Sunningdale Institute commentary on today's Public Service Reform Conference, to be held in London, will analyse conference themes and provide practical guidance on future public ...
Following Sunday's 200th anniversary of the passing of the Slave Trade Act, Foreign Office Minister Ian McCartney is this week highlighting contemporary forms of slavery and the work of the UK Government to eradicate...
Tackling the offender and not just the offence is at the heart of a visionary strategy issued today which outlines ambitious policies for meeting the ever changing challenge of protecting the public. The detailed...
This is a joint consultation paper with SEPA. The paper seeks industry views on how to streamline and improve waste regulation in scotland.
The latest data on teachers in publicly funded schools in Scotland, derived from the annual staff census which took place in September 2006.
Process Review of the CPRP, a three-year initiative with the goal of improving protection of children at risk of neglect and reducing the number of children who need protection.
Local Government Minister Phil Woolas today announced that sixteen councils bidding for unitary status have been short listed to go forward for consultation today.
britain is becoming a crime infested place , the criminal justice is too...
'...Mark the 25th anniversary of the falklands.' -- PAUL OXLEY
There is an increasing trend for service outlets to refuse to accept cheques...
To allow dogs which are exempt from the docking ban to be shown at all dog shows
Every 2 to 3 years the government re-organises our public services, each...
My petition is not identical to an existing petition. The petition you...
The Metropolitan Line currently runs to Cassionbury Park on Watfords...
This petition is to regulate web content to bring it in line with more...
Trials are taking place under the heading of "No Outsiders". These trials...
Make the cricket world cup available on national free to view TV NOW the...
this will help prevent accidents and cut carbon emmission's
'...give paul weller a knighthood or obe' -- warren trigg
Well the title speaks for itself really. It would provide a good incentive...
Asked that when Downing Street questioned the methodology used to produce the survey in the Lancet last October about the number people who had died in Iraq, were we aware of the advice by the Chief Scientific Advisor...
Asked for some background to the Northern Ireland developments today, the PMOS replied that the Prime Minister was in a meeting on Scotland whilst the meeting and subsequent press conference went on, and he talked...
Asked why we could not release the coordinates of where our personnel were, and so clearing any discrepancy between us and Iran, the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman (PMOS) replied that throughout all of this...
The Prime Minister has praised the coming together of political parties to restore devolved government to Norther Ireland.
Front line public service staff are "making a real difference to people's lives," Tony Blair said this morning after meeting workers at a breakfast event at Downing Street.
Press briefing from the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman on: Iranian Hostages, Northern Ireland and Lancet Report
Highest per head in Inner London
4.5% rise in fourth quarter 2006
Institutional net investment £25.0bn
Statement of issues
Supporting People Client Statistics, 2005-06
This publication notice presents estimates of the proportion and number of children, working age adults and pensioners living in low income households in Scotland. It additionally contains progress towards the new...
This bulletin reports details of all racist incidents reported to the police, all crimes or offences associated with each incident, and, where possible, details of the victims and perpetrators. It is also important...
The Economic and Financial Affairs Council was held on 27 February in Brussels. The UK was represented by the Economic Secretary to the Treasury. The items on the agenda were as follows:
Implementation ...
Following the public consultation process that took place in 2006, I have pleasure in laying before Parliament a copy of the United Kingdom's Action Plan on Tackling Human Trafficking which will be published ...
I represented the UK at the EU Development Ministers' Informal Meeting in Bonn on 12-13 March 2007.
The main discussion was on Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) among key stakeholders, involving EU...
Copies of the Food Safety Promotion Board Annual Report 2005, incorporating Financial Statements for 2005 have been placed in the Libraries of both Houses.
This document provides details of the Food Safety...
Unfair Grading System In Our Schools The IT dida project is broken into four...
We constantly hear of companies reporting profits well in excess of 1...
Manchester City Council have refused permission for fitness instructors to...
Britain has successfully destroyed its holdings of old chemical weapons, Armed Forces Minister Adam Ingram announced today at the Imperial War Museum London.
The OFT is today hosting a one-day conference in County Dublin for European consumer protection agencies engaged in tackling cross border scams.
This judgment is in six parts, namely Part 1 � Introduction; Part 2 � The Facts; Part 3 � CB's Application for Costs; Part 4 � The Legal Principles; Part 5 � Decision on Application for Costs; Part 6 � ...
Michael Appleton ("the claimant") was in 2001 a professional footballer playing for West Bromwich Albion ("WBA"). He was a central midfielder. On 19th November of that year, 15 days short of his 26th birthday, ...
The first to third and fifth defendants to whom I shall collectively refer as Granada, issued an application on 9 October 2006 to strike out the Claim Form issued on 21 June 2006 by the claimant, to whom I shall...
The matter before me is an inquiry into the compensation payable to companies in the Pirelli group by the defendants, the Commissioners for HM Revenue and Customs ("HMRC"). The litigation is part of what, in Deutsche...
This is an appeal from a decision of the Professional Conduct Committee of the Architects' Registration Board which was given on 15 July 2005. It followed hearings which took place over five days on 17 and 18 February...
On 26 October 2006, in the Crown Court at Bournemouth, before HHJ Jarvis and a jury, Benjamin Bree, a 25 year old man of excellent previous character, was convicted of rape. There was no dispute that, after a very...