Appointment of the new Chair of the UK Commission for Employment and Skills
A submission has gone forward to Government from Peel Holdings to build the...
We call on the PM to recognize that current EU and UK policy on bio-fuels...
We have in our country a lack of knowledge and understanding of the...
With farmers under ever increasing pressure to diversify their sources of...
The SOCPA act has made it impossible to protest within 1km of Parliament...
Currently we are restricted as to where, how and when we can protest in the...
The finance act which introduced pension simplification as from 6/4/2006...
Asked if there might be a final monthly press conference, the PMS said that the diary was too full. Asked if the Prime Minister had had his final say on the "feral beasts", the PMS replied that his speech...
Asked if next Thursday was the last Cabinet of the "old regime", the PMS said that was correct. Asked if "old regime" was an acceptable phrase, the PMS replied that those were Sky's words, not hers...
Asked if the Prime Minister was hoping for a big leaving present as a result of a Cabinet whip round, the PMS replied that similar questions had been dealt with at morning lobby. The PMOS had said that not only...
Asked for a reaction to the EU Court of Justice's ruling regarding Health and Safety, the PMS said that although we needed time to study the Court's ruling in detail and absorb its full implications, we were pleased...
The Prime Minister's Spokesman (PMS) told journalists that the Prime Minister would be visiting the North West this afternoon. He would visit the Kirkby campus of Knowsley College, where he would be taken on a tour...
Briefing from the Prime Minister's Spokesman on: Prime Minister's visit to North West England, EU Court of Justice ruling re health and safety, Leaving Presents, Cabinet and Press Conferences
The Prime Minister has said he is undecided on the Olympics logo but that people should "give it a bit of time".
Yesterday, 13 June 2007, at Shrewsbury Crown Court, Mr John Rawlings was found guilty on three counts of illegally storing foreign pesticides, the jury were unable to reach a decision on a further 11 counts of illegal...
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester will attend a commemorative dinner tomorrow to remember the 28,000 people who served in the Falklands Conflict.
This report is an evaluation of the first phase of the Vacant and Derelict Land Fund 2004-2006.
This consultation is on draft regulations which deal with licenced premises gaming machine permits and club machine permits in Scotland.
Philip Lionel Chandler has been disqualified for 9 years and Colin Campbell Rouse for 5 years following an investigation by Companies Investigation Branch of the Insolvency Service.
A new European Union (EU) law on travellers declaring cash comes into force tomorrow. It is being introduced to help combat money laundering. People who are either entering the UK from a non EU country, or are ...
The EU wants all cars to be fitted with 'black box' recorders by 2010. As...
We need a public holiday between August and December. October 21st (or the...
We hear of attacks on people and other animals, and it seems quite obvious...
make Lawyers offering speculative No Win No Fee actions come clean about...
When walking along the street, hundreds of people every week are pressured...
The majority of horseboxes are privately owned and used infrequently (less...
To introduce speed cameras within 20mph zones. Every day I see vehicles...
improve provisions for Punjabi speakers in the UK.
This man was a true gentleman and served the people of Tottenham Hotspur...
All students like toasties, we are aware of this. However, increasing...
Student Loans are to be centralised to Glasgow, by which all Local Education...
Sainsburys supermarket will be taking over vacant buildings in high st...
Current day service provision for adults with severe mental health problems...
We believe that Children Should not have to pay adult fairs when they are...
'...Lift the ban on Snoop Dogg visiting the United Kingdom' -- Sam Mills
There are only around 26,000 commercial airliners in service yet they...
In April 2008 the entertainment industry will fall into line with all other...
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister, in the last few days of his...
The GMC requires doctors to provide effective treatments based on the best...
The MP for Salisbury, Mr Keys, wants Stonehenge to be declassified as a...
Put to him that Alex Salmond had now had a response from the Government on Libya prisoner transfer, but that this had come from the Lord Chancellor not the Prime Minister, and asked why the Prime Minister could ...
Asked if an agreement had been reached with Saudi Arabia on the next phase of the Eurofighter, the PMOS replied that he would not be commenting on this as it was a commercial matter....
Asked if the Government was now prepared to adopt the Private Members FOI Bill, the PMOS replied that this was a matter for Parliament....
Asked if Patricia Hewitt's speech implied that she would be in charge of the NHS for the next 10 years, the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman (PMOS) replied that this was just a different kind of reshuffle question...
The Prime Minister has hosted a special reception for public sector champions in London.
Briefing from the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman on: Health, Private Members FOI Bill, Eurofighter and Scotland
Having received expert evaluation of the Darwin at Downe World Heritage Site nomination by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the World Heritage Committee's advisory body, the Department ...
Cabinet Office Minister Hilary Armstrong today launched a review of how the Government consults businesses, the third sector and citizens when it makes significant decisions.
The East Midlands drew particular praise from Ministers today for being the first English region in which all local councils have signed a voluntary pledge to tackle climate change - a year ahead of schedule.
The latest Pesticide Residues Committee's (PRC) quarterly report found that 806 out of 1313 samples of 24 different foods tested had no detectable residues, and 477 contained levels below the maximum residues level...
The vital contribution made by the Merchant Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary to the Falklands Conflict will be marked by a sunset wreath laying ceremony at the Merchant Navy Falklands War Memorial in Trinity Square...
The 28,000 people who served in the Falklands Conflict will be represented at a commemorative dinner on Liberation Day 14 June, by those awarded medals for particular acts of courage and gallantry during the Conflict...
The aim of this evaluation was to explore the effectiveness of two Glasgow based projects - one delivered by the Wise Group and the other by One Plus - that supported lone parents and others to move into sustained...
The aim of this evaluation was to explore the effectiveness of two Glasgow based projects - one delivered by the Wise Group and the other by One Plus - that supported lone parents and others to move into sustained...
Ministers today launched a new "toolkit" from the year-long Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Demonstration Project, at the National Alliances Conference. The Conference also provided an opportunity to showcase...
The Prime Minister and the Queen have attended a Service of Thanksgiving to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the liberation of the Falklands.
Athletes could soon have access to new technology for helping repair cartilage with a medical device being developed by Cambridge-based OrthoMimetics Limited.
Plan announced as research shows support for tackling saving inertia
The Border and Immigration Agency (BIA) today published its first Agency business plan alongside a report into the failure to consider some foreign national prisoners for deportation last year and an update on progress...
The Department for Transport has today published National Statistics on passenger satisfaction, bus reliability and bus and light rail patronage in Bus and Light Rail Statistics GB: January to March 2007. The key...
The Shipping Minister Dr Stephen Ladyman today published the report of the audit of the UK maritime administration by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
Work on the new Supreme Court started this week after final contracts were signed with the developer, the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice announced today. The building is expected to open for ...
The Queen has been pleased to approve that Alexander Elliot Anderson (Alex) Salmond MP MSP, be sworn of Her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council following his appointment as First Minister of Scotland.
Twenty-five years ago on 14 June 1982 the Falkland Islands were liberated from Argentine occupation. The campaign saw the loss of 255 service and civilian personnel, and three Islanders. Today sees the first official...
Firm growth continues
Defra will begin researching a new funding programme to increase affordable rural housing, Barry Gardiner, Minister for Rural Affairs, announced today.
Traffic enforcement is ineffective if those responsible for breaking the...
D Day was the start of the end of WW11 . The younger generation need to...
That elderly driver`s over the age of 60 must attend an independant...
Over his lengthy career Rod "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy" Stewart has had 62 hit...
Despite some of the mistakes Channel 4 has made in recent times it is still...
In only 4 years Esprit gymnastics has developed a club with 600+ members,...
Merging the ATC and the CCF(RAF) will create one large organisation for Air...
The EU refuses to publish details of the number of children who go missing...
That this current government recognise that the todays general public are...
As books serve informational and educational purposes their postage through...
I want spitting by players to be banned from football. It gets shown on TV...
In June 2007, the prime minister's office rejected a petition calling for a...
at the present time if a child is adopted then that child has no right to...
Our streets are literally littered with cans, bottles, pizza cartons, food...
New research, revealing the true extent of abuse suffered by older people in the UK, was released today by Comic Relief, Chief Executive, Kevin Cahill and Health Minster, Ivan Lewis.
Cf climate change is important then a simple way to reduce the fuel burned...
Once again the US are refusing to sign any agreement that intends to reduce...
Teenager,s like me, like to use the park. There very few other facilities...
Able to travel without let or hinder within the european union, and the...
I feel that the Government should: forego all VAT receipts from this...
The current tour of duty for armed forces personnel in Afghanistan and Iraq...
How annoying it is to phone a company to be told you are in a queue, but...
Instead to limit applications to specific areas within applying boroughs. We...
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is rightly...
This petition concerns pigs. Pigs are extremely curious and intelligent...
While industrial emissions have been regulated for decades the exemption of...
We have animal welfare rules set in British law. This defines our moral...
Why should anyone need an air gun for pest control? My cat of 12 years old...
Often government will introduce legislation which is a surprise to the...
He is not fit to manage the Egland football team and the nation would like...
We propose to the Tyne and Wear council that a Mountain Biking Park be built...
The provision of transport facilities within the UK should be fair and...
Many greyhounds at the end of there racing career are poisoned, shot,...
Working women who choose to have a family are positively discriminated...
Cottam is a growing residential area within Preston, with a large Sports...
Today, I am publishing on the Department for Transport website at: the summary of responses to the consultation paper on "Exceptions for the Application of Alcohol Limits for non-Professional...
I attended the transport session of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council, held in Luxembourg on 7-8 June. The German Minister for Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, Mr. Wolfgang Tiefensee, ...
Secretary of State for Defence v Al-Skeini & Ors [2007] UKHL 26 (13 June 2007)
On 27 September 2005 there was a fight in the men's toilets of the Dog and Gun public house at York Road, Leeds between Mr Bones and the appellant. Mr Bones sustained injuries including bruising to the head and...
This is an appeal against a decision of His Honour Judge Gilbart QC, sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge, dated 10 October 2006, by which he quashed housing benefit redeterminations made by the Rent Service ("the...