The Coroner hearing the inquests into the deaths of the Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi al Fayed has today announced that Sir Richard Dearlove, the former Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) will give...
Progress has continued today on the ro-ro ferry Riverdance currently beached at Cleveleys near Blackpool as equipment arrived to monitor and remove oil from the vessel.
An area of iconic English landscape almost as big as the Isle of Wight could be at risk if a revised South Downs National Park boundary is accepted, warned Natural England ahead of the re-opening of the public inquiry...
Criminals trying to bring dirty money and illegal immigrants through Birmingham International Airport are about to come up against a Single Border Force when the UK Border Agency is launched in April this year.
The Secretary for State for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform has presented petitions in the High Court to wind-up London Ticket Shop Szolgaltato Kereskedelmi KFT, London Ticket Shop Limited, MLT Services...
A 47 year-old Brixham fisherman was jailed for nine months, suspended for two years, at Exeter Crown Court today for his failure to report income of £113,989 as a self employed share fisherman over a 6...
The title pretty much explains it. With so many problems being caused by...
speed limits were not introduced for the reason used now, it was due to the...
'...instruct that an enquiry be carried out by the office of fair trading into the cancellation of Credit Cards Accounts to 161,000 customers' -- N. Harris
This foam would spray inside the car and then temporarily harden. Like "...
When I have written to or emailed a government minister, they have...
Given that the government is considering banning patio heaters then surely...
Conflict occurs at traffic light controlled junctions, between vehicles,...
Many public sector workers receive an annual general pay rise (e.g. teachers...
All those earning less than £17000 pa will be worse off,those earning more...
At the moment, "Secret Evidence" is quietly being embedded in the judicial...
Please can alcohol stop being advertised so much. People are drinking more...
More and more RAF Bases are being shut down. This should be stopped along...
If a company has to use fuel in their vehicles to transpotr goods in or out...
Cut the Tax for 2009, For those who think they are paying to much Tax.
Basically I think it is really disgusting that if you were the innocent...
The right for the development of Maidenbower village in Crawley was granted...
The holder of the Crosscountry franchise, Arriva, has decided to axe the...
I wish for the ban of all road legal 2-stroke engines because of their...
Under the Carriage by Air act 2002 a journey which consists of two flights...
The 10-15% deposit at the point of exchange does nothing to prevent either...
The enlightenment brought about some of the most fundamental changes to the...
It has unfortunately come to my notice that there are a great number of...
I feel it is very important that we label our alcoholic drink much more...
As most experts agree alcohol and cigarettes are more dangerous and...
Although we take the time each year to remember all those who have served...
Dear Mr Brown. Please create an educational campaign to promote the value...
Are you fed up of retailers putting up Christmas decorations before...
The Bee population is crashing. This is catastrophic for life on earth....
I am doing this petition to get better care for Mums to be/Mums. I had my...
Why do we have to waste our own time at home doing homeworks? The time that...
We believe that it is the right of all children to have access to both...
in March 2003 a new fairer system became law, 15% of your wages to your...
The Student Loan Company Ltd currently pegs its interest rate to the RPI...
A "WILL" is a very important document as it states the final wishes of the...
The Government and all its departments provide a service for which they are...
The tethering of horses causes the animals distress, getting caught in...
If you think Councils and Local Authorities should keep street and road...
The A-Level system is currently divided into two qualifications: AS and A2...
As the Council Tax keeps on rising and Council's keep reducing services...
We would like to see the actor Philip Glenister awarded an MBE, at the very...
'...only allow Family Allowance to be paid to parents whose children are domocile in the uk or its dependant terrotories' -- Bill Flack
We ask the government to bring in laws and to enforce them to limit and...
Beagle dogs and puppies are being bred for, and used, in experiments and...
grants to be made for u k citizens to install solar power heating and energy...
To be able to change Car lightbulbs at the roadside instead of have to go to...
These plastics should be recycled as they are going into our waste stream...
My girlfriend miscarried before christmas. It was a friday night and as she...
Hidradenitis Suppurativa Is a terrible skin condition that can affect men...
we petition the government to create an elected board of professionals and...
x breed puppies are now being exploited, some even being sold for as much as...
We're supporting the Rural Media Company's Show and Tell event, where they'll be launching their film and report on living on a low income in rural areas. The event will bring the filmed...
Asked if the Prime Minister saw Wales beat Scotland on Saturday, the PMS said that he would have to check but he was sure he had; the Prime Minister was a rugby fan and he normally watched the matches. original...
Asked if it was still the case that the Prime Minister thought Charles Clarke had a lot to offer public life, the PMS replied that we had said quite a lot about Charles Clarke in the past; the Prime Minister's view...
Asked if the Prime Minister had any reassurance for people concerned about fuel duty, the PMS said that people had to bear in mind that this was part of a budget package that included a two pence reduction in the...
Asked if the Prime Minister was happy to have a Minister in Lord Jones who felt that it was his role to voice concerns about Government policy to national newspapers, the PMS replied that Lord Jones had simply been...
Asked for a characterisation of the reported conversation between the Prime Minister and the Archbishop, the PMS replied that journalists would not expect him to discuss the private conversations that the Prime ...
Asked if the Government accepted figures from the Fire Brigades Union regarding attacks on firefighters, the PMS replied that, as DCLG had been making clear, this was an important issue and one that the Government...
Asked what the Government's view was regarding the American suggestion that planes going to America from Europe should have armed air marshals on them, the PMS replied that there was an ongoing discussion within...
Asked if Phil Woolas had been right to bring up the subject of cousins getting married, the PMS said that Phil Woolas, as he had been making clear, was commenting in his capacity as a constituency MP and he had ...
Asked if the Government was troubled by the representations from the US about non-dom tax issues, the Prime Minister's Spokesman (PMS) replied that these were all matters for the Treasury; there was a consultation...
Briefing from the Prime Minister's Spokesman on: Non-Doms, First Cousin Marriages, Air Marshals, Attacks on Firefighters, Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Jones, Fuel Duty, Charles Clarke and Rugby
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) is being asked to develop new clinical and public health guidance as part of its 15th work programme.
Mr Michael Tatham has been appointed Her Majesty's Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina in succession to Mr Matthew Rycroft CBE who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Mr Tatham will ...
Mental Health in Scotland: Improving the Physical Health of those with a Mental Illness: Draft Consultation
The Government's £2bn New Deal for Communities programme is delivering real improvements to people's lives, raising satisfaction, and bridging the gap between some our most deprived neighbourhoods and ...
Help save the environment by banning the importing and manufacture in this...
More and more children aged under 12 are being left on their own at home by...
Probationer employees should have the same legal rights to hold there...
Extending GPs opening hours is a cynical Government ploy to get votes and...
Polygamy is illegal in the UK. The taking of more than one spouse at the...
In an effort to make the housing market more transparent and to reduce fraud...
Introduce legislation to make parking bays at home for disabled drivers with...
I am of the understanding that the Child Support Agency was set up to save...
Our legal system already recognises that indulging in certain unnatural...
Next year is the 250th anniversary of many key successes in the Seven Years...
The latest official data available (2003) states there were 534,600 deaths...
The small village schools of Cramarthenshire are being closed by the local...
Domestic violence normally involves an element of financial control on the...
Animedic are the only dedicated producers of emergency response vehicles for...
Under current UK laws the names of persons appearing before magistrates/...
The waste incinerator proposed by East Sussex County Council will dominate...
As someone how has an, admittedly mild, allergy to fluoride I definitely do...
Loans taken between 1998 and 2006 are valid until repaid or the recipient...
The Government should spend more on a British Space Program, for too long...
I am in full time employment and would like to study for national recognised...
In light of The Abolition of Bridge Tolls (Scotland) Bill, which received...
Pensioners aged over 65-75, who earn more than the age related threshold of...
Street parties are a very powerful way for neighbours to meet, often for the...
Hundreds of British bingo clubs are in jeopardy because of the grossly...
Education, Education, Education. Millions of pounds go into the education...
People in secure employment often want to start their own business. However...
Supermarkets, in particular, are gradually phasing out their acceptance of...
Bugging of police suspects, MPs and the general public seems to be...
After Lewis sufferd appalling abuse whilst testing in Spain all foreseeable...
The present fleet of Trident submarines could be converted to supply...
I petition the Prime Minister to review the current levels of stamp duty...
the NMC has changed its registration to annual collection now and has...
to have more kidney specialists in hospitals so that patients can be...
All the members of The Womens Timber Corps WTC and Womens Land Army WLA...
The law/legislation giving power to Local Education Authorities to threaten...
There has been one government recognition that 2008 is the appointed...
There has been a residential camp at Ogmore since the late 1940's, initially...
People who live in council houses and who refuse to accept an offered job,...
this can benefit the purchaser greatly, as they would normally have to pay...
The modern factory farming systems should be stopped immediately . It causes...
The racist behaviour directed at Lewis Hamilton at the weekend is...
The Party Walls Walls Act is a useful piece of legislation intended to...
Magic mushrooms were banned in the U.K in 2005 for no apparent reason, many...
Dear Allan -Thank you for this comprehensive feedback. To take your points in turn. By far and away the largest number of respondents to our call for evidence were parish councils/councillors...
Defra has today confirmed its intention that packaging waste recovery and recycling targets for Great Britain will increase from 2008 onwards.1
The Defence Secretary Des Browne today visited Babcock Marine in Rosyth to witness the start of a £50 million investment project to the dockyard in preparation for the two Royal Navy super carriers.
Following the recent disclosure that the credit card firm Egg is withdrawing...
With reference the proposed site of the 15,000 home “Eco Town†between the...
If this Government are serious about global warming why have they not banned...
The family courts delay justice in the family courts and cases last for...
All buses and lorrys which work in towns should be electic and not petrol
On 25 January 2008 we received notification that the Gemini Board had...
A large number of Classic & sports cars manufactured in the USA are designed...
The Twigworth Post Office is a vital community resource. In the time of the...
Rush have sold over 45m albums world wide, have been going for over 34 years...
Our government is one of the few who continue to tax on income our service...
Twyning post office is vital community resource and the parish hub, it's...
I am a Learning motorist. Of the three of my most dreaded situations on the...
' more council houses and to provide home for the homeless and those who work to be given proirity to given a council house' -- yonis atteyeh
People with mental illnesses such as dementia should be getting nutritional...
If a stranger went into a maternity ward and took a baby it would be...
'...enforce a new law saying that all murder offenders should recieve a life sentence in prison , whilst offenders are in prison the government should fund prisons to give offenders education and phycologic therapy...
The Midlands has seen a decrease in useful productive industries. However...
The countryside in South Oxfordshire is facing an extreme threat from new...
some types of hair as specific to certain racial groups, but abuse or...
We currently live in a country where living in a "safe" constituency means...
The government have already killed off the Post Office by opening up the...
Bolivia has called for help, amid servere flooding. As human beings they...
There must be thousands of men over the age of 60 who suffer from penile...
In the UK, 1 in every 3,000 young people will develop anorexia nervosa, of...
The streets of Hampshire, Southampton and West Sussex are set to benefit from a record £225 million in Private Finance Initiative investment, Transport Minister Rosie Winterton announced today.
Gordon Brown and Taoiseach Bertie Ahern have issued a joint statement expressing great pride at the political progress that has been made at Stormont.
The Prime Minister has appointed Yinnon Ezra MBE, Alison McLean, Kim Evans OBE, and Hilary Lade as Trustees of the National Heritage Memorial Fund.
Factory gate inflation rises to 5.7%
Deficit narrowed to £4.7bn in Dec 2007
- New islet transplantation to treat diabetes -
I believe that each individual person should be given the choice of opting...
We would like to request that the government help us THE FUTURE in more ways...
Religion is based on faith, and by definition it expects its adherents to...
Currently government puts the total responsibility for checking a workers...
Companies are currently penalised for employing people by having to pay 8%...
At present, individuals requiring a CRB check must obtain the same...
There are 'days' now for almost everything, but now one for Motorcycles. I...
After undergoing an emergency Heart Transplant in 1994 at the age of 22, I...
'...allow every person the right to one year tax free on all income at 40 or the first year thereafter of full employment.' -- Darren Richardson
Parliament is funded by the UK tax-payer. As a public body it should provide...
Recent reports have highlighted the corruption that appears to be endemic...
Currently a person has to be 22 before they are legally entitled to the Full...
These Schools are part of Rural/Village life in the United Kingdom Please...
The executive lead member for Children’s Services (education), Cllr David...
It may be true that more premature babies are surviving at lower and lower...
1) Take wind-chill factor into account when deciding whether it is cold...
Egg have invoked article 20.2 which is a 35 day notice period that allows...
Ban all toy guns and knives including replicas as they serve no useful...
The Mayor of London has introduced the London Low Emmision Zone with no or...
Change Legislation to make Disabled Parking Bays adjacent to peoples...
It would help the environment, encourage exercise, free up our roads and...
Vasily Aleksanyan was arrested in 2006 just days after he was appointed Vice...
'...create an extra 3 bank holidays to bring us up to the average of countries within the E.C.' -- Ian Blair
Last week, the Tower Colliery in South Wales shut its doors for the last...
At the moment the law surrounding contact after a separation and divorce has...
LEAs in the U.K. offer a government legislated appeal process for families...
Many people in many towns are disillusioned with the current 'eco-town'...
Hundreds of highly skilled and technical jobs will be lost should RAF...
The Government has now withdrawn the analgesic co-proxamol except for...
As a high-achieving student in a Catholic High School in Norfolk, I believe...
There is currently no minimum wage for those under the school leaving age,...
Please sign this to tell the government that we will no longer put up with...
August 15th is the day when the Far East PoWs gained their freedom and could...
'...Up grade the A66 from Chapel Brow to the M6 at Penrith to dual carriageway.' -- J Courtier
These carbon emissions where caused by Britain role in the development of...
On top of the ridiculous numbers of new houses proposed for this rural shire...
To increase Disability Living Allowance to the level that Fuel prices have...
This petition is being launched in both the UK and Ireland calling for the...
The Department of Work And Pensions has concluded that welfare benefits can...
every day we have miles of tail backs on our motorways in the uk caused by...
A simple Google search can quickly point you in the direction of scam...
The OFT has published its report into credit card comparisons, which makes a series of recommendations to help consumers choose a credit card. Download a copy of the report from the OFT website :
Colleges have a responsibility to foster our shared values and protect their students and staff from those who wish to intimidate and promote violence, Bill Rammell, Minister for Further and Higher Education announced...
The Environmental Report sets out the results of the environmental assessment of the Bill consultation proposals, identifying and evaluating the likely significant environmental effects of implementing the plan ...
This leaflet will tell you about the Small Business Bonus Scheme, a new rates relief which is being introduced in Scotland on 1 April 2008. The Small Business Bonus Scheme replaces the Small Business Rates Relief...
Consultation on the implementation of ERS in Scotland
Thank you for your comments Allan. John Coleman, head of the inquiry, will respond to your comments shortly.
HM The Queen has appointed Rona Mary Louise Hallam to be a Circuit Judge on the advice of the Lord Chancellor, the Right Honourable Jack Straw MP. The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers, has assigned...
HM the Queen has appointed Elizabeth Susan Williscroft to be a District Judge on the advice of the Lord Chancellor, the Right Honourable Jack Straw MP. The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers, has...