The Foreign and Commonwealth Office today changed its Travel Advice for Guinea. Due to reports of serious disturbances and instability in the capital Conakry we now advise against all but essential travel to Guinea...
At 3.30 this afternoon Falmouth Coastguard were alerted to a sinking fishing vessel `Girl Patricia', an 18 metre Newlyn registered netter, with four crew aboard.
Back in October 2007 petrol was approximately 89 ppl and the amount...
Dear G8 World Leaders, I am writing you collectively. I'm sure you agree...
A Labour MP has recently suggested forcing all children to be vaccinated...
Kennerleigh Post Office is a rural post office in Devon under threat of...
The PM has welcomed a group of award-winning nurses to Downing Street and thanked them for their "inspirational" work.
The Prime Minister has welcomed his Canadian counterpart, Stephen Harper, to 10 Downing Street for bilateral talks.
Phil Hope, Minister for the Third Sector, today joined volunteers at Newark Mind to help prepare lunch for people attending the charities' resource centre. As well as pitching in with the work, the minister saw ...
Lord Malloch-Brown said:
A brand new centre fostering new technologies for the frontline officially opened its doors today.
The OFT has referred the proposed acquisition by BOC of Ineos' chlorine packaging and distribution business to the Competition Commission (CC). The OFT believes this merger will substantially lessen competition ...
The Transport Minister, Tom Harris, today announced the appointment of Ron Culley as a Member of the British Transport Police (BTP) Authority.
Following his unopposed re-election as chair of the MPA (until 30 September 2008) at the Authority's annual general meeting on the 29 May 2008, Len Duvall said:
Many people in the public consider the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to be...
Currently if you find a stray dog out of hours - your local council (after...
Last summer's bad weather caused a record drop in the number of UK beaches...
Many thousands are already doing it , but they have to park on grass verges...
Yet more examples of people in taxpayer funded jobs being able to do what...
We call on the Govt for tougher penalties to be introduced for the improper...
In our city all the county and city buses radiate to a central point but it...
Air travel is one the most polluting form of transport & should not be...
A normal measure of quantity, such as the millilitre, would be more logical...
Following an article in the Daily Mirror on 13/05/08, it would appear that...
Whilst this initially sounds cruel, the illegal use of disabled parking...
We are children at Ryton Junior School and we feel very strongly about fair...
Remove expense claims for MPs, Government Ministers and Civil Servants on...
We would like to see fuel duty increased, because it is too cheap. People...
Why should the British license payer have to pay towards this garbage...
The Queen has been graciously pleased to signify her intention of conferring a Peerage of the United Kingdom for Life upon Michael Walton Bates.
The NHS, the biggest employer in Europe, today committed to reduce its carbon footprint.
Today's publication of the Ministry of Defence's latest Armed Forces manning figures shows that the UK Armed Forces are currently at 97.0 per cent of their full time trained strength requirement.
The Chancellor today to announced the appointment of Lord Adair Turner as Chairman of the Financial Services Authority for a period of 5 years. Lord Turner will take up his appointment in September when Sir Callum...
The Government's response to the first Annual Report from the National Forum on Drug-related Deaths outlines activity already being carried out or planned in the Scottish drugs strategy and elsewhere.
Scottish Advisory Committee on Drug Misuse report identifying the extent and impact of psychostimulant use in Scotland; making recommendations on how to improve access, range and quality of services available to...
This final report draws together all the strands of work sponsored by the group, including the Essential Care rreport and an update of Integrated Care for Drug Users and makes several recommendations for implementing...
The Essential Care report concluded that recovery should be the main focus of treatment and care for people with problem substance us. The Government accepts all the recommendations in Essential Care and the response...
Brings up to date 'Integrated care for Drug Users' first published in 2002
Templates for uploading onto the Scottish Procurement Information Hub, and brief comparison with the audit agencies' performance indicators for procurement
Detailed Guidance on the BPIs and their definitions
Insolvency Bulletin
As a result of the 2007 Pension Act, persons that paid in excess of the 30...
This sort of agreement will depend on both countries agreeing on lending a...
People who want abortions for social reasons often claim that the unwanted...
It seems that the majority of Eastbourne taxpayers' Council Tax goes to East...
Jacqui Smith has overseen the most destructive period of activity by this...
Currently it is very unfair. Large organisations contribute to their...
From Yorkshire all the way through Norfolk, Kent & Suffolk land is falling...
Gambian president this week declared he would cut of the heads of any...
With the Increase in Fuel duty, the government is not able to assist in...
Demolition of perfectly good housing is a government retrograde step because...
Allowing vehicles to turn left when traffic lights are red will greatly...
To Levy a tax on air travel and invest the proceeds into european rail...
This Bill is wrong because it promotes new forms of punishment without trial...
Children need the best start in life but sometimes parents can argue or...
The Manchester congestion charge is nothing more than a Stealth Health TAX....
There is enormous disquiet about the huge changes being inflicted on our...
It is a waste treatment technology that involves the combustion of organic...
'...require all new cars sold in the UK be equipped with a full size spare wheel identical to the road wheels.' -- Roger Woodliffe
The results of a medical research, published in the journal Nature...
Why is it that we can travel to the European mainland and buy tobacco goods...
legislate against the discrimination against men in applications to become...
With all the health costs and demand on the NHS due to smoking tobacco, and...
It is the law in the UK that when replacing a central heating boiler, it...
We ask Mr. Brown to urge the G8 Summit leaders especially the Japanese PM,...
i petition for postcom to be disbanded it has done nothing for the consumer...
Aren't these people selfish ! Don't they realise that their actions will...
Animal Health has completed its investigation into an incident in which routine official sampling of a consignment of wheat feed revealed low-level contamination with material of animal origin.
Amended version
I have a disabled son who is now 14 years of age. I am willing and able to...
The Government considers that the world's oil and gas resources are...
Different councils have different ideas on what constitutes recyclable waste...
Many children do not enter the world with the skills they need to survive in...
urge the Football Association to impliment a "video judge" type ruling as...
It has recently been considered acceptable for the creation of 'saviour...
After a recent trip to Harlow from Stansted, realising it takes 15 minutes...
I belive the United Kingdom should join the Schengen Agreement. - This...
It seems we often throw out the baby with the bathwater for short,...
Super strength alcohol - cheap and available on almost every street corner...
I am a grandparent of 4 children. I gave up work to care for my daughters 2...
Our education system is out-dated. How many revolutionary changes has there...
The rate at which most employers will pay employees for business mileage is...
Consumer Minister Gareth Thomas today announced the appointment of Members to the new Welsh Consumer Council (WCC). The following Members have been appointed: Bob Chapman, Hywel Davies, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Marcus...
The Queen has been pleased to approve that the honour of Knighthood be conferred upon His Honour Judge Ian Duncan Burnett Q.C. on his appointment as a Justice of the High Court.
Main Points
Increased numbers of patients are starting hospital treatment within 18 weeks of referral from their GP, statistics released today by the Department of Health show.
The Scottish Government's new national drugs strategy that focuses on recovery but also looks at prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, education, enforcement and protection of children.
Best Practice Indicators for Public Procurement in Scotland - summary document giving rationale behind the BPI project and the indicators themselves
Full definitions and guidance for each BPI
Two schools. One has a brilliant ofsted report and one does not. My eldest...
why not operate a 3 strikes and you're out policy whereby repeat offenders...
Delays in tax credits shouldnt be happening as families need this money for...
At a time when teachers are leaving the profession due to poor funding and...
This post office has to be saved! It is a vital and successful necessity to...
As Many of us already know our throw away fashion habits in the UK have...
Now that the Government has made "noise" maps of the UK available to the...
By legislating the installation of solar panels in all new build properties...
Engaging with the public about the potential impacts of new and emerging science and technologies will be made easier from now on with the launch of the new Sciencewise Expert Resource Centre for Public Dialogue...
The Rural Media Company's Show and Tell DVD about living on a low income in rural areas is now available to order from their website.
It was launched earlier in the year at...
To help explain the role of the Rural Advocate, Stuart Burgess, we've produced a short film introducing his work.
At present, it is lawful for juries in some cases to convict when the only...
Ten areas around the country are to pilot the Government's £25 million Find your Talent programme to give young people the chance to encounter a range of high-quality cultural experiences for five hours...
National radio, website and mobile phone adverts warning young people about the harsh physical and emotional consequences of knife crime were launched today by Home Office Minister Vernon Coaker.
Ten areas around the country are to pilot the Government's £25 million Find your Talent programme to give young people the chance to encounter a range of high-quality cultural experiences for five hours...