M5 J11 (A40 Cheltenham) Parapet protection works commencing Tuesday 2 June for 4 weeks.
Natural England today announced its £25 million Lottery funded grant programme ‘Access to Nature’ is now open for business.
The Natural England Future of Farming Award's online application form is now live and open for business. Farmers and farm managers across England are invited to enter this prestigious Award Scheme – now in its...
21 years of agri-environment schemes have seen farmers make a huge difference to wildlife and landscape across the country.
Issues statement
Compensation payable during June 2008, in England (and in Wales and Scotland for BSE only) for a bovine animal compulsorily slaughtered for disease control purposes will be as detailed below.
Over eighty per cent of employers have filed their end-of-year returns online - an increase of around 10% compared to last year.
The Prime Minister has re-appointed Mark Getty as a Trustee of the National Gallery until 10 August 2011.
UK troops are about to receive the first batch of new state of the art MAN Truck & Bus UK Ltd recovery vehicles and trailers, capable of retrieving the heaviest vehicles on operations.
Kitchen supplier Vance Miller has again been found in contempt of court after Manchester County Court yesterday fined him £90,000 and gave him a 6 month sentence suspended for 2 years. The sentence follows...
Scottish Government consultation on the specification for a national uniform for NHS Scotland. Hard copies of this document are available on request from the contact details contained in this publication.
Religious Education in schools is incredibly bias, children are drilled with...
Members of society have increasingly become segregated from one another over...
The Government today published its formal response to the recent consultation on the Independent Safeguarding Authority scheme for vetting and barring those who wish to work, either paid or unpaid, with children...
We’re looking at the service needs of people in rural areas following major life events. We’ll be spending time talking to rural service users to find out about their experiences. This work...
This document is available as a download only
This paper, prepared for us by King's Fund, describes the evolution of cancer policy in England over the last 13 years and the issues which...
This document is available as a download only
This paper, prepared for us by Bradford Institute for Health Research, looks at the provision of services following a stroke . It will help ...
This document is available as a download only
This paper, prepared for us by Bradford Dementia Group, provides a broad overview of policy, interventions and innovations in dementia care with particular...
The government has announced further measures to help tackle fuel poverty. Although people in rural areas are subject to many of the same causes of fuel poverty as their urban counterparts, they...
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, has today published 'Embracing Financial Globalisation', which sets out the nature, impact and policy response to financial globalisation.
This literature review aims to draw together existing knowledge on assessing and evaluating parenting interventions.
Three year national evaluated pilot intended to focus on systems and practice for the operation of Parenting orders.
This part of the research aimed to provide an overview of strategic approaches to parenting support at local level, looking at strategic development within Community Health Partnerships and Local Authorities, ...
Restoring landfill sites by turning them into greenspace, such as woodland, parkland or farmland is now possible, new research published today shows.
Park home residents and site owners in England and Wales will have more say on how disputes between them are resolved under a new consultation published by Communities Minister Iain Wright today.
Teachers in the primary sector are expected to work many hours at home,...
The student maintenance grant is awarded on the basis of the household...
The idea that those who choose to send more waste to landfill should pay...
I have a car that is funded by the mobility scheme and it is more often than...
All cargo and trailers have now been removed from the Riverdance, and the spring tidal cycle progression over the next 10 days will allow lengthy periods of time to work on the vessel over the low water periods.
The Dore programme is an exercise based programme designed to help stimulate...
i think it is outrageous that it is still legal to keep primates as pets and...
Make vistor to the UK responsible for the cost of medical care they may...
This petition is aimed at Gordon Brown to do more to encourage the teenagers...
The Communications Data Bill would give the Government the legal authority...
'...pass an act of parliament, requiring the introduction of PR at general elections rather than the present first-past-the-post system. It would allow fairer representation, and prevent misuse of power.' -- Kavan...
We feel that this will give us a new chance to regenerate and re-invigorate...
We feel that ownership of the media by British people, will give better...
If every nation worked WITHIN NATO frameworks and the bodies of the UN,...
I live in a block of flats where i'm surrounded by drugs, the council do not...
all hearing impaired people whether partual hearing or no hearing, should be...
On May 1st, a wi-fi mesh, consisting of six wi-fi antennas, was switched on...
For years Politicians have said they will be tough on crime and all they do...
Because there is no minimum wage for workers under 16 years of age,...
The Singaporean health system simply works well. They have the lowest...
With the number of Polish and Eastern European immigrants on the increase...
request mr brown and mr darling to introduce a sliding scale of taxation on...
According to a recent news report Eon are considering building two nuclear...
The Enhanced CRB report includes malicious complaints made without...
Citizenship is now a very important part of the secondary school curriculum...
What does it take to stop the knife crime? Give Police more powers to search...
Every year there is a stealth tax on company car drivers. It is about time...
Lets stop all this teenage violence. Change the law so that anyone found...
Annual house prices in England and Wales decreased from 3.6 per cent in March to 2.7 per cent in April, taking the average to £183,626, according to the latest figures from Land Registry. This is the eighth...
The following National Statistics were released today by the Department of Health:
The following National Statistics were released today by the Department of Health:
Main Points This Month
The following National Statistics were released today by the Department of Health:
The Government's commitment to improve social care services will be given a boost with a new National Institute for Health Research School for Social Care Research, Care Services Minister Ivan Lewis announced today...
The following charging principles are those that Scottish Ministers expect the Water Industry Commission for Scotland to apply during 2010-14. These are set under section 29D of the Water Industry (Scotland) Act...
The Scottish Government published a consultation in November 2007 on Ministers’ proposed charging principles for the forthcoming regulatory period 2010-14, responses to which are the subject of this analysis.
This report is the result of a thematic inspection by HMICS into the quality of feedback to users of Scottish police services.
Efficiency Delivery Plans - May 2008, for the 2008-11 Efficiency Programme.
It is impossible to keep a proper level of public spending and a contingency...
warning signs should be erected in ALL car parks which provide disabled bays...
I propose that the Government should make it a dismissable offence for...
Hello mr Brown ! My petition is for single people or small groups of '...
Recently a 36 year old woman went to a pharmacist in a major high street...
Many people, myself included, are extremely ill because of mercury poisoning...
The internal combustion engined car has reached the end of its useful life....
The decision to hold the equestrian events of the London 2012 Olympics in...
Whilst we acknowledge that the government has suspended increase in fuel...
The former site of the National Gas Turbine Establishment at Pyestock in...
Too many people die as a result of police cars speeding through built up...
The government claims it wants a greener Britain. Apparently so long as it...
It is getting harder and harder for small businesses to survive, and the...
reducing the restrictions regarding dogs. instead of punishing all dog...
The subject of benefits is understandably a sensitive subject but I believe...
Unpaid Carers need to use public transport, to get groceries, go to hospital...
I am starting a petition to stop the London Borough of Brent from its...
It is within reason that parking laws are extended so that cars parked end...
Developing, and having the state support, and re-instate our manufacturing...
I am sure I am not the only one who is frustrated that they call their "...
The US is trying to force ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) a multi...
This will keep British jobs for British people and stop companies from using...
Friends of the Earth believes that the Government's plan for tackling fuel...
the police and all other public services bodies have an independant...
Body piercing: What the law says: There are no legal restrictions on the...
All uninsured drivers, including car thieves, should be liable for any...
Chicken pox(varicella vaccine)in children is an awful condition. watching...
The French national authorities consistently display a propensity to...
The CAA is currently attempting to introduce mandatory Mode S transponders...
Many people are concerned that our country does not adequately recognise the...
Many application forms have compulsory categories such as gender, sex, race...
Encephalitis is in the same family as Meningitis, and it is an infection...
The current Photocard is clearly sized for easy carriage in wallets etc.(...
In the last 6 months due to massive rises in steel (and lesserly so energy...
Currently almost all motorbikes are petrol engined and for a learner or...
Presently anyone in the military can have difficulties when they hit...
Ministerial Champion for Women in the Criminal Justice System, Maria Eagle MP, today launched a framework setting out the national strategy for delivering services to female offenders.
This document is available as a download only
This paper, prepared for us by the University of Warwick, presents a research review on publicly accessible, publicly funded services for the...
The CAA is currently consulting on the phased introduction of ModeS...
High Tax is driving the manufacturing industry out of the United Kingdom...
Presently the UK has a horrendous record for its Health services. Doctors...
i think it is extremely important to raise the awareness of this condition...
Why should a single mother, on benefit, with a child of 15mths be allowed to...
Religious groups are increasingly making demands on the Government, forcing...
Children in this country have become unruly due to parents having the right...
this can include reviewing the latest clause in the criminal justice act...
The news that followed on Thursday 23rd May of a child in Birmingham...
Since the cost of fuel is rising at an extortionate rate the cost of all...
The decision to allow failed immigrants access to the NHS is understandable...
If the budget is done in April why then leave people to struggle until...
fibromyalgia is a debilitating condition that is not yet recognised as a...
This facility is a vital lifeline to Ercall’s many patients, and...
GBL has been widely available in the UK and is used on the club scene (...
My opinion is that the key quote from the video is that it is people who make communities, and while the issue of affordable housing has been mentioned, there is no leed into how that would be achieved...
Thanks for your comments, which I'll pass onto Stuart.
As well as his annual report, Stuart's findings also contribute to our wider policy work, and visits are often themed around specific policy...
A raft of new Government measures to help vulnerable consumers and especially the elderly make their homes warmer and more energy efficient are announced today.
The lasting impact of drink driving is highlighted in a new THINK! campaign launched today by Road Safety Minister Jim Fitzpatrick.
A raft of new Government measures to help vulnerable consumers and especially the elderly make their homes warmer and more energy efficient are announced today.