A wealth of intellectual property advice and practical help will be on offer to small and medium sized enterprises at a free event being held at the Arlington Arts Centre, Newbury on 26 September 2008. Organised...
President Jagdeo proposed to the UK government in November 2007 that the UK...
Definition of positive: "Emphasizing what is laudable, hopeful, or to the...
We continually see cyclists using the roadway even where cycle tracks have...
Due to the life saving help a First Aider can provide, in the first...
Harrow council is hitting us with new excesive costs, which means they...
Decades ago I discovered a cure for mental health problems and during this...
Make UK Tidal Prediction Data from the UK Hydrographic Institute freely...
There are enough Mosques already in the communities - we do not want anymore.
Encourage People to Stop Driving Long Distances in Cars only doing 30mpg and...
Cricket is a major part of British sporting culture and it seems fitting...
To enforce fines of 100 or more for drunk people presenting in A & E who...
Fuel prices have increased however approved mileage allowance payments paid...
Please sign this petition to keep the rights to use carrier bags if you so wish
The Golden Valley line, which runs between Gloucestershire and Swindon, is...
To grant grandparent the right to look after there grand children in...
The government appears to be in favour of an additional public holiday and...
Gordon Brown has promised that the Government will “do what it takes” to help families deal with the effects of the global economic crisis such as rising food and energy costs.
Speaking to ...
Gordon Brown has promised that the Government will “do what it takes” to help families deal with the effects of the global economic crisis such as rising food and energy costs.
Transcript of speech given by the Prime Minister to CBI Scotland’s 28th annual dinner in Glasgow.
Read the transcript:Prime Minister
Let me say first what a pleasure and a privilege...
On Saturday, over 200 athletes across 18 sports will begin competing in Britain’s Paralympic squad.
Continuing our success in the Olympics, Britain’s Paralympic team is one of the biggest...
Many studies have shown that the particulates from diesel fumes are one of...
There is currently a huge archaeological dig taking place at Stonehenge (The...
Land in an area of search to the South of Cheltenham (Leckhampton and...
Guyana, home of some of the most intact rainforest in the world, is the...
when speed limits were brought in in 1965 the roads were dangerous and not...
Our Body Organs are OUR birthright, to do with as WE decide when the time is...
We urge the PM to continue resolutely with his plan to introduce the system...
The government recently announced it would give families with children a...
The care of vulnerable children has broken down at this camp. Medication and...
The principle of self medication with herbal/vitamin/mineral food...
The undersigned believe that the Prime Minister should ensure that all...
When murderers are sentenced judges decide the minimum number of years to be...
Too many gay children are growing up not understanding why they feel...
152 dogs a week are unnecessarily killed in the UK, according to the 2007...
As it stands the government want to raise the school leaving age from 16 to...
If you re not a, criminal, under aged thug, paedophile, illegal immigrant, I...
I, Ted Venn, on behalf of CPRE Cornwall, ask the Government to stop...
Alistair Darling has shown himself totally incompetent to run the economy...
regardless of the age of the vehicle, when driven in the UK
This study aimed to begin to support the development of an evidence base for mental health improvement through employment in Social Firms, by identifying potential indicators and ways of measuring mental health ...
This study aimed to begin to support the development of an evidence base for mental health improvement through employment in Social Firms, by identifying potential indicators and ways of measuring mental health ...
Explores the issues of accessibility to the Mental Health Support Worker (MHSW) service in Wester Hailes in order to facilitate the development of the service to meet the needs of the community.
The Queen has been graciously pleased to signify her intention of conferring a Peerage of the United Kingdom for Life upon The Right Honourable Sir Igor Judge following his appointment as Lord Chief Justice.
Briefing from the Prime Minister s Spokesman on: economy, prostitution and miscellaneous.
EconomyAsked for a flavour of the Prime Minister s speech this evening, the Prime Minister s Spokesman (PMS) replied...
Following the appointment of The Right Honourable Sir Igor Judge as Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales The Queen has been pleased to approve that The Right Honourable Lord Justice Anthony May be appointed...
Gordon Brown has promised that the Government will “do what it takes” to help families deal with the effects of the global economic crisis such as rising food and energy costs.
Speaking to ...
The Prime Minister paid a visit to Liverpool today to speak to regional business leaders and take in some of the city’s cultural landmarks as it celebrates being European Capital of Culture 2008.
Gordon Brown has promised that the Government will “do what it takes” to help families deal with the effects of the global economic crisis such as rising food and energy costs.
Speaking to ...
Transcript of speech given by the Prime Minister to CBI Scotland’s 28th annual dinner in Glasgow.
Read the transcript:Prime Minister
Let me say first what a pleasure and a privilege...
Explains how the NHS in Scotland has changed the way that hospital appointments and admissions are arranged
Summary of the performance inspection report on social work services in Clackmannanshire
Performance inspection of social work services in Clackmannanshire