Coastguard units in Stornoway are continuing to assist in a search of the Isle of South Uist for a missing 21-year-old who has not been seen since the early hours of Boxing Day.
Minister for Trade, Gareth Thomas, today announced two appointments to the Board of SITPRO, the UK's trade facilitation body dedicated to simplifying the international trading process by cutting red tape. &...
The Prime Minister has spoken of his concern at the ongoing violence in Gaza and called for a renewed action on achieving a Israel-Palestine settlement in 2009.
In a Downing Street statement...
The Prime Minister has spoken of his concern at the ongoing violence in Gaza and called for a renewed action on achieving a Israel-Palestine settlement in 2009.
In a Downing Street statement, the PM said...
A new centre dedicated to helping the Government understand natural and environmental risk has started work.
Statement by the Foreign Secretary
Over the last 12 months Highways Agency Traffic Officers have attended an incident on England's motorways on average every two minutes.
The successful delivery of the tough new Australian-style points system was highlighted today as it was announced that 4,875 businesses have registered as sponsors.
A groundbreaking new THINK! campaign is launched today as new Government research shows that children want to know why, as well as how, to stay safe on our roads.
The fur of cat and dogs will no longer be imported, exported or sold anywhere in the European Union, when an EU-wide ban comes into force on 31 December 2008.
Government funded face to face debt advice services have helped over 100,000 people in 2008, and the national telephone debt advice line has seen a significant increase in demand for advice.
Take a look at our photo gallery of Downing Street Christmas cards.
We’ve unearthed a number of official cards, those from the Prime Minister as well as those from 10 Downing Street, from Christmases...