I think that Children and young people entering care need better support and...
Anyone who violates the human rights of another person or group of people...
There is a great need to raise awareness of Marfan Syndrome, in particular...
Haringey s schools are short changed because the Government gives them less...
'...make it mandatory for all NEWLY QUALIFIED drivers to have to undergo SOME FORM of motorway tuition with a professional Driving Instructor.' -- Mrs Anne Ravenhill
It is absurd that upon the birth of a fourth child, myself and my partner's...
Scrap the TV licence for people on State Benefits such as Jobseeker's...
The ACA is supposed to be a subsistence allowance so that individuals are...
The 11-plus leads to a divisive secondary education system and should be...
bring in jay walking as a law to cut down on perdestrian deaths and stop...
Make new drivers display a green L plate for the first 12 Months and give...
I am fed up with not having somewhere to complain about the services that...
The reason for the petition is that, the economic downturn has created a...
Save the Salford Advertiser Office and all other local northwest based...
1.We want the British government to set up a helpline or some sort of...
What real improvements has the privatisation of many of Britains public...
On 15th May the Foreign Office minister said the cost of the charter flight...
Currently VAT on children's clothing is charged for ages 14+. If like us you...
This so-called "eco town" will double the size of the existing town of...
A 20mph speed default speed limit in towns would improve safety, quality of...
In recognition that water is a basic need for life- unlike power- all...
My husband is self employed and was laid off seven weeks ago. He claimed for...
Thank you for supporting our course. We need your continued support. Sri...
'...save 31 City of London Signals Regiment' -- Deon Ludeke
In order to increase the safety of cyclists by making other vehicle drivers...
LLP's and LCP's on the housing list or any other policies that give housing...
The UK are the one of the largest contributors to the Eurovision song...
Okay, I'm going to be very blunt, I'm speaking for millions of smokers when...
its time for the UK to join the euro and to integrate with our continental...
this general stike should be allowed in order that public can show its...
Petition for a Prayer Room at Birmingham Central Library The new library...
There has been an alarming increase in the number of pregnant women and new...
Governmental departments, quangos, and local authorities should be banned...
due to errors made on the part of the tax credit office (tco), many...
I am sad to hear in the news that everyday another OAP has been beaten for...
We would like the prime minister to arrange with our american friends to...
we feel that councils descisions to ban saint georges day parades due to it...
Crushing a convicted drunk driver's car would remove the ability to keep...
abolish the need for all planning permission for small domestic wind...
A new law should be created that would make the abuse of the public purse a...
The government's equality watchdog, the EHRC plans to cut the number of its...
A district nurse, of my acquaintance, smokes whilst wearing her uniform....
Do we really need to close schools up and down the country just to run...
Currently there are NO requirements- unlike other trap use, to inspect kill...
This petition is to call for an end to the persecution of Falun Dafa...
A director of a bed company whose dealings cost creditors almost £200,000 has been sentenced to a 12 week suspended prison sentence and 150 hours of community service at Bishop Auckland Magistrates Court. He...
Independent garages are being urged to show their commitment to a fair deal for consumers by subscribing to a code of practice on service and repair.
This document is available as a download only
Our response to CLG's consultation on 'Sustainable Communities Act 2007: Local Spending Reports'.
A multi-unit search has been underway all morning for a missing female who was seen to walk into the water at Redcar, Cleveland, shortly before 7.40am this morning. Humber Coastguard are now appealing to the general...
I am a UK citizen but have lived in Uganda for many years. I have witnessed...
We would like the British Government to force companies to make Offshore...
I find it offensive that Police CCTV vans have a sign saying "Smile! You're...
'...to restrict slow moving vehicles ie tractors jcb etc to 30 m.p.h roads as they cause a danger to other faster moving vehicles' -- melvyn jones
I have been married to a somali man who has the same habbit as most other...
i would like there to be a law stating that all private hire/ minincab...
In my experience of the civil justice system I have found that the legal...
A plan known as the Core Strategy has been released for Public Consultation...
We believe that The great British Pub is primarily under threat from the...
Tens of thousands of Sri Lankan citizens are currently living in IDP camps...
The Welsh Assembly Government is an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy and...
make it illegal for all police officers to recieve wage top ups from private...
Students should'nt have to spend all of their EMA money just to get a bus or...
Many people in the uk are diagnosed with a terminal illness,They or their...
This document is available as a download only
Presentation by Theresa Huddart, North East Commission on Rural Health, to the 'Policy Making for Places: Rural proofing the work of government...
This document is available as a download only
A briefing note on the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill. This legislation is intended to give communities and local...
This document is available as download only
Feedback from the faciliated sessions at our 'Policy Making for Places: Rural proofing the work of government' event, May 19 2009.
Overnight work to replace traffic loop sensors on the A1089 southbound near Tilbury in Essex is due to take place on Saturday 30 May for one night between 23.30 and 07.00 and a diversion route will be in place. ...
This evaluation of concessionary travel in Scotland aims to establish the effectiveness of each scheme against their policy objectives and to assess the impacts across a range of measures. The study considers the...
Report of pupils Science Knowledge and Understanding attainment by 5 to 14 levels at P5 and P7 for pupils taught science through the medium of Gaelic.
Scottish Sustainable Communities Initiative Report Submission details
The Scotland-Wide Free Bus Travel Scheme for Older and Disabled People was introduced on 1 April 2006. This followed an agreement reached by the then Scottish Government (SG) and the Confederation of Passenger ...
Over 50 million users have now visited the Department for Transport's pioneering travel information and journey planning service, Transport Direct.
Over 50 million users have now visited the Department for Transport's pioneering travel information and journey planning service, Transport Direct.
A meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority will be held in the Chamber, City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London SE1 2AA on Thursday 28 May 2009 at 10.00 a.m.