This consultation started on 29th October 2009 and ends on 22nd January 2010.
This consultation is published on the HM Treasury website. It seeks views on a proposal for reforming the associated company rules...
This consultation started on 6th November 2009 and ends on 12th February 2010.
In 2008 the Government commissioned Durham University to look at the way that licensing and enforcement practices were applied...
This consultation started on 27th October 2009 and ends on 25th January 2010.
The main aims of the consultation process in the UK is to collect the views of UK stakeholders on the priority areas for an ...
This consultation started on 23rd October 2009, but we couldn't automatically determine when it ends. Check its website for more information.
We were unable to obtain a summary of this consultation. For more...
This consultation started on 12th October 2009, but we couldn't automatically determine when it ends. Check its website for more information.
We were unable to obtain a summary of this consultation. For more...
An Ayrshire bus company has been fined £990 by the Traffic Commissioner for Scotland Ms Joan Aitken for failing to run their services to time.
I have been trying for over a year to find a job now, and to no avail. There...
Many television shows promote phone-in competitions whereby a very simple...
Airline fuel use and therefore costs are largely determined by weight....
If people are taught basic markup skills, then creating content for the web...
The Health Secretary said of the plans: For the NHS to become truly great...
A member of the Government should be there primarily for the benefit of the...
UK citizens should have the same right as many in the rest of Europe, and be...
Why should the BBC be given free money, whilst other TV channels gain no...
This petition calls for the Government (specifically the UK Border Agency)...
Uninvited entry into a property should be entirely at the risk of the...
To bring Smoking Age Back Down To 16.
The current system for insurance for younger drivers makes the sensible...
Shouting at children should not be allowed in schools, unless being used to...
A significant majority of offenders who have committed offences under the...
Expenses, top down policies and legislation, and very few MPs or councillors...
Workers should be stopped from striking or taking strike action over bank/...
We the undersigned ask that the Prime minister openly condems the waste...
A restoration of confidence in the political apparatus is hereby called for...
Previous rules were that EU nationals were allowed to look for work here but...
The recent freezing temperatures have made attending school extremely...
Many new medicines are unavailable because their cost to performance ratio,...
There have been some good health campaigns in Scotland, supported by their...
The privatisation of dementia care has been a complete failure in terms of...
Over 4 million cheque payments are made each day and many people not only...
I feel it important that we recognise that when a bell tower is built it is...
It is a national scandal that Britain's capacity for defence from attack...
Hambrook Primary School Hall is no longer safe to hold whole school:...
This week the Jobcentreplus website was changed to Directgov website,...
more and more murderers, rapists and perpertrators of these heinous crimes...
There is no support in England for Adults with F.A.S. It is not recognised...
Great crested newt receive full protection under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife...
I think this system is, quite franky, a joke. My mother is a single parent...
RAF Cottesore has 5 operational hangers, fully maintained married quarters...
Since banks, top employees and shareholders have kept the massive bonus and...
This petition is due to the fact that over the last week as you will have...
I would like to suggest , that over 60's should re-take a driving test. From...
In the light of the collapse of Globespan Airlines, and after XL also went...
All UK consumers, whether they care or not, have a right and a moral...
Public transport like trains and buses are very expensive, even for the...
The Armed forces and certain other security force elements are subject to...
People of this country are already taxed to the hilt. They do not need to...
The Goverment and every local council purchase Billions of pounds of...
Here's a situation for you to consider: I want to go to the cinema, I am 16...
Government economic kick-start thwarted, repossessions up, lending is low...
This petition recognises that there is a new hidden unemployed. Those in...
On the 16 Dec 2009 Douglas Carswell, MP for Harwich and Clacton, introduced...
Salford City Council plan to use 98 acres of green belt land on Barton Moss...
Television, more than any media, is the most destructive medium present....
Mission Enterprise a scheme available to people in Britain wanting to...
In September after feeling demonised for way too long, I decided to return...
Lambeth and Islington Councils to get funding
Oxford City Council to get funding
A wide range of services are available over the Christmas and New Year holiday for people needing to access NHS care in England, Health Minister Gillian Merron...