04 October 2012
Examination Results in Wales - 2011/12 (provisional)
seen at 09:37, 4 October in
Latest UK National Statistics releases
(Our copy).
Presents results of external examinations taken by pupils aged 15 or 17 in schools.
Welsh Exports - Quarter 2 2012
seen at 09:37, 4 October in
Latest UK National Statistics releases
(Our copy).
Summarises HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) estimates of exports from Wales.
Profitability of UK Companies - Q2 2012
seen at 09:37, 4 October in
Latest UK National Statistics releases
(Our copy).
This statistical bulletin, produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) every quarter, shows the net rate of return on capital employed for UK PNFCs’ related to their UK operations.
Mid-Year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland - 2011
seen at 09:37, 4 October in
Latest UK National Statistics releases
(Our copy).
Counts of the Northern Ireland population as at 30th June by sex and single year of age.
Statistics for drug treatment activity in England - 2011/2012
seen at 09:37, 4 October in
Latest UK National Statistics releases
(Our copy).
Presents key results from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) on the number of problem drug misusers in contact with drug treatment agencies and general practitioners in England.
Examination Results in Wales - 2011/12 (provisional)
seen at 02:37, 4 October in
Latest UK National Statistics releases
(Our copy).
Presents results of external examinations taken by pupils aged 15 or 17 in schools.
Welsh Exports - Quarter 2 2012
seen at 02:37, 4 October in
Latest UK National Statistics releases
(Our copy).
Summarises HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) estimates of exports from Wales.
Profitability of UK Companies - Q2 2012
seen at 02:37, 4 October in
Latest UK National Statistics releases
(Our copy).
This statistical bulletin, produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) every quarter, shows the net rate of return on capital employed for UK PNFCs’ related to their UK operations.
Mid-Year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland - 2011
seen at 02:37, 4 October in
Latest UK National Statistics releases
(Our copy).
Counts of the Northern Ireland population as at 30th June by sex and single year of age.
Statistics for drug treatment activity in England - 2011/2012
seen at 02:37, 4 October in
Latest UK National Statistics releases
(Our copy).
Presents key results from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) on the number of problem drug misusers in contact with drug treatment agencies and general practitioners in England.