The Cycle PaD, a one-stop online knowledge shop bringing together everything cyclists might need to know about Northumberland is launching on 7th March to welcome in the new visitor season.
Companies fined £300,000 after London Underground train ran out of control
A Bristol property development firm has been prosecuted after a plumber was electrocuted while installing a washing machine.
A flooring manufacturer has been found guilty of safety failings after an employee was dragged into an unguarded machine at its factory in Greater Manchester.
A press article said that toasters had been banned from NHS hospital wards on the grounds of health and safety.
A Norfolk food company has been prosecuted for safety failings after a 49 year-old engineer fractured his skull and was left partially deaf after a three metre fall.
Asked if the government would see FSA test results before they were made public the PMS confirmed this was likely. original source.
Asked for a response on a potential European Financial Transaction Tax the PMS said that our position was unchanged. We are not opposed to a Financial Transaction Tax in principle but we are clear it would need...
Questioned on John Major's speech on an EU referendum and the need to start negotiations the Prime Minister's Spokesman (PMS) said that the FCO is leading a balance of competencies review. original source.
Thursday 14 February 2013 ...
Asked about the PM’s view on Sir David Nicholson, the PMS said that the PM thought Sir David had done the right thing by apologising. The PM understood the families’ strength of feeling. ...
Asked whether the PM believed that well off pensioners should receive pensioner benefits, the PMS said that the PM had been clear on his position, which was completely unchanged. original source.
Questioned about comments from the Bank of England on interest rates, the PMS said that interest rates were a matter for the Bank of England. Asked about the Government’s broader economic plan, the PMS said the...
Asked whether the PM was satisfied by progress being made in Enterprise Zones, the PMS said that there was progress being made. 150m of private sector investment had been attracted by the Enterprise Zones and ...
Tuesday 26 February 2013 ...
Findings from the Northern Ireland Crime Survey focusing on experiences and perceptions of crime in both Northern Ireland and England & Wales.
Previous returns are available from the National Archive
A csv file containing workforce management information for January 2013. Previous reports can be found on the National Archives.
A csv file containing workforce management information for December 2012. Previous reports can be found on the National Archives.
Previous returns are available from the National Archive
Updated: New firing times
Dartmoor Training Area’s firing times are presented in three file formats so that the information is accessible to everyone. The TXT format is browseable on mobile devices such...
This week's update includes news and results from Athletics, Boxing, Gymnastics, Hockey, Judo, Modern Pentathlon, Rowing and Skiing.
A person who is disabled with limited mobility asked if he might use the back entrance of a charity shop leading from the carpark which the staff use rather than walk around to the front of the shop (which would...
A children’s soft play premises does not offer baby food on their menu in the café area because glass jars would constitute a health and safety risk.
Officers from a local council parks department ordered the little wooden canes protecting daffodil bulbs to be removed from the village green. This was as a result of a member of the public complaining that someone...
An ice-rink steward has told the enquirer’s son that he had to remove his hat before skating on Health & Safety grounds. The enquirer challenged this and was given two different reasons: if the hat ...
A London interior fit-out company has been fined for safety failings after a worker suffered life-changing injuries when he fell through a fragile roof light at a construction site in Kensington.
In a Chemist retail shop, a box of tissues used for wiping off tester make-up had been removed from the make-up stand. A customer questioned this decision and was told that the tissues were a health and safety...
A Lincolnshire farming company has been fined after an employee suffered multiple injuries when he was run over by a poorly-maintained tractor.
News release to accompany publication of Census 2011 outputs.
News release to accompany publication of Census 2011 outputs.
News release to accompany publication of Census 2011 outputs.
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport considers nominations for candidates whose activities fall within our remit, i.e. sports, the creative industries, including fashion design and advertising, art, music...
BIS special advisers must publish the details of any gifts and hospitality received and senior media meetings. Covers the period of July to September 2012.
BIS directors general must publish details of travel, meetings and any hospitality received. Covers the period of July to September 2012.
The licence condition modifications to implement Government policy in the above areas were laid in Parliament on 13 December 2012. Following successful completion of the Parliamentary process, the licence conditions...
Memorandum of Understanding marking the UK and Estonia’s commitment to working together, sharing knowlege, promoting exchanges of experts and organising joint events to help improve digital public services.
The Coalition Government is committed to publishing departmental spend over £25,000 as part of its commitment to transparency and open government.
This is the Foreign Office spend in the UK ...
This data covers payroll staff by grade, non-payroll staff by type, headcount staff numbers, full-time equivalent staff numbers and staff costs for November 2012.
The General Register Office for England and Wales (GRO) holds records for all births, marriages and deaths registered in England and Wales from 1 July 1837.
This booklet tells you about:
the role...
This data covers payroll staff by grade, non-payroll staff by type, headcount staff numbers, full-time equivalent staff numbers and staff costs for October 2012.
Updated: Added post adoption statement.
This environmental report is a consultation document on the likely significant environmental effects of revoking the South East Plan and the regional economic strategy...
Updated: New firing times
Holcombe Moor’s firing times are presented in three file formats so that the information is accessible to everyone. The TXT format is browseable on mobile devices such as Blackberry...
Updated: Consultation response added.
The Civil Aviation Bill has completed its passage through Parliament and now awaits Royal Assent.
Royal Assent will be received at the next available opportunity...
Updated: Updated with December 2012 data.
Details of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office’s (FCO’s) information on government procurement cards are attached.
The Office for Fair Access (OFFA) has appointed nine new experts to its Advisory Group to advise the Director of Fair Access to Higher Education on strategy and policy issues.
The new members are:
£100,000 R&D funding could be available to advanced materials and manufacturing start-ups, companies and entrepreneurs in the North West through a £2 million launchpad competition announced by...
Anil Ananthaswamy has won the first Physics Journalism Prize - a prize designed to inspire the next generation of physicists by encouraging journalists to grapple with often complex topics and help spread excitement...
Peter Tatchell visits Wolverhampton University's Arena Theatre for LGBT History Month Event
ECAP coaches had to leave their inhibitions at the door as they performed an improvised comedy show in front of a live audience
A victory for common sense after health and safety was recently blamed for difficulties organising Bacup morris dancers parade.
A collection of The National Archives' historical criminal records from England and Wales is now available online as part of a licensing partnership with family history website,
The second edition of Easy Family History: The stress-free guide to starting your research by David Annal, is now available. Full of practical advice, it is ideal for anyone who wants to trace their...
Service Inquiry into the aviation fuel contamination at Mount Pleasant Complex, Falkland Islands, during the period 25 Jun to 05 Aug 11.
Tennis Foundation Lead Wheelchair Coach Stuart Wilkinson shares how GB's athletes have started 2013.
Latest figures from the Office for National Statistics show net migration has fallen by 84,000
Electoral statistics.
Office of the Advocate General spending over £25,000. The details are released as part of the Office of the Advocate General’s commitment to transparency.
HEFCE has allocated £4.9 million for a Veterinary Clinical Skills Centre as part of the University of Surrey’s School of Veterinary Medicine. The centre is being developed in collaboration with regional...
The Office for Fair Access (OFFA) has appointed nine new experts to its Advisory Group to advise the Director of Fair Access to Higher Education on strategy and policy issues.
The new members are:
NRT Data Portal: Freight performance measure, Public performance measure and Rolling stock
(28 February 2013) The LSB publishes a report which reviews the evidence available on the equality of pay in the legal services sector in England and Wales and highlights what action is needed in response.
Presents estimates of crops, hay and silage, fertilisers, livestock for Wales.
Statistics on deliberate fire incidents include data for Wales.
Statistics on grassland fire incident include data for Wales.
Publication giving quarterly statistics on the number of powered vehicles and unaccompanied trailers carried on each route to mainland Europe including Eurostar.
Report giving annual statistics on the conditions of public roads, footways, kerbs and verges in England.
Annual publication presenting information on UK international and domestic sea passengers.
The data tables on Internet Access show information about households with home access to the Internet and individuals' use of the Internet.
There are two tables of UK Electoral Statistics reflecting the number of electors registered to vote in the UK on 1 December 2012. Table 1 outputs local government electors by local government areas. Local government...
The Patterns of Pay article presents an analysis of the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) results. ASHE is ONS’s most detailed and comprehensive source of information on levels of earnings, make-up of total...
Quarterly summary of migration trends, including links to new data from ONS, DWP, the Home Office and NRS. Data associated with this report include; provisional Long-Term International Migration (LTIM) and provisional...
Detailed product, industry and geographic breakdowns of imports and exports of services, mainly based on data from the International Trade in Services (ITIS) Survey.
Number of births and deaths registered each month.
This release comprises population and household estimates for a range of different geographical breakdowns of Northern Ireland including Assembly Areas (AAs), Electoral Wards, Super Output Areas (SOAs) and Small...
This release comprises Quick Statistics for a range of different geographical breakdowns of Northern Ireland including Northern Ireland, Local Government Districts (LGDs), Health and Social Care Trusts (HSCTs), ...
Labour Market Statistics for Northern Ireland (employment, unemployment).
Electoral statistics.
Findings from the Northern Ireland Crime Survey focusing on experiences and perceptions of crime in both Northern Ireland and England & Wales.
Quarterly and annual statistics relating to those: coming to the UK; extending their stay (temporarily or permanently); gaining citizenship; applying for asylum; and being detained or removed, as well as immigration...
Monthly statistics on clearances of alcohol products and duty receipts for the UK.
An annual return that collects information on all staff, whether full or part-time, directly employed by social services departments. Some information is also collected on gender and ethnicity.
This quarterly statistical release gives details of the number of people waiting for either a first outpatient assessment, a selected diagnostic service or inpatient treatment at hospitals in Northern Ireland.
This quarterly statistical release gives details of the number of people waiting for either a first outpatient assessment, a selected diagnostic service or inpatient treatment at hospitals in Northern Ireland.
Provides data on the activity of UK hatcheries and poultry slaughterhouses and other related poultry statistics.
Provides statistics on the average farm gate milk prices and the average butterfat and protein content of milk produced in the UK.
Provides statistics on energy prices and monthly production and consumption of coal, electricity, gas, oil and total energy for the UK.
Analysis of pupil attendance at grant-aided primary, post-primary and special schools in Northern Ireland, by school and pupil characteristics.
Search and rescue statistics
Results of the Northern Ireland December Agricultural and Horticultural survey.
My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Owen Paterson) has today made the following Statement.
In October, I announced that the two badger control pilots...
My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Owen Paterson) has today made the following Statement.
I represented the UK at the first day of the 25 and 26 February...
The EU Competitiveness Council took place in Brussels on 18 and 19 February 2013. Shan Morgan, Deputy Permanent Representative to the EU represented the UK for research items on 18 February, and I represented...
In July last year, I published a formal consultation setting out our ambition to introduce greater certainty and make improvements to the renewable heat incentive (RHI). Since then DECC has engaged extensively...
I represented the UK at the first day of the 25 and 26 February Agriculture and Fisheries Council. Ministers from the devolved
Administrations were also present. I also had an individual discussion with...
In October, I announced that the two badger control pilots that had been due to go ahead last autumn were being postponed at the National Farmers Union’s request. These pilots are part of the Government...
The Department has today published a consultation paper on our review of the uninsured drivers’ agreement and untraced drivers’ agreements, which the Secretary of State for Transport is a party to...
The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council will be held on 28 February 2013 in Brussels. I will represent the UK.
The council will finalise its contribution to the European Council...
English business survey (EBS) statistics for December 2012 provide information on the current economic and business conditions across England:
the statistical release provides background information about...
The latest official statistics on the code for sustainable homes and average energy efficiency (SAP ratings) were released on 28 February 2013.
Statistics in this release relating to the code for sustainable...
The Department of Energy and Climate Change today releases its December energy statistics, that allow an assessment to be made of trends in energy production, transformation and consumption in 2012.
The release provides statistics for passengers on international short sea (ferry) routes and passengers on domestic sea crossings.
Final sea passenger statistics will be published in autumn 2013, including...
The statistics are drawn from a number of sources, including local authority surveys, TRAffic-speed Condition Surveys (TRACS) for the Highways Agency’s network, manual surveys for the majority of unclassified...
This publication presents information on the number and pass rates of driving and riding practical tests conducted in Great Britain for the quarter to 31 December 2012 and statistics from the Approved Driving...
It includes all the main ferry routes between Great Britain and mainland Europe, and the Channel Tunnel, and excludes routes between Great Britain and Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland. It is based ...
Updated: Added 4 updated tables: capital forecast 2013 to 2014, capital payments and receipts Q3 2012 to 2013, council tax receipts Q3 2012 to 2013 and national non-domestic rates receipts Q3 2012 to 2013.
This release looks both at how households access the Internet and adults' use of computers. It will be useful for those interested in how people connect to the Internet in their homes and help inform debate on digital...
The International Trade in Services survey is a key source of UK trade data. It is important to note that the survey does not contain data for transportation, travel and banking industries. This data is obtained...
The Migration Statistics Quarterly Report (MSQR) is a summary of the quarterly releases of official international migration data. This edition covers those quarterly datasets released on 28 February. It also links...
There are two tables of UK Electoral Statistics reflecting the number of electors registered to vote in the UK on 16 October 2012 (England (except London) and Wales) or 1 December 2012 (London, Scotland and Northern...
Presents estimates of crops, hay and silage, fertilisers, livestock for Wales.
Statistics on deliberate fire incidents include data for Wales.
Statistics on grassland fire incident include data for Wales.
Publication giving quarterly statistics on the number of powered vehicles and unaccompanied trailers carried on each route to mainland Europe including Eurostar.
Report giving annual statistics on the conditions of public roads, footways, kerbs and verges in England.
Annual publication presenting information on UK international and domestic sea passengers.
The data tables on Internet Access show information about households with home access to the Internet and individuals' use of the Internet.
There are two tables of UK Electoral Statistics reflecting the number of electors registered to vote in the UK on 1 December 2012. Table 1 outputs local government electors by local government areas. Local government...
The Patterns of Pay article presents an analysis of the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) results. ASHE is ONS’s most detailed and comprehensive source of information on levels of earnings, make-up of total...
Quarterly summary of migration trends, including links to new data from ONS, DWP, the Home Office and NRS. Data associated with this report include; provisional Long-Term International Migration (LTIM) and provisional...
Detailed product, industry and geographic breakdowns of imports and exports of services, mainly based on data from the International Trade in Services (ITIS) Survey.
Number of births and deaths registered each month.
This release comprises population and household estimates for a range of different geographical breakdowns of Northern Ireland including Assembly Areas (AAs), Electoral Wards, Super Output Areas (SOAs) and Small...
This release comprises Quick Statistics for a range of different geographical breakdowns of Northern Ireland including Northern Ireland, Local Government Districts (LGDs), Health and Social Care Trusts (HSCTs), ...
Labour Market Statistics for Northern Ireland (employment, unemployment).
Electoral statistics.
Findings from the Northern Ireland Crime Survey focusing on experiences and perceptions of crime in both Northern Ireland and England & Wales.
Quarterly and annual statistics relating to those: coming to the UK; extending their stay (temporarily or permanently); gaining citizenship; applying for asylum; and being detained or removed, as well as immigration...
Monthly statistics on clearances of alcohol products and duty receipts for the UK.
An annual return that collects information on all staff, whether full or part-time, directly employed by social services departments. Some information is also collected on gender and ethnicity.
This quarterly statistical release gives details of the number of people waiting for either a first outpatient assessment, a selected diagnostic service or inpatient treatment at hospitals in Northern Ireland.
This quarterly statistical release gives details of the number of people waiting for either a first outpatient assessment, a selected diagnostic service or inpatient treatment at hospitals in Northern Ireland.
Provides data on the activity of UK hatcheries and poultry slaughterhouses and other related poultry statistics.
Provides statistics on the average farm gate milk prices and the average butterfat and protein content of milk produced in the UK.
Provides statistics on energy prices and monthly production and consumption of coal, electricity, gas, oil and total energy for the UK.
Search and rescue statistics
Results of the Northern Ireland December Agricultural and Horticultural survey.
Form for coach, bus or lorry drivers with diabetes treated with Sulphonylureas or Glinide tablets (or both). Tell DVLA about your condition.
Form for coach, bus or lorry drivers with diabetes treated with insulin. Tell DVLA about your condition.
Form for car drivers or motorcycle riders with diabetes treated with insulin. Tell DVLA about your condition.
Form for coach, bus or lorry drivers with diabetes treated with tablets other than Sulphonylureas or Glinide, or with non-insulin injections. Tell DVLA about your condition.
If you’re a driver or motorcycle rider and you have diabetes treated with insulin, you’ll need to fill in form DIAB1. This leaflet tells you how.
We assesses our performance against a range of compliance, operational and customer service measures. This briefing outlines the key figures from the review of our performance between April and December 2012.
Updated: 26 February results published
Brokerage operates as a fortnightly anonymous auction where providers of the Energy Companies Obligation (ECO) can sell ‘lots’ of ECO Carbon Saving Obligation, ECO...
The Peak District National Park Authority wants to shed light on the best sites and designs for solar panels, particularly for owners of historic buildings, in the national park.
Responses to our approach to transparency
Based on the evidence currently available, it is premature to consider geo-engineering as a viable option for addressing climate change. The priority is, and must be, to tackle the root cause by reducing emissions...
Table showing how much departments spent with small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in 2009 to 2010; 2010 to 2011 and 2011 to 2012.
Guidance on how to use the interactive maps
Updated: Tariff trigger points published
In 2012 DECC consulted on proposals for introducing greater certainty to organisations who are either wanting to join the RHI or existing participants’ as well as...
Regional and local insights data
CASE economy dataMS Excel Spreadsheet, 6.67MB
This file may not be suitable for users of assistive...
A new UK endeavour that will focus on gaining a much better understanding of major human diseases, like cancer and other medical concerns such as deafness and ageing, is to be undertaken by an STFC-MRC consortium...
£100,000 R&D funding could be available to advanced materials and manufacturing start-ups, companies and entrepreneurs in the North West through a £2 million launchpad competition announced by...
A major scotch whisky manufacturer has been fined after two workers had to flee a warehouse fire.
A scrap metal firm has been fined after an employee was badly injured when a bus swung into him while it was being lifted onto a truck in Merthyr Tydfil.
Updated: Updated description to make clear this is a literature review, and part of a larger study.
This literature review is the first stage of a study that will cover economic growth, social outcomes...
Letter from Energy Minister John Hayes, to Dan Byles MP and Marcus Jones MP following the fire at Daw Mill colliery.
Results from the annual OAG staff survey.
The @HMRCgovuk Twitter account is managed by the HMRC Press Office on behalf of HMRC.
If you follow this account, you can expect 1 to 2 tweets a day covering information about HMRC and tax, including ...
This issue has articles about:
the use of foreign languages on driving tests being under review booking tests from your phone keeping your approved driving instructor registration up to date funding...
Birmingham Repertory Theatre Company continues its 100th Birthday celebrations with REP100 Weekender
Nominate your favourite arts project for a National Lottery Award
HSE Chair Judith Hackitt responds to The Sun article on EastEnders risk assessment – “Muddy idiots”, 26 February 2013.
The Pensions Regulator is embarking on a series of checks to establish whether schemes have met targets for keeping accurate records, and how they have addressed the regulatorÂ’s record-keeping guidance.
News release to accompany publication of Census 2011 outputs.
The Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) deals with claims from motorists involved in accidents with uninsured or untraced drivers.
The MIB acts as the insurer of last resort under agreements made with the Department...
The Pensions Regulator is embarking on a series of checks to establish whether schemes have met targets for keeping accurate records, and how they have addressed the regulatorÂ’s record-keeping guidance.
Court of Appeal (Civil Division) judgment
The Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) deals with claims from motorists involved in accidents with uninsured or untraced drivers.
The MIB acts as the insurer of last resort under agreements made with the Department...
Updated: Government response published
In 2012 DECC consulted on proposals for introducing greater certainty to organisations who are either wanting to join the RHI or existing participants’ as well as ...
Updated: Updated installation numbers for the week ending 24th February 2013.
The statistics presented in the table below, show the number of sub 50kW solar photovoltaic installations and capacity installed...
(27 February 2013) The LSB’s concludes that there are positive signs but there is more that the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) can do to improve its regulatory performance.
This release contains estimates of the key components of GDP from the output, income and expenditure approaches. Gross Domestic Product measures the chained volume index movements of the UK. The services sector...
Provides statistics on Private Sector Renewal Activity funded by local authorities in Wales.
Summarises information about ambulance services provided by the NHS services in Wales.
Provides data on Cancer waiting times for Welsh NHS Trusts.
Local authorities provide a wide range of services for children, the elderly and other client groups through their social services departments.
Trends in service provision (vehicle-kilometres), passenger journeys and receipts; availability of services and use for commuting.
Shows the monthly movements in gross value added for the service industries, which overall account for around 75 per cent of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Commentary and tables on investment trends by businesses. Contains capital expenditure data for various sectors of the economy at current prices, constant prices and seasonally adjusted.
Presents data on infant deaths that have been linked to their corresponding birth record. These birth cohort tables relate to deaths among infants born in a given calendar year.
Presents statistics on stillbirths, infant deaths and childhood deaths occurring annually in England and Wales. Also contains data on cause of death, sex and age-group plus analyses by some of the key risk factors...
This release was previously known as UK Output, Income and Expenditure. It contains estimates of the key components of GDP from the output, income and expenditure approaches.
Statistics on women aged 50 to 70 invited for regular breast screening to detect cancers under a national programme.
I am pleased to be able to provide further details of the new Arctic Star and Bomber Command clasp to the House today. This follows Sir John Holmes’ independent medal review and the announcement by the ...
The Ministry of Defence Votes A excess votes will be laid before the House on 26 February 2013 as HC 992. This declares an excess of personnel for years 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12, and requests an increase ...
My hon. Friend the Member for Shrewsbury and Atcham (Daniel Kawczynski) has been appointed as a full member of the United Kingdom delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation on Security and Co...
I am pleased today to launch the bidding process for designation of better bus areas, and to announce that Sheffield will act as a trailblazer for better bus areas as part of its city deal.
Last March in...
I am pleased to announce that Dr Paul Litchfield, the chief medical officer for BT, has been appointed to carry out the fourth of the five independent reviews of the work capability assessment (WCA) required ...
The government has reviewed company law as part of its commitment to reducing unnecessary regulatory burdens under the Red Tape Challenge. For further information about company law and the Red Tape Challenge...
The European Union has recently defined a new category of company, the ‘micro-entity’. Micro-entities are very small limited liability companies and qualifying partnerships.
This consultation sets out...
Business investment estimates are a short term indicator of capital expenditure by manufacturing and non-manufacturing businesses within the UK, Q4 2012 provisional results.
Index of Services shows the monthly movements in gross value added for the service industries, which overall account for around 77 % of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
This release contains estimates of the key components of GDP from the output, income and expenditure approaches. Gross Domestic Product measures the chained volume index movements of the UK. The services sector...
Presents data on stillbirths, infant deaths and childhood deaths occurring annually in England and Wales. Also contains data on cause of death, sex and age-group plus analyses by some of the key risk factors affecting...