Updated: Added a video clip
More than 130 immigration offenders have been arrested across the country as part of a day of high profile Home Office activity to tackle illegal working.
Operations ...
This report provides a brief summary on UK Export Finance’s sick absence results for the 12 month period ending 30 June 2013.
HM Treasury requires that all central government departments publish details of their spending for transactions over £25,000.
UK Export Finance publishes details of invoices on a monthly basis...
Updated: Added summary of responses.
The VAT exemption for research is being withdrawn as the UK has been notified by the EU Commission that it does not comply with EU legislation. The UK has accepted that...
Updated: Updated with new weekly prices.
Prices for selected agricultural and horticultural produce are published on a weekly or monthly basis in the following spreadsheets. The data source depends on the...
Local authority capital expenditure and financing England: 2000 to 2007 individual local authority dataZIP, 5.03MB
This file may not be...
Response to a request for information regarding the names of the individuals on the decision making panel that recommended the emissions limits on the renewable heat incentive be put in place.
The document below sets out details of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) expenditure with suppliers via Government Procurement Card covering transactions that exceed £500 during May 2013.
The Coalition Government is committed to publishing departmental spend over £25,000 as part of its commitment to transparency and open government.
The Gambling Commission publishes a fortnightly newsletter (e-bulletin) containing latest news, notifications of approaching consultation deadlines, and publication announcements.
Updated: Added a video clip
More than 100 immigration offenders have been arrested across the country as part of a day of high profile Home Office activity to tackle illegal working.
Operations ...
Building on the HMG policy planning, the 8th annual ‘Futures’ conference, will bring together policy planners and strategists from governments, academia and industry to consider global trends, challenges...
This letter, to chief finance officers, finance officers, chairs and clerks of schools forums and national organisations, seeks views on the proposed changes to the regulations that govern school and early years...
Freedom of Information response for statistics on the number of individuals with an adverse Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) sanction and the percentage that are current JSA claimants with reason for referral: November...
Updated: Amended table iwtb23c uploaded.
Data on the number of licenses held and estimates of average abstraction in millions of cubic metres are presented for non tidal waters (groundwater and non tidal...
Updated: Added issue 63 August 2013
desider is the monthly corporate magazine for Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S). It is aimed at readers across the wider MOD, armed forces and industry, and covers...
Views sought on HSE’s proposal to consolidate and modernise the Acetylene legislative framework in Great Britain. The consolidation will update the current legislative arrangements for acetylene making them ...
To review all relevant Home Office files, records and other papers from the period 1979 to 1999 and establish a picture of:
what, if any, material was provided to the department in relation to alleged organised...
To review all relevant Home Office files, records and other papers from the period 1979 to 1999 and establish a picture of:
what, if any, material was provided to the department in relation to alleged organised...
To review all relevant Home Office files, records and other papers from the period 1979 to 1999 and establish a picture of:
what, if any, material was provided to the department in relation to alleged organised...
To review all relevant Home Office files, records and other papers from the period 1979 to 1999 and establish a picture of:
what, if any, material was provided to the department in relation to alleged organised...
To review all relevant Home Office files, records and other papers from the period 1979 to 1999 and establish a picture of:
what, if any, material was provided to the department in relation to alleged organised...
To review all relevant Home Office files, records and other papers from the period 1979 to 1999 and establish a picture of:
what, if any, material was provided to the department in relation to alleged organised...
Updated: Added the May GPC spend and June transparency report.
There is a CSV file covering each month from April 2010, subsequent files will be added by the last working day following each month end.
Updated: Replaced a previous published response that contained an error.
Response to request for information on all travel expenses claimed by members of DECC staff since 2011 including information on:
Updated: Domestic violence chapter added.
These documents provide consolidated guidance on firearms licensing legislation. This guidance is not intended to be a definitive statement of the law, but a cohesive...
The national minimum standards, together with the regulations such as the residential holiday schemes for disabled children (England) regulations 2013, form the basis of the regulatory framework under ...
Updated: Chart removed pending a replacement
To request a hard copy version of the organisation chart you can write to:
DE&S Public Relations Team Maple 0a #2032 MOD Abbey Wood Bristol BS34...
National child measurement programme: operational guidance for the 2013 to 2014 school year, as part of the Government’s commitment to tackling the public health challenge of excess weight.
Updated: Deleted old list of lawyers and uploaded updated version.
The following list of English speaking lawyers and translators/interpreters has been prepared for the convenience of British Nationals ...
Information for customers prior to our supplier event. This includes:
market engagement event presentation
This strategy sets out how government and industry will work together to promote innovation, investment and economic growth in the UK offshore wind sector. It covers:
providing market confidence building...
Updated: updated text to reflect link to OSPAR convention
Additional data sets on river water quality in Great Britain collected by the Environment Agency under the Harmonised Monitoring Scheme. This provides...
Updated: added note on Devolved Administrations inventory release is September.
This publication covers UK emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), non methane volatile organic compounds...
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has launched a public consultation on new regulations that will simplify and consolidate the safety legislation for explosives.
HSE is seeking views on proposals to consolidate and modernise explosives legislation. This consultation began on 30 July and ends on 24 September 2013.
The work detailed in this report aimed to assess the performance and test the reliability of two types of commercially available systems that measure earplug attenuation for individual wearers. Both systems investigated...
In-house maintenance personnel at a college are not permitted to undertake repairs to desks and chairs owing to a risk of being sued.
The Pensions Regulator has today announced the appointment of Stephen Soper as its interim chief executive, with effect from 1 August.
The decision to appoint two deputy chairs to support Independent Police Complaints Commission chair Dame Anne Owers reflects the IPCC’s expanding workload, including the ongoing Hillsborough inquiry.
More than 60 immigration offenders have been arrested across the country as part of a day of high profile Home Office activity to tackle illegal working.
Operations are taking place up and down the UK...
The Home Secretary Theresa May has accepted the resignation of Sir Ian Andrews from his role as Chairman of the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), with effect from 2 August 2013.
Sir Ian tendered...
Chairmanship of SOCA
Lord Dyson, Master of the Rolls
Letter setting out the funding agreement for Transport for London for 2015 to 2016 and a long-term funding guideline for capital up to and including 2020 to 2021.
This funding agreement replaces any ...
Updated: Added updated Chapter 15
The DSPCR came into effect on 21 August 2011. It establishes new rules specifically for the procurement of defence and sensitive security equipment and related goods, works...
A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £500 made on the Government Procurement Card by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, as part of the Government’s commitment...
A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £500 made by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, as part of the Government’s commitment to transparency in expenditure. Returns...
Updated: New version of the prime provider contact details by contract package area PDF, with updated contact details.
Work Programme prime provider contact details.
Scientists have found that bacteria have the potential to teach valuable investment lessons.
Rail travel in Britain reaches record levels
The Pensions Regulator has today launched a suite of new guides to help employers with limited pensions experience to select a good quality scheme for automatic enrolment.
One and two year reconviction rates by offender type for offenders released from custody or starting a community sentence in 2005-06 and 2006-07.
Covers the range of services provided to adults with learning disabilities by local authorities in Scotland.
Presents trade data on Defence export orders and payments made for services consumed by MOD establishments overseas. Industry tables provide data on the impact of MOD spending on equipment and services in the UK...
Annual publication which provides information on Equipment Holdings of the UK and other nations within the scope of the Treaty of Conventional Forces in Europe.
Updated: RAS51 - Reported drinking and driving. Table RAS51001 updated.
Table RAS51001
Updated: RAS45 - Quarterly statistics on reported road accidents. Quarter 1 2013 data added.
Table RAS45001RAS45001 - Reported road casualties by severity (estimates): Great Britain, rolling annual...
Two major companies were responsible for a major blaze in Leeds that led to the evacuation of six homes, the closure of a major road and gas supplies being cut off, a court heard today (31 July).
The bursar of a school will not allow a cricket club to use their own mechanical roller on the school’s grass wicket on the grounds of health and safety.
This quarterly release provides provisonal estimated for reported road casualties by road user type and severity.
This statistical release provides provisional estimates for road casualties and accidents involving illegal alcohol levels
The publication relates to activity at consultant led outpatient services in Health and Social Care hospitals in Northern Ireland. Data includes the number of new and review attendances, missed appointments (DNAs...
Statistics on the use of pesticides in the United Kingdom
Structure of the farming industry including crop areas, yields and production, livestock populations, detailed labour force figures and diversification activity for England and the United Kingdom. Selected results...
Statistics on Animal Feed in Great Britain.
This release combines the UK egg packing station survey, the UK egg processor survey, the egg laying element of the UK hatcheries survey, together with other DEFRA statistics, Intrastat trade data and EU data.
Annual publication which provides information on Equipment Holdings of the UK and other nations within the scope of the Treaty of Conventional Forces in Europe.
Presents trade data on Defence export orders and payments made for services consumed by MOD establishments overseas. Industry tables provide data on the impact of MOD spending on equipment and services in the UK...
Military search and rescue statistics.
Search and rescue statistics
Hydro - FOI - information about applications for funding made by Lancaster Co-housing for the Halton Lune Hydro project with details of funding drawn down, land ownership and clarification on completion dates...
This Freedom of Information response concerns DfT documents about the independent appeals service for parking on private land and how it will be established.
In this issue you can read about:
inshore fleet quotas the CFP reform deal cutting discards ICES scientific advice for 2014 MCZs and marine planning news from the Marine Management Organisation...
Updated: Updated to add EOF Indicators Technical Guidance 2013/14
The framework sets the outcomes that the Secretary of State expects to be achieved from the reformed education and training system. The ...
Updated: Possible bilateral air services talks for August added.
International air services (apart from services within the European Union) are governed by the provisions of inter-governmental instruments...
It includes information on:
the amount of UK road transport fuel from renewable and fossil fuel; the number of Renewable Transport Fuel Certificates (RTFCs) which have been issued to sustainable renewable...
Freedom of Information response for statistics on the number of people found fit for work through Employment and Support Allowance Work Capability Assessments, nationally and in Darlington: April 2012 to February...
Updated: Updated publication timetable
The DCMS Official Statistics Catalogue lists ‘official statistics’ produced by the DCMS and our Crown/Non-Crown bodies that are designated ‘official statistics producers...
These are provisional statistics on accidents reported to the police involving drinking and driving in Great Britain in 2012. The figures also include final estimates for 2011, revised from last year’s publication...
The Quarterly Provisional Estimates series provides in-year estimates of personal injury road accidents and their casualties. These are published to allow emerging trends to be monitored between the publications...
Updated: Updated to include figures to June 2013.
This publication gives quarterly information on egg production, usage and prices. This includes UK egg packing station throughput by country and egg production...
Updated: Updated statistics
Museums and galleries monthly visitsMS Excel Spreadsheet, 131KB
This file may not be suitable for users...
Updated: Updated with new weekly prices.
Prices for selected agricultural and horticultural produce are published on a weekly or monthly basis in the following spreadsheets. The data source depends on the...
Updated: Published this year's figures.
The data are for the disclosure period 01/04/2012 to 31/03/2013.
The rural fuel rebate pilot scheme offers a five pence per litre discount on pump prices and currently applies to the Scottish islands and the Isles of Scilly. At the 2012 Autumn Statement the government announced...
Regional usage profiles - Origin Destination Matrix 2011/12 - Summary report
This quarterly release provides provisonal estimated for reported road casualties by road user type and severity.
This statistical release provides provisional estimates for road casualties and accidents involving illegal alcohol levels
The publication relates to activity at consultant led outpatient services in Health and Social Care hospitals in Northern Ireland. Data includes the number of new and review attendances, missed appointments (DNAs...
Statistics on the use of pesticides in the United Kingdom
Structure of the farming industry including crop areas, yields and production, livestock populations, detailed labour force figures and diversification activity for England and the United Kingdom. Selected results...
Statistics on Animal Feed in Great Britain.
This release combines the UK egg packing station survey, the UK egg processor survey, the egg laying element of the UK hatcheries survey, together with other DEFRA statistics, Intrastat trade data and EU data.
Annual publication which provides information on Equipment Holdings of the UK and other nations within the scope of the Treaty of Conventional Forces in Europe.
Presents trade data on Defence export orders and payments made for services consumed by MOD establishments overseas. Industry tables provide data on the impact of MOD spending on equipment and services in the UK...
Military search and rescue statistics.
Search and rescue statistics