Reply to Freedom of Information (FOI) request 13FOI 080 dated 5 September 2013 regarding Departmental secondments to Royal Households.
Updated: Added new dataset covering the period April 2013 to date
DFID aggregated monthly expenditure over £500 from April 2012
Defence Focus magazine issue 274 September 2013
Updated: Added new firing times for 1 to 15 October 2013 in CSV and PDF
The firing times are presented in 2 file formats. The PDF format is web browseable and accessible on mobile devices such as Blackberry...
Dairy Crest Limited and a Manchester welding company have been fined for exposing employees to potentially fatal asbestos containing material at an industrial site in Devon.
Following a recent review of consular services offered by our Embassies and Consulates overseas, we have made changes to the notarial and documentary services offered at our missions overseas. This includes ...
Request for information on the Offshore Environmental Inspectorate (OEI) breakdown of costs recovered and the different areas that this covers.
Updated: Added new firing times for October 2013 in CSV and PDF
The firing times are presented in 2 file formats. The PDF format is web browseable and accessible on mobile devices such as Blackberry’s, ...
Reply to Freedom of Information (FOI) request 13FOI 076 dated 5 September 2013 regarding monies written off by the Department during the last six financial years.
Updated: Detail text updated with timings
Peter Bloxham was appointed to lead an independent review of the Investment Bank Special Administration Regulations (SAR)Â 2011. He reported to the Treasury on 7...
Updated: Published updated guide (PDF).
Quick guide for partner organisations about what Universal Credit will mean for employers.
Part of the Universal Credit toolkit for partner organisations...
Reply to Freedom of Information (FOI) request13FOI 078 dated 5 September 2013 regarding the Department’s current contracts with online procurement companies.
A roofing firm has been fined for safety failings after a worker sustained severe injuries when he fell through a primary school roof in Chorley.
Judgment of H.H. Judge Peter Murphy in relation to wearing of niqaab by defendant during proceedings in Crown Court
In an increasingly inter-connected world, the needs and expectations of ‘global citizens’ have led to ever more complex demands on consular services. This Consular Forum brought together senior consular officials...
We’re asking for your comments on the draft text of the National Implementation Report which outlines measures taken to implement the requirements of the Aarhus Convention. We send one of these every three years...
Date requested: 24 January 2013 Date responded: 13 February 2013 RequestFor GCE A levels awarded in England in 2011 to 2012 academic year to students aged 16 to 18 (best 3 grades only, subject choice unimportant...
Date requested: 22 January 2013 Date responded: 11 February 2013 RequestHow and under what/whose authority Sure Start Children’s Centres are funded; the amount/s of such funding; through what channels they...
Date requested: 28 January 2013 Date responded: 1 February 2013 RequestUnder the Freedom of Information Act I would like to request the following details:
Question 1: Details of the numbers of staff...
Date requested: 28 January 2013 Date responded: 15 February 2013 RequestThe percentage of students:
achieving 1 A* to C in science subjects nationally achieving 2 A* to C in science subjects nationally...
Date requested: 10 January 2013 Date responded: 29 January 2013 RequestInformation regarding the department’s HR and payroll service as detailed below:
The name of the current HR/payroll software solution...
Date requested: 8 January 2013 Date responded: 23 January 2013 Request How much did the Department For Education spend on staff travel 2010, 2011 and 2012? How many members of department staff have cars ...
Date requested: 2 January 2013 Date responded: 22 January 2013 RequestI would like to know what research and sources of information were used to draft government policies on special educational need which...
Updated: Updated list of regulated suppliers.
Contact number for all enquiries phone: 020 7944 6430 email: Communication with the Cargo and IFS Compliance Teams
Date requested: 29 January 2013 Date responded: 31 January 2013 RequestPlease can you tell me the average annual student absenteeism or truancy figures for UK government regions for each of the last 5 years...
Date requested: 30 January 2013 Date responsed: 19 February 2013 RequestPlease disclose the total number of staff paid more than £100,000 in each of the past 3 financial years (2009 to 2010, 2010...
Updated: Added updated information on planning performance for county matter authorities - revised tables.
Table 1: interim planning performance speed of decisions, July 2011...
Updated: Updated information about the consultation to include links to surveys for both childcare providers and employers to respond to.
Access the short Tax-Free Childcare questionnaire designed...
Updated: Updated document uploaded
Details of Northern Ireland Office’s transaction spend data for May 2011.
If you have any queries, please contact the NIO’s Freedom of Information Team:
Updated: Latest table published.
Press enquiries should be directed to the DECC press office: Tel: 0300 068 5223. Other enquiries about these statistics should be directed to James Hemingway, e-mail ...
Updated: Rate of exchange for consular fees was updated
A full list of Consular fees
Updated: Latest data published for JSA claims submitted online.
The government is committed to setting new standards for transparency so the public can more easily see how and where taxpayers’ money is ...
Updated: Updated the 'Food quality standard' document to the latest revised version.
‘Food quality standards’ is issued by the Defence Fuel and Foods Services Team, under delegated authority from Defence...
The report contains projections of UK performance against greenhouse gas targets under existing policies. They are used to inform the development of policies to meet carbon budget targets. Projections of energy...
DFID monthly spend over £500 from April 2013 to date
The terms and conditions for payment of HEFCE grants to universities and colleges are to be revised. HEFCE is consulting on proposed changes.
Acquisition of Jewish embroidered hangings by the Rothschild Foundation Saved for the Nation
Brighton Digital Festival highlights the exciting potential of uniting digital technology with arts and culture
British Gymnastics have announced the male and female gymnasts who will compete at the World Championships in Antwerp.
Train operator fined £75,000 for failing to protect safety of passengers
Judgment of H.H. Judge Peter Murphy in relation to wearing of Niqaab by Defendant during proceedings in Crown Court.
In association with: James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, in collaboration with the Federation of American Scientists and the Project on US Nonproliferation Policy in the Middle East, Washington...
This consultation seeks your views on the government’s proposals to abolish the Committee on Agricultural Valuation by means of an order under the Public Bodies Act 2011.
The Committee on Agricultural...
Updated: Welsh translation of consultation document added.
UK government policy is that higher activity radioactive waste will be managed in the long term through geological disposal, coupled with safe ...
From October 2013, results from the Justice Data Lab will be published. There are two types of publications:
Monthly Official Statistics which summarize the findings of the Justice Data Lab to date. Tailored...
Date requested: 24 January 2013 Date published: 13 February 2013 RequestFor GCE A levels awarded in England in 2011 to 2012 academic year to students aged 16 to 18 (best 3 grades only, subject choice unimportant...
Date requested: 22 January 2013 Date responded: 11 February 2013 RequestHow and under what/who’s authority Sure Start Children’s Centres are funded; the amount/s of such funding; through what channels they...
Date requested: 28 January 2013 Date published: 1 February 2013 RequestUnder the Freedom of Information Act I would like to request the following details:
Question 1: Details of the numbers of staff...
Early years initial teacher training is the training and assessment of early years teachers against the teachers’ standards (early years) which have recently been developed.
Early years teachers will ...
Date requested: 22 January 2013 Date responded: 12 February 2013 RequestWe understand, that, in accordance with the law, teaching days lost to school closures due to snow, are required to be made up.
Updated: Updated carbon values published.
DECC’s short-term traded carbon values for UK public policy appraisal are used for valuing the impact of government policies on emissions in the traded sector; ...
Date requested: 28 January 2013 Date published: 15 February 2013 RequestThe percentage of students:
achieving 1 A* to C in science subjects nationally achieving 2 A* to C in science subjects nationally...
Updated: Updated carbon values for modelling energy market production have been published today.
‘Traded carbon values’ have been developed for modelling energy market production and investment decisions...
Information about the number of people employed by DH and its agencies during July 2013 including:
staff headcount by grade the number of agency workers the number of specialist contractors and consultants...
Date requested: 21 January 2013 Date responded: 15 February 2013 RequestOne of the intentions behind the English Baccalaureate is to ensure that history and geography...
Gas Safety Week is an annual safety week to raise awareness of gas safety. To mark the week, Gas Safe Register has launched an interactive gas map identifying the most dangerous postcodes in the country by revealing...
A copy of the email sent to local authorities on 5 September 2013.
Updated: Added updated poster.
Unsolicited mail to the armed forces at Christmas can delay family parcels from reaching our troops in time.
If you don’t know a serviceman or woman on operations...
Updated: New PDF published 'Carbon Management Plan Year 3 Refresh'
DWP is accredited with the Carbon Trust Standard for all its operations. We have also worked with the Carbon Trust to create a carbon management...
Date requested: 15 January 2013 Date responded: 14 March 2013 RequestNumber of journeys made by each minister in the department between 3 September 2012 and 8 January 2013 using a) departmental pool cars...
Date requested: 16 January 2013 Date responded: 25 January 2013 RequestNumber of staff employed by the department who are signed up to support a charity from pay, via a Payroll Giving/Give As You Earn scheme...
Date requested: 14 January 2013 Date responded: 25 January 2013 RequestHow many communications staff does the department employ? How many people are employed by the department overall? How many men and ...
NERC supported research reveals melting undersides of submerged ice shelves account for up to 90 per cent of ice loss in Antarctica.
80,000 flock to Hull's Freedom Festival
Authority to host two events on Official Statistics and the Scottish Referendum on 2 October (Edinburgh) and 10 October (London)
The Director of Public Prosecutions, Keir Starmer, QC, has today published new guidelines for prosecutors dealing with fraud cases involving state benefits and tax credits. The charging standards will ensure a robust...
Creativity is at the heart of Korea’s economic plan for the future and UK firms are among the best placed to win trade partnerships and take advantage of the growing opportunities in this sector.
Updated: Added September edition of the White Book
The white book Commonwealth Defence Liaison Staffs and Foreign Service Attachés accredited to LondonThis publication is no longer publicly available...
Updated: Updated MOD form 1797 to the latest revised version.
Application form (MOD Form 1797) for funding of external training for the Defence Postgraduate Medical Deanery training programme.
Gas Safety Week is an annual safety week to raise awareness of gas safety. To mark the week, Gas Safe Register has launched an interactive gas map identifying the most dangerous postcodes in the country by revealing...
Also known as Labour Cost Index (LCI). Measures changes in the average labour costs per hour worked. Labour costs include wages and salaries as well as employer social contributions, maternity, paternity and sick...