The purpose of the Regulations is to ensure that fish are labelled correctly and consistently at the point of sale so that purchasers know exactly what they are buying, whether it was caught at sea, in inland...
Joint Service Publication 539 is the policy for the prevention of climatic injuries in the armed forces for activities including training, exercises and operations.
It also contains guidance on the initial...
Date requested: 25 March 2013 Date responded: 17 April 2013 RequestReading in special educational needs (SEN) schools. I am interested in the level that special educational needs children are reaching in ...
The British Embassy in Paris is available to British companies (including local offices), for numerous purposes, ranging from:
networking events such as large scale cocktail receptions to exhibitions ...
The construction newsletter gives an overview of the work going on across industry and government to achieve procurement reform in government construction. The government’s goal is to reduce the cost of government...
The British Consulate-General is conveniently located at the heart of Hong Kong. It is suitable for a variety of events and offers excellent value for money. The prestige of holding your event in the Consulate...
Updated: Addition of Court caseload statistics
Civil (excluding family) cases The courts dealt with 351,000 new claims and 11,000 hearings or trials. These represent a reduction of around 28% and 36% respectively...
Release of transparency data for expenditure over £25,000 for August 2013
The latest updates from the world of cycling, short track speed skating and the rest of the elite sporting community
Each month, the CPS celebrates the outstanding work of teams and individuals up and down the country by publishing their stories on the CPS website.
Updated: Quarter 2 expenses added.
Quarter 1 and 2 expenses for Caroline Tapster, non-executive director - DBS board member.
Reply to Freedom of Information request 13FOI 084 dated 26th of September 2013.
Reply to Freedom of Information request 13FOI 088 dated the 26th of September 2013.
Updated: Added new firing times for the period beginning 26 September 2013 in CSV and PDF format.
The firing times are presented in 2 file formats. The PDF format is web browseable and accessible on mobile...
The Social Fund technical guidance (SB16) is intended for use by professional and voluntary advisers, and by members of the public who want more information. It explains who is entitled to, how to claim and how...
Guidance on current legislation on labelling fish and shellfish. It replaces similar guidance on the Fish Labelling (England) Regulations 2010, which have been revoked by the Fish Labelling Regulations 2013.
Reply to Freedom of Information request 13FOI 089 dated 26th of September 2013.
Reply to Freedom of Information request 13FOI 091 dated 26th of September 2013.
Reply to Freedom of Information request 13FOI 092 dated 26th of September 2013.
Reply to Freedom of Information request 13FOI 094 dated 26th of September 2013.
Reply to Freedom of Information request 13FOI 096 dated 26th of September 2013.
Newts EIR: information on GCN counts for 5 years to June 2013 by annual GCN surveys; monies paid to NEWW paid to date for the contract; and monitoring and audit procedures carried out.
Reply to Freedom of Information request 13FOI 095 dated 26th of September 2013.
Updated: Amendment to question 41.
You can subscribe to the new Update Service when you next apply for a DBS check, and you may never need to apply for another one again.
This guidance provides ...
Updated: Latest calendar published.
DECC’s timetable of statistical releases for twelve months ahead is detailed below; all releases are National Statistics unless stated otherwise. The timetable will be...
Updated: Infographics for the English Business Survey results added.
The English Business Survey (EBS) statistics for June 2013 provide information on the current economic and business conditions across...
O Brasil está passando por uma imensa transformação urbana e tem uma agenda importante e ambiciosa em desenvolvimento social, redução da pobreza e de baixo carbono. O paÃs enfrenta estes desafios e também os ...
The Home Office conducted the online, voluntary survey on IOM with all 292 CSPs across England and Wales. A total of 184 CSPs provided survey returns.
This summary of the findings sets out the spread...
On 12 August 2013 HMRC published Real Time Information - reconciling PAYE charges where we explained that:
we had received feedback that some PAYE schemes have experienced difficulties in reconciling...
Key stories this edition include:
2013 Local Health Profiles published Stoptober 2013 Campaign Children’s tooth decay survey Chlamydia screening intervention rates Launch of ‘Public Health Matters...
Updated: Data updated to take account of the Work Programme September 2013 statistical release.
The visualisation of data about Work Programme referrals, attachments and job outcomes and the cohort...
This letter, to finance contacts in all English local authorities and other interested parties, seeks views on the proposed changes for local authorities transferring financial surplus of a predecessor school...
Updated: Added link to challenges that have been resolved, resulting in published standard profiles.
The Open Standards Principles are the government’s policy on open standards to make government IT more...
Updated: Quarter 2 expenses added.
Quarter 1 and 2 expenses for Bill Griffiths, non-executive director & DBS board chairman.
Updated: Quarter 2 expenses added.
Quarter 1 and 2 expenses for Bernard Herdan, non-executive director - DBS board member.
Updated: Quarter 2 expenses added.
Quarter 1 and 2 expenses for Adriènne Kelbie, DBS chief executive - DBS board member.
Updated: Quarter 2 expenses added.
Quarter 1 and 2 expenses for Adele Downey, deputy chief executive & director, corporate services - DBS board member.
Updated: Quarter 2 expenses added.
Quarter 1 and 2 expenses for Tom Davies, non-executive director (Welsh representative) DBS board member.
Updated: Quarter 2 expenses added.
Quarter 1 and 2 expenses for Richard Black, non-executive director (Northern Ireland representative) DBS board member.
Updated: Quarter 2 expenses added.
Quarter 1 and 2 expenses for Sue Quigley, director, operations (disclosure) & DBS board member.
Updated: Quarter 2 expenses added.
Quarter 1 and 2 expenses for Mehmuda Mian, non-executive director - DBS board member.
Updated: Quarter 2 expenses added.
Quarter 1 and 2 expenses for Janet Gauld, DBS director of operations (barring).
Updated: Quarter 2 expenses added.
Quarter 1 and 2 expenses for Donald Findlater, non-executive director - DBS board member.
Updated: Quarter 2 expenses added.
Quarter 1 and 2 expenses for David Clarke, non-executive director - DBS board member.
Updated: Quarter 2 expenses added.
Quarter 1 and 2 expenses for Caroline Tapster, non-executive director - DBS board member.
Quarter 2 expenses for Mark Bassington, DBS change director.
Updated: Added information about how the XML web service result will look. An additional section has been added (2.7) to cover this.
The multiple status check facility will allow employers to make an almost...
Updated: Corrected table 1.1 (page 8) of the statistical summary where the last 2 columns were incorrectly labelled.
This summary contains the latest Work Programme official statistics on referrals, attachments...
This is the suite of documents that form the invitation to tender (ITT) for the Essex Thameside franchise that will begin in September 2014. ITTs set out what rail services the government requires bidders to ...
Updated: 'Stakeholder briefing document' featuring government response added.
This consultation document seeks views from stakeholders on the specification that will be provided to shortlisted bidders for...
This is the suite of documents that form the invitation to tender (ITT) for the Thameslink, Southern and Great Northern (TSGN) franchise that will begin in September 2014. ITTs set out what rail services the ...
Updated: 'Stakeholder briefing document' added featuring the government response.
Due to the general high level of interest in this particular consultation we have agreed to accept responses to the Thameslink...
The private-sector led Hong Kong – London Forum to promote cooperation on the development of international renminbi (RMB) business convened for its third meeting on Thursday 26 September in Hong Kong. The meeting...
This document provides a simple step-by-step overview of the rights which have been introduced to give people more power over what happens in their neighbourhood. The policies covered include:
A leaflet explaining the green laning good practice for driving on the Salisbury Plain training area. It includes where it is permissable to drive or ride and highlights what to be aware while driving on the ...
NERC is looking for a new Director with a vision to lead the National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO).
Australian Women's Weekly interview
UKAD was at the Sainsbury’s School Games educating athletes on the values of clean sport through its 100% me programme
Members of the Elite Coaching Apprenticeship Programme took part in a one-day challenge to produce a live news broadcast
Number Ten news release
Number Ten news release
Charging brings in more income than council tax for one in five councils
As the department’s accounting officer, the Permanent Secretary is responsible to Parliament for the proper stewardship of the resources allocated to the department and is required to maintain and publish an ...
Updated: Review of technical potential for electricity demand reduction by Nick Eyre has been added.
We believe that there is significant potential for greater efficiency in the use of electricity in the...
Highly anticipated demolition work has commenced at a key site in the Northampton Enterprise Zone. Over coming months, a series of properties will be cleared at St Peter’s Waterside, making way...
Statistics on childhood immunisation and vaccination of the elderly against influenza. Please see for information about changes to the 2012-13 data collection.
Updated: Published cumulative figures up to and including 30 June 2013.
This table shows cumulative Work Programme job outcome payments to providers by contract and payment group to 30 June 2013 (prior ...
Updated: Updated to support the Work Programme statistical summary September 2013 release
This note provides further information on Work Programme and Work Programme official statistics. A technical annex...
In this issueThis issue includes:
Claimant Commitment rolls out across Jobcentres £69 million more for business Start-Up Loans and New Enterprise Allowance changes to the PIP reassessment...
The UK has a long history in the Pacific region. UK business can be a positive driver of economic development and can offer expertise for a sustainable future. There are substantial opportunities for UK business...
Updated: Word version of Annex 1 added
This circular sets out the arrangements for distributing the additional 2013 to 2014 £20 million DHP reserve fund aimed at supporting some local authorities...
Information on advisory groups, upcoming engagements and slides and presentations from previous events.
Updated: July and August 2013 data added.
Information on invoice payment performance for the Department for Transport and the transport agencies.
Further information This data is also available from...
Updated: Change publish time.
It includes information on the number of smart meters installed by the larger energy suppliers (i.e. British Gas, EDF Energy, E.ON, Npower, Scottish Power and SSE) in properties...
This paper by Public Health England presents a review of evidence investigating the effects of nutrition and diet on academic achievement of school aged children.
The 12 top sports administrators chosen for the International Leadership Programme have been announced
The Balance of Payments (BOP) is a key macro-economic indicator as it measures the UK's financial flows with the rest of the world.
Business investment estimates are a short term indicator of capital expenditure by manufacturing and non-manufacturing businesses within the UK, Q2 2013 results.
Statement from Catrin Evans, Head of Complex Casework Unit, CPS Cymru-Wales:
Presents figures about children looked after by local authorities in Wales.
Population projections provide estimates of the size of the future population, and are based on assumptions about births, deaths and migration.
This Statistical Release presents statistics on schools, teachers and pupils for Wales.
Presents results of external examinations taken by pupils aged 15 or 17 in schools.
The Annual Report provides detailed analyses of road casualties and reports on trends in relation to casualty reduction targets.
The publication contains data relating to vehicle registrations, driver and vehicle testing, road network, road freight, road safety, public transport, air transport and general transport statistics.
Due to the priority given to meeting the UK’s legal requirements to implement significant changes to the compilation of GCF by September 2014, it will not be possible to publish the usual breakdowns of business ...
2011 Census statistics provide a rich source of information about the number, distribution and characteristics of the population in England and Wales as at census day (27 March 2011). This release provides Detailed...
An inter-departmental multi-purpose survey carried out by the Office for National Statistics collecting information on a range of topics from people living in private households in Great Britain.
2011 Census statistics provide a rich source of information about the number, distribution and characteristics of the population in England and Wales as at census day (27 March 2011). This release provides the ...
Commentary and tables on investment trends by businesses. Contains capital expenditure data for various sectors of the economy at current prices, constant prices and seasonally adjusted.
Results from the Occupational Pension Schemes Survey (OPSS) provide a detailed view of the nature of occupational pension provision in the UK. This release provides summary data on membership of schemes and contributions...
Contains summary of balance of payments accounts and detailed statistics for the current account including - trade in goods and services, income, current and capital transfers, transactions in UK external assets...
Contains details of Household Final Consumption Expenditure (HHFCE) for the UK. The main tables include all expenditure on goods and services by members of UK households.
Contains detailed breakdowns of the components of GDP as well as key sector accounts aggregates
Provides detailed estimates of national product, income and expenditure, UK sector accounts and UK balance of payments.
This release comprises Headcount and Household Estimates for Postcodes in Northern Ireland.
Results from the 2011 Census of Scotland - 2A will include attribute data for Scotland's population covering various topics/variables. It is being made available at Scotland, Council Areas and Health Board levels...
A comprehensive compendium of statistics relating to the UK fishing industry. It includes information on the size of the UK fishing fleet, the number of fishermen and the quantity and value of sea fish landings, ...
Statistics on childhood immunisation and vaccination of the elderly against influenza. Please see for information about changes to the 2012-13 data collection.
Summary statistics on woodland area, planting, timber, trade, environment, recreation, employment and finance for the UK.
Detailed statistics on woodland area, planting, timber, trade, environment, recreation, employment, finance and prices for the UK.
Provides data on the activity of UK hatcheries and poultry slaughterhouses and other related poultry statistics.
Provides statistics on the average farm gate milk prices and the average butterfat and protein content of milk produced in the UK.
Statistics on the consumption of solid fuels, petroleum products and renewables broken down by local authority.
Statistics on the consumption of energy broken down by local authority and fuel.
Statistics providing a comprehensive picture of energy production and use in the UK.
Statistics on energy prices to domestic and industrial consumers for all the major fuels.
Provides statistics on energy prices and monthly production and consumption of coal, electricity, gas, oil and total energy for the UK.
Search and rescue statistics
This Bulletin provides figures on strength, intake and outflow of MOD civilian personnel. It presents detailed information on the composition of personnel including location, gender, ethnic origin, and grade, plus...
This is an annual publication containing strengths, diversity, intake and outflow from the UK Armed Forces, and strength information on reserves. This data is broken down by Service, Officer/Rank, Training Indicator...
This is an annual publication containing information on service and civilian personnel numbers and locations. It also contains information on compensation tables.
Presents defence expenditure over time, includes breakdowns by expenditure groups and is compared to spending in other government areas. There are tables that estimate spending on equipment and Research & Development...
Updated: Latest table published.
Table last updated 26 September 2013.
Monthly: Typical/average annual retail prices of petroleum products and a crude oil price index...
Updated: Latest tables published.
Tables last updated on 26 September 2013.
Domestic electricity prices in the EU and G7 countries (QEP 5.5.1)MS Excel...
Updated: Latest table published.
Table last updated 26 September 2013.
Annual prices: Typical retail prices of petroleum products 1970 to 2010 (QEP 4.1.3)
Updated: Latest table published.
Table last updated 26 September 2013.
Monthly: Premium unleaded petrol/diesel prices in the EU (QEP 5.1.1 and 5.2.1)...
It includes information on the number of smart meters installed by the larger energy suppliers (i.e. British Gas, EDF Energy, E.ON, Npower, Scottish Power and SSE) in properties in the last quarter and the total...
This note provides a brief discussion of the methodology used to produce estimates of the number of meters installed and operating during the roll-out of smart meters that are published in regular quarterly statistics...
Updated: Latest revisions triangles published.
An analysis of revisions made to the quarterly total energy data series using the statistical methods described in the ‘Revisions to quarterly total energy...
It includes information on the number of smart meters installed by the larger energy suppliers (i.e. British Gas, EDF Energy, E.ON, Npower, Scottish Power and SSE) in properties in the last quarter and the total...
September 2013 edition of Energy Trends publication.
Special feature articles from the June 2013 edition of Energy trends statistical publication.
Special feature article from the September 2013 edition of Energy trends statistical publication.
Special feature article from the September 2013 edition of Energy trends statistical publication.
Special feature article from the September 2013 edition of Energy trends statistical publication.
Updated: Added July 2013 data table.
Tables of number of applications received for asylum in the United Kingdom and tables of pending applications received for asylum since April 2006.
Updated: Added August 2013 data table.
The figures maybe revised in subsequent quarterly immigration publications and should be seen as provisional.
2013August 2013 [ODS, 9.87KB] <...
Special feature article from the September 2013 edition of Energy trends statistical publication.
Updated: Latest table published.
Estimates of non gas, non electricity and non road transport fuels at regional and local authority level: 2005 to 2011MS...
This statistical first release (SFR) provides information about looked-after children in England for the year ending 31 March 2013. The figures are based on data from the SSDA903 return collected from all local...
Special feature article from the September 2013 edition of Energy trends statistical publication.
Special feature article from the September 2013 edition of Energy trends statistical publication.
Special feature article from the September 2013 edition of Energy trends statistical publication.
Special feature article from the September 2013 edition of Energy trends statistical publication.
Updated: Latest table published.
You can access estimates of total final energy consumption in 2003 to 2011 at a regional (NUTS1) and a local (LAU1 - formally NUTS4) level. These statistics were created...
Updated: Latest factsheet published.
Residual fuels are defined as non-gas, non-electricity and non-road transport fuels, and cover consumption of coal, petroleum, manufactured solid fuels and bioenergy...
Updated: Latest document published.
Energy consumption: sub-national estimates of non-gas, non-electricity and non-road transport
Updated: Latest factsheet published.
The main purposes of these data are to provide an understanding of the breakdown of final energy use by regions, local authorities and lower geographies where possible...
Updated: Latest tables published.
Average temperatures and deviations from the long term mean (ET 7.1)MS Excel Spreadsheet, 295KB
Updated: Updated to include figures for August 2013.
This monthly publication includes the number of chicks placed and eggs set by United Kingdom hatcheries. The number of birds placed each month shown ...
Updated: Updated with figures to August 2013.
Most milk produced in the UK is bought by dairies (registered ‘milk purchasers’) for processing. Defra runs a monthly survey in England and Wales to collect...
Updated: Updated weekly prices.
Prices for selected agricultural and horticultural produce are published on a weekly or monthly basis in the following spreadsheets. The data source depends on the item but...
Quarterly statistical publication containing tables, charts and commentary covering energy prices to domestic and industrial consumers for all the major fuels, as well as presenting comparisons of fuel prices...
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and the associated Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIRs) came fully into force on 1 January 2005. This bulletin presents statistics on their implementation...
This summary contains the latest Work Programme official statistics on referrals, attachments and validated job outcome and sustainment payments to 30 June 2013. The official statistics aim to reflect the Work...
Updated: Published cumulative figures up to and including 30 June 2013.
This table shows cumulative Work Programme job outcome payments to providers by contract and payment group to 30 June 2013 (prior ...
This release contains estimates of the key components of GDP from the output, income and expenditure approaches. Gross Domestic Product measures the chained volume index movements of the UK. The services sector...
The Consumer Trends publication presents comprehensive estimates of Household Final Consumption Expenditure (HHFCE), constructed to conform to the European System of Accounts 1995 (ESA 95) Classification of Individual...
The Occupational Pension Schemes Survey (OPSS) is an annual survey of occupational pension schemes, and is run by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The survey was first run in 1953, then in 1956 and 1963...
Presents figures about children looked after by local authorities in Wales.
Population projections provide estimates of the size of the future population, and are based on assumptions about births, deaths and migration.
This Statistical Release presents statistics on schools, teachers and pupils for Wales.
Presents results of external examinations taken by pupils aged 15 or 17 in schools.
The Annual Report provides detailed analyses of road casualties and reports on trends in relation to casualty reduction targets.
The publication contains data relating to vehicle registrations, driver and vehicle testing, road network, road freight, road safety, public transport, air transport and general transport statistics.
Due to the priority given to meeting the UK’s legal requirements to implement significant changes to the compilation of GCF by September 2014, it will not be possible to publish the usual breakdowns of business ...
2011 Census statistics provide a rich source of information about the number, distribution and characteristics of the population in England and Wales as at census day (27 March 2011). This release provides Detailed...
An inter-departmental multi-purpose survey carried out by the Office for National Statistics collecting information on a range of topics from people living in private households in Great Britain.
2011 Census statistics provide a rich source of information about the number, distribution and characteristics of the population in England and Wales as at census day (27 March 2011). This release provides the ...
Commentary and tables on investment trends by businesses. Contains capital expenditure data for various sectors of the economy at current prices, constant prices and seasonally adjusted.
Results from the Occupational Pension Schemes Survey (OPSS) provide a detailed view of the nature of occupational pension provision in the UK. This release provides summary data on membership of schemes and contributions...
Contains summary of balance of payments accounts and detailed statistics for the current account including - trade in goods and services, income, current and capital transfers, transactions in UK external assets...
Contains details of Household Final Consumption Expenditure (HHFCE) for the UK. The main tables include all expenditure on goods and services by members of UK households.
Contains detailed breakdowns of the components of GDP as well as key sector accounts aggregates
Provides detailed estimates of national product, income and expenditure, UK sector accounts and UK balance of payments.
This release comprises Headcount and Household Estimates for Postcodes in Northern Ireland.
Results from the 2011 Census of Scotland - 2A will include attribute data for Scotland's population covering various topics/variables. It is being made available at Scotland, Council Areas and Health Board levels...
A comprehensive compendium of statistics relating to the UK fishing industry. It includes information on the size of the UK fishing fleet, the number of fishermen and the quantity and value of sea fish landings, ...
Statistics on childhood immunisation and vaccination of the elderly against influenza. Please see for information about changes to the 2012-13 data collection.
Summary statistics on woodland area, planting, timber, trade, environment, recreation, employment and finance for the UK.
Detailed statistics on woodland area, planting, timber, trade, environment, recreation, employment, finance and prices for the UK.
Provides data on the activity of UK hatcheries and poultry slaughterhouses and other related poultry statistics.
Provides statistics on the average farm gate milk prices and the average butterfat and protein content of milk produced in the UK.
Statistics on the consumption of solid fuels, petroleum products and renewables broken down by local authority.
Statistics on the consumption of energy broken down by local authority and fuel.
Statistics providing a comprehensive picture of energy production and use in the UK.
Statistics on energy prices to domestic and industrial consumers for all the major fuels.
Provides statistics on energy prices and monthly production and consumption of coal, electricity, gas, oil and total energy for the UK.
Search and rescue statistics
This Bulletin provides figures on strength, intake and outflow of MOD civilian personnel. It presents detailed information on the composition of personnel including location, gender, ethnic origin, and grade, plus...
This is an annual publication containing strengths, diversity, intake and outflow from the UK Armed Forces, and strength information on reserves. This data is broken down by Service, Officer/Rank, Training Indicator...
This is an annual publication containing information on service and civilian personnel numbers and locations. It also contains information on compensation tables.
Presents defence expenditure over time, includes breakdowns by expenditure groups and is compared to spending in other government areas. There are tables that estimate spending on equipment and Research & Development...