Poppy Factory
Pre-tour reception
Updated: Update on attachment
A full list of Consular fees
Report that aims to explain how demand for world and UK exports may change in response to rising incomes. In particular, it explores how the volume and product mix of imports varies with income and across economies...
Updated: datasets updated for 2012
Additional data sets on river water quality in Great Britain collected by the Environment Agency under the Harmonised Monitoring Scheme. This provides information about...
ICT spend FOI: total ICT spend in Defra, including: total budgeted expenditure for 2013 to 2014 and 2014 to 2015; a breakdown of this expenditure; list of all ICT projects that Defra is undertaking; and list ...
Updated: Country and Regional Analysis 14 Nov alteration and explanation
The Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 required the UK Statistics Authority to publish a Code of Practice for statistics...
This guide explains more about Income Support, who can get it and how you can claim.
See further information about Income Support.
Order a copy of this leaflet <...
STFC-funded research published in Nature Communications this week (22 October 2013) shows not only was liquid water present on Mars much more recently than previously thought, but that it - and Martian rocks - may...
Theatres in the South West celebrate winning prestigious UK Theatre Awards
Catch up on the latest news from GB Boxing, the British Paralympic Association and GB Skeleton
NRT Data Portal statistics: Sustainable development statistics 2012/13
Asked what the government was doing to resolve the situation in Syria, the PMS said the very reason the Foreign Secretary had called for talks in London was to increase the chance of peace in upcoming talks in ...
Asked if the referendum will end the European debate, the PMS said the PM?s approach was to renegotiate, and then put that to the British people; and that was the right way to go about it. Asked about the Wharton...
Updated: Results for 22 October auction published
Brokerage operates as a fortnightly anonymous auction where providers of the Energy Companies Obligation (ECO) can sell ‘lots’ of ECO Carbon Saving Obligation...
Request for information on communication and meetings between DECC, The French Embassy and EDF since September 2011.
Request for information on an away day at the Design Museum in March 2010.
Response to request for information on departmental away days held October 2008 and May 2010.
Updated: Updated document reflects minimum service delivery changes affecting Working Links which have been formally amended through contract variations
This list is published for transparency and as shared...
Updated: This updated document reflects minimum service delivery changes affecting Working Links which have been formally amended through contract variations
This documents is published for transparency...
Information on eligibility criteria and offer details of the Afghanistan Locally Employed Staff Ex-Gratia Scheme.
A letter from the Department for Education to local authorities about changes to children’s social care data collections for the academic year 2014 to 2015.
The letter contains:
an overview of changes...
Freedom of Information statistical response on the number of Council Tax Benefit claimants aged 50 and over in Oxford, Cambridge and Guildford: November 2010 to February 2013.
The children in need (CIN) census covers all children who are referred to children’s social care services even if no further action is taken. This includes children looked after (CLA), those supported in their...
The effective assessment of an individual child’s needs is a process requiring the skills, knowledge and professional judgement of practitioners. This is in order to ascertain the child’s needs, the parent’s ...
This is a report on the implementation of the Microgeneration Strategy Industry Action Plan – a two-year programme of action to tackle non-financial barriers facing small-scale renewable and low carbon energy...
Request for information on spending on climate finance for 2013-15.
A corrugated cardboard manufacturer has been fined after an employee’s arm was dragged into unguarded machinery at a factory in Ellesmere Port.
Monitoring Review looking at the issuing of ONS market sensitive statistics at 09:30
This release contains estimates of the key components of GDP from the output, income and expenditure approaches. Gross Domestic Product measures the chained volume index movements of the UK. The services sector...
The use of remotely controlled pilotless planes (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or UAVs), both armed and for surveillance, more usually known as drones, is now common. Over the last decade their employment for military...
From Crime and Policing Group (CPG) – Policing Directorate Unit Police Transparency Unit (PTU) Issue date Thurs 23 Oct Date for implementation Mon 27 Oct For more...
Updated: Added memo 4 - Personal Independent Payment intro and memo 5 - Universal Credit: Pathfinder changes.
This advice for DWP decision makers covers:
Universal Credit (UC) Personal Independence...
Modernisation Network Services (MNS) August 2013 stakeholder newsletter.
Modernisation Network Services (MNS) August 2013 stakeholder newsletter.
Updated: added West of Duddon Sands Offshore Transmission Link
This table lists the status of projects that are currently prequalified for the UK Guarantees scheme and are seeking finance.
Our ...
Updated: Added the timetable covering the period 4 to 8 November 2013.
A list of timetables for operational low flying (OLF) training by RAF fast jets and Hercules aircraft. These timetables cover 3 tactical...
Updated: Uploaded new version 9 of FAQ document.
Frequently asked questions about the new AFPS 15 pension scheme. It covers areas including:
who is affected? when change will happen? what happens...
Updated: updated data on DH's performance in handling complaints
Details of how the Department of Health performed in handling complaints during 2013.
Updated: Published feedback to the consultation submitted by 129 organisations.
From April 2013 Disability Living Allowance (DLA) began to be replaced for new claimants with a new benefit, Personal Independence...
Thank you for showing an interest in the proposed development at Thanckes Oil Fuel Depot.
Consultation and community involvement are very important elements of the planning process in order to bring ...
Updated: Published Workforce Management Information and Payroll and Non-payroll costs for September 2013.
Details of the workforce management data for MOD. These figures are not official statistics. They...
This FMCP comes into effect on 1 November 2013, and from that date it replaces the previous FMCP which had effect from 16 January 2012.
Updated: Added: Impact Assessment: Capacity Market; Impact of EMR on Interconnection; Capacity Market Gaming and Consistency Assessment
The “Consultation on Proposals for Implementation†document was...
Updated: Updated versions of chapters 5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19 and contents.
Nuclear Emergency Planning Liaison Group consolidated guidance contains plans and advice for preparation and response to ...
A recycling company has been fined for safety failings after a worker lost his arm after trapping it between a roller and the belt of a moving conveyor at a site in North East London.
The government has now delivered its commitment to reform the retention of DNA and fingerprint records by removing innocent people from the databases, and adding the guilty.
1,766,000 DNA profiles taken...
My honourable Friend the Minister for Criminal Information (Lord Taylor of Holbeach) has today made the following Written Ministerial Statement:
I am pleased to announce the publication of the 6th annual...
Thank you for inviting me to speak today. This event is important as it gives you a chance to get involved and shape the College. I would like to keep my remarks short so there is time for me to hear from you...
Court of Appeal (Civil Division) judgment
The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is leading the Balance of Competence Energy Review. It will examine the scope and effect of EU competence on energy activities and includes discussion on:
Updated: This document was categorised as a policy paper and I've updated it to read as an independent report
The Secretary of State had asked the STRB, in his remit letter of 21 February 2012, to review...
The Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Professor Dame Sally C Davies, has published this volume of her annual report 2012.
The CMO’s report is released in 2 volumes every year. One volume presents data trends...
Updated: Quarterly UK greenhouse gas emissions published today.
This publication provides provisional estimates of UK greenhouse gas emissions on a quarterly basis. This release covers emissions up to ...
Minutes of the ACMD public meeting held on 16 May 2013 at Double Tree Hotel, London.
This is the latest in a series of annual reports to the Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) setting out the Government’s record on the implementation of adverse Human Rights judgments.
Lord Taylor of Holbeach introduces the annual report with the following statement.
“It is with great pleasure that I write the foreword to the National DNA Database annual report for the second time.
Updated: Added statement for 24 October 2013
The following lists all Business Statements by the Leader of the House of Commons for October 2013.
The Business Statement takes place every Thursday...
Updated: Updated list of exceptions.
Any new ICT contracts with a value greater than £1 million must be approved by the cross-government Efficiency and Reform Group in advance.
Updated: Updated list of exceptions.
A new acquisition with a property lease must be approved by the cross-government Efficiency and Reform Group, via the Government Property Unit, in advance.
Updated: Updated list of exceptions.
Any marketing or advertising activity over £25,000 must be approved by the cross-government Efficiency and Reform Group in advance. Any activity with a budget...
Updated: Updated list of exceptions.
All new consultancy contracts with a value greater than £20,000 (including extensions that take the cumulative contract value over this limit) must be approved...
Updated: Updated list of exceptions.
Any external recruitment to frontline or business critical posts must be approved in advance by the Secretary of State. This authority can be delegated to the Permanent...
Low Value Provision (LVP) - DWP terms and conditions.
DWP LVP online application and guidance for suppliers on how to use Procserve.
DWP LVP example application questionnaire.
Freedom of Information statistical response on the number of adults getting DLA and Child Benefit by award type for all lower super output areas in Havering: August 2012.
From: Crime and Policing Group (CPG) – Policing Directorate Unit: Police Transparency Unit (PTU) Issue date: Thurs 23 Oct Date for implementation: Mon 27 Oct For more information contact: Andy Derwent...
Freedom of Information statistical response on the number and percentage of Jobseeker’s Allowance claims rejected in Great Britain: April 2012 to September 2013.
Some of the best coaches in elite sport continued their Elite Programme with a visit to McLaren
A ten-year-old boy sustained severe head injuries when part of a swing collapsed on him at a Blackpool park, a court has heard.
Statistical first release containing national and local authority level results for the early years foundation stage profile (EYFSP) assessments in England for 2013.
The release includes:
the number...
The monthly statistics for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) programme present the number of applications and accredited installations on the scheme so far. These figures are broken down by technology type and...
Updated: Updated credit card authorisation slip
Passport Credit/Debit Card Payment Authorisation Slip
Public Expenditure Statistical Analyses (PESA) is the yearly publication of information on government spending. It brings together recent outturn data, estimates for the latest year, and spending plans for the...
Business leaders have written to EU leaders ahead of the October 2013 European Council meeting.
This follows the Cut EU red tape: report from the Business Taskforce published last week and calls...
Updated: Removed members list.
Meetings of the Submarine Dismantling Project Advisory Group (SDP AG) which provides independent advice, review and challenge to the project. Meetings are open to the public...
These booklets are for general information only. The legislation should always be referred to as the definitive guidance on the scheme rules.
Related information: Armed Forces Pension Scheme 2005 Regulations...
Updated: The Bus Service Operators Grant (BSOG) rates from 1 October 2013 added.
The government announced in the 2010 spending review that the rate at which Bus Service Operators Grant (BSOG) is paid would...
Updated: Government response on regarding decisions and Safeguarding Directions for Northolt and Bromford released.
This consultation sought views on a number of proposed refinements to the Phase One line...
Updated: Updated return delivery form
Registered Post Return Delivery Form
Revised version for the above INDG.
This leaflet is aimed at people who manage or carry out electrical testing, and gives guidance on controlling risks and preventing or reducing danger arising from these...
Provides analysis of financial reserves held by schools in Wales.
Presents information on the number of Assembly Learning Grants (ALGs) awarded to Further Education students.
This release gives estimates of the size structure of all enterprises that are active in Wales, including estimates for the very smallest businesses that operate below the VAT threshold.
Information on new house sales and prices, actions for mortgage possessions, and new housing starts.
The Annual Business Survey (ABS) collects financial information for about two thirds of the UK economy, covering agriculture (part), forestry and fishing; production; construction; motor trades; wholesale; retail...
Life expectancy at birth and at age 65 by local areas in England and Wales
Interim life tables, which are produced annually for the UK and its constituent countries, give statistics on period life expectancy by age and sex.
Statistics on women aged 25 to 64 who are invited for regular cervical screening to detect abnormalities under an annual programme.
The indicators developed by the UK Biodiversity Partnership Standing Committee to report on progress towards meeting international goals and targets to stem or slow the rate of biodiversity loss.
Provides data on the activity of UK hatcheries and poultry slaughterhouses and other related poultry statistics.
Total installed capacity and the number of installations by tariff band and technology type.
A new double taxation convention with the Republic of Panama was signed on 29 July 2013. The text of the convention has been deposited in the Libraries of both Houses and made available on HM Revenue and Customs...
A meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council was held in Luxembourg on 15 October 2013. Council discussed the following items.
Current legislative proposals
The presidency provided an update...
Exchange of letters amending the 2009 tax information exchange agreements (TIEAs) with Guernsey and Jersey were signed on 22 October 2013 to permit automatic and spontaneous exchanges of information. At the same...
Following developments on this issue I will today provide an oral update to the House outlining the current position.
I am today announcing the publication of the Government’s response to their consultation “Reducing the number and costs of whiplash claims”, which closed on 8 March 2013, alongside further measures...
Under the Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. Act 2010 (”TAFA 2010”), the Treasury is required to report to Parliament, quarterly, on its operation of the UK’s asset freezing regime mandated by UN...
This quarterly publication provides a summary of the deployment of renewable heat technologies under the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and Renewable Heat Premium Payment (RHPP) householder voucher...
These statistics relate to the national rail network, so do not include London Underground or light rail and tram systems.
This statistical first release provides experimental statistics on qualification success rates (QSRs) for state-funded school and academy sixth forms in England. QSRs measure the proportion of academic and vocational...
Updated: 2013 edition
This publication provides a detailed statistical update of 24 indicators that give an overview of biodiversity in England. The publication measures progress in the delivery of goals...
Updated: 2013 edition
This release and publication report on UK progress towards meeting the biodiversity goals and targets ‘the Aichi targets’ agreed in 2010. These targets were set out in the Strategic...
Updated: Monthly statistics updated to include September 2013.
Statistics presented in the monthly table below show the number of installations and capacity installed by technology type and tariff band...
Updated: Updated quarterly sub-regional statistics.
Quarterly sub-regional statistics show the number of installations and total installed capacity by technology type in England, Scotland and Wales at ...
Updated: Updated statistics to include September 2013.
The MCS and ROOFiT pipeline statistics show the number of installations each month that are registered on the Microgeneration Certification Scheme...
Updated: Updated weekly prices.
Prices for selected agricultural and horticultural produce are published on a weekly or monthly basis in the following spreadsheets. The data source depends on the item but...
Updated: Updated with figures to September 2013.
This monthly publication includes the number of chicks placed and eggs set by United Kingdom hatcheries. The number of birds placed each month shown below...
Statistical first release containing national and local authority level results for the early years foundation stage profile (EYFSP) assessments in England for 2013.
The release includes:
the number...
More specifically the average public sector cost per eligible student at schools participating in the School Games for 2012-13.
The headline statistic is used as an input indicator1 to measure the...
A report published by HEFCE reveals that the proportion of young people in England going on to higher education increased substantially, by more than a quarter, between the late 1990s and the 2011-12 academic year...
The Office for Fair Access warmly welcomes the news today that the proportion of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds who go to higher education is continuing to rise and has reached a record level.
This bulletin presents male and female period life expectancy at birth and at age 65 for England and Wales and local areas within both countries. Figures are presented for the period 2010-12, alongside those for...
ONS have released today interim life tables for 2010-2012 for England, Wales and England and Wales. The tables provide period life expectancy for males and females by single year of age (0 to100), for three-year...
Gregor McGill, a senior lawyer at the Crown Prosecution Service, said: "The CPS has today authorised the Metropolitan Police to charge Nick Parker with one offence of receiving stolen goods and one offence of unauthorised...
Gaon Hart, Senior Crown Advocate in the Crown Prosecution Service Special Crime Division, said: "I have carefully reviewed all of the evidence provided by the IPCC as a result of their investigation into PC Hannah...
Simon Orme, Specialist Lawyer in the CPS Special Crime Division, said: "I have considered the evidence provided by Cumbria Police concerning allegations that information relating to expenses incurred by the Police...
The Crown Prosecution Service has authorised Lancashire Police to charge Stuart Hall with 15 offences of rape relating to two girls and one offence of indecent assault.
Provides analysis of financial reserves held by schools in Wales.
Presents information on the number of Assembly Learning Grants (ALGs) awarded to Further Education students.
This release gives estimates of the size structure of all enterprises that are active in Wales, including estimates for the very smallest businesses that operate below the VAT threshold.
Information on new house sales and prices, actions for mortgage possessions, and new housing starts.
The Annual Business Survey (ABS) collects financial information for about two thirds of the UK economy, covering agriculture (part), forestry and fishing; production; construction; motor trades; wholesale; retail...
Life expectancy at birth and at age 65 by local areas in England and Wales
Interim life tables, which are produced annually for the UK and its constituent countries, give statistics on period life expectancy by age and sex.
Statistics on women aged 25 to 64 who are invited for regular cervical screening to detect abnormalities under an annual programme.
The indicators developed by the UK Biodiversity Partnership Standing Committee to report on progress towards meeting international goals and targets to stem or slow the rate of biodiversity loss.
Provides data on the activity of UK hatcheries and poultry slaughterhouses and other related poultry statistics.
Total installed capacity and the number of installations by tariff band and technology type.
Councils in England provide over 600 public services to their local areas. There is enormous potential to improve these services, for their users, taxpayers and staff, through use of digital. The Local Digital...