11 November 2013

Promotional material: GAD services
seen at 18:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Adding new menu item to HTML attachment

The Government Actuary’s Department’s (GAD) provides professional actuarial services to government on things like:

occupational pensions pensions...
Statistics - national statistics: Companies and amount of investment, number of subscriptions, business angels and amounts invested
seen at 18:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

This table is for claims data received by November 2012.

At most, companies have up to three years after shares are issued to submit an EIS1 compliance statement. Therefore, with the likelihood of sizeable...

Corporate report: BIS performance indicators: skills
seen at 18:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: 'The International comparison of the qualification levels of the working age population in the UK' has been updated following the OECD 'Education at a Glance' September 2013 release.

The business...

CERN technology to accelerate UK commerce with world-first business initiative.
seen at 18:31, 11 November in Science and Technology Facilities Council News and Press Releases (Our copy).
The UK is leading the way in taking technologies developed at CERN, home to the world's largest science experiment, and translating those ideas and products into successful, profit-making companies that will make...
Opening up the Family courts: Transparency in the Family court and the Court of Protection
seen at 18:31, 11 November in Judicial Office: Home (Our copy).
Speech by the President of the Family Division and President of the Court of Protection
Take our survey and help us improve our online services
seen at 18:31, 11 November in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).
Your views are very important to us and we want to hear them - take our online survey now.
Archives in UK and Ireland launch public awareness campaign
seen at 18:31, 11 November in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).
Local, national, university, business and specialist archives are holding a range of talks and events, online and in-house, during the week of 16-22 November to highlight the wealth and variety of their archival...
Guidance: Completing the DBS application form: e-guide
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The e-guide is best viewed as a slideshow. Open the file and press F5 on your keyboard to view as a slideshow. Completing this e-guide can help you to:

reduce errors reduce delays reduce costs


Promotional material: GAD services
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The Government Actuary’s Department’s (GAD) provides professional actuarial services to government on things like:

occupational pensions pensions policy and regulation HM Treasury staff transfers...
Statistics: Quality report: statistics of HMRC survey compliance costs
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

This annual publication was first released in September 2011.

Statistics: Trust statistics user survey
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) consulted users on their views of how HMRC’s National and Official statistics on Inheritance Tax (IHT) and Trusts met their needs. Information was collected on who the users are, ...

Statistics: Quality report: tobacco publications bulletin and factsheet
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The bulletin also contains commentary on trends of each tobacco product and duty rates in place in the United Kingdom.

The tobacco factsheet is reviewed annually and contains historical time series for...

Corporate report: Returning Officers’ Expenses, Northern Ireland 2012-13
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Publiction of Returning Officers’ expenses for Northern Ireland 2012-13: Statement of Accounts

FOI release: Pass rates by age and gender for practical tests taken in Glasgow 2004/05
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act gives you the right to ask any public sector organisation for all the recorded information they have on any subject. For more information read our quick guide.

Statistics: Standards and policies for HM Treasury statistics
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: changed date of Country and Regional Analysis from 14 November 2013 to 21 November 2013

The Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 required the UK Statistics Authority to publish a Code...

FOI release: Defra IT networks
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

IT networks - FOI 8 questions seeking information about Defra IT networks.

FOI release: Defra information communication technology (ICT) security
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

ICT security FOI: information on: Defra’s current security policy documents outlining expected employee use of departmental ICT; training given to employees on security practices related to ICT; number and type...

Guidance: DESG sponsorship factsheet
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added updated scheme document.

This document provides an overview of the Defence Engineering and Science Group (DESG) Sponsorship Scheme, explains eligibility criteria and lists approved degrees...

Research and analysis: Breakfast and cognition: review of the literature
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

This paper summarises available literature on the effect of skipping breakfast on short-term cognition and memory.

Guidance: Direct Earnings Attachments: an employers' guide
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Employers guide updated for: the ending of the Direct Earnings Attachment.pilot; announcement of automated payments; clarification of guidance on exemptions, protected earnings and DWP responsibilities...

Statistics: Child Benefit, Child Tax Credit (CTC) and Working Tax Credit (WTC) take up rates 2010-2011
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Child Benefit take-up rates measure the proportion of eligible children and young people who have Child Benefit claimed on their behalf. Tax credit take-up rates measure the proportion of eligible families who...

Statistical data set: Commodity prices
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated livestock prices.

Prices for selected agricultural and horticultural produce are published on a weekly or monthly basis in the following spreadsheets. The data source depends on the item...

Statistics - national statistics: Companies and amount of investment, by size of investment
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Claims data received by November 2012.

At most, companies have up to three years after shares are issued to submit an EIS1 compliance statement. Therefore, with the likelihood of sizeable revisions due...

Statistics - national statistics: Companies and amount of investment, by industry
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Data is for claims received by November 2012.

At most, companies have up to three years after shares are issued to submit an EIS1 compliance statement. Therefore, with the likelihood of sizeable revisions...

Day Two: The Prince and The Duchess visit India
seen at 16:31, 11 November in (Our copy).
Day Two: India
Day Three: The Prince and The Duchess visit India
seen at 16:31, 11 November in (Our copy).
Day Three: India
Day Five: The Prince and The Duchess visit India
seen at 16:31, 11 November in (Our copy).
Day Five: India
South West receives first group of 'entrepreneurial' Arts Fundraising Fellows
seen at 16:31, 11 November in Latest entries (Our copy).
South West receives first group of 'entrepreneurial' Arts Fundraising Fellows
Speech: Damian Green's digital pathfinders speech
seen at 16:30, 11 November in News and communications from Home Office (Our copy).

Thank you to the College of Policing for inviting me here to speak today.

I am delighted that so many forces, now 30, have signed up to be digital pathfinders and today’s event will provide the first ...

Policy paper: A coastal concordat for England
seen at 14:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The coastal concordat is a standalone agreement about the consenting phase of development, complementing other government agency led initiatives to promote sustainable growth, including the Defra Network Offer...

Independent report: Review of making markets work for the poor: Evaluation methods and approaches
seen at 14:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Review of making markets work for the poor: Evaluation methods and approaches

Transparency data: DFID workforce management information - August 2013
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Excel file added

DFID workforce management information - August 2013

Transparency data: DFID workforce management information - June 2013
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Excel file added

DFID workforce management information - June 2013

Transparency data: DFID Workforce management information - May 2013
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Excel file added

DFID Workforce management information - May 2013

Transparency data: Workforce management information return: April 2013
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Excel file added

Workforce management information return: April 2013

Transparency data: DFID workforce management information - February 2013
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Excel file added

DFID workforce management information - February 2013

Transparency data: Workforce management information return: January 2013
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Excel file added

Workforce management information return: January 2013.

Transparency data: Workforce management information return: December 2012
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Excel file added

Workforce management information return: December 2012.

Correspondence: Notification letter to the Biometrics Commissioner
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

When an application is made to the Biometrics Commissioner to retain biometric material under s.63G Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, the subject of that application must be notified.

This document...

Guidance: Applications for biometric retention: what you should know
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

This document explains how and when applications can be made to the Biometrics Commissioner to keep the DNA profile and fingerprint records of a person who has been arrested for, but not charged with a qualifying...

Policy paper: Principles for assessing applications for biometric retention
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The Biometrics Commissioner issued a consultation on his preliminary proposals as to how he should approach applications made under (new) section 63G of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and the factors...

Guidance: Greece – Consular Fees
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: new pdf attachment

A full list of Consular fees

Form: BC1 PACE application form
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

This document is a sample version of the application form chief officers should use to make their applications to the Biometrics Commissioner for extended retention of a DNA profile and/or fingerprints under ...

Guidance: BC2 application to the Biometrics Commissioner - explanatory notes
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The Biometrics Commissioner has developed an explanatory document to accompany the BC1 application form.

This provides guidance to chief officers of police on how to complete the BC1 application form...

Closed consultation: Biometrics Commissioner: consultation under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Summary of responses attached

“I have today issued a consultation document in connection with my role as Biometrics Commissioner under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012.

“Its contents...

Correspondence: Olympic and Paralympic Legacy Unit: newsletters
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added newsletter for November.

The latest news from the Cabinet Office Legacy Unit on recent activity and progress on “Inspired By 2012” projects.

Guidance: Completing the DBS application form: e-guide
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Welcome to our new e-guide to help you complete the DBS application form.

The e-guide is best viewed as a slideshow. Open the file and press F5 on your keyboard to view as a slideshow. Completing this...

Guidance: Preston guidance: October 2013
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: added date to title

Following the European Court of Justice and House of Lords’ rulings in 2000/2001 in favour of part-timers gaining retrospective access to occupational pension schemes, provided...

Guidance: Preston guidance: November 2013
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Following the European Court of Justice and House of Lords’ rulings in 2000/2001 in favour of part-timers gaining retrospective access to occupational pension schemes, provided they meet the necessary legal requirements...

Guidance: Local partnership opportunities with Jobcentre Plus
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added 4 advertisements for improving job prospects in West Yorkshire.

Jobcentre Plus wants partnerships with local public and voluntary organisations that will help unemployed people move off benefits...

Promotional material: GAD services
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

In this document you can find out how the Government Actuary’s Department can help you with:

Occupational pensions Pensions policy and regulation Her Majesty’s Treasury Staff transfers Social security...
Statistics - national statistics: Identified personal wealth: assets by range of estate
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The statistics cover the period from 2008 to 2010.

Statistics - national statistics: Estimated liquid wealth of individuals in the UK: liquid wealth by age
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The statistics cover the period from 2008 to 2010.

Statistics - national statistics: Corporate Venturing Scheme statistics
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The statistics reveal the number of companies benefiting from the CVS scheme, and the amount of investment.

Statistics: Quality report: VAT bulletin and factsheet
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Contains publications available online dating from April 2008, and information on historical and recent cash receipts VAT and the live VAT-registered trader population, as well as commentary on trends of each...

Statistics - national statistics: Enterprise Management Incentives share option schemes
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Figures date back to 2000 to 2001.

Ministers view Extremely Large Telescope work
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Science and Technology Facilities Council News and Press Releases (Our copy).
Alistair Carmichael MP, the Secretary of State for Scotland, visited the UK Astronomy Technology Centre (UK ATC) with David Willetts MP, Minister for Universities and Science, on 11th November 2013.
Day Four: The Prince and The Duchess visit India
seen at 14:30, 11 November in (Our copy).
Day Four: India
Day Six: The Prince and The Duchess visit India
seen at 14:30, 11 November in (Our copy).
Day Six: India
Digital R&D Fund: open for applications, publishes new report on digital culture
seen at 14:30, 11 November in Latest entries (Our copy).
Digital R&D Fund: open for applications, publishes new report on digital culture
Open consultation: Night flights
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

This is a second stage consultation which seeks views on the proposals for a new night flights regime at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted.

This consultation was announced by Robert Goodwill MP in a written...

Guidance: Victim Personal Statement
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The Victim Personal Statement can also be used to express legitimate concerns, say if they intend to seek compensation and request referral to Victim Support or to other agencies that might help them.

Statistics: The Child Trust Fund: quarterly statistics
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The information in the tables is derived from the number of CTF vouchers issued and the number of accounts opened by parents as reported by providers to HMRC.

HMRC ceased issuing vouchers from 31 October...

Statistics: Quality report: Personal Wealth statistics
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The tables are based on datasets which cover three years (due to the need to obtain a sufficiently large sample size. The published tables contain some tables where data is provided for three time periods (2001...

Statistics - national statistics: Distribution of identified wealth: analysis by decile
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

For 2001 to 2003 this covers 35% of estates and for 2005 to 2007, 34% and for 2008-10, 31%.

Statistics - national statistics: Distribution of identified wealth: assets by year
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Covers the period 2001-2003, 2005-2007 and 2008-2010.

Statistics - national statistics: Distribution of identified wealth: number of estates in each asset band
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Covers the periods 2001-2010.

Statistics - national statistics: Estimated liquid wealth of individuals in the UK: liquid wealth by gender
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Liquid wealth consists of the wealth held in cash, banks, building societies or shares.

Covers the period 2008 to 2010.

Statistics - national statistics: Estimated wealth of individuals in the UK: estate size by age and gender
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Covers the period 2008 to 2010.

Statistics - national statistics: Estimated wealth of individuals in the UK: assets by age and gender
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

These statistics cover the period 2008 to 2010.

Policy paper: UK statement on sustainable palm oil: one year on progress report
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

In October 2012 UK sector associations with a significant membership interest in the supply or use of palm oil made a statement under this heading of their various commitments to sourcing sustainable palm oil...

Policy paper: A coastal concordat for England
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The coastal concordat is a standalone agreement about the consenting phase of development, complementing other government agency led initiatives to promote sustainable growth, including the Defra Network Offer...

Policy paper: UK consumption of sustainable palm oil: annual review
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

This annual review tracks the progress towards meeting achieving 100% sourcing of credibly sustainable palm oil by the end of 2015. The report gives a detailed breakdown of UK purchases of Certified Sustainable...

Policy paper: Sustainable production of palm oil: UK statement
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published revised version of the document.

The UK statement draws together new and existing specific commitments on the sourcing of sustainable palm oil which have been made by key organisations...

Guidance: Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework 2014 to 2015
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) measures how well care and support services achieve the outcomes that matter most to people.

The Framework:

supports councils to improve the quality...
Guidance: Germany – Consular Fees
seen at 11:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated 7 November 2013

A full list of Consular fees

Guidance: Manufacturers’ guide to recalls in the UK automotive sector
seen at 10:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The term 'manufacturer, producer or supplier' has been changed to 'producer or distributor' in line with the GPSR 2005. There has been a change to the wording of the section on RAPEX, and to that on '...

Open consultation: Jobseeker’s Allowance sanctions: independent review
seen at 10:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

DWP has appointed Matthew Oakley, a member of the Social Security Advisory Committee, to carry out an independent review of Jobseeker’s Allowance sanctions.

Matthew will look at:

the clarity...
Open consultation: Night flights
seen at 10:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

This is a second stage consultation which seeks views on the proposals for a new night flights regime at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted, this is the final stage to setting regime in place.

This consultation...

Guidance: Providing quality internships: guidance for employers and interns
seen at 10:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: New 'Intern's Guide' published.

The Gateways to the Professions Collaborative Forum produced this updated code of best practice and guidance for employers. David Willetts provided the foreword. ...

Consultation outcome: Proposed amendment to the Motor Fuel Composition and Content Regulations 1999
seen at 10:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Government response to proposed amendment to the Motor Fuel Composition and Content Regulations 1999 added.

The vast majority of the UK petrol fleet is compatible with E10 fuel (petrol with 10% ...

Statistics - national statistics: Corporate Venturing Scheme Statistics
seen at 10:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Broken down into companies raising funds and investing companies.

On the 31st of March 2010, the CVS’s ten year period expired and it has not been renewed. Therefore no investments were made after 31 ...

Statistics: Corporate Venturing Scheme: introduction to National Statistics
seen at 10:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

It provides tax incentives for corporate equity investment in the same types of companies as those qualifying under the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Venture Capital Trust (VCT) scheme.

Statistics: Quality Report: Child Trust Fund Official Statistics
seen at 10:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).
Detailed Distributional Analysis Local and Unitary Authority Analysis Westminster Parliamentary Constituency Analysis CTF Statistics Report
Statistics: Child Trust Fund Statistical Report 2012
seen at 10:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

This report sets out operational statistics for the seventh year of operation of the Child Trust Fund, from 6 April 2011 to 5 April 2012. Detailed distributional analysis has been published alongside this ...

Research and analysis: Scotland analysis: science and research
seen at 10:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

This paper is the eighth in the ‘Scotland Analysis’ collection. It discusses the closely integrated and thriving research base between Scotland and the rest of the UK. Our research base is important to...

Guidance: East Midlands Prospectus
seen at 10:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

The East Midlands Centre is one of 15 centres in England. This centre is part of the Midlands and East of England region.

New Sentencing Council chairman appointed
seen at 10:30, 11 November in Judicial Office: Home (Our copy).
Sentencing Council announcement
Statistics: Further breakdowns of proven re-offending data for adult offenders in England and Wales released from custody
seen at 09:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Further details on proven re-offending can be found in the Proven Re-offending Statistics Quarterly Bulletin which was last published on 31 October 2013 and covered the 12 months ending December 2011.

Statistics: Further breakdowns for serious proven re-offending of adult offenders in England and Wales released from custodial sentences of less than 12 months, by region
seen at 09:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

On Monday 4 November 2013, the Ministry of Justice published an ad-hoc statistical notice presenting statistics on the number of adult offenders in England and Wales who were released from a custodial ...

Guidance: Austria – Consular Fees
seen at 09:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added updated fee table

A full list of Consular fees

Guidance: Security policy framework
seen at 09:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated HMG Security Policy Framework and associated documents with October versions

The Security Policy Framework (SPF) describes the standards, best practice guidelines and approaches that are...

Guidance: HMG personnel security controls
seen at 09:31, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated guidance with October 2013 version

This booklet describes the government’s personnel security and national security vetting policies and how the processes work including:

Why and ...
Guidance: France – Consular Fees
seen at 02:30, 11 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated list of consular fees (from 11 November 2013)

Details of consular fees (from 11 November 2013) - Liste des tarifs consulaires (à partir du 11 novembre 2013)