Updated: Added December 2014 and January 2015 newsletters.
The Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA) newsletter provides news and updates about current and planned activities concerning training and access...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This reflects Department for Education’s current guidance.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The leaflet gives information on why, how long and when Ofsted inspect, and also how parents and carers can share their views...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The letter tells parents and carers that the school is due to be inspected, provides some basic information about the inspection...
Updated: Added January 2015 firing times in CSV and PDF formats.
The firing times are presented in 2 file formats. The PDF format is web browseable and accessible on mobile devices such as Blackberry’s, ...
The information note covers:
general food labelling on food and drinks food supplements fortified foods (i.e. foods which have extra vitamins or minerals added) nutrition and health claims foods...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Form to record that a school is causing concern or is no longer causing concern.
Updated: Changed guidance, template, common issues and models documents to reflect the new admissions code and clarify guidance for free schools.
These 4 documents are designed to assist free schools in...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Inspection questionnaire for school staff.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
There are a limited number of circumstances in which a decision can be taken that an inspection should not go ahead on the...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections. This document replaces Flawed inspections - Ofsted-related protocol.
This protocol sets out the arrangements through which...
Michael Spurr, chief executive of NOMS has written to Frances Crook, chief executive of the Howard League, to highlight inaccuracies in her comments on Newsnight and subsequently on social media.
Updated: September to December 2014 summary added.
The Public Health England (PHE) Emerging Infections and Zoonoses Section uses an integrated horizon scanning approach which combines information on both...
The Forensic Science Regulator has issued guidance to practitioners on making public comments on any case in which they have been involved.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This guidance sets out Ofsted’s approach to supporting and challenging schools that are judged to require improvement at a...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Inspectors will follow this guidance where Ofsted has concerns that the safety of pupils and/or staff is at risk or where ...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This guidance sets out the judgements that Ofsted inspectors make and report on during monitoring inspections of schools that...
The Cabinet Office mid-year report provides an update on progress made against the department’s coalition priorities, financial performance, people and major projects. It covers the first 6 months of the 2014...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The guidance indicates the main activities that need to be undertaken from the time the school is notified of the monitoring...
The Secretary of State does not make these decisions herself. They are made by a senior official on the recommendation of an independent panel.
Teacher reference number: 0949648 Teacher’s date...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This briefing should be read alongside Monitoring inspections - schools with no formal designation. These inspections...
Commentary and coverage data relating to the national pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) immunisation programme for adults aged 65 years and over.
The Secretary of State does not make these decisions herself. They are made by a senior official on the recommendation of an independent panel.
Teacher reference number: 9644187 Teacher’s date...
This spreadsheet details what all the changes are in the termly updates made to the maintained school inspection documents that are effective for Ofsted inspections from January 2015.
Updated: Added Sustainable Direction Ltd.
About the corporate covenantThe corporate covenant is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to demonstrate their concrete support for the armed forces...
Updated: Added MJ Services (GB) Ltd.
About the corporate covenantThe corporate covenant is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to demonstrate their concrete support for the armed forces ...
Housing and Planning Minister Brandon Lewis writes to the Chief Executive at the Planning Inspectorate, to ensure the government’s existing policy position on strategic housing market assessments is clear.
Updated: Added new FOI responses for number of UKMTO merchant vessels registered during October 2014, UK regular forces declared as married or in a registered civil partnership, UK regular forces engineers and...
Updated: HPR 8(48) news uploaded
Health Protection Report (HPR) is a weekly bulletin containing a digest of health protection news and regular reporting from Public Health England on infections (routine...
Updated: HPR 8(48) annual report for 2013 uploaded
These annual reports are published in the Health Protection Report.
Reports of unusual bacterial genera involved in bacteraemia and fungaemia that are not included in the routine monthly bacteraemia reports published in the Health Protection Report
Updated: HPR 8(48) quarterly report uploaded
Laboratory reports from the enhanced surveillance programme for Bordetella Pertussis infection (whooping cough) in England, operated by Public Health England...
Updated: HPR 8(48) quarterly report uploaded
These data provide details by age group, region and capsular groups for the period to 2013. Data for 2012 to 2013 are provisional.
Epidemiological year...
We have published a report of our Operational compliance case involving the charity Oxfam. The report explains why we got involved with the charity, what regulatory concerns we assessed and what the impact...
Updated: Added December 2014 and January 2015 newsletters.
The Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA) newsletter provides news and updates about current and planned activities concerning training and access...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This reflects Department for Education’s current guidance.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The leaflet gives information on why, how long and when Ofsted inspect, and also how parents and carers can share their views...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The letter tells parents and carers that the school is due to be inspected, provides some basic information about the inspection...
Updated: Added January 2015 firing times in CSV and PDF formats.
The firing times are presented in 2 file formats. The PDF format is web browseable and accessible on mobile devices such as Blackberry’s, ...
The information note covers:
general food labelling on food and drinks food supplements fortified foods (i.e. foods which have extra vitamins or minerals added) nutrition and health claims foods...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Form to record that a school is causing concern or is no longer causing concern.
Updated: Changed guidance, template, common issues and models documents to reflect the new admissions code and clarify guidance for free schools.
These 4 documents are designed to assist free schools in...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Inspection questionnaire for school staff.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
There are a limited number of circumstances in which a decision can be taken that an inspection should not go ahead on the...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections. This document replaces Flawed inspections - Ofsted-related protocol.
This protocol sets out the arrangements through which...
Michael Spurr, chief executive of NOMS has written to Frances Crook, chief executive of the Howard League, to highlight inaccuracies in her comments on Newsnight and subsequently on social media.
Updated: September to December 2014 summary added.
The Public Health England (PHE) Emerging Infections and Zoonoses Section uses an integrated horizon scanning approach which combines information on both...
The Forensic Science Regulator has issued guidance to practitioners on making public comments on any case in which they have been involved.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This guidance sets out Ofsted’s approach to supporting and challenging schools that are judged to require improvement at a...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Inspectors will follow this guidance where Ofsted has concerns that the safety of pupils and/or staff is at risk or where ...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This guidance sets out the judgements that Ofsted inspectors make and report on during monitoring inspections of schools that...
The Cabinet Office mid-year report provides an update on progress made against the department’s coalition priorities, financial performance, people and major projects. It covers the first 6 months of the 2014...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The guidance indicates the main activities that need to be undertaken from the time the school is notified of the monitoring...
The Secretary of State does not make these decisions herself. They are made by a senior official on the recommendation of an independent panel.
Teacher reference number: 0949648 Teacher’s date...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This briefing should be read alongside Monitoring inspections - schools with no formal designation. These inspections...
Commentary and coverage data relating to the national pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) immunisation programme for adults aged 65 years and over.
The Secretary of State does not make these decisions herself. They are made by a senior official on the recommendation of an independent panel.
Teacher reference number: 9644187 Teacher’s date...
This spreadsheet details what all the changes are in the termly updates made to the maintained school inspection documents that are effective for Ofsted inspections from January 2015.
Updated: Added Sustainable Direction Ltd.
About the corporate covenantThe corporate covenant is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to demonstrate their concrete support for the armed forces...
Updated: Added MJ Services (GB) Ltd.
About the corporate covenantThe corporate covenant is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to demonstrate their concrete support for the armed forces ...
Housing and Planning Minister Brandon Lewis writes to the Chief Executive at the Planning Inspectorate, to ensure the government’s existing policy position on strategic housing market assessments is clear.
Updated: Added new FOI responses for number of UKMTO merchant vessels registered during October 2014, UK regular forces declared as married or in a registered civil partnership, UK regular forces engineers and...
Updated: HPR 8(48) news uploaded
Health Protection Report (HPR) is a weekly bulletin containing a digest of health protection news and regular reporting from Public Health England on infections (routine...
Updated: HPR 8(48) annual report for 2013 uploaded
These annual reports are published in the Health Protection Report.
Reports of unusual bacterial genera involved in bacteraemia and fungaemia that are not included in the routine monthly bacteraemia reports published in the Health Protection Report
Updated: HPR 8(48) quarterly report uploaded
Laboratory reports from the enhanced surveillance programme for Bordetella Pertussis infection (whooping cough) in England, operated by Public Health England...
Updated: HPR 8(48) quarterly report uploaded
These data provide details by age group, region and capsular groups for the period to 2013. Data for 2012 to 2013 are provisional.
Epidemiological year...
We have published a report of our Operational compliance case involving the charity Oxfam. The report explains why we got involved with the charity, what regulatory concerns we assessed and what the impact...
The regular and reserve personnel from across the three Services departed from RAF Brize Norton alongside members of the Canadian military.
Once in country, personnel will take over from clinicians attached...
Updated: Added December 2014 and January 2015 newsletters.
The Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA) newsletter provides news and updates about current and planned activities concerning training and access...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This reflects Department for Education’s current guidance.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The leaflet gives information on why, how long and when Ofsted inspect, and also how parents and carers can share their views...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The letter tells parents and carers that the school is due to be inspected, provides some basic information about the inspection...
Updated: Added January 2015 firing times in CSV and PDF formats.
The firing times are presented in 2 file formats. The PDF format is web browseable and accessible on mobile devices such as Blackberry’s, ...
The information note covers:
general food labelling on food and drinks food supplements fortified foods (i.e. foods which have extra vitamins or minerals added) nutrition and health claims foods...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Form to record that a school is causing concern or is no longer causing concern.
Updated: Changed guidance, template, common issues and models documents to reflect the new admissions code and clarify guidance for free schools.
These 4 documents are designed to assist free schools in...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Inspection questionnaire for school staff.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
There are a limited number of circumstances in which a decision can be taken that an inspection should not go ahead on the...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections. This document replaces Flawed inspections - Ofsted-related protocol.
This protocol sets out the arrangements through which...
Michael Spurr, chief executive of NOMS has written to Frances Crook, chief executive of the Howard League, to highlight inaccuracies in her comments on Newsnight and subsequently on social media.
Updated: September to December 2014 summary added.
The Public Health England (PHE) Emerging Infections and Zoonoses Section uses an integrated horizon scanning approach which combines information on both...
The Forensic Science Regulator has issued guidance to practitioners on making public comments on any case in which they have been involved.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This guidance sets out Ofsted’s approach to supporting and challenging schools that are judged to require improvement at a...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Inspectors will follow this guidance where Ofsted has concerns that the safety of pupils and/or staff is at risk or where ...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This guidance sets out the judgements that Ofsted inspectors make and report on during monitoring inspections of schools that...
The Cabinet Office mid-year report provides an update on progress made against the department’s coalition priorities, financial performance, people and major projects. It covers the first 6 months of the 2014...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The guidance indicates the main activities that need to be undertaken from the time the school is notified of the monitoring...
The Secretary of State does not make these decisions herself. They are made by a senior official on the recommendation of an independent panel.
Teacher reference number: 0949648 Teacher’s date...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This briefing should be read alongside Monitoring inspections - schools with no formal designation. These inspections...
Commentary and coverage data relating to the national pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) immunisation programme for adults aged 65 years and over.
The Secretary of State does not make these decisions herself. They are made by a senior official on the recommendation of an independent panel.
Teacher reference number: 9644187 Teacher’s date...
This spreadsheet details what all the changes are in the termly updates made to the maintained school inspection documents that are effective for Ofsted inspections from January 2015.
Updated: Added Sustainable Direction Ltd.
About the corporate covenantThe corporate covenant is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to demonstrate their concrete support for the armed forces...
Updated: Added MJ Services (GB) Ltd.
About the corporate covenantThe corporate covenant is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to demonstrate their concrete support for the armed forces ...
Housing and Planning Minister Brandon Lewis writes to the Chief Executive at the Planning Inspectorate, to ensure the government’s existing policy position on strategic housing market assessments is clear.
Updated: Added new FOI responses for number of UKMTO merchant vessels registered during October 2014, UK regular forces declared as married or in a registered civil partnership, UK regular forces engineers and...
Updated: HPR 8(48) news uploaded
Health Protection Report (HPR) is a weekly bulletin containing a digest of health protection news and regular reporting from Public Health England on infections (routine...
Updated: HPR 8(48) annual report for 2013 uploaded
These annual reports are published in the Health Protection Report.
Reports of unusual bacterial genera involved in bacteraemia and fungaemia that are not included in the routine monthly bacteraemia reports published in the Health Protection Report
Updated: HPR 8(48) quarterly report uploaded
Laboratory reports from the enhanced surveillance programme for Bordetella Pertussis infection (whooping cough) in England, operated by Public Health England...
Updated: HPR 8(48) quarterly report uploaded
These data provide details by age group, region and capsular groups for the period to 2013. Data for 2012 to 2013 are provisional.
Epidemiological year...
We have published a report of our Operational compliance case involving the charity Oxfam. The report explains why we got involved with the charity, what regulatory concerns we assessed and what the impact...
Updated: Added December 2014 and January 2015 newsletters.
The Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA) newsletter provides news and updates about current and planned activities concerning training and access...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This reflects Department for Education’s current guidance.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The leaflet gives information on why, how long and when Ofsted inspect, and also how parents and carers can share their views...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The letter tells parents and carers that the school is due to be inspected, provides some basic information about the inspection...
Updated: Added January 2015 firing times in CSV and PDF formats.
The firing times are presented in 2 file formats. The PDF format is web browseable and accessible on mobile devices such as Blackberry’s, ...
The information note covers:
general food labelling on food and drinks food supplements fortified foods (i.e. foods which have extra vitamins or minerals added) nutrition and health claims foods...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Form to record that a school is causing concern or is no longer causing concern.
Updated: Changed guidance, template, common issues and models documents to reflect the new admissions code and clarify guidance for free schools.
These 4 documents are designed to assist free schools in...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Inspection questionnaire for school staff.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
There are a limited number of circumstances in which a decision can be taken that an inspection should not go ahead on the...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections. This document replaces Flawed inspections - Ofsted-related protocol.
This protocol sets out the arrangements through which...
Michael Spurr, chief executive of NOMS has written to Frances Crook, chief executive of the Howard League, to highlight inaccuracies in her comments on Newsnight and subsequently on social media.
Updated: September to December 2014 summary added.
The Public Health England (PHE) Emerging Infections and Zoonoses Section uses an integrated horizon scanning approach which combines information on both...
The Forensic Science Regulator has issued guidance to practitioners on making public comments on any case in which they have been involved.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This guidance sets out Ofsted’s approach to supporting and challenging schools that are judged to require improvement at a...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Inspectors will follow this guidance where Ofsted has concerns that the safety of pupils and/or staff is at risk or where ...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This guidance sets out the judgements that Ofsted inspectors make and report on during monitoring inspections of schools that...
The Cabinet Office mid-year report provides an update on progress made against the department’s coalition priorities, financial performance, people and major projects. It covers the first 6 months of the 2014...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The guidance indicates the main activities that need to be undertaken from the time the school is notified of the monitoring...
The Secretary of State does not make these decisions herself. They are made by a senior official on the recommendation of an independent panel.
Teacher reference number: 0949648 Teacher’s date...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This briefing should be read alongside Monitoring inspections - schools with no formal designation. These inspections...
Commentary and coverage data relating to the national pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) immunisation programme for adults aged 65 years and over.
The Secretary of State does not make these decisions herself. They are made by a senior official on the recommendation of an independent panel.
Teacher reference number: 9644187 Teacher’s date...
This spreadsheet details what all the changes are in the termly updates made to the maintained school inspection documents that are effective for Ofsted inspections from January 2015.
Updated: Added Sustainable Direction Ltd.
About the corporate covenantThe corporate covenant is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to demonstrate their concrete support for the armed forces...
Updated: Added MJ Services (GB) Ltd.
About the corporate covenantThe corporate covenant is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to demonstrate their concrete support for the armed forces ...
Housing and Planning Minister Brandon Lewis writes to the Chief Executive at the Planning Inspectorate, to ensure the government’s existing policy position on strategic housing market assessments is clear.
Updated: Added new FOI responses for number of UKMTO merchant vessels registered during October 2014, UK regular forces declared as married or in a registered civil partnership, UK regular forces engineers and...
Updated: HPR 8(48) news uploaded
Health Protection Report (HPR) is a weekly bulletin containing a digest of health protection news and regular reporting from Public Health England on infections (routine...
Updated: HPR 8(48) annual report for 2013 uploaded
These annual reports are published in the Health Protection Report.
Reports of unusual bacterial genera involved in bacteraemia and fungaemia that are not included in the routine monthly bacteraemia reports published in the Health Protection Report
Updated: HPR 8(48) quarterly report uploaded
Laboratory reports from the enhanced surveillance programme for Bordetella Pertussis infection (whooping cough) in England, operated by Public Health England...
Updated: HPR 8(48) quarterly report uploaded
These data provide details by age group, region and capsular groups for the period to 2013. Data for 2012 to 2013 are provisional.
Epidemiological year...
We have published a report of our Operational compliance case involving the charity Oxfam. The report explains why we got involved with the charity, what regulatory concerns we assessed and what the impact...
The Home Office is joining forces with charities across the country today (Saturday 20 December) to raise awareness of criminals preying on the homeless and vulnerable this Christmas.
Criminals often ...
Updated: Added December 2014 and January 2015 newsletters.
The Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA) newsletter provides news and updates about current and planned activities concerning training and access...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This reflects Department for Education’s current guidance.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The leaflet gives information on why, how long and when Ofsted inspect, and also how parents and carers can share their views...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The letter tells parents and carers that the school is due to be inspected, provides some basic information about the inspection...
Updated: Added January 2015 firing times in CSV and PDF formats.
The firing times are presented in 2 file formats. The PDF format is web browseable and accessible on mobile devices such as Blackberry’s, ...
The information note covers:
general food labelling on food and drinks food supplements fortified foods (i.e. foods which have extra vitamins or minerals added) nutrition and health claims foods...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Form to record that a school is causing concern or is no longer causing concern.
Updated: Changed guidance, template, common issues and models documents to reflect the new admissions code and clarify guidance for free schools.
These 4 documents are designed to assist free schools in...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Inspection questionnaire for school staff.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
There are a limited number of circumstances in which a decision can be taken that an inspection should not go ahead on the...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections. This document replaces Flawed inspections - Ofsted-related protocol.
This protocol sets out the arrangements through which...
Michael Spurr, chief executive of NOMS has written to Frances Crook, chief executive of the Howard League, to highlight inaccuracies in her comments on Newsnight and subsequently on social media.
Updated: September to December 2014 summary added.
The Public Health England (PHE) Emerging Infections and Zoonoses Section uses an integrated horizon scanning approach which combines information on both...
The Forensic Science Regulator has issued guidance to practitioners on making public comments on any case in which they have been involved.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This guidance sets out Ofsted’s approach to supporting and challenging schools that are judged to require improvement at a...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Inspectors will follow this guidance where Ofsted has concerns that the safety of pupils and/or staff is at risk or where ...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This guidance sets out the judgements that Ofsted inspectors make and report on during monitoring inspections of schools that...
The Cabinet Office mid-year report provides an update on progress made against the department’s coalition priorities, financial performance, people and major projects. It covers the first 6 months of the 2014...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The guidance indicates the main activities that need to be undertaken from the time the school is notified of the monitoring...
The Secretary of State does not make these decisions herself. They are made by a senior official on the recommendation of an independent panel.
Teacher reference number: 0949648 Teacher’s date...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This briefing should be read alongside Monitoring inspections - schools with no formal designation. These inspections...
Commentary and coverage data relating to the national pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) immunisation programme for adults aged 65 years and over.
The Secretary of State does not make these decisions herself. They are made by a senior official on the recommendation of an independent panel.
Teacher reference number: 9644187 Teacher’s date...
This spreadsheet details what all the changes are in the termly updates made to the maintained school inspection documents that are effective for Ofsted inspections from January 2015.
Updated: Added Sustainable Direction Ltd.
About the corporate covenantThe corporate covenant is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to demonstrate their concrete support for the armed forces...
Updated: Added MJ Services (GB) Ltd.
About the corporate covenantThe corporate covenant is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to demonstrate their concrete support for the armed forces ...
Housing and Planning Minister Brandon Lewis writes to the Chief Executive at the Planning Inspectorate, to ensure the government’s existing policy position on strategic housing market assessments is clear.
Updated: Added new FOI responses for number of UKMTO merchant vessels registered during October 2014, UK regular forces declared as married or in a registered civil partnership, UK regular forces engineers and...
Updated: HPR 8(48) news uploaded
Health Protection Report (HPR) is a weekly bulletin containing a digest of health protection news and regular reporting from Public Health England on infections (routine...
Updated: HPR 8(48) annual report for 2013 uploaded
These annual reports are published in the Health Protection Report.
Reports of unusual bacterial genera involved in bacteraemia and fungaemia that are not included in the routine monthly bacteraemia reports published in the Health Protection Report
Updated: HPR 8(48) quarterly report uploaded
Laboratory reports from the enhanced surveillance programme for Bordetella Pertussis infection (whooping cough) in England, operated by Public Health England...
Updated: HPR 8(48) quarterly report uploaded
These data provide details by age group, region and capsular groups for the period to 2013. Data for 2012 to 2013 are provisional.
Epidemiological year...
We have published a report of our Operational compliance case involving the charity Oxfam. The report explains why we got involved with the charity, what regulatory concerns we assessed and what the impact...
Updated: Added December 2014 and January 2015 newsletters.
The Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA) newsletter provides news and updates about current and planned activities concerning training and access...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This reflects Department for Education’s current guidance.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The leaflet gives information on why, how long and when Ofsted inspect, and also how parents and carers can share their views...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The letter tells parents and carers that the school is due to be inspected, provides some basic information about the inspection...
Updated: Added January 2015 firing times in CSV and PDF formats.
The firing times are presented in 2 file formats. The PDF format is web browseable and accessible on mobile devices such as Blackberry’s, ...
The information note covers:
general food labelling on food and drinks food supplements fortified foods (i.e. foods which have extra vitamins or minerals added) nutrition and health claims foods...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Form to record that a school is causing concern or is no longer causing concern.
Updated: Changed guidance, template, common issues and models documents to reflect the new admissions code and clarify guidance for free schools.
These 4 documents are designed to assist free schools in...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Inspection questionnaire for school staff.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
There are a limited number of circumstances in which a decision can be taken that an inspection should not go ahead on the...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections. This document replaces Flawed inspections - Ofsted-related protocol.
This protocol sets out the arrangements through which...
Michael Spurr, chief executive of NOMS has written to Frances Crook, chief executive of the Howard League, to highlight inaccuracies in her comments on Newsnight and subsequently on social media.
Updated: September to December 2014 summary added.
The Public Health England (PHE) Emerging Infections and Zoonoses Section uses an integrated horizon scanning approach which combines information on both...
The Forensic Science Regulator has issued guidance to practitioners on making public comments on any case in which they have been involved.
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This guidance sets out Ofsted’s approach to supporting and challenging schools that are judged to require improvement at a...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
Inspectors will follow this guidance where Ofsted has concerns that the safety of pupils and/or staff is at risk or where ...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This guidance sets out the judgements that Ofsted inspectors make and report on during monitoring inspections of schools that...
The Cabinet Office mid-year report provides an update on progress made against the department’s coalition priorities, financial performance, people and major projects. It covers the first 6 months of the 2014...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
The guidance indicates the main activities that need to be undertaken from the time the school is notified of the monitoring...
The Secretary of State does not make these decisions herself. They are made by a senior official on the recommendation of an independent panel.
Teacher reference number: 0949648 Teacher’s date...
Updated: The termly update to the main features of Ofsted's school inspections.
This briefing should be read alongside Monitoring inspections - schools with no formal designation. These inspections...
Commentary and coverage data relating to the national pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) immunisation programme for adults aged 65 years and over.
The Secretary of State does not make these decisions herself. They are made by a senior official on the recommendation of an independent panel.
Teacher reference number: 9644187 Teacher’s date...
This spreadsheet details what all the changes are in the termly updates made to the maintained school inspection documents that are effective for Ofsted inspections from January 2015.
Updated: Added Sustainable Direction Ltd.
About the corporate covenantThe corporate covenant is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to demonstrate their concrete support for the armed forces...
Updated: Added MJ Services (GB) Ltd.
About the corporate covenantThe corporate covenant is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to demonstrate their concrete support for the armed forces ...
Housing and Planning Minister Brandon Lewis writes to the Chief Executive at the Planning Inspectorate, to ensure the government’s existing policy position on strategic housing market assessments is clear.
Updated: Added new FOI responses for number of UKMTO merchant vessels registered during October 2014, UK regular forces declared as married or in a registered civil partnership, UK regular forces engineers and...