21 August 2015

Guidance: Prescribed places of detention: health needs assessment toolkit
seen at 23:57, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added part 3 of health needs assessment template: police custody.

This toolkit provides support for producing a health needs assessment for prescribed places of detention, which includes prisons...

Guidance: Local Growth Fund (Housing Infrastructure): due diligence
seen at 23:56, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Shortlisted projects have to undergo a due diligence process. Any enquiries should be emailed to

Notice: Register of brokers authorised to deal in human medicines
seen at 23:56, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The list of registered brokers has been updated.

A publicly available UK register for national health regulators in other European Economic Area (EEA) member states to check who is an authorised...

Guidance: Captured persons (JDP 1-10)
seen at 23:40, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added updated document JDP 1-10 Third edition, Change 1

During the course of military operations the UK armed forces must be prepared to capture and hold individuals, whether prisoners of war, ...

Guidance: Code of conduct for operational PFI/PPP contracts
seen at 23:39, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added 3 new signatories

The voluntary code of conduct sets out the basis on which public and private sector partners agree to work together to make savings in operational Public Private Partnership...

Guidance: Privacy notice for the evaluation of the Troubled Families programme
seen at 23:39, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The Troubled Families programme aims to improve the lives of families with multiple, high cost problems across England.

To understand whether the Troubled Families programme has improved outcomes for...

Research and analysis: Staphylococcus aureus: annual trends in voluntary surveillance
seen at 23:39, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: HPR 9(29) report uploaded

This publication covers voluntary reports of S. aureus bacteraemia. Analyses are stratified by age, gender and geographical region, and include trends in antimicrobial...

Research and analysis: Kids Company: review of financial and governance controls, March 2014
seen at 23:39, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

In 2014 the Cabinet Office commissioned an independent review of financial governance controls at Kids Company after responsibility for youth policy was transferred to the Cabinet Office in 2013.

PFK ...

Promotional material: Connected Smart Cities Brochure 2015
seen at 23:38, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

As Brazil continues its rapid urbanisation, UK technology can help to create workable, sustainable cities. The Brazilian citizens in the country’s over 5000 municipalities are demanding more and more from their...

Promotional material: Connected Smart Cities Brochure 2015
seen at 23:38, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

As Brazil continues its rapid urbanisation, UK technology can help to create workable, sustainable cities. The Brazilian citizens in the country’s over 5000 municipalities are demanding more and more from their...

Research and analysis: Health Protection Report volume 9 (2015)
seen at 23:31, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: HPR 9(29) news uploaded

Health Protection Report (HPR) is a weekly bulletin containing a digest of health protection news and regular reporting from Public Health England on infections (routine...

Guidance: Belize – Prisoner Pack
seen at 23:31, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated attached file

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison

Guidance: Military low flying: MOD sponsored air exercises
seen at 23:27, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added MOD sponsored current / future planned air exercise list week commencing 24 August 2015

A timetable of the current and future planned MOD sponsored low flying exercises by fast jets, rotary...

Guidance: Equatorial Guinea - Prisoner Pack
seen at 23:27, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Equatorial Guinea. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison.

British Nationals...

Guidance: Gabon - Prisoner Pack
seen at 23:27, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: A minor change

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Gabon. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison.

Guidance: Cameroon – Prisoner Pack
seen at 23:27, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have updated this document to make it country specific.

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Cameroon. You can also read about how...

FOI release: Request for information on government subsidies in the energy sector
seen at 23:27, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

FOI request for information on government subsidies in the energy sector, specifically the most recent annual figures for direct fossil fuel subsidies, indirect fossil fuel subsidies, direct renewable subsidies...

Transparency data: Departmental spend over £500: June 2015
seen at 23:26, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

A monthly updated list of all financial transactions spending over £500 made by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Transparency data: Government procurement card spend over £500: June 2015
seen at 23:26, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

A monthly list of spending over £500 made on the Government Procurement Card by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Statistics: Devolved Administration Greenhouse Gas Inventories: 1990-2013
seen at 23:10, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

These emissions estimates are also published on the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) website, and the devolved administration websites:

Scottish government Welsh government...
Research and analysis: Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated by Activities (MMO 1097)
seen at 23:08, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Quantification of underwater noise is a current and evolving topic in marine environmental science that is relevant to marine plan policy development. It is recognised that there is currently insufficient data...

Research and analysis: Ebola virus disease: epidemiological update
seen at 23:07, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added update No. 49, 21 August 2015

Epidemiology of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa.

Guidance: Explanation of the legal and prison system to British Nationals
seen at 23:07, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison

Guidance: Health needs assessment: prison examples
seen at 23:00, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

These prisons have completed the health and wellbeing needs assessment (HWBNA) using the assessment toolkit.

Research and analysis: Early lessons learnt from opt-out blood-borne virus testing policy in prisons: summary report
seen at 23:00, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

PHE, NHS England and NOMS have committed to an ambition to fully implement the opt-out BBV testing policy in all prisons in England by 2016 to 2017.

Notice: SO15 1HJ, Hazardous Waste Management Limited: environmental permit draft decision advertisement
seen at 22:59, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. In some cases they also consult on ...

Guidance: Gabon: List of Funeral Directors
seen at 22:59, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The following list of funeral directors has been prepared by the British Embassy Embassy in Cameroon for the convenience of British Nationals who may require this service and assistance in Gabon.

It ...

Guidance: Pathogenic vibrio scheme: recent reports
seen at 22:59, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added pathogenic vibrio scheme: distribution V044 EQA report.

The examinations covered are for the presence, absence and enumerations of:

Vibrio parahaemolyticus Vibrio cholerae (non-...
Guidance: Prescribed places of detention: health needs assessment toolkit
seen at 22:55, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added part 3 of health needs assessment template: police custody.

This toolkit provides support for producing a health needs assessment for prescribed places of detention, which includes prisons...

Guidance: Local Growth Fund (Housing Infrastructure): due diligence
seen at 22:54, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Shortlisted projects have to undergo a due diligence process. Any enquiries should be emailed to

Notice: Register of brokers authorised to deal in human medicines
seen at 22:54, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The list of registered brokers has been updated.

A publicly available UK register for national health regulators in other European Economic Area (EEA) member states to check who is an authorised...

Guidance: Captured persons (JDP 1-10)
seen at 22:39, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added updated document JDP 1-10 Third edition, Change 1

During the course of military operations the UK armed forces must be prepared to capture and hold individuals, whether prisoners of war, ...

Guidance: Code of conduct for operational PFI/PPP contracts
seen at 22:39, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added 3 new signatories

The voluntary code of conduct sets out the basis on which public and private sector partners agree to work together to make savings in operational Public Private Partnership...

Guidance: Privacy notice for the evaluation of the Troubled Families programme
seen at 22:39, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The Troubled Families programme aims to improve the lives of families with multiple, high cost problems across England.

To understand whether the Troubled Families programme has improved outcomes for...

Research and analysis: Staphylococcus aureus: annual trends in voluntary surveillance
seen at 22:39, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: HPR 9(29) report uploaded

This publication covers voluntary reports of S. aureus bacteraemia. Analyses are stratified by age, gender and geographical region, and include trends in antimicrobial...

Research and analysis: Kids Company: review of financial and governance controls, March 2014
seen at 22:39, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

In 2014 the Cabinet Office commissioned an independent review of financial governance controls at Kids Company after responsibility for youth policy was transferred to the Cabinet Office in 2013.

PFK ...

Promotional material: Connected Smart Cities Brochure 2015
seen at 22:38, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

As Brazil continues its rapid urbanisation, UK technology can help to create workable, sustainable cities. The Brazilian citizens in the country’s over 5000 municipalities are demanding more and more from their...

Promotional material: Connected Smart Cities Brochure 2015
seen at 22:38, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

As Brazil continues its rapid urbanisation, UK technology can help to create workable, sustainable cities. The Brazilian citizens in the country’s over 5000 municipalities are demanding more and more from their...

Research and analysis: Health Protection Report volume 9 (2015)
seen at 22:31, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: HPR 9(29) news uploaded

Health Protection Report (HPR) is a weekly bulletin containing a digest of health protection news and regular reporting from Public Health England on infections (routine...

Guidance: Belize – Prisoner Pack
seen at 22:31, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated attached file

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison

Guidance: Military low flying: MOD sponsored air exercises
seen at 22:19, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added MOD sponsored current / future planned air exercise list week commencing 24 August 2015

A timetable of the current and future planned MOD sponsored low flying exercises by fast jets, rotary...

Guidance: Equatorial Guinea - Prisoner Pack
seen at 22:18, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Equatorial Guinea. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison.

British Nationals...

Guidance: Gabon - Prisoner Pack
seen at 22:18, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: A minor change

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Gabon. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison.

Guidance: Cameroon – Prisoner Pack
seen at 22:18, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have updated this document to make it country specific.

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Cameroon. You can also read about how...

FOI release: Request for information on government subsidies in the energy sector
seen at 22:18, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

FOI request for information on government subsidies in the energy sector, specifically the most recent annual figures for direct fossil fuel subsidies, indirect fossil fuel subsidies, direct renewable subsidies...

Transparency data: Departmental spend over £500: June 2015
seen at 22:18, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

A monthly updated list of all financial transactions spending over £500 made by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Transparency data: Government procurement card spend over £500: June 2015
seen at 22:18, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

A monthly list of spending over £500 made on the Government Procurement Card by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Statistics: Devolved Administration Greenhouse Gas Inventories: 1990-2013
seen at 22:03, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

These emissions estimates are also published on the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) website, and the devolved administration websites:

Scottish government Welsh government...
Research and analysis: Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated by Activities (MMO 1097)
seen at 22:01, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Quantification of underwater noise is a current and evolving topic in marine environmental science that is relevant to marine plan policy development. It is recognised that there is currently insufficient data...

Research and analysis: Ebola virus disease: epidemiological update
seen at 22:00, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added update No. 49, 21 August 2015

Epidemiology of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa.

Guidance: Explanation of the legal and prison system to British Nationals
seen at 22:00, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison

Guidance: Health needs assessment: prison examples
seen at 21:53, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

These prisons have completed the health and wellbeing needs assessment (HWBNA) using the assessment toolkit.

Research and analysis: Early lessons learnt from opt-out blood-borne virus testing policy in prisons: summary report
seen at 21:52, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

PHE, NHS England and NOMS have committed to an ambition to fully implement the opt-out BBV testing policy in all prisons in England by 2016 to 2017.

Notice: SO15 1HJ, Hazardous Waste Management Limited: environmental permit draft decision advertisement
seen at 21:52, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. In some cases they also consult on ...

Guidance: Gabon: List of Funeral Directors
seen at 21:52, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The following list of funeral directors has been prepared by the British Embassy Embassy in Cameroon for the convenience of British Nationals who may require this service and assistance in Gabon.

It ...

Guidance: Pathogenic vibrio scheme: recent reports
seen at 21:52, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added pathogenic vibrio scheme: distribution V044 EQA report.

The examinations covered are for the presence, absence and enumerations of:

Vibrio parahaemolyticus Vibrio cholerae (non-...
Guidance: Prescribed places of detention: health needs assessment toolkit
seen at 21:48, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added part 3 of health needs assessment template: police custody.

This toolkit provides support for producing a health needs assessment for prescribed places of detention, which includes prisons...

Guidance: Local Growth Fund (Housing Infrastructure): due diligence
seen at 21:47, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Shortlisted projects have to undergo a due diligence process. Any enquiries should be emailed to

Notice: Register of brokers authorised to deal in human medicines
seen at 21:47, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The list of registered brokers has been updated.

A publicly available UK register for national health regulators in other European Economic Area (EEA) member states to check who is an authorised...

Guidance: Captured persons (JDP 1-10)
seen at 21:42, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added updated document JDP 1-10 Third edition, Change 1

During the course of military operations the UK armed forces must be prepared to capture and hold individuals, whether prisoners of war, ...

Guidance: Code of conduct for operational PFI/PPP contracts
seen at 21:42, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added 3 new signatories

The voluntary code of conduct sets out the basis on which public and private sector partners agree to work together to make savings in operational Public Private Partnership...

Guidance: Privacy notice for the evaluation of the Troubled Families programme
seen at 21:42, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The Troubled Families programme aims to improve the lives of families with multiple, high cost problems across England.

To understand whether the Troubled Families programme has improved outcomes for...

Research and analysis: Staphylococcus aureus: annual trends in voluntary surveillance
seen at 21:41, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: HPR 9(29) report uploaded

This publication covers voluntary reports of S. aureus bacteraemia. Analyses are stratified by age, gender and geographical region, and include trends in antimicrobial...

Research and analysis: Kids Company: review of financial and governance controls, March 2014
seen at 21:41, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

In 2014 the Cabinet Office commissioned an independent review of financial governance controls at Kids Company after responsibility for youth policy was transferred to the Cabinet Office in 2013.

PFK ...

Promotional material: Connected Smart Cities Brochure 2015
seen at 21:41, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

As Brazil continues its rapid urbanisation, UK technology can help to create workable, sustainable cities. The Brazilian citizens in the country’s over 5000 municipalities are demanding more and more from their...

Promotional material: Connected Smart Cities Brochure 2015
seen at 21:40, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

As Brazil continues its rapid urbanisation, UK technology can help to create workable, sustainable cities. The Brazilian citizens in the country’s over 5000 municipalities are demanding more and more from their...

Research and analysis: Health Protection Report volume 9 (2015)
seen at 21:34, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: HPR 9(29) news uploaded

Health Protection Report (HPR) is a weekly bulletin containing a digest of health protection news and regular reporting from Public Health England on infections (routine...

Guidance: Belize – Prisoner Pack
seen at 21:33, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated attached file

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison

Guidance: Captured persons (JDP 1-10)
seen at 20:39, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added updated document JDP 1-10 Third edition, Change 1

During the course of military operations the UK armed forces must be prepared to capture and hold individuals, whether prisoners of war, ...

Guidance: Code of conduct for operational PFI/PPP contracts
seen at 20:39, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added 3 new signatories

The voluntary code of conduct sets out the basis on which public and private sector partners agree to work together to make savings in operational Public Private Partnership...

Guidance: Privacy notice for the evaluation of the Troubled Families programme
seen at 20:39, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The Troubled Families programme aims to improve the lives of families with multiple, high cost problems across England.

To understand whether the Troubled Families programme has improved outcomes for...

Research and analysis: Staphylococcus aureus: annual trends in voluntary surveillance
seen at 20:39, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: HPR 9(29) report uploaded

This publication covers voluntary reports of S. aureus bacteraemia. Analyses are stratified by age, gender and geographical region, and include trends in antimicrobial...

Research and analysis: Kids Company: review of financial and governance controls, March 2014
seen at 20:38, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

In 2014 the Cabinet Office commissioned an independent review of financial governance controls at Kids Company after responsibility for youth policy was transferred to the Cabinet Office in 2013.

PFK ...

Promotional material: Connected Smart Cities Brochure 2015
seen at 20:38, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

As Brazil continues its rapid urbanisation, UK technology can help to create workable, sustainable cities. The Brazilian citizens in the country’s over 5000 municipalities are demanding more and more from their...

Promotional material: Connected Smart Cities Brochure 2015
seen at 20:38, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

As Brazil continues its rapid urbanisation, UK technology can help to create workable, sustainable cities. The Brazilian citizens in the country’s over 5000 municipalities are demanding more and more from their...

Research and analysis: Health Protection Report volume 9 (2015)
seen at 20:31, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: HPR 9(29) news uploaded

Health Protection Report (HPR) is a weekly bulletin containing a digest of health protection news and regular reporting from Public Health England on infections (routine...

Guidance: Belize – Prisoner Pack
seen at 20:31, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated attached file

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison

Statistical data set: Energy inefficient dwellings
seen at 20:11, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated tables.

Tables on energy performance.

DA7101: energy performance - dwellings

MS Excel Spreadsheet, 171KB

Guidance: Military low flying: RAF operational low flying training timetable
seen at 20:11, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added RAF operational low flying training timetable: 31 August to 4 September 2015

A list of timetables for operational low flying (OLF) training by RAF fast jets and Hercules aircraft. These timetables...

Guidance: Pharmaceutical price regulation scheme 2014
seen at 20:10, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added document: Addendum to the 2014 pharmaceutical price regulation scheme and explanatory text.

The 2014 Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme (PPRS) will provide assurance on almost all of ...

Guidance: Military low flying: MOD sponsored air exercises
seen at 20:09, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added MOD sponsored current / future planned air exercise list week commencing 24 August 2015

A timetable of the current and future planned MOD sponsored low flying exercises by fast jets, rotary...

Guidance: Equatorial Guinea - Prisoner Pack
seen at 20:09, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Equatorial Guinea. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison.

British Nationals...

Guidance: Gabon - Prisoner Pack
seen at 20:09, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: A minor change

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Gabon. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison.

Guidance: Cameroon – Prisoner Pack
seen at 20:09, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have updated this document to make it country specific.

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Cameroon. You can also read about how...

FOI release: Request for information on government subsidies in the energy sector
seen at 20:09, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

FOI request for information on government subsidies in the energy sector, specifically the most recent annual figures for direct fossil fuel subsidies, indirect fossil fuel subsidies, direct renewable subsidies...

Transparency data: Departmental spend over £500: June 2015
seen at 20:09, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

A monthly updated list of all financial transactions spending over £500 made by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Transparency data: Government procurement card spend over £500: June 2015
seen at 20:09, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

A monthly list of spending over £500 made on the Government Procurement Card by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Statistics: Devolved Administration Greenhouse Gas Inventories: 1990-2013
seen at 19:55, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

These emissions estimates are also published on the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) website, and the devolved administration websites:

Scottish government Welsh government...
Research and analysis: Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated by Activities (MMO 1097)
seen at 19:53, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Quantification of underwater noise is a current and evolving topic in marine environmental science that is relevant to marine plan policy development. It is recognised that there is currently insufficient data...

Research and analysis: Ebola virus disease: epidemiological update
seen at 19:52, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added update No. 49, 21 August 2015

Epidemiology of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa.

Guidance: Explanation of the legal and prison system to British Nationals
seen at 19:52, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison

Guidance: Health needs assessment: prison examples
seen at 19:45, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

These prisons have completed the health and wellbeing needs assessment (HWBNA) using the assessment toolkit.

Research and analysis: Early lessons learnt from opt-out blood-borne virus testing policy in prisons: summary report
seen at 19:45, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

PHE, NHS England and NOMS have committed to an ambition to fully implement the opt-out BBV testing policy in all prisons in England by 2016 to 2017.

Notice: SO15 1HJ, Hazardous Waste Management Limited: environmental permit draft decision advertisement
seen at 19:45, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. In some cases they also consult on ...

Guidance: Gabon: List of Funeral Directors
seen at 19:45, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The following list of funeral directors has been prepared by the British Embassy Embassy in Cameroon for the convenience of British Nationals who may require this service and assistance in Gabon.

It ...

Guidance: Pathogenic vibrio scheme: recent reports
seen at 19:44, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added pathogenic vibrio scheme: distribution V044 EQA report.

The examinations covered are for the presence, absence and enumerations of:

Vibrio parahaemolyticus Vibrio cholerae (non-...
Guidance: Prescribed places of detention: health needs assessment toolkit
seen at 19:41, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added part 3 of health needs assessment template: police custody.

This toolkit provides support for producing a health needs assessment for prescribed places of detention, which includes prisons...

Guidance: Local Growth Fund (Housing Infrastructure): due diligence
seen at 19:40, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Shortlisted projects have to undergo a due diligence process. Any enquiries should be emailed to

Open consultation: National Accounts Mid Term Work Plan 2015 to 2018
seen at 19:40, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: In response to a request to extend the deadline of the consultation on the National Accounts Work Plan, the ONS is happy to accommodate and will therefore be extending the deadline to 25 September 2015...

Notice: Register of brokers authorised to deal in human medicines
seen at 19:40, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The list of registered brokers has been updated.

A publicly available UK register for national health regulators in other European Economic Area (EEA) member states to check who is an authorised...

Guidance: Captured persons (JDP 1-10)
seen at 18:32, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added updated document JDP 1-10 Third edition, Change 1

During the course of military operations the UK armed forces must be prepared to capture and hold individuals, whether prisoners of war, ...

Guidance: Code of conduct for operational PFI/PPP contracts
seen at 18:32, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added 3 new signatories

The voluntary code of conduct sets out the basis on which public and private sector partners agree to work together to make savings in operational Public Private Partnership...

Guidance: Privacy notice for the evaluation of the Troubled Families programme
seen at 18:32, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The Troubled Families programme aims to improve the lives of families with multiple, high cost problems across England.

To understand whether the Troubled Families programme has improved outcomes for...

Research and analysis: Staphylococcus aureus: annual trends in voluntary surveillance
seen at 18:31, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: HPR 9(29) report uploaded

This publication covers voluntary reports of S. aureus bacteraemia. Analyses are stratified by age, gender and geographical region, and include trends in antimicrobial...

Research and analysis: Kids Company: review of financial and governance controls, March 2014
seen at 18:31, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

In 2014 the Cabinet Office commissioned an independent review of financial governance controls at Kids Company after responsibility for youth policy was transferred to the Cabinet Office in 2013.

PFK ...

News story: Calais situation: information and advice
seen at 18:31, 21 August in News and communications from Home Office (Our copy).

Updated: Links to leaflets and maps in 6 languages that explain how freight and tourist traffic will be routed when Operation Stack is operational.

Cross-Channel passengers planning to travel through ...

News story: Bluefin tuna spotted off South West coast
seen at 18:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

On Monday a vessel escorting tourists around Mounts Bay, Penzance reported what it thought to be a group of bluefin tuna. Fishermen in the area have also spotted the shoal.

The Atlantic bluefin tuna ...

News story: Changes to support in European funding
seen at 18:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

Although applicants have been able to request changes to existing projects, the Marine Management Organisation’s (MMO) are unable to support any further changes from the 11 September 2015.

In addition...

Press release: Advice to drivers heading to the Reading Festival
seen at 18:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

The Reading Festival will be held from Friday 28 August to Sunday 30 August. Anyone who is considering driving along the M4 should take extra care as the roads around Reading will be busy.

Highways England...

Press release: Planned roadworks in Kent and Sussex: Weekly summary for Monday 24 August to Sunday 30 August 2015
seen at 18:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).
M2 junctions 4 Gillingham to 6 Faversham, Kent: Joint and bearing replacement

Work to maintain journeys by undertaking bridge joint and bearing replacement on the M2 between junctions 4 (Gillingham) and 6 (Faversham...

News story: Webinars, e-learning, emails and videos if you're self-employed
seen at 18:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Updates to dates and times of live webinars.

I welcome feedback on my work / behaviour - both good and where you think I can improve##Emails

You can get business emails from HMRC...

News story: Webinars, e-learning and videos if you're a tax agent or adviser
seen at 18:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Updates to dates and times of live webinars.


An online course on resolving disputes through reviews and appeals.

Webinars and videos

HMRC is running interactive workshops...

News story: Webinars, e-learning, emails and videos on employing people
seen at 18:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Updates to dates and times of live webinars.


You can get emails from HMRC on how to become an employer.


An online course on becoming an employer.

News story: Webinars, e-learning, emails and videos on VAT
seen at 18:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Updates to times and dates of webinars.


You can get business emails from HMRC to help you with VAT.


An online course on getting started with VAT.


Speech: "Dealing with the past, no matter how difficult, controversial or painful, is vital if Kosovo is to tackle impunity."
seen at 18:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

Thank you Madam President.

I would first like to thank Special Representative Zarif for this, his final briefing. I’m sure others will join me in paying tribute to all your hard work on Kosovo, and your...

Press release: Planned roadworks in and around the M25: Weekly summary for Monday 24 August - Sunday 30 August
seen at 18:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).
M1 junction 1 Brent Cross, Greater London: Electrical work

Work to improve journeys by carrying out electrical work will start this week. The northbound entry exit slip road from the A406 will be closed overnight...

News story: Live Q&A on Foreign Office graduate opportunities
seen at 18:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Amended twitter handle

With the application window for the Civil Service Faststream scheme opening shortly, Deputy Human Resources Director David Whineray will host a Question and Answer session...

Guidance: Quality assurance framework: case law
seen at 17:05, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added a new file - R (SD) v North Yorkshire Police July 2015.

The documents provide details of the findings from relevant challenges to the disclosure of information under Part V of the Police ...

Guidance: Chad - Prisoner Pack
seen at 17:04, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Chad. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison.

British Nationals in Chad...

FOI release: Dart Charge - 724344
seen at 17:04, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

A request was made under the Freedom of Information Act for how many chargeable journeys have been made since 30 November 2015, how many have been compliant in paying, and of those how many non UK vehicles have...

FOI release: Dart Charge - FOI 724465
seen at 17:04, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

A request was made under the Freedom of Information Act for the amount of unallocated payments has Sanef/Dart Charge accumulated.

Guidance: Central African Republic - Prisoner Pack
seen at 17:04, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in the Central African Republic (CAR). You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison.

Statistical data set: Energy performance
seen at 17:03, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated tables.

Tables on:

heating insultation DA6101: heating - dwellings

MS Excel Spreadsheet, 155KB

Statistical data set: Energy inefficient dwellings
seen at 17:03, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated tables.

Tables on energy performance.

DA7101: energy performance - dwellings

MS Excel Spreadsheet, 171KB

Guidance: Military low flying: RAF operational low flying training timetable
seen at 17:03, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added RAF operational low flying training timetable: 31 August to 4 September 2015

A list of timetables for operational low flying (OLF) training by RAF fast jets and Hercules aircraft. These timetables...

Guidance: Pharmaceutical price regulation scheme 2014
seen at 17:02, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added document: Addendum to the 2014 pharmaceutical price regulation scheme and explanatory text.

The 2014 Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme (PPRS) will provide assurance on almost all of ...

Guidance: Military low flying: MOD sponsored air exercises
seen at 17:02, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added MOD sponsored current / future planned air exercise list week commencing 24 August 2015

A timetable of the current and future planned MOD sponsored low flying exercises by fast jets, rotary...

Guidance: Equatorial Guinea - Prisoner Pack
seen at 17:01, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Equatorial Guinea. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison.

British Nationals...

Guidance: Gabon - Prisoner Pack
seen at 17:01, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: A minor change

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Gabon. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison.

Guidance: Cameroon – Prisoner Pack
seen at 17:01, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have updated this document to make it country specific.

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Cameroon. You can also read about how...

FOI release: Request for information on government subsidies in the energy sector
seen at 17:01, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

FOI request for information on government subsidies in the energy sector, specifically the most recent annual figures for direct fossil fuel subsidies, indirect fossil fuel subsidies, direct renewable subsidies...

Transparency data: Departmental spend over £500: June 2015
seen at 17:01, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

A monthly updated list of all financial transactions spending over £500 made by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Transparency data: Government procurement card spend over £500: June 2015
seen at 17:01, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

A monthly list of spending over £500 made on the Government Procurement Card by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Statistics: Devolved Administration Greenhouse Gas Inventories: 1990-2013
seen at 16:47, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

These emissions estimates are also published on the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI) website, and the devolved administration websites:

Scottish government Welsh government...
Research and analysis: Modelled Mapping of Continuous Underwater Noise Generated by Activities (MMO 1097)
seen at 16:45, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Quantification of underwater noise is a current and evolving topic in marine environmental science that is relevant to marine plan policy development. It is recognised that there is currently insufficient data...

Research and analysis: Ebola virus disease: epidemiological update
seen at 16:44, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added update No. 49, 21 August 2015

Epidemiology of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa.

Guidance: Explanation of the legal and prison system to British Nationals
seen at 16:44, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison

Guidance: Health needs assessment: prison examples
seen at 16:37, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

These prisons have completed the health and wellbeing needs assessment (HWBNA) using the assessment toolkit.

Research and analysis: Early lessons learnt from opt-out blood-borne virus testing policy in prisons: summary report
seen at 16:37, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

PHE, NHS England and NOMS have committed to an ambition to fully implement the opt-out BBV testing policy in all prisons in England by 2016 to 2017.

Notice: CH62 4TH, Cereal Partners UK: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 16:37, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Changed closing date for comments from 19 September 2015 to 21 September 2015.

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, ...

Notice: RG7 4PR, AWE Plc: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 16:37, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Changed closing date for comments from 19 September 2015 to 21 September 2015.

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, ...

Notice: SO21 2DY, Hazardous Waste Management Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 16:37, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Changed closing date for comments from 19 September 2015 to 21 September 2015.

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, ...

Notice: SP9 7AJ, Telluric Remediation Management Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 16:37, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Changed closing date for comments from 19 September 2015 to 21 September 2015.

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, ...

Notice: NN15 5YT, Alpro (UK) Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 16:37, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Changed closing date for comments from 19 September 2015 to 21 September 2015.

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, ...

Notice: SO15 1HJ, Hazardous Waste Management Limited: environmental permit draft decision advertisement
seen at 16:37, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. In some cases they also consult on ...

Guidance: Gabon: List of Funeral Directors
seen at 16:37, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The following list of funeral directors has been prepared by the British Embassy Embassy in Cameroon for the convenience of British Nationals who may require this service and assistance in Gabon.

It ...

Notice: NG2 1LW, Pork Farms Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 16:37, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Guidance: Pathogenic vibrio scheme: recent reports
seen at 16:36, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added pathogenic vibrio scheme: distribution V044 EQA report.

The examinations covered are for the presence, absence and enumerations of:

Vibrio parahaemolyticus Vibrio cholerae (non-...
Guidance: Prescribed places of detention: health needs assessment toolkit
seen at 16:33, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added part 3 of health needs assessment template: police custody.

This toolkit provides support for producing a health needs assessment for prescribed places of detention, which includes prisons...

Notice: SO20 6JB, Farrer & Co Trust Corporation Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 16:33, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: B93 0BJ, Ardenvale Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 16:33, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: NR17 1AZ, Mr Stephen Hall: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 16:33, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: LE12 5NU, FFR (Developments) LLP: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 16:33, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Guidance: Local Growth Fund (Housing Infrastructure): due diligence
seen at 16:32, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Shortlisted projects have to undergo a due diligence process. Any enquiries should be emailed to

BGS to monitor proposed Yorkshire fracking site
seen at 16:32, 21 August in NERC news (Our copy).

Scientists from the British Geological Survey (BGS) are helping make sure any fracking that may happen in Yorkshire is done responsibly and doesn't harm the environment unnecessarily.

Marvel Raises $2m Funding to Disrupt the App Creation Market
seen at 16:32, 21 August in Tech City UK (Our copy).

Our Runway East and WeWork neighbour, startup Marvel, has raised $2 million funding from Index Ventures, Connect Ventures, ustwo and more. We caught up with co-founder, Murat Mutlu, to find out how they started...

Construction Company fined for insecure site
seen at 16:31, 21 August in HSE RSS feeds (Our copy).
A construction company has been fined for safety failings which led to a two-year-old boy wandering onto a building site.
Press release: Finances of Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust under investigation by Monitor
seen at 16:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

The regulator stepped in after the trust’s finances deteriorated and will look at the underlying causes and identify possible steps that could improve the situation.

The trust, which runs Leighton Hospital...

Press release: Honour for Trooper Potts marks 1 year of VC paving stone ceremonies
seen at 16:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

Over the past year communities across the United Kingdom have been honouring local First World War heroes at Victoria Cross paving stone ceremonies, 100 years to the day they were awarded Britain’s highest military...

Press release: Minister Ellwood marks second anniversary of chemical attacks in Ghouta, Syria
seen at 16:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

On the second anniversary of the Assad regime’s chemical weapon attack on the innocent people of Ghouta, Syria, Minister for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood remembers those affected and reiterates the need for...

Press release: £1.7 million resurfacing for Port of Liverpool route
seen at 16:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

Highways England is resurfacing a two and a half mile stretch of the A5036 from the junction with the M57 and the M58, known as Switch Island, to the junction with Hawthorne Road.

Contractors will resurface...

Press release: Weekly roadworks Devon and Cornwall - 21 August 2015
seen at 16:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).
A30 - Between Whiddon Down and Tongue End, east of Okehampton

Westbound lane closure 7pm to 6am for white lining. 24-25 August

A30 - Meldon, east of Okehampton

Westbound lane closure 7pm-6am for white...

Press release: Minister unwraps new production line at chocolate factory
seen at 16:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

The Business Secretary Sajid Javid visited the home of Cadbury in Birmingham to open a new state-of-the-art production line at its chocolate factory today (21 August 2015).

The new facility has been installed...

Press release: Planned roadworks in East Midlands: Weekly summary for Monday 24 to Sunday 30 August 2015
seen at 16:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

Media wanting information about Highways England’s routine maintenance projects should, in the first instance, check our website.

M1 junction 15 to 19, Northamptonshire: smart motorways preparatory work <...
Press release: Planned roadworks in West Midlands: Weekly summary for Monday 24 August – Sunday 30 August 2015
seen at 16:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).
A38 Barton-Under-Needwood – Hillards Cross: Carriageway resurfacing

The carriageway will be closed in both directions overnight between 8pm and 6am from 24 August until 28 August. A diversion route will be clearly...

News story: Make your views heard: BIS apprenticeship levy consultation
seen at 16:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

BIS has opened its consultation on proposals to introduce an apprenticeship levy in 2017. The levy will enable employers to choose and pay for apprenticeship training.

We encourage employers, ...

Press release: Planned roadworks in Yorkshire and the Humber: summary for Monday 24 August to Thursday 27th August 2015
seen at 16:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).
M1 Junction 30 Chesterfield to Junction 31 Worksop

There are currently narrow lanes and a 50mph speed limit in both directions as part of the smart motorway scheme. The hard shoulder is also closed, and the ...

News story: Points of Light: August 2015 winners
seen at 16:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Added Points of Light winner 322: Maurice Vaughan.

The following people were given a Points of Light award in August 2015 (the numbering continues from July’s winners):

305. David Nicholls...
News story: New fees calculator for initial marketing authorisation applications
seen at 16:30, 21 August in News and communications (Our copy).

MHRA has developed a fees calculator to help companies calculate the fees they will be charged when making an initial application for a marketing authorisation.

Many licence applications are invalidated...

Statistics: Factsheet: The UK's humanitarian aid response to the Syria crisis
seen at 14:57, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updared factsheet

This update is correct as of 21 August 2015. Further updates will be published as the situation changes.

Guidance: Operation Stack: route maps
seen at 14:57, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated version of German Operation Stack Maps document and Welsh Routes for tourist and routes for freight added

Route maps are available in English for tourists and English, German, Polish, French...

Guidance: Register of licensed sponsors: students
seen at 14:57, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated register.

This document lists Tier 4 sponsors. It includes information about the category of students they’re licensed to sponsor and their sponsorship rating.

Guidance: Register of licensed sponsors: workers
seen at 14:56, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated register.

This document lists Tier 2 and 5 sponsors. It includes information about the category of workers they’re licensed to sponsor and their sponsorship rating.

FOI release: The number of registered drivers in Scarborough and penalty points
seen at 14:56, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

This Freedom of Information details the number of registered drivers in Scarborough and how many penalty points they have broken down by age and gender.

Guidance: Subject knowledge enhancement (SKE): operations manual
seen at 14:55, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

A manual for initial teacher training (ITT) providers and School Direct lead schools to use as a guidance document to request subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) funding from the National College for Teaching...

Corporate report: CA98 public register
seen at 14:55, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Decision added.

A list of Competition Act 1998 decisions, with links to where you can download the full text of the decision.

Consultation outcome: GCSE reform: regulations for food preparation and nutrition
seen at 14:55, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published consultation outcome

This consultation is about the rules and guidance we need to put in place for new GCSEs in food preparation and nutrition. These rules will apply to the exam boards...

Consultation outcome: GCSE, AS and A level reform: regulations for drama/drama and theatre
seen at 14:54, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published consultation outcome

This consultation is about the rules and guidance we plan to put in place for new GCSEs in drama, and new AS and A levels in drama and theatre. These rules will apply...

Notice: Case: Investigation into the commissioning of elective services in North East London
seen at 14:54, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have published the statement of issues.

Monitor has decided to investigate the commissioning of elective care services in North East London by Barking and Dagenham Clinical Commissioning Group...

Promotional material: Lyme disease: signs and symptoms
seen at 14:53, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Summary of signs and symptoms of Lyme disease.

Guidance: Guidance on examining identity documents
seen at 14:53, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated guidance.

Identity documents are used as proof of identity, nationality, status and employment in the UK.

There are thousands of fraudulent identity documents in circulation. This...

Transparency data: Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency spending over £25,000: 2015 to 2016
seen at 14:53, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

See MHRA spending over &pound;25,000: 2014 to 2015.

Data older than October 2014 is available on the National Archives website.

Guidance: MERS-CoV: risk assessment
seen at 14:53, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: August risk assessment uploaded

Public Health England remains vigilant and closely monitors developments in the Middle East and in the rest of the world where new cases of Middle East Respiratory...

Guidance: Statutory market values for oil
seen at 14:53, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The daily values for all Category 1 crude oils for July 2015 have been updated.


Statute provides for the use of a defined market value where a participator in a UK oil field disposes...

Transparency data: DWP official Twitter accounts
seen at 14:53, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published updated list.

This document lists official Twitter accounts in use by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Twitter is one of a number of social media channels DWP uses ...

Corporate report: UK Co-ordinating Body Annual Report: 2014 to 2015
seen at 14:52, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

This annual report outlines the UK Co-ordinating Body’s constitution, objectives and performance indicators, and its performance against business plan targets.

It also includes information on the UK Co...

Notice: Part I claim: A27 Bognor Roundabout Improvements
seen at 14:52, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Under Part I of the Land Com­pen­sa­tion Act 1973, compensation can be claimed by anyone having a qualifying interest in land if the value of that inter­est has been depreciated by more than &pound;50 by...

Guidance: Quality assurance framework: case law
seen at 14:48, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added a new file - R (SD) v North Yorkshire Police July 2015.

The documents provide details of the findings from relevant challenges to the disclosure of information under Part V of the Police ...

Guidance: Chad - Prisoner Pack
seen at 14:48, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Chad. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison.

British Nationals in Chad...

Notice: A585 Bourne Way To West Drive Widening And Improvement
seen at 14:48, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Under Part I of the Land Com­pen­sa­tion Act 1973, compensation can be claimed by anyone having a qualifying interest in land if the value of that inter­est has been depreciated by more than &pound;50 by ...

FOI release: Dart Charge - 724344
seen at 14:48, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

A request was made under the Freedom of Information Act for how many chargeable journeys have been made since 30 November 2015, how many have been compliant in paying, and of those how many non UK vehicles have...

FOI release: Dart Charge - FOI 724465
seen at 14:48, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

A request was made under the Freedom of Information Act for the amount of unallocated payments has Sanef/Dart Charge accumulated.

Guidance: Central African Republic - Prisoner Pack
seen at 14:47, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in the Central African Republic (CAR). You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison.

Statistical data set: Energy performance
seen at 14:47, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated tables.

Tables on:

heating insultation DA6101: heating - dwellings

MS Excel Spreadsheet, 155KB

Statistical data set: Energy inefficient dwellings
seen at 14:46, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated tables.

Tables on energy performance.

DA7101: energy performance - dwellings

MS Excel Spreadsheet, 171KB

Guidance: Military low flying: RAF operational low flying training timetable
seen at 14:46, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added RAF operational low flying training timetable: 31 August to 4 September 2015

A list of timetables for operational low flying (OLF) training by RAF fast jets and Hercules aircraft. These timetables...

Guidance: Pharmaceutical price regulation scheme 2014
seen at 14:45, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added document: Addendum to the 2014 pharmaceutical price regulation scheme and explanatory text.

The 2014 Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme (PPRS) will provide assurance on almost all of ...

Guidance: Military low flying: MOD sponsored air exercises
seen at 14:45, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added MOD sponsored current / future planned air exercise list week commencing 24 August 2015

A timetable of the current and future planned MOD sponsored low flying exercises by fast jets, rotary...

Guidance: Equatorial Guinea - Prisoner Pack
seen at 14:45, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Equatorial Guinea. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison.

British Nationals...

Guidance: Gabon - Prisoner Pack
seen at 14:45, 21 August in Search (Our copy).

Updated: A minor change

This guide aims to explain the legal and prison system to British Nationals who are imprisoned in Gabon. You can also read about how to apply for a transfer back to a UK prison.