25 February 2016

Form: Statement of capital when reducing capital in a company after share warrants cancelled (SH19)
seen at 22:31, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

This form can be used as a statement of capital by a company reducing its capital following a court order to cancel outstanding share warrants.

The continuation pages are optional. Use them if you need...

Form: Give notice of an application to court to cancel share warrants (NAC01)
seen at 22:31, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

This form can be used to give notice that the company has applied to court to cancel any outstanding share warrants.

Independent report: The agreement between the Scottish government and the United Kingdom government on the Scottish government’s fiscal framework
seen at 21:31, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

The new fiscal framework will underpin the further powers over tax and welfare that are being devolved to Scotland through the Scotland Bill.

Guidance: Crown Commercial Service update: February 2016
seen at 21:31, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

The monthly customer update from the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) provides government and public sector buyers with the latest information about developments in procurement policy and commercial reform, the...

Form: Statement of capital when reducing capital in a company after share warrants cancelled (SH19)
seen at 21:31, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

This form can be used as a statement of capital by a company reducing its capital following a court order to cancel outstanding share warrants.

The continuation pages are optional. Use them if you need...

Form: Give notice of an application to court to cancel share warrants (NAC01)
seen at 21:31, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

This form can be used to give notice that the company has applied to court to cancel any outstanding share warrants.

News story: Regulatory Policy Committee: latest consultation stage opinions
seen at 21:30, 25 February in News and communications (Our copy).

A total of 11 consultation stage opinions are published today. 7 of these consultations are currently live and open for comments, 4 are historic cases.

Of particular interest are:

BIS – Growth Duty...
Consultation outcome: Collective Rights Management Directive: technical review
seen at 20:35, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Summary of responses to technical review published.

The European Union has agreed a new Directive that will change the rules that apply to Collective Management Organisations (“CMOs” - ...

Research and analysis: Pesticide residues in food: rolling monitoring results for 2015
seen at 20:35, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the November and December 2015 rolling monitoring results.

We publish rolling results from the government’s monitoring programme to check home-produced and imported food for any pesticide...

Decision: Teacher misconduct panel outcome: Mr Wakass Haruf
seen at 20:35, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

The Secretary of State does not make these decisions herself. They are made by a senior official on the recommendation of an independent panel.

Location teacher worked: Birmingham, West...
FOI release: FOI Trusts use of off-framework agencies
seen at 20:35, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Information on trusts that have applied to use off-framework agencies, or reported use of off-framework agencies, since October 2015 including the names of the agencies used.

The request also asks for...

Guidance: HS2: Changing Britain
seen at 20:35, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

HS2: Changing Britain sets out how the project is already changing the way central and local government and local enterprise partnerships work together to plan the future of their cities both in terms of developing...

FOI release: FOI responses published by MOD: week commencing 22 February 2016
seen at 20:35, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new FOI responses - Travel and subsistence expenses from October 2014 to September 2015, Full maintenance history of Carillion maintained accommodation, Internal review response to Memorandum of...

Independent report: The agreement between the Scottish government and the United Kingdom government on the Scottish government’s fiscal framework
seen at 20:35, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

The new fiscal framework will underpin the further powers over tax and welfare that are being devolved to Scotland through the Scotland Bill.

Speech: Building peace and preventing conflict to deliver on the Agenda 2030 promises
seen at 20:30, 25 February in News and communications (Our copy).

Thank you Mr President, I’m delighted to be here to talk to you today.

Today’s discussion comes at an opportune moment. There are real reasons to be optimistic – 2015 saw agreement of a series of ambitious...

News story: Regulatory Policy Committee: latest consultation stage opinions
seen at 20:30, 25 February in News and communications (Our copy).

A total of 11 consultation stage opinions are published today. 7 of these consultations are currently live and open for comments, 4 are historic cases.

Of particular interest are:

BIS – Growth Duty...
News story: Historic new Scotland funding deal agreed
seen at 20:30, 25 February in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: update to reflect Agreement

A new funding deal, paving the way for the Scottish Parliament to become one of the most powerful of its kind in the world, has been agreed today (Tuesday 23 February...

Decision: Company Names Tribunal decision: Exxon (UK) International Auction Limited
seen at 18:58, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Signed order 09698226 added.

Application number 1043

Applicant Exxon Mobil Corporation objected to the name used by Exxon (UK) International Auction Limited under the Companies Act 2006.

Decision: Company Names Tribunal decision: Zurich Capital Holdings Ltd
seen at 18:58, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Signed order 09608366 added.

Application number 1039

Applicant Zurich Insurance Company Ltd objected to the name used by Zurich Capital Holdings Ltd under the Companies Act 2006.

The decision...

Form: VOA questionnaire for primary care estate improvements and new developments
seen at 18:58, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

This form is designed for use during the conceptual phase of a primary care premises development and relevant to both new developments and to proposed improvements to existing primary care premises.


Guidance: KS1 assessments data collection 2016: technical specification
seen at 18:57, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated technical specification to version 1.2. The document's version history describes the changes.

This specification is for:

suppliers developing software for use in management information...
Guidance: Welfare benefits tender 2016
seen at 18:57, 25 February in Search (Our copy).
Latest updates 25 February 2016 - Welfare benefits headline intentions published

We have today published a headline intentions document setting out the approach for procuring welfare benefits services from ...

Form: General quota application form: bilateral road haulage permits
seen at 18:57, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The 2016 version of the form has been published.

This form is used by hauliers to apply for bilateral road haulage permits for non-EU countries which allows them to travel to or through those countires...

Transparency data: Foreign & Commonwealth Office: Business Appointment Rules, May to December 2015
seen at 18:57, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Transparency information about outside appointments or employment taken up by former members of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office at SMS1 and SMS2 level and equivalents (including special advisers of equivalent...

Transparency data: FCO workforce management information: January 2016
seen at 18:57, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Details of the workforce management data for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. These figures are not official statistics. They are internal workforce management information published in the interests of transparency...

FOI release: FOI Internal review: foundation trust severance settlements
seen at 18:57, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Internal review decision added.

A list of special settlement payment requests made by foundation trusts to Monitor for submission to the Treasury for approval in the financial years 2013/2014, ...

Notice: Notice 09/16 Private Storage Aid (PSA) for Cheese
seen at 18:57, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

This notice is subsequent to Notice to Traders 3/2016 issued on 18 February 2016.

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/225 provided for unused allocations to be redistributed between Member States...

Corporate report: Sector contact list: Climate Change Agreements (CCA) scheme
seen at 18:57, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: This is an updated contact list for business sector associations that have Climate Change Agreements. Updated February 2016

53 Business sectors participate in the Climate Change Agreements scheme...

Consultation outcome: Collective Rights Management Directive: technical review
seen at 18:57, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Summary of responses to technical review published.

The European Union has agreed a new Directive that will change the rules that apply to Collective Management Organisations (“CMOs” - ...

Guidance: The Collective Rights Management Directive
seen at 18:57, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

This February 2016 guidance is addressed primarily at organisations which fall under the definition of “collective management organisation” in The Collective Management of Copyright (EU Directive) Regulations...

Guidance: Highways England safety alerts
seen at 18:57, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Document added

See archived safety alerts for earlier years on the National Archives website

FOI release: FOI Agency price caps: weekly operational data and monthly financial data
seen at 18:57, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

The request was for information on the weekly operational data and monthly financial data regarding the agency price caps from 23 November 2015. The request asked for this information to be broken down by trust...

Research and analysis: Pesticide residues in food: rolling monitoring results for 2015
seen at 18:57, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the November and December 2015 rolling monitoring results.

We publish rolling results from the government’s monitoring programme to check home-produced and imported food for any pesticide...

Notice: CDE enduring competition
seen at 18:57, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with next closing date: proposals to be assessed during April/May 2016 must be submitted by 5pm on 22 March 2016.

Proposals to be assessed during April/May 2016 must be submitted ...

Decision: Teacher misconduct panel outcome: Mr Wakass Haruf
seen at 18:56, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

The Secretary of State does not make these decisions herself. They are made by a senior official on the recommendation of an independent panel.

Location teacher worked: Birmingham, West...
Transparency data: Absence data report: 1 October 2013 to 30 September 2014
seen at 18:56, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

This report provides a brief summary on UK Export Finance’s sick absence results for the 12 month period ending 30 September 2014.

Transparency data: Absence data report: 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014
seen at 18:56, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

This report provides a brief summary on UK Export Finance’s sick absence results for the 12 month period ending 31 December 2014.

Transparency data: Absence data report: 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015
seen at 18:56, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

This report provides a brief summary on UK Export Finance’s sick absence results for the 12 month period ending 31 March 2015.

Transparency data: Absence data report: 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015
seen at 18:56, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

This report provides a brief summary on UK Export Finance’s sick absence results for the 12 month period ending 30 June 2015.

Transparency data: Absence data report: 1 October 2014 to 30 September 2015
seen at 18:56, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

This report provides a brief summary on UK Export Finance’s sick absence results for the 12 month period ending 30 September 2015.

FOI release: FOI Trusts use of off-framework agencies
seen at 18:56, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Information on trusts that have applied to use off-framework agencies, or reported use of off-framework agencies, since October 2015 including the names of the agencies used.

The request also asks for...

Research and analysis: Costs and benefits of new regulation (Regulatory Policy Committee opinions since May 2015)
seen at 18:56, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated table to include recently published consultation stage opinions

Regulatory proposals are accompanied by an impact assessment (IA), which assesses and estimates the likely costs and benefits...

Notice: TN26 2DQ, Mr Ben Roberts: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:56, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: TR2 5PG, Mr John Coldman: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:56, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Guidance: HS2: Changing Britain
seen at 18:56, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

HS2: Changing Britain sets out how the project is already changing the way central and local government and local enterprise partnerships work together to plan the future of their cities both in terms of developing...

FOI release: FOI responses published by MOD: week commencing 22 February 2016
seen at 18:55, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new FOI responses - Travel and subsistence expenses from October 2014 to September 2015, Full maintenance history of Carillion maintained accommodation, Internal review response to Memorandum of...

Official Statistics: Incorporated companies in the United Kingdom (monthly and weekly to January 2016)
seen at 18:55, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Pre-release access data added.

Month on month and week on week statistics on companies, including the number of incorporations, dissolutions, documents registered and the total size of the register...

Official Statistics: Incorporated companies in the United Kingdom (monthly and weekly to January 2016)
seen at 18:55, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Pre-release access data added.

Month on month and week on week statistics on companies, including the number of incorporations, dissolutions, documents registered and the total size of the register...

Official Statistics: Incorporated companies in the United Kingdom - January 2016
seen at 18:55, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Pre-release access data added.

Monthly statistics on companies, including the number of incorporations, dissolutions, documents registered and the total size of the register at Companies House.

Official Statistics: Incorporated companies in the United Kingdom - January 2016
seen at 18:55, 25 February in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Pre-release access data added.

Monthly statistics on companies, including the number of incorporations, dissolutions, documents registered and the total size of the register at Companies House.

Tech Nation 2016 Regions: South West
seen at 18:54, 25 February in Tech City UK (Our copy).

In the coming weeks we’re going to be profiling each of the regions featured in the Tech Nation 2016 report. The first to be featured is the South West, which is home to four Tech Nation clusters

Tech Nation 2016 Regions: Scotland
seen at 18:54, 25 February in Tech City UK (Our copy).

In the coming weeks we’re going to be profiling each of the regions featured in the Tech Nation 2016 report. The second to be featured is the Scotland, which is home to three Tech Nation clusters

Insulation company fined for health and safety failings
seen at 18:54, 25 February in HSE RSS feeds (Our copy).
A Welsh insulation company that produced natural insulation products have been fined for health and safety failings
UK Non-Financial Business Economy, 2012 Regional Results (Annual Business Survey)
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Size and growth of the UK Non-Financial Business Economy in 2012, based on local activity of businesses. A key resource for regional business structure and performance.
National Accounts changes: impact on expenditure and income components of GDP
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
A news release highlighting the effects of upcoming Blue Book changes on the expenditure and income components of GDP
Disability-Free Life Expectancy by Upper Tier Local Authority: England 2009-11 and comparison with 2006-08
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Comparison of disability-free life expectancy estimates between local authorities in 2009-11 with regional breakdowns by sex, at birth and at age 65. Change over time between 2006-08 and 2009-11 is discussed for...
Retail Sales, June 2014
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
A first estimate of retail sales in value and volume terms, seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted.
Gross Domestic Product Preliminary Estimate, Q2 2014
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Preliminary estimate for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) containing constant price Gross Value Added (GVA) data for the UK. Data is available split by industrial sector.
Index of Services, May 2014
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
The monthly movements in gross value added for the service industries, which overall account for around 78% of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Index of Private Housing Rental Prices, April to June 2014
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
The Index of Private Housing Rental Prices (IPHRP) measures the change in price of property rented by private landlords. The index is published as a series of price indices covering Great Britain, its constituent...
Index of Production, June 2014
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Constant price seasonally adjusted indices and growth rates for Production and component industries for June 2014
Internet Access – Households and Individuals 2014
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Use of the Internet by adults over the age of 16 in Great Britain and how households connected to the Internet in 2014. It provides information on what adults use the Internet for and the types of purchases made...
UK Trade, June 2014
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
UK Trade shows the extent of import and export activity and is a key contributor to the overall economic growth in the UK.
Impact of the Implementation of IRIS Software for ICD-10 Cause of Death Coding on Mortality Statistics, England and Wales
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Results of the IRIS bridge coding study, which shows the impact of the new IRIS software for cause of death coding on mortality statistics.
Output in the Construction Industry, June and Q2 2014
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Construction output at current price and chained volume measures seasonally adjusted by public and private sector.
National Accounts changes: further detail of the impact on real expenditure components of GDP
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
An article setting out further detail of the impact of previously announced National Accounts changes on the expenditure components of GDP.
UK Labour Market, August 2014
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Labour market statistics (including employment, unemployment and economic inactivity) for the United Kingdom.
Regional Labour Market, August 2014
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobs and the Claimant Count for regions, local authorities and parliamentary constituencies.
Overseas Travel and Tourism, Provisional Results for June 2014
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Monthly estimates of completed international visits to and from the UK and earnings and expenditure associated with these visits.
Baby Names in England and Wales, 2013
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Most popular first names for baby boys and girls. Derived from final annual births registration data and include all live births in England and Wales.
Second Estimate of GDP, Q2 2014
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Second estimate for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) containing constant price Gross Value Added (GVA) data for the UK. Data is available split by industrial sector.
Index of Services, June 2014
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
The monthly movements in gross value added for the service industries, which overall account for around 78% of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Producer Price Inflation, July 2014
seen at 18:53, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Input and output index producer price series of materials and fuels purchased and output of manufacturing industry by broad sector.
Consumer Price Inflation, July 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
CPI, CPIH, RPI and RPIJ inflation price indices for July 2014 - brief description and analysis.
House Price Index, June 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Mix-adjusted average house prices and house price indices for the UK and its component countries and regions.
Unexplained Deaths in Infancy: England and Wales, 2012
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Unexplained infant deaths in England and Wales includes both sudden infant deaths and deaths for which the cause remained unascertained after a full investigation.
Self-employment rises as fewer people leave
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
A new ONS report looks at trends in self-employment.
Retail Sales, July 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
A first estimate of retail sales in value and volume terms, seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted.
Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET), August 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Estimates for Young People who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).
Public Sector Finances, July 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
The PSF Statistical Bulletin, is published jointly by ONS and HM Treasury on a monthly basis, and provides the latest available measures for key public sector financial statistics such as Public Sector Current ...
Services Producer Price Indices, Quarter 2 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Service Producer Price Indices providing a measure of inflation for the UK service sector.
Migration Statistics Quarterly Report, August 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Provisional long-term International migration data. A coordinated release between the ONS, Home Office and DWP.
Births in England and Wales by Parents’ Country of Birth, 2013
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Annual statistics on live births. Includes countries of birth for non-UK born mothers and fathers.
Bonus payments up 4.9% on last year at £40.5 billion
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
ONS has published its annual article on bonus payments in Great Britain
Mergers and Acquisitions Involving UK Companies, Q2 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Estimates of the value and numbers of mergers, acquisitions and disposals involving UK companies with values of &pound;1.0 million or more. The information provided reflects solely the change in majority ownership...
Deaths Related to Drug Poisoning in England and Wales, 2013
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Drug poisoning and misuse deaths in England and Wales from 1993 onwards, by cause of death, sex, age and substances involved in the death.
Marwolaethau Cynnwys Clostridium difficile, Cymru, 2013
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Marwolaethau Clostridium difficile yng Nghymru yn 2013, wedi'u dadansoddi yn ôl rhyw, grŵp oedran a lleoliad y farwolaeth.
Deaths Involving Clostridium difficile, Wales, 2013
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Clostridium difficile deaths in Wales in 2013, broken down by sex, age group and place of death.
Deaths Involving MRSA: Wales, 2013
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
MRSA deaths in Wales in 2013, broken down by sex, age group and place of death.
Marwolaethau yn ymwneud ag MRSA: Cymru, 2013
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Staffylococws awrëws, Staffylococws awrëws sy'n gwrthsefyll Metisilin, Heintiau a gafwyd yn yr ysbyty, Heintiau a gafwyd mewn cartrefi gofal, Arch-fyg
National Accounts changes: updated GDP growth and Balance of Payments estimates
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released the latest set of articles setting out improvements to UK National Accounts and their estimated impacts.
UK Trade, July 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
UK Trade shows the extent of import and export activity and is a key contributor to the overall economic growth in the UK.
Index of Production, July 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Constant price seasonally adjusted indices and growth rates for Production and component industries for July 2014
Overseas Travel and Tourism, Provisional Results for July 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Monthly estimates of completed international visits to and from the UK and earnings and expenditure associated with these visits.
Characteristics of People and Households Without a Private Pension
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Characteristics of people who do not have a private pension and who are below pension age are examined in this article. The main characteristics covered are: age
UK Trade in Goods by Classification of Product by Activity CPA (08), Quarter 2 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
The value of UK exports and imports of goods grouped by industry. Goods are attributed to the industry of which they are the principal products.
Output in the Construction Industry, July 2014 and New Orders Q2 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Construction output at current price and chained volume measures seasonally adjusted by public and private sector.
Producer Price Inflation, August 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Input and output index producer price series of materials and fuels purchased and output of manufacturing industry by broad sector.
Consumer Price Inflation, August 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
CPI, CPIH, RPI and RPIJ inflation price indices for August 2014 - brief description and analysis.
House Price Index, July 2014
seen at 18:52, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Mix-adjusted average house prices and house price indices for the UK and its component countries and regions.
Index of Labour Costs per Hour (ILCH), Q2 2014 (experimental)
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Measures changes in the average labour costs per hour worked. Also known as Labour Cost Index (LCI).
Regional Labour Market, September 2014
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobs and the Claimant Count for regions, local authorities and parliamentary constituencies.
Public Sector Employment, Q2 2014
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
This bulletin contains detailed estimates of public sector employment, updated with the latest estimates for the second quarter of 2014.
UK Labour Market, September 2014
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Labour market statistics (including employment, unemployment and economic inactivity) for the United Kingdom.
National Accounts changes: updates on the treatment of pensions and Balance of Payments estimates
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released the final series of articles ahead of the Blue Book and Pink Book changes, which will be introduced on 30 September.
Retail Sales, August 2014
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
A first estimate of retail sales in value and volume terms, seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted.
MQ5: Investment by Insurance Companies, Pension Funds and Trusts, Q2 2014
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Information about the investment choices of insurance companies, self-administered pension funds, investment trusts, unit trusts and property unit trusts. Reported in this release are quarterly net investment data...
Public Sector Finances, August 2014
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Indicators of UK government fiscal performance: Public Sector Current Budget Deficit (PSCB), Net Borrowing (PSNB), Net Debt (PSND) and PSND as a percentage of GDP.
Personal Well-being in the UK, 2013/14
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
2013/14 Personal Well-being findings from the Annual Population Survey, with analysis by country, region and local areas and individual characteristics.
Occupational Pension Schemes Survey, 2013
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Membership and average contribution rates are the key estimates from the Occupational Pension Schemes Survey (OPSS) 2013. The nature of benefits provided under occupational pension schemes are also included in this...
Annual estimates of employees from the Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) 2013
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Employee estimates for the UK by region level and below and by broad industrial groupings and below.
National Life Tables, United Kingdom, 2011-2013
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
How long will I live? Life expectancy by age and sex from the National Life Tables. Data includes life expectancy for the UK and the constituent countries from 1980-82 to 2011-13.
Estimates of the Very Old (including Centenarians) for England and Wales, United Kingdom, 2002 to 2013
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Annual mid-year population estimates for those aged 90 and over by sex and single year of age (90 to 104) and the 105 and over age group, 2002-2013, for England and Wales (as a whole) and the United Kingdom.
Business Investment, Q2 2014 Revised Results
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Investment trends for businesses. Contains capital expenditure data at current prices, constant prices and seasonally adjusted.
Balance of Payments, Q2 2014
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
A key macro-economic indicator as it measures the UK's financial flows with the rest of the world.
Quarterly National Accounts, Q2 2014
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Estimates of the key components of GDP from the output, income and expenditure approaches. Gross Domestic Product measures the chained volume index movements of the UK. The services sector accounts for more than...
Consumer Trends, Q2 2014
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Household Final Consumption Expenditure (HHFCE) for the UK, the main tables include all expenditure on goods and services by members of UK households
Index of Services, July 2014
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
The monthly movements in gross value added for the service industries, which overall account for around 78.4% of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
National Accounts and Balance of Payments changes: New data consistent with Blue and Pink Books published
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has today released new National Accounts and Balance of Payments data, consistent with the 2014 Blue and Pink Books.
Labour Productivity, Q2 2014
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Output measures for the whole economy and a range of industries. Unit labour costs for the whole economy and unit wage costs for the whole economy and the manufacturing sector.
Index of Production, August 2014
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Constant price seasonally adjusted indices and growth rates for Production and component industries for August 2014
Integrated Household Survey, January to December 2013: Experimental Statistics
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Sexual identity, smoking prevalence and general health in the UK at a regional level.
ONS receives award from British businesses
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
ONS receives award from British businesses
ONS confirms introduction of new economic well-being release
seen at 18:51, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
ONS confirmed at its Economic Forum in London today that it would introduce a new release bringing together a set of indicators of economic well-being for the UK
Overseas Travel and Tourism, Provisional Results for August 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Monthly estimates of completed international visits to and from the UK and earnings and expenditure associated with these visits.
Civil Service Statistics, 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Civil Service employment at 31 March 2014 in the UK including gender, ethnicity, disability status, earnings and location of the Civil Service workforce.
UK Trade, August 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
UK Trade shows the extent of import and export activity and is a key contributor to the overall economic growth in the UK.
Output in the Construction Industry, August 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Construction output at current price and chained volume measures seasonally adjusted by public and private sector.
Producer Price Inflation, September 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Input and output index producer price series of materials and fuels purchased and output of manufacturing industry by broad sector.
Consumer Price Inflation, September 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
CPI, CPIH, RPI and RPIJ inflation price indices for September 2014 - brief description and analysis.
House Price Index, August 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Mix-adjusted average house prices and house price indices for the UK and its component countries and regions.
Gestation-specific Infant Mortality, 2012
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Births and infant deaths using information from births registered in England and Wales in 2012 linked to birth notifications data, then further linked to death registrations for babies who died before their first...
Regional Labour Market, October 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobs and the Claimant Count for regions, local authorities and parliamentary constituencies.
UK Labour Market, October 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Labour market statistics (including employment, unemployment and economic inactivity) for the United Kingdom.
Live Births in England and Wales by Characteristics of Mother 1, 2013
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Annual birth statistics by age of mother, type of registration, and mean age of mother by birth order.
Crime in England and Wales, Year Ending June 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Crime statistics from the Crime Survey for England and Wales and police recorded crime.
EU Government Deficit and Debt Return, September 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
UK general government deficit and gross debt figures expressed as proportion of GDP as well as &pound;s, with supporting information and commentary.
International Comparisons of Productivity - First Estimates, 2013
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
An international comparison of labour productivity across the G7 nations, in terms of levels of and growth in GDP per hour and GDP per worker.
Public Sector Finances, September 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Indicators of UK government fiscal performance: Public Sector Current Budget Deficit (PSCB), Net Borrowing (PSNB), Net Debt (PSND) and PSND as a percentage of GDP.
UK continues to be a manufacturing nation, says ONS
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Perceptions that manufacturing is disappearing from the UK are wide of the mark, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Despite the number of workers employed falling significantly since the late...
Annual Small Area Population Estimates, 2013 - Superseded
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Mid-2013 small area population estimates - detailed analysis and further information on lower and middle layer Super Output Areas, Wards and other geographies.
Retail Sales, September 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
A first estimate of retail sales in value and volume terms, seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted.
Index of Services, August 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
The monthly movements in gross value added for the service industries, which overall account for around 78.4% of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Gross Domestic Product Preliminary Estimate, Q3 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Preliminary estimate for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) containing constant price Gross Value Added (GVA) data for the UK. Data is available split by industrial sector.
Index of Private Housing Rental Prices, July to September 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
The Index of Private Housing Rental Prices (IPHRP) measures the change in price of property rented by private landlords. The index is published as a series of price indices covering Great Britain, its constituent...
Deaths Registered in England and Wales (Series DR), 2013
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Annual mortality statistics on deaths registered by age-group, sex and underlying cause of death and by other information collected at the time of registration.
UK Business: Activity, Size and Location, 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
A count of UK business enterprises and local units from an Inter Departmental Business Register (IDBR) snapshot taken on 14 March 2014, headline figures and commentary.
Working and Workless Households, 2014 - Statistical Bulletin
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Households and the adults and children living in them, by household economic activity status. It also includes estimates of employment rates of people by parental status.
Cancer Survival in England: Adults Diagnosed 2008 to 2012, followed up to 2013
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
one and five year age-standardised net survival estimates for adults diagnosed with one of the 24 most common cancers.
Index of Production, September 2014
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Constant price seasonally adjusted indices and growth rates for Production and component industries for September 2014
Workless Households for Regions across the UK, 2013
seen at 18:50, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
This gives information about workless households across the UK focusing on regional differences. It also looks at the reason why people living within households that are workless are not working.
UK Trade, September 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
UK Trade shows the extent of import and export activity and is a key contributor to the overall economic growth in the UK.
UK Labour Market, November 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Labour market statistics (including employment, unemployment and economic inactivity) for the United Kingdom.
Regional Labour Market, November 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobs and the Claimant Count for regions, local authorities and parliamentary constituencies.
UK Non-Financial Business Economy, 2013 Provisional Results (Annual Business Survey)
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Size and growth of the UK Non-Financial Business Economy in 2013. A key resource for regional business structure and performance.
Capital Stocks, Consumption of Fixed Capital, 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Estimates of gross and net capital stocks and the consumption of fixed capital, from 1997-2013, in current prices and chained volume measures.
Profitability of UK Companies, Q2 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
The net rate of return on capital employed for UK private non-financial corporations (PNFCs) related to their UK operations. Sub-sector data are included covering UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) PNFCs, manufacturing...
Output in the Construction Industry, September and Q3 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Construction output at current price and chained volume measures seasonally adjusted by public and private sector.
Births in England and Wales by Characteristics of Birth 2, 2013
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Annual birth statistics by month and quarter of occurrence, by place of birth and for multiple births.
Producer Price Inflation, October 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Input and output index producer price series of materials and fuels purchased and output of manufacturing industry by broad sector.
Health Expectancies at Birth and at Age 65 in the United Kingdom, 2009–11
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Health Expectancies at Birth and at Age 65 in the United Kingdom and its constituent countries, 2009–11. Includes Healthy Life Expectancy (HLE) and Disability-Free Life Expectancy (DFLE) and Life Expectancy (LE), ...
House Price Index, September 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Mix-adjusted average house prices and house price indices for the UK and its component countries and regions.
Consumer Price Inflation, October 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
CPI, CPIH, RPI and RPIJ inflation price indices for October 2014 - brief description and analysis.
Life Expectancy at Birth and at Age 65 by Local Areas in England and Wales, 2011–13
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
This bulletin presents 2011-13 male and female period life expectancy at birth and at age 65 for England and Wales.
Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, 2014 Provisional Results
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Data on levels, distribution and make-up of earnings and hours worked for UK employees by sex and full-time/part-time status in all industries and occupations.
Low Pay, April 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Presents information about the lower end of the earnings distribution and estimates for the number of jobs paid below the National Minimum Wage (NMW).
National Balance Sheet, 2014 Estimates
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
The National Balance Sheet is a measure of the wealth of the UK
Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET), November 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Estimates for Young People who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).
Retail Sales, October 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
A first estimate of retail sales in value and volume terms, seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted.
Business Enterprise Research and Development, 2013
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Estimates of expenditure and employment relating to R&D performed in the UK businesses in 2013, irrespective of the residence of the ultimate owner or user of the R&D produced are provided in this release.
Public Sector Finances, October 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Indicators of UK government fiscal performance: Public Sector Current Budget Deficit (PSCB), Net Borrowing (PSNB), Net Debt (PSND) and PSND as a percentage of GDP.
Adult Smoking Habits in Great Britain, 2013
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Covers the proportion who smoke cigarettes, cigarette consumption and type of cigarette smoked (packeted or hand-rolled). Includes preliminary findings from analysis of e-cigarette data. Trends and demographic...
Business Investment, Q3 2014 provisional results
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Investment trends for businesses. Contains capital expenditure data at current prices, constant prices and seasonally adjusted.
Second Estimate of GDP, Q3 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Estimates of the key components of GDP from the output, income and expenditure approaches. Gross Domestic Product measures the chained volume index movements of the UK. The services sector accounts for more than...
Services Producer Price Indices, Quarter 3 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Service Producer Price Indices providing a measure of inflation for the UK service sector.
Index of Services, September 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
The monthly movements in gross value added for the service industries, which overall account for around 78.4% of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Migration Statistics Quarterly Report, November 2014
seen at 18:49, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Provisional long-term International migration data. A coordinated release between the ONS, Home Office and DWP.
Business Demography, 2013
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
This statistical bulletin contains headline figures and commentary from the Business Demography 2013 publication. This product includes births, deaths and survivals of UK enterprises. The active stock of businesses...
Excess Winter Mortality in England and Wales, 2013/14 (Provisional) and 2012/13 (Final)
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Provisional estimated figures of excess winter mortality (EWM) for the winter period 2013/14, and final figures for the winter period 2012/13, in England and Wales. Historical trends from 1950/51 onwards are also...
E-commerce and ICT Activity, 2013
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Estimates of the values of e-commerce and the adoption and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) by UK businesses are provided in this release.
Mergers and Acquisitions Involving UK Companies, Q3 2014
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Estimates of the value and numbers of mergers, acquisitions and disposals involving UK companies with values of &pound;1.0 million or more. The information provided reflects solely the change in majority ownership...
Childbearing for Women Born in Different Years, England and Wales, 2013
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Changing childlessness and family size in England and Wales
Index of Production, October 2014
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Constant price seasonally adjusted indices and growth rates for Production and component industries for October 2014
UK Trade, October 2014
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
UK Trade shows the extent of import and export activity and is a key contributor to the overall economic growth in the UK.
Regional Gross Value Added (Income Approach), December 2014
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Annual estimates of regional Gross Value Added Income approach (GVA(I)) released on 10th December 2014. This release contains analysis of GVA estimates for NUTS1, NUTS2 and NUTS3 regions.
Overseas Travel and Tourism, Provisional Results for September 2014
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Monthly estimates of completed international visits to and from the UK and earnings and expenditure associated with these visits.
Overseas Travel and Tourism, Provisional Results for October 2014
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Monthly estimates of completed international visits to and from the UK and earnings and expenditure associated with these visits.
Standard of living in UK rises to joint fourth highest in Europe
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Information on Actual Individual Consumption and Price Level Indices across the EU.
Output in the Construction Industry, October 2014 and New Orders Q3 2014
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Construction output at current price and chained volume measures seasonally adjusted by public and private sector.
Index of cancer survival for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England: Adults diagnosed 1997-2012 and followed up to 2013
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
A cancer survival index for all cancers combined, and for breast, colorectal and lung cancers combined. A one-year survival index is presented for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England, and a one-year and five...
UK Trade in Goods by Classification of Product by Activity CPA (08), Quarter 3 2014
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
The value of UK exports and imports of goods grouped by industry. Goods are attributed to the industry of which they are the principal products.
Consumer Price Inflation, November 2014
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
CPI, CPIH, RPI and RPIJ inflation price indices for November 2014 - brief description and analysis.
Cancer survival by NHS England Area Team: Adults diagnosed 1997-2012, followed up to 2013
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
One-year and five-year age-standardised net survival estimates for the 25 NHS England Area Teams, for cancers of the oesophagus, stomach, colon, lung, breast and cervix.
Producer Price Inflation, November 2014
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Input and output index producer price series of materials and fuels purchased and output of manufacturing industry by broad sector.
House Price Index, October 2014
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Mix-adjusted average house prices and house price indices for the UK and its component countries and regions.
UK Labour Market, December 2014
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Labour market statistics (including employment, unemployment and economic inactivity) for the United Kingdom.
Public Sector Employment, Q3 2014
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Detailed estimates of public sector employment, updated with the latest estimates for the third quarter of 2014.
Regional Labour Market, December 2014
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Employment, unemployment, inactivity, jobs and the Claimant Count for regions, local authorities and parliamentary constituencies.
Index of Labour Costs per Hour (ILCH), Q3 2014 (experimental)
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Measures changes in the average labour costs per hour worked. Also known as Labour Cost Index (LCI).
Regional Gross Value Added (Production Approach), December 2014
seen at 18:48, 25 February in Media Centre RSS (Our copy).
Experimental statistics showing annual estimates of regional GVA(P) released on 18th December 2014.