07 March 2016

Open-Sourcing a Framework for Rapid Business Creation
seen at 21:30, 7 March in Tech City UK (Our copy).

One of the greatest qualities of the startup ecosystem is the desire to learn fast and share knowledge. We hear from Tom MacThomas, Head of Marketing Forward Partners, one of the leading UK idea and seed...

Guidance: Businesses who have signed the armed forces covenant (company names beginning with T)
seen at 20:35, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new covenant pledges for The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport UK, The Peaceful uruhu Trust: armed forces corporate covenant pledge.

Find out which businesses have signed the...

Guidance: Businesses who have signed the armed forces covenant (company names beginning with S)
seen at 20:35, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new covenant pledge for Savanna Rags International Ltd.

About the armed forces covenant for businesses

The armed forces covenant for businesses is a voluntary pledge made by organisations...

Guidance: Businesses who have signed the armed forces covenant (company names beginning with K to M)
seen at 20:35, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new covenant pledge for Logik Recruitment Ltd.

About the armed forces covenant for businesses

The armed forces covenant for businesses is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish...

Consultation outcome: Reforming the Independent Police Complaints Commission: structure and governance
seen at 20:35, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Summary of consultation responses and next steps published.

This consultation seeks opinions on proposed changes to the Independent Police Complaints Commission’s (IPCC) governance and structure...

Guidance: Businesses who have signed the armed forces covenant (company names beginning with G)
seen at 20:35, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new covenant pledge for Graft Heating Solutions Ltd.

About the armed forces covenant for businesses

The armed forces covenant for businesses is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who...

Guidance: Businesses who have signed the armed forces covenant (company names beginning with F)
seen at 20:35, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new covenant pldege for Forces Homes Ltd.

About the armed forces covenant for businesses

The armed forces covenant for businesses is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to ...

Guidance: Businesses who have signed the armed forces covenant (company names beginning with C)
seen at 20:34, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new covenant pledge for Cadence Consultancy.

About the armed forces covenant for businesses

The armed forces covenant for businesses is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish ...

Guidance: Businesses who have signed the armed forces covenant (company names beginning with A)
seen at 20:34, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new Covenant pledge for Anascena Limited.

About the armed forces covenant for businesses

The armed forces covenant for businesses is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to ...

Guidance: Financial sanctions, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)
seen at 20:34, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with latest notice and links to regulatory guidance

In 2006 the United Nations imposed restrictions on a range of goods from entering or leaving the North Korea and imposed a travel...

Consultation outcome: Consultation on a Public Sector Exit Payment Cap
seen at 20:34, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: updated draft regulations with minor changes, including a footnote to clarify an instance where a power to relax the £95,000 cap can be used

This consultation seeks views on a proposal...

Official Statistics: Water situation report: south east
seen at 20:34, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Kent and South London February report added.

A monthly summary of the rainfall, soil moisture deficits, river flow, groundwater levels and reservoir stocks in the south east of England.

Guidance: MOD assessment of supportability overseas (MASO)
seen at 20:34, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Replaced leaflet.

The MOD assessment of supportability overseas (MASO) is a process for assessing whether all the help required for a child with additional needs is available in an overseas command...

Research and analysis: Tuberculosis (TB): regional reports
seen at 18:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added 'Tuberculosis in East of England Centre: annual review (2014 data)'.

Annual regional reports for the recent epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB) for:

Wessex Kent, Surrey and Sussex...
Guidance: Investigatory Powers Bill: fact sheets
seen at 18:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Bill definitions fact sheet published.

These fact sheets give guidance about the Investigatory Powers Bill.

Statistical data set: Vessel lists over 10 metres
seen at 18:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: March 2016 data added

Vessel lists include details of administrative port, home port, port letters and number, vessel name, Registry of Shipping and Seamen number and overall length.

Closed consultation: Water resources management plans: technical guidelines consultation
seen at 18:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added document: Water resources planning guidelines: summary of consultation responses.

The Environment Agency is consulting on the new technical guidelines for water companies to follow when writing...

FOI release: FOI responses published by MOD: week commencing 29 February 2016
seen at 18:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added FOI responses - Request for copies of all information on the conduct of job evaluation process for the Royal Military Police and Royal Air Force Police, Current status of Tonrado GR1 air frames...

Research and analysis: Potential spatial effects of climate change in the South and East Marine Plan Areas (MMO1077)
seen at 18:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

The project aimed to use the climate change impacts and benefits to inform marine plan policy development by reviewing, and building upon, existing climate adaptation and mitigation documents to enhance marine...

Research and analysis: Follow on to the development of Spatial Models of Essential Fish Habitat for the South Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas (MMO1096)
seen at 18:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

The project aimed to use models of essential fish habitats, developed for an earlier project, and validate these with a number of stakeholders, in order to improve the confidence in the modelled outputs.

Consultation outcome: Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes Miscellaneous Amendments Regulations 2016
seen at 18:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published the government response to this consultation.

This consultation seeks views on proposed minor and technical regulatory changes to 4 areas of pensions legislation, to ensure that the new...

Guidance: The assessment only route to qualified teacher status (QTS)
seen at 18:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated supporting advice.

The assessment only route to qualified teacher status (QTS) allows teachers to demonstrate that they already meet all the QTS standards, without the need for any further...

Statutory guidance: Work Programme provider guidance
seen at 18:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated chapter 1 (version 6, dated 4 March 2016), chapter 3a (version 16, dated 29 February 2015), chapter 3c (version 8, dated 29/02/2016) and chapter 8 (version 8, dated 4 March 2016).

This ...

Decision: Human and veterinary medicines: register of licensed manufacturing sites 2016
seen at 18:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated: Human and veterinary medicines: register of licensed manufacturing sites 2016

This document contains details of all sites licensed by the Department of Health and Medicines and Healthcare...

Decision: Human and veterinary medicines: register of licensed wholesale distribution sites
seen at 18:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Information on Department of Health and MHRA Register of Licensed Wholesale Distribution Sites (Human and Veterinary) for March 2016.

This document provides information about all the sites licensed...

Guidance: European Structural and Investment Funds: programme guidance
seen at 18:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added information on Community Led Local Development: Use of ‘Lump Sum’ Simplified Costs Methodology for Phase 1 European Social Fund project activity.

View the latest State Aid schemes ...

Open consultation: The UK’s clandestine civil penalty regime
seen at 18:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Under Section 32 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, persons responsible for bringing clandestine entrants (illegal migrants hiding in their vehicles) to the UK may be liable for a civil penalty. The regime...

Guidance: Applying for a passport
seen at 18:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated guidance

Guidance on different types of passports, what you need to include with your form, what to do when you’ve finished filling in your form and contact details.

Guidance: MERS-CoV: risk assessment
seen at 18:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated risk assessment based on latest epidemiology.

Public Health England remains vigilant and closely monitors developments in the Middle East and in the rest of the world where new cases of...

Notice: NR15 1AL, Mr Danial Gorton and Mrs Hannah Gorton: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: IP8 3QF, Mr Hamish Mackenzie: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: RG9 4AF, Mr Craig Newman: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Guidance: Estates regeneration: statement
seen at 18:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added link to an online expression of interest form.

We are keen to work with estates across the country and want to develop a good understanding of the different ways that regeneration can be ...

Notice: HG3 2RF, John Graham Construction Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: DH1 4JA, Northumbrian Water Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: NR35 2HJ, Anglian Water Services Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in ...

Guidance: Businesses who have signed the armed forces covenant (company names beginning with T)
seen at 18:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new covenant pledges for The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport UK, The Peaceful uruhu Trust: armed forces corporate covenant pledge.

Find out which businesses have signed the...

Guidance: Businesses who have signed the armed forces covenant (company names beginning with S)
seen at 18:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new covenant pledge for Savanna Rags International Ltd.

About the armed forces covenant for businesses

The armed forces covenant for businesses is a voluntary pledge made by organisations...

Guidance: Businesses who have signed the armed forces covenant (company names beginning with K to M)
seen at 18:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new covenant pledge for Logik Recruitment Ltd.

About the armed forces covenant for businesses

The armed forces covenant for businesses is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish...

Consultation outcome: Reforming the Independent Police Complaints Commission: structure and governance
seen at 18:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Summary of consultation responses and next steps published.

This consultation seeks opinions on proposed changes to the Independent Police Complaints Commission’s (IPCC) governance and structure...

Guidance: Businesses who have signed the armed forces covenant (company names beginning with G)
seen at 18:36, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new covenant pledge for Graft Heating Solutions Ltd.

About the armed forces covenant for businesses

The armed forces covenant for businesses is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who...

Guidance: Businesses who have signed the armed forces covenant (company names beginning with F)
seen at 18:33, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new covenant pldege for Forces Homes Ltd.

About the armed forces covenant for businesses

The armed forces covenant for businesses is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to ...

Guidance: Businesses who have signed the armed forces covenant (company names beginning with C)
seen at 18:33, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new covenant pledge for Cadence Consultancy.

About the armed forces covenant for businesses

The armed forces covenant for businesses is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish ...

Guidance: Businesses who have signed the armed forces covenant (company names beginning with A)
seen at 18:33, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new Covenant pledge for Anascena Limited.

About the armed forces covenant for businesses

The armed forces covenant for businesses is a voluntary pledge made by organisations who wish to ...

Guidance: Financial sanctions, North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)
seen at 18:33, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with latest notice and links to regulatory guidance

In 2006 the United Nations imposed restrictions on a range of goods from entering or leaving the North Korea and imposed a travel...

Consultation outcome: Consultation on a Public Sector Exit Payment Cap
seen at 18:33, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: updated draft regulations with minor changes, including a footnote to clarify an instance where a power to relax the &pound;95,000 cap can be used

This consultation seeks views on a proposal...

Official Statistics: Water situation report: south east
seen at 18:32, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Kent and South London February report added.

A monthly summary of the rainfall, soil moisture deficits, river flow, groundwater levels and reservoir stocks in the south east of England.

Guidance: MOD assessment of supportability overseas (MASO)
seen at 18:32, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Replaced leaflet.

The MOD assessment of supportability overseas (MASO) is a process for assessing whether all the help required for a child with additional needs is available in an overseas command...

Analytical services customer day – Buxton, 5 April 2016
seen at 18:32, 7 March in HSE RSS feeds (Our copy).

Customer day for users of HSL’s analytical services. Learn more about the services offered and get a chance to discuss your particular issues with HSL experts. The programme will include options on allergens...

Forthcoming changes to our fees
seen at 18:31, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

From 1 February 2016 the fees that we charge for research, paper and digital copies of our records, and some other services will change.

We are allowed to charge for the statutory services that we are ...

Changes to our record copying service
seen at 18:31, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

On 2 February 2016 we will launch a new record copying service, integrating the service into our online catalogue, Discovery, with revised costs and clearer guidance on how to order copies.

Record copying...

New executive directors appointed to The National Archives
seen at 18:31, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

The National Archives is pleased to announce the appointments of two new executive directors: Dr Valerie Johnson as Director of Research and Collections, and John Sheridan as Digital Director. Both directors ...

Help us develop services for academics and researchers
seen at 18:31, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

We are running an online survey to find out more about the needs of academics and researchers and the ways in which we might work more closely with the academic and scholarly communities, and to help inform...

Magna Carta resource wins education award
seen at 18:31, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

Magna Carta resource title screen

Our Education and Outreach team has won a prestigious award for the web-based Magna Carta resource.

The winners were announced at a gala dinner in central...

Allocation of papers accepted in lieu of tax
seen at 18:31, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

Crosby's Circularly Moving Bookstand, 1808 (C 73/26 m20)

The following collections of papers have been accepted in lieu of tax by the government

Durham estate papers (12th to 20th centuries) of the...
See Shakespeare’s will in London
seen at 18:31, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

By me William Shakespeare, our exhibition telling the story of Shakespeare's life in London, opens today.

It is being held at the Inigo Rooms, Somerset House East Wing and explores the playwright...

Join our User Advisory Group
seen at 18:31, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

Would you like to represent the views of archive users and help to improve our services? We are seeking three new voluntary representatives to join our User Advisory Group (UAG). If you are a regular archive...

The National Archives publishes reports on born-digital records management
seen at 18:31, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

Managing, preserving and providing access to born-digital records (records natively created in a digital format, such as emails, documents and spreadsheets) is a major challenge for archives across the world.

Refreshing our relationship with Arts Council England
seen at 18:31, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

Last month, The National Archives was visited by Darren Henley, the Chief Executive of Arts Council England.

During his visit, we revised our Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and had the opportunity...

Call for papers for DCDC16 – Collections, connections, collaboration: from potential to impact
seen at 18:31, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

The National Archives and Research Libraries UK are excited to announce the call for papers for this year's Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities conference to be held between 10-12 October 2016 at...

First World War related baby names revealed
seen at 18:31, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

There were 1,634 babies given First World War related names during the war (1914-1919) in England and Wales, new data analysis reveals.

The battles of the First World War were popular choices for...

Files from 1986-88 released
seen at 18:31, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

Margaret Thatcher being presented with a bunch of flowers (catalogue reference: PREM 19/1910)

Today we have released files from the Prime Minister's Office, spanning the years 1986-88.


Cabinet Office files (CAB)
seen at 18:30, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).
Conclusions of Cabinet Meetings 31-40 (1988)

Catalogue reference: CAB 128/91

34th meeting conclusions, 10 November 1988

Kings Cross Fire: 'gross inadequacies in the management of London Underground and...

Prime Minister's Office files (PREM)
seen at 18:30, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).
The Westland crisis

By late 1985 the Westland Helicopter Company was in danger of passing into receivership. Michael Heseltine, Secretary of State for Defence, favoured a bid from a European consortium; Leon ...

Advisory Council seeks new members
seen at 18:30, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

The Advisory Council on National Records and Archives is looking to appoint three new members. The Council advises the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport on records and archival matters, in...

Works by artist Sarah Kogan to be shown at The National Archives
seen at 18:30, 7 March in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

We have today announced an exhibition of contemporary art, set to be welcomed to The National Archives next month.

Changing the Landscape, an ambitious visual arts project by British contemporary artist...

Press release: Ajax vehicle brings Merthyr factory back to life
seen at 18:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

A disused forklift truck factory in Wales has been officially opened as a specialist engineering hub for the British Army’s next generation of armoured vehicles, creating 250 new and highly skilled jobs.

News story: Ajax vehicle brings Merthyr Tydfil factory back to life
seen at 18:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The opening will create 250 new and highly skilled jobs.

Following a &pound;390 million commitment to the Ajax armoured vehicle by the Ministry of Defence (MOD), General Dynamics UK decided to turn...

News story: Academy news bulletin - Spring 2016
seen at 18:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Our Spring 2016 news bulletin is now available and offers the latest Academy news and information and features the following articles:-

The 6 C’s of Commissioning Embedding Patient Voice in the West...
News story: Home Secretary announces reforms to IPCC
seen at 18:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) will be reformed and renamed to improve efficiency, drive more effective governance and make it more responsive to the public, the Home Secretary announced ...

Press release: PM meeting with Turkish Prime Minister: 7 March 2016
seen at 18:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Following the meeting a a Downing St spokesperson said:

The Prime Minister held a meeting in Brussels earlier today with Chancellor Merkel, President Hollande, Prime Minister Renzi, Prime Minister ...

News story: Joint communiqué on fifth UK-Vietnam Strategic Dialogue
seen at 18:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Foreign Office Minister of State Hugo Swire and Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son co-chaired the fifth UK-Vietnam Strategic Dialogue on 7 March 2016 in London as part of the bilateral Strategic ...

Press release: Foreign Secretary visits Afghanistan
seen at 18:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond, visited Afghanistan on Monday 7 March 2016 and met with His Excellency President Ashraf Ghani, Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah, and Deputy Foreign Minister Hekmat Karzai...

Research and analysis: Manchester north-west quadrant strategic study: stakeholder reference group
seen at 16:47, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

These presentations and reports about the Manchester north-west quadrant strategic study were given to stakeholders at meetings held throughout 2015 and 2016.

Background to the Manchester north-west quadrant...
Research and analysis: Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study: interim report
seen at 16:47, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

This is the Stage 1 report for the Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study. It outlines the high level case for making improvements to the A66 and A69 and improve Trans-Pennine connectivity. Further work needs...

Research and analysis: Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study: terms of reference
seen at 16:47, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

These documents set out:

the scope of work for the Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study the terms of reference for the project board the terms of reference for and membership of the stakeholder ...
Research and analysis: Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study: stakeholder reference group
seen at 16:47, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

These presentations and reports about the Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study were given to stakeholders at meetings held throughout 2015 and 2016.

Background to the Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study...
Policy paper: Northern transport strategy: spring 2016
seen at 16:47, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Annual update of the ‘Northern transport strategy’. The strategy states our progress and next steps in improving transport in the areas of:

railways roads smart ticketing freight local and international...
Research and analysis: Notifiable diseases: causative agents report
seen at 16:47, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added report for week 9, 2016.

This report compares the current week’s data on statutory notifications of causative agents to that of the previous 5 weeks.

For historical data, email

Guidance: LRS: batch load documents for schools and providers
seen at 16:47, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: New version of LRB managing exceptions user guide uploaded on 7 March 2016.

For assistance with creating or validating your batch file, you are able to download an example of a CSV and...

Form: Blood bank compliance report template
seen at 16:47, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: new forms added

Complete this report annually if you are a hospital blood bank. It should provide detail about:

processes procedures equipment personnel
Guidance: Toolkits to help support National Apprenticeship Week 2016
seen at 16:47, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated toolkits for National Apprenticeship Wekk 2016.

There are lots of ways you can support National Apprenticeship Week 2016, whether you are an employer, apprentice, MP, school, college or...

Corporate report: European Social Fund (ESF) 2007 to 2013 annual implementation reports
seen at 16:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the 2014 Annual Implementation Report.

The European Social Fund (ESF) convergence, competitiveness and employment programme 2007 to 2013 invests 3 billion euros of ESF funding in all regions...

Statutory guidance: Work Programme provider guidance for contract package area 18
seen at 16:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated chapter 1 (version 2, dated 4 March 2016), chapter 3a (version 5, dated 2 March 2016) chapter 3c (version 3, dated 29/02/2016) and chapter 8 (version 3, dated 4 March 2016).

This DWP Work...

Promotional material: Smart motorways: better watch your speed campaign
seen at 16:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Campaign name updated.

Campaign material to raise awareness that speed limits on smart motorways can be varied according to conditions. This material has been created by Highways England...

Research and analysis: Mystery Shopper results: 2016
seen at 16:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Latest Mystery Shopper investigation results published.

Small businesses that supply government can act as ‘mystery shoppers’. They can tell the Mystery Shopper scheme about tenders they did not...

Statistical data set: Vessel lists 10 metres and under
seen at 16:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: March 2016 data added

Vessel lists include details of administrative port, home port, port letters and number, vessel name, Registry of Shipping and Seamen number and overall length.

Research and analysis: Tuberculosis (TB): regional reports
seen at 16:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added 'Tuberculosis in East of England Centre: annual review (2014 data)'.

Annual regional reports for the recent epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB) for:

Wessex Kent, Surrey and Sussex...
Guidance: Investigatory Powers Bill: fact sheets
seen at 16:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Bill definitions fact sheet published.

These fact sheets give guidance about the Investigatory Powers Bill.

Statistical data set: Vessel lists over 10 metres
seen at 16:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: March 2016 data added

Vessel lists include details of administrative port, home port, port letters and number, vessel name, Registry of Shipping and Seamen number and overall length.

Closed consultation: Water resources management plans: technical guidelines consultation
seen at 16:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added document: Water resources planning guidelines: summary of consultation responses.

The Environment Agency is consulting on the new technical guidelines for water companies to follow when writing...

Guidance: Use a formation agent to register your company
seen at 16:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Formation agent list updated

This guide contains information on what services agents offer and a list of agents authorised to incorporate companies electronically with Companies House.

FOI release: FOI responses published by MOD: week commencing 29 February 2016
seen at 16:38, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added FOI responses - Request for copies of all information on the conduct of job evaluation process for the Royal Military Police and Royal Air Force Police, Current status of Tonrado GR1 air frames...

Research and analysis: Potential spatial effects of climate change in the South and East Marine Plan Areas (MMO1077)
seen at 16:36, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

The project aimed to use the climate change impacts and benefits to inform marine plan policy development by reviewing, and building upon, existing climate adaptation and mitigation documents to enhance marine...

Research and analysis: Follow on to the development of Spatial Models of Essential Fish Habitat for the South Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas (MMO1096)
seen at 16:34, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

The project aimed to use models of essential fish habitats, developed for an earlier project, and validate these with a number of stakeholders, in order to improve the confidence in the modelled outputs.

Consultation outcome: Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes Miscellaneous Amendments Regulations 2016
seen at 16:34, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published the government response to this consultation.

This consultation seeks views on proposed minor and technical regulatory changes to 4 areas of pensions legislation, to ensure that the new...

Guidance: Open standards for government
seen at 16:34, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added standard: exchange of location point

The UK government is selecting a set of open standards for use in government technology. The aim is to apply these consistently across government bodies...

Guidance: The assessment only route to qualified teacher status (QTS)
seen at 16:34, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated supporting advice.

The assessment only route to qualified teacher status (QTS) allows teachers to demonstrate that they already meet all the QTS standards, without the need for any further...

Statutory guidance: Work Programme provider guidance
seen at 16:33, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated chapter 1 (version 6, dated 4 March 2016), chapter 3a (version 16, dated 29 February 2015), chapter 3c (version 8, dated 29/02/2016) and chapter 8 (version 8, dated 4 March 2016).

This ...

Decision: Human and veterinary medicines: register of licensed manufacturing sites 2016
seen at 16:33, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated: Human and veterinary medicines: register of licensed manufacturing sites 2016

This document contains details of all sites licensed by the Department of Health and Medicines and Healthcare...

Decision: Human and veterinary medicines: register of licensed wholesale distribution sites
seen at 16:32, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Information on Department of Health and MHRA Register of Licensed Wholesale Distribution Sites (Human and Veterinary) for March 2016.

This document provides information about all the sites licensed...

Guidance: European Structural and Investment Funds: programme guidance
seen at 16:32, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added information on Community Led Local Development: Use of ‘Lump Sum’ Simplified Costs Methodology for Phase 1 European Social Fund project activity.

View the latest State Aid schemes ...

Open consultation: The UK’s clandestine civil penalty regime
seen at 16:31, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Under Section 32 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, persons responsible for bringing clandestine entrants (illegal migrants hiding in their vehicles) to the UK may be liable for a civil penalty. The regime...

Guidance: Applying for a passport
seen at 16:31, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated guidance

Guidance on different types of passports, what you need to include with your form, what to do when you’ve finished filling in your form and contact details.

Guidance: MERS-CoV: risk assessment
seen at 16:31, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated risk assessment based on latest epidemiology.

Public Health England remains vigilant and closely monitors developments in the Middle East and in the rest of the world where new cases of...

Official Statistics: Water situation report: north west
seen at 16:31, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with new monthly report

Summary of the rainfall, soil moisture deficits, river flow, groundwater levels and reservoir stocks in the north west.

News story: Northern transport strategy spring report marks major progress
seen at 16:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).
the ‘Northern transport strategy spring 2016’ report updates on joint work from Transport for the North (TfN) and the Department for Transport, including TfN’s emerging views on the options for Northern Powerhouse...
News story: Reporting for duty – a centenary of defence operations at Porton Down
seen at 16:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

He was the first person to carry out defence operations at the site which was bought in response to the first use of chemical weapons in 1915.

Since then, the work at Porton Down has developed and evolved...

Press release: Annual beach recycling underway in Norfolk
seen at 16:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Environment Agency contractors will start work on 7 March 2016 on annual maintenance of the shingle embankment and beach which helps protect people and 2,935 properties from tidal flooding between Snettisham ...

Press release: Community Rights hit a landmark 5,000 uses
seen at 16:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The Community Rights movement continues to go from strength to strength with latest figures showing more than 3,000 buildings, green spaces and other much loved local assets protected.

Local people are...

Press release: M48 Severn Bridge lane closures for cable checks
seen at 16:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Highways England starts a 7 month programme of lane closures next week on the M48 Severn Bridge to carry out inspections of the suspension cable.

The inspection works will involve the closure of lane ...

Press release: Man charged in CMA criminal cartel investigation
seen at 16:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Barry Kenneth Cooper was summoned to appear at the Magistrates Court following an investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).

Mr Cooper has been charged with dishonestly agreeing with...

News story: Academy news bulletin - Spring 2016
seen at 16:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Our Spring 2016 news bulletin is now available and offers the latest Academy news and information and features the following articles:-

The 6 C’s of Commissioning Embedding Patient Voice in the West...
News story: Update: air strikes against Daesh
seen at 16:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Operational update

Latest update

Daesh terrorists have again been struck hard by Royal Air Force aircraft over Syria and Iraq.

Tuesday 1 March – Typhoons destroyed a 122mm howitzer in ...
Guidance: Housing guarantee scheme rules: affordable housing
seen at 14:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated guidance.

This document outlines the scheme rules for the affordable housing debt guarantee.

The housing guarantees will support the building of new affordable homes. They will ...

Research and analysis: Notifiable diseases: weekly report 2016
seen at 14:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

All weekly data are provisional.

Older weekly NOIDS reports are also available:

week 5 (2015) to week 53 (2015) week 27 (2014) to week 4 (2015). prior to week 27 (2014)
Guidance: Tailored reviews of public bodies: guidance
seen at 14:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Regular assurance and challenge for good governance and efficiency of public bodies is central to the government’s public bodies transformation programme.

This tailored review guidance sets out the principles...

Guidance: SCE recruitment: teaching vacancies
seen at 14:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Music teacher, Federation of King Richard and St John's Schools, Cyprus (closing date 21 March 2016).

A list of current Service Children’s Education teaching vacancies.

Related information...
Correspondence: IP connect newsletter: March 2016
seen at 14:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

If you would like to subscribe please email IP connect.

Consultation outcome: Review of bus conduct regulations
seen at 14:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Response to the review of public service vehicles regulations 1990 released.

Following the Red Tape Challenge exercise, the Department for Transport committed to review the Public Service Vehicles...

Form: PAYE: no return of Class 1A National Insurance contributions
seen at 14:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

You may need to submit a P11D(b) form to report the amount of Class 1A National Insurance due on all the expenses and benefits you’ve provided. You should do this if:

you’ve submitted any P11D forms ...
Guidance: Adverse incidents: cardiac ablation catheters
seen at 14:42, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Amended guidance to indicate MHRA’s guidance was superseded by the European Commission’s guidance in November 2014.

MHRA’s guidance on when to report adverse incidents with cardiac ablation catheters...

Guidance: Marine Pollution (MARPOL) Annex II Surveyors
seen at 14:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated list of MARPOL approved surveyors.

MARPOL Annex II Surveyors

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) Annex II, Regulation 16 requires the...

Guidance: Tregantle firing times
seen at 14:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new firing times for the period 28 March to 10 April 2016.

The firing times are presented in 2 file formats. The PDF format is web browseable and accessible on mobile devices such as Blackberry...

Research and analysis: Manchester north-west quadrant strategic study: interim report
seen at 14:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

This is the Stage 1 report for the Manchester north-west quadrant strategic study. It outlines the high level case for making improvements to the north-west quadrant of the M60, improving strategic and regional...

Research and analysis: Manchester north-west quadrant strategic study: terms of reference
seen at 14:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

These documents set out:

the scope of work for the Manchester north-west quadrant strategic study the terms of reference for the project board the terms of reference for and membership of the stakeholder...
Research and analysis: Manchester north-west quadrant strategic study: stakeholder reference group
seen at 14:39, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

These presentations and reports about the Manchester north-west quadrant strategic study were given to stakeholders at meetings held throughout 2015 and 2016.

Background to the Manchester north-west quadrant...
Research and analysis: Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study: interim report
seen at 14:38, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

This is the Stage 1 report for the Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study. It outlines the high level case for making improvements to the A66 and A69 and improve Trans-Pennine connectivity. Further work needs...

Research and analysis: Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study: terms of reference
seen at 14:37, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

These documents set out:

the scope of work for the Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study the terms of reference for the project board the terms of reference for and membership of the stakeholder ...
Research and analysis: Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study: stakeholder reference group
seen at 14:37, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

These presentations and reports about the Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study were given to stakeholders at meetings held throughout 2015 and 2016.

Background to the Northern Trans-Pennine strategic study...
Policy paper: Northern transport strategy: spring 2016
seen at 14:36, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Annual update of the ‘Northern transport strategy’. The strategy states our progress and next steps in improving transport in the areas of:

railways roads smart ticketing freight local and international...
Open consultation: Schools national funding formula
seen at 14:36, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

We invite your views on the:

rules and structure of the formula role of local authorities

We are also consulting on proposals to introduce a high needs national funding formula.

Open consultation: High needs funding reform
seen at 14:36, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

We invite your views on:

the structure of a formula for funding local authorities to provide services for children and young people who attract high needs funding improvements to the distribution of...
Transparency data: 5 day prompt payments 2015-16
seen at 14:36, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Latest figures inserted in table

We endeavour to pay all correctly rendered invoices within this target as quickly as possible. We ask that all our suppliers ensure that all invoices submitted ...

Research and analysis: Notifiable diseases: causative agents report
seen at 14:35, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added report for week 9, 2016.

This report compares the current week’s data on statutory notifications of causative agents to that of the previous 5 weeks.

For historical data, email

Guidance: LRS: batch load documents for schools and providers
seen at 14:35, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: New version of LRB managing exceptions user guide uploaded on 7 March 2016.

For assistance with creating or validating your batch file, you are able to download an example of a CSV and...

Form: Blood bank compliance report template
seen at 14:35, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: new forms added

Complete this report annually if you are a hospital blood bank. It should provide detail about:

processes procedures equipment personnel
Transparency data: NHS foundation trust directory and register of licensed healthcare providers
seen at 14:35, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated the FT directory.

The foundation trust directory has links to foundation trust publications. Providers licensed by Monitor include foundation trusts and healthcare providers.

Transparency data: PHE prompt payment data: 2015 to 2016
seen at 14:35, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added February 2016 data.

Invoice payment performance for Public Health England.

Guidance: Toolkits to help support National Apprenticeship Week 2016
seen at 14:35, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated toolkits for National Apprenticeship Wekk 2016.

There are lots of ways you can support National Apprenticeship Week 2016, whether you are an employer, apprentice, MP, school, college or...

Corporate report: European Social Fund (ESF) 2007 to 2013 annual implementation reports
seen at 14:31, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the 2014 Annual Implementation Report.

The European Social Fund (ESF) convergence, competitiveness and employment programme 2007 to 2013 invests 3 billion euros of ESF funding in all regions...

Research will improve city life with green infrastructure
seen at 14:31, 7 March in NERC news (Our copy).

NERC is investing around £1·2m in innovative projects designed to improve urban life and create sustainable cities by helping us make better use of 'green infrastructure'.

Open-Sourcing a Framework for Rapid Business Creation
seen at 14:31, 7 March in Tech City UK (Our copy).

One of the greatest qualities of the startup ecosystem is the desire to learn fast and share knowledge. We hear fromTom MacThomas, Head of Marketing Forward Partners, one of the leading UK idea and seed...

Subhash Viman to launch new dance company
seen at 14:31, 7 March in Latest entries (Our copy).
Subhash Viman to launch new dance company
News story: Over £2 million investment in safer maternity care
seen at 14:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

More than 90 NHS trusts will receive money to buy new equipment, including ultrasound machines and mother and baby monitoring equipment, so any problems can be detected and addressed earlier.

This is ...

News story: Junior doctor contract negotiations
seen at 14:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Added the open letter from Dr Mike Durkin, NHS National Director for Patient Safety

Latest updates

Dr Mike Durkin, NHS National Director for Patient Safety, wrote an open letter to junior doctors...

News story: Ajax vehicle brings Merthyr Tydfil factory back to life
seen at 14:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The opening will create 250 new and highly skilled jobs.

Following a &pound;390 million commitment to the Ajax armoured vehicle by the Ministry of Defence (MOD), General Dynamics UK decided to turn...

News story: CNC and Home Office colleagues sign collaboration agreement
seen at 14:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) and our Home Office colleagues have entered into a collaboration agreement to allow us to provide support to other police forces should they require it.

The CNC is...

Speech: Sarah Atkinson speech at the Bond Conference, London, 1 March 2016
seen at 14:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

It’s very disappointing to hear public confidence in charities has fallen, though perhaps not surprising given the stories we’ve seen in the press over the past year. We are currently doing our two-yearly research...

Statement to Parliament: The Northern transport strategy: first annual update
seen at 14:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Today (7 March 2016), jointly with Transport for the North (TfN), we are publishing the first annual update report on development of the Northern transport strategy.

The report sets out...

News story: Northern transport strategy spring report marks major progress
seen at 14:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).
the ‘Northern transport strategy spring 2016’ report updates on joint work from Transport for the North (TfN) and the Department for Transport, including TfN’s emerging views on the options for Northern Powerhouse...
Press release: Fairer school funding plan revealed
seen at 14:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Historic reforms that will bring an end to the unfairness in the school funding system have been outlined today (7 March 2016) by Education Secretary Nicky Morgan.

Providing educational excellence everywhere...

Press release: River obstruction to be removed in Knaresborough to reduce flood risk
seen at 14:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

An obstruction to the water flow on the River Nidd in Knaresborough will be removed by the Environment Agency on Sunday 13 March, reducing a potential localised flood risk.

Timber and other floating debris...

News story: Reporting for duty – a centenary of defence operations at Porton Down
seen at 14:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

He was the first person to carry out defence operations at the site which was bought in response to the first use of chemical weapons in 1915.

Since then, the work at Porton Down has developed and evolved...

News story: New guidance about Land Registry fees
seen at 14:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

We published new fees guides on GOV.UK today, for our registration services, information services, land charges and agricultural credits.

To find out how our customers use our fees guidance, we...

Closed consultation: Guidelines for newborn blood spot sampling 2015
seen at 11:33, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Summary of responses to consultation added.

The guidelines are intended to provide a consistent and clear approach to newborn blood spot sampling. They support the offer of newborn blood spot screening...

Corporate report: Equality in Ofsted: 2014 to 2015
seen at 11:33, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Ofsted aims to be an exemplary employer with a diverse and effective workforce. It ensures that the promotion of equality and human rights and the elimination of discrimination and harassment are embedded in ...

Guidance: India – Consular Fees
seen at 11:33, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated consular fee

A full list of Consular fees

Correspondence: Example invitation letters for claiming PIP
seen at 11:33, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published a revised version of the 'End of fixed term award: invitation to DLA claimant to begin claiming PIP' (PIP.0202) example letter (version 6).

These are examples of letters sent to existing...

Corporate report: Insight into nuclear decommissioning – edition 20
seen at 11:33, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Includes news on:

Sellafield management arrangements UK’s Fukushima support research and development investments NDA backs skills colleges ponds clean-out success Wylfa closure last fuel leaves...
Transparency data: NHS England accountability meeting minutes
seen at 11:33, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added minutes for January 2016.

The Secretary of State for Health and officials from the Department of Health met representatives from NHS England to talk about issues of accountability.

Guidance: Pharmaceutical buying groups in the NHS
seen at 11:33, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated the pharmacy purchasing point list to include Wakefield Hospice (HOS19) and Prince of Wales Hospice (HOS20).

The document can be filtered in various ways to produce individual purchasing...

Research and analysis: Teaching schools evaluation: final research report
seen at 11:33, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Teaching schools evaluation: interim report added

This 2-year research project was led by the University of Nottingham on behalf of the National College for Teaching and Leadership.


Research and analysis: Closer alignment of income tax and national insurance contributions
seen at 11:32, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

The Office of Tax Simplification’s (OTS) report on closer alignment of income tax and national insurance contributions (NICs) sets out a seven-stage programme for bringing the two taxes closer together.

Research and analysis: Regulatory Policy Committee: 6 month BIT report opinions
seen at 11:32, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Regulatory proposals are accompanied by an impact assessment (IA), which assesses and estimates the likely costs and benefits, as well as presenting the associated risks, of a regulatory proposal that has an ...

Decision: Civil penalty accreditation scheme: accredited haulage companies
seen at 11:32, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated list

A list of accredited haulage companies who are members of the clandestine civil penalty accreditation scheme as of 16 February 2016.

The scheme reduces road haulage ...

Guidance: Housing guarantee scheme rules: affordable housing
seen at 11:32, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated guidance.

This document outlines the scheme rules for the affordable housing debt guarantee.

The housing guarantees will support the building of new affordable homes. They will ...

Research and analysis: Notifiable diseases: weekly report 2016
seen at 11:32, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

All weekly data are provisional.

Older weekly NOIDS reports are also available:

week 5 (2015) to week 53 (2015) week 27 (2014) to week 4 (2015). prior to week 27 (2014)
Guidance: Tailored reviews of public bodies: guidance
seen at 11:31, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Regular assurance and challenge for good governance and efficiency of public bodies is central to the government’s public bodies transformation programme.

This tailored review guidance sets out the principles...

Guidance: SCE recruitment: teaching vacancies
seen at 11:31, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Music teacher, Federation of King Richard and St John's Schools, Cyprus (closing date 21 March 2016).

A list of current Service Children’s Education teaching vacancies.

Related information...
Correspondence: IP connect newsletter: March 2016
seen at 11:31, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

If you would like to subscribe please email IP connect.

Double Elephant uses Grants for the arts support to give traditional printmaking an artistic twist
seen at 11:31, 7 March in Latest entries (Our copy).
Double Elephant uses Grants for the arts support to give traditional printmaking an artistic twist
Speech: Nicky Morgan: end the demography of destiny
seen at 11:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Thank you, Allan [Foulds, President of ASCL], for that kind introduction.

It’s fantastic to see so many of you here, and particularly to see those familiar faces from all the schools I’ve had the pleasure...

News story: PHE launches One You
seen at 11:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).


around 40% of all deaths in England are related to behaviour the NHS spends more than &pound;11bn a year on treating illnesses caused by the effects of diet, inactivity, smoking and ...
News story: One month left to chip your dog
seen at 11:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Every year over 102,000 dogs are picked up from our streets having strayed or been stolen, but thanks to new microchipping laws coming into effect on 6 April they’ll soon stand a much greater chance of...

News story: Dangerous occurrence at Wootton Bassett junction, Wiltshire - Update
seen at 11:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Update of investigation status explaining the start of the consultation process.

RAIB is investigating an incident which occurred at around 17:25 hrs on Saturday 7 March 2015, in which train reporting...

News story: Aligning national insurance and income tax
seen at 11:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Bringing National Insurance Contributions (NICs) and income tax closer together would create a simpler and fairer system for businesses and taxpayers, the Office of Tax Simplification announced today (Monday...

News story: Start your 2016 Basic Payment Scheme application now
seen at 11:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Farmers and agents can now log in to the Rural Payments Service to begin the application process for the 2016 Basic Payment Scheme, the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) announced today (7 March 2016).

Press release: OGA Launches Exploration Licence Competition
seen at 11:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The Oil and Gas Authority has launched a competition linked to future exploration licensing rounds in order to stimulate further offshore oil and gas exploration activity in the United Kingdom Continental Shelf...

News story: HS2 information event 16 March 2016: Steeple Claydon
seen at 11:30, 7 March in News and communications (Our copy).

High Speed Two (HS2) is the new high speed railway for Britain. This event is an opportunity for you to find out more about the project and what it means for your local area.

Join us to:

Talk ...
Guidance: Israel – List of Lawyers
seen at 10:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: List updated 7 March 2016

The following list of English speaking lawyers and translators/interpreters has been prepared for the convenience of British Nationals who require legal advice.

Guidance: Israel – List of Translators & Interpreters
seen at 10:41, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: List updated 7 March 2016

List of translators and interpreters in Israel

Transparency data: DfT: spending over £500 on a GPC for March 2015
seen at 10:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

DfT publishes details of all spending over &pound;500 using a GPC (departmental debit card) on a monthly basis.

Further information

This data is also available from

Transparency data: DfT: spending over £500 on a GPC for April 2015
seen at 10:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

DfT publishes details of all spending over &pound;500 using a GPC (departmental debit card) on a monthly basis.

Further information

This data is also available from

FOI release: Northern and TransPennine Express: proposed yearly premium payments
seen at 10:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

TransPennine Express Franchise Projected Premium/Subsidy from 2016/17 to 2014/25 in nominal and real prices.

Letter responding to a Freedom of Information request asking about the proposed yearly premium...

Guidance: Belarus – Consular Fees
seen at 10:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated consular fees for March 2015

A full list of Consular fees

Closed consultation: Guidelines for newborn blood spot sampling 2015
seen at 10:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Summary of responses to consultation added.

The guidelines are intended to provide a consistent and clear approach to newborn blood spot sampling. They support the offer of newborn blood spot screening...

Research and analysis: Employers' pension provision survey 2015
seen at 10:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

This report presents findings from the 2015 employers’ pension provision survey. The survey provides data on:

employer pension provision in Great Britain in 2015 the early impact and experiences of ...
Corporate report: Equality in Ofsted: 2014 to 2015
seen at 10:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Ofsted aims to be an exemplary employer with a diverse and effective workforce. It ensures that the promotion of equality and human rights and the elimination of discrimination and harassment are embedded in ...

National Statistics: Latest wholesale fruit and vegetable prices
seen at 10:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with latest weekly and monthly prices.

Weekly and monthly publications give the average wholesale prices of selected home-grown horticultural produce. The prices are national averages ...

National Statistics: Historic statistics notices on wholesale fruit and vegetable prices 2016
seen at 10:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

This publication gives previously published copies of the monthly National Statistics publication on wholesale fruit and vegetable prices that showed figures for 2016. Each publication gives the figures available...

Guidance: India – Consular Fees
seen at 10:40, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated consular fee

A full list of Consular fees

Correspondence: Example invitation letters for claiming PIP
seen at 10:39, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published a revised version of the 'End of fixed term award: invitation to DLA claimant to begin claiming PIP' (PIP.0202) example letter (version 6).

These are examples of letters sent to existing...

Corporate report: Insight into nuclear decommissioning – edition 20
seen at 10:39, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Includes news on:

Sellafield management arrangements UK’s Fukushima support research and development investments NDA backs skills colleges ponds clean-out success Wylfa closure last fuel leaves...
Transparency data: NHS England accountability meeting minutes
seen at 10:39, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added minutes for January 2016.

The Secretary of State for Health and officials from the Department of Health met representatives from NHS England to talk about issues of accountability.

Transparency data: NHS Injury Costs Recovery scheme: April 2015 to March 2016
seen at 10:39, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to include data for February 2016. Data for January 2016 was added 4 February 2016.

The NHS Injury Costs Recovery (ICR) scheme aims to recover the cost of NHS treatment where personal injury...

Guidance: Pharmaceutical buying groups in the NHS
seen at 10:39, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated the pharmacy purchasing point list to include Wakefield Hospice (HOS19) and Prince of Wales Hospice (HOS20).

The document can be filtered in various ways to produce individual purchasing...

Notice: Path Head Landfill, Gateshead
seen at 10:39, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Weekly updated as of 04 March 2016

This document explains how the Environment Agency is working with Suez, operators of Path Head landfill, Gateshead, to reduce odour coming from the site.

Research and analysis: Teaching schools evaluation: final research report
seen at 10:38, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Teaching schools evaluation: interim report added

This 2-year research project was led by the University of Nottingham on behalf of the National College for Teaching and Leadership.


Research and analysis: Closer alignment of income tax and national insurance contributions
seen at 10:32, 7 March in Search (Our copy).

The Office of Tax Simplification’s (OTS) report on closer alignment of income tax and national insurance contributions (NICs) sets out a seven-stage programme for bringing the two taxes closer together.
