21 May 2016

Press release: Baroness Anelay visits the Holy See
seen at 16:30, 21 May in News and communications (Our copy).

The Prime Minister’s Special Representative on Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict, Baroness Anelay, was invited to the Holy See to speak to Catholic religious men and women about the impact of sexual violence...

Press release: Putting fish on the ‘highway’ to success
seen at 10:30, 21 May in News and communications (Our copy).

Almost 200 obstructions have been overcome – this means fish passes installed or weirs removed. Migration is important because many species of fish need to migrate to reproduce, feed and complete their life cycles...

Press release: New fish pass near Lincoln now complete, opening up 34km of River Witham
seen at 02:30, 21 May in News and communications (Our copy).

Coarse fish and salmonids like brown trout will have access to more of the river, helping link up isolated fish populations and making spawning easier. Improvements have also been made to the habitat, providing...