09 November 2016

Policy paper: Totnes: reducing the risk of flooding
seen at 23:31, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Update entitled 8 November added, and information on the Quay.

This document explains how the Environment Agency is seeking information from people who live and work in Totnes in order to understand...

Policy paper: Totnes: reducing the risk of flooding
seen at 22:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Update entitled 8 November added, and information on the Quay.

This document explains how the Environment Agency is seeking information from people who live and work in Totnes in order to understand...

Transparency data: HMT exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spending: Q1 April 2016 – June 2016 (Expenditure approvals)
seen at 20:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The 5 cross-government moratoria are:

ICT spend above £1 million advertising and marketing consultancy property leases and lease extensions civil service recruitment
Guidance: Financial sanctions, Ukraine (Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity)
seen at 20:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated: Latest Treasury notice, 09/11/2016, Ukraine (Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity) (Reg 2016/1955).

In March 2014 the European Union imposed restrictive measures against certain persons...

FOI release: Mineworkers' pension scheme: information release
seen at 20:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Responses to 3 FOI requests about the UK mineworkers’ pension scheme, covering:

an asset and liability study pension payment holidays pension surplus

The information has been released under the...

Official Statistics: Water situation report: Yorkshire and north east
seen at 20:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: October 2016 stats added.

A monthly summary of the rainfall, soil moisture deficits, river flow, groundwater levels and reservoir stocks for Yorkshire and the north east.

Guidance: Defence Employer Recognition Scheme
seen at 20:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated list of Defence Employer Recognition Scheme gold award winners.

The scheme encompasses bronze, silver and gold awards for employer organisations that pledge, demonstrate or advocate support...

Official Statistics: Digest of waste and resource statistics, 2016 edition
seen at 20:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Revised - figure 6.4 has been corrected due to errors in the formula used to create the index

The Digest of waste and resource statistics is a compendium of statistics on a range of waste and ...

Official Statistics: Water situation report: Wessex
seen at 20:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: October water situation report added.

Summary of the rainfall, soil moisture deficits, river flow, groundwater levels and reservoir stocks in Wessex. Wessex covers Avon, Dorset, Somerset, the ...

Policy paper: Joint Ministerial Committee (EU negotiations) communiqué: 9 November 2016
seen at 20:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The Joint Ministerial Committee (EU negotiations), chaired by the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, is a forum to continue the UK Government’s work with the devolved administrations in Scotland...

Corporate report: FCO Diversity and Equality Report 2016
seen at 20:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This report is part of the FCO’s response to the Equality Act. It is intended to offer data on the equality impact of the Foreign Office’s employment practices and activities.

Press release: PM meeting with Prime Minister Orban of Hungary: 9 November 2016
seen at 20:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

A Downing Street spokesperson said:

This afternoon the Prime Minister welcomed Prime Minister Orban of Hungary to Downing Street for a bilateral meeting.

The Prime Minister reiterated that...

Press release: UK calls for opening of political and media space in the DRC
seen at 20:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

UK Special Envoy for the African Great Lakes urges the DRC Government to respect media and political freedoms

Like others, I noted the political agreement of 18 October between the Presidential Majority...

Decision: Company Names Tribunal decision: GFT IT Services Limited
seen at 18:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).
Application number 1218

Applicant GFT IT Technologies SE objected to the name used by GFT IT Services Limited under the Companies Act 2006.

This decision was undefended. ‘Undefended’ refers to decisions...

Decision: Company Names Tribunal decision: The Old Bushmills Distilleries Company Limited
seen at 18:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).
Application number 1232

Applicant The Old Bushmills Distillery Company Limited objected to the name used by The Old Bushmills Distilleries Company Limited under the Companies Act 2006.

This decision ...

Official Statistics: Water situation report: south east
seen at 18:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated Hertfordshire and North London and Solent and South Downs report

A monthly summary of the rainfall, soil moisture deficits, river flow, groundwater levels and reservoir stocks in the south...

Policy paper: Government Response to the Justice Committee’s Second Report of session 2016/17
seen at 18:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This document provides the Government Response to the Justice Committee’s Second Report of session 2016/17.

Guidance: Controlling Migration Fund: prospectus
seen at 18:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The Controlling Migration Fund is designed to support local areas facing pressures linked to recent immigration.

The Fund will be available over the 4 years from 2016-17 to 2019-20, and is in 2 parts:

Statutory guidance: Induction for newly qualified teachers (NQTs)
seen at 18:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Replaced the document with 2016 edition. Annex B, paragraph 18 gives more detail on when overseas trained teachers (OTT) can work in a school without having completed an induction period. Clarified...

Guidance: ILR data: check that it meets standards and quality requirements
seen at 18:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published: Provider data self-assessment toolkit (DSAT) user guide: version 17 Published: User guide: reviewing PDSAT reports - version 17

Colleges, training organisations, local authorities ...

Statistical data set: FE data library: apprenticeship vacancies
seen at 18:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: November 2016 apprenticeship vacancy files uploaded on 9 November 2016.

This statistical data set provides information through a number of reports on the number of apprenticeship vacancies and ...

Transparency data: Cabinet Office: senior officials' business expenses and hospitality, April to June 2016
seen at 18:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Cabinet Office publishes details of senior officials’ business expenses and hospitality on a quarterly basis, for those at SCS2 and above.

Form: IPCC call for experts to produce the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C
seen at 18:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is producing a special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5ºC above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in...

Research and analysis: Research on modern pay systems: November 2016
seen at 18:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This report provides a detailed picture of recent developments in pay systems and reward strategies in the private and not-for-profit sectors, focusing on innovation and post-recession reform. The research consists...

Transparency data: HMT exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spending: Q3 October 2015 - December 2015 (Expenditure approvals)
seen at 18:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The 5 cross-government moratoria are:

ICT spend above £1 million advertising and marketing consultancy property leases and lease extensions civil service recruitment
Transparency data: Exemption data: April to June 2016
seen at 18:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The government has put in place measures to constrain spending. Government departments have been asked to limit their expenditure in 5 areas. These are:

consultancy ICT recruitment of certain new ...
Form: Voter registration forms (paper versions)
seen at 18:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated new register to vote forms.

You can also register to vote online.

Or contact your local Electoral Registration Office and ask them to post a form to you.

Guidance: European Structural and Investment Funds: technical assistance
seen at 18:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published revised versions of the ERDF and ESF project contacts (dated 8 November 2016) and technical assistance guidance (version 2, dated November 2016).

European Structural and Investment Funds...

Guidance: PHE cancer data sets, linkage and availability
seen at 18:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Overview of the cancer data sets held by Public Health England (PHE) and available to request from the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS) to support direct care and secondary use purposes...

Transparency data: DCMS Spend Approvals: 01 April to 30 June 2016
seen at 18:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This data details where approvals have been given for exceptions to controls on 5 key categories of spending (ICT, Consultancy, Recruitment, Advertising and Marketing and Property).

Guidance: Apprenticeship technical funding guide
seen at 18:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This document sets out the technical details of the funding system used to fund apprenticeship frameworks and standards starting on or after 1 May 2017.

It does not apply to apprenticeship programmes ...

FOI release: FOI paramedic agency staff hours.
seen at 18:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

A request for the total hours submitted to NHS Improvement between July and September 2016 for the use of agency paramedics, agency specialist paramedics and agency 111 call handlers.

NHS Improvement ...

Guidance: Teacher misconduct: forthcoming professional conduct hearings
seen at 18:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Forthcoming notice removed for Mr Nick Grimshaw. Forthcoming notice added for Mr Paul McNiel and Mr Christiaan Latus

Details of a forthcoming hearing will appear here 5 working days before it ...

Transparency data: HMT exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spending: Q1 April 2016 – June 2016 (Expenditure approvals)
seen at 18:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The 5 cross-government moratoria are:

ICT spend above &pound;1 million advertising and marketing consultancy property leases and lease extensions civil service recruitment
Notice: DN19 7DY, Mrs Kay Crawford and Mr Simon Read: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: DA8 2AD, Erith Yacht Club: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Policy paper: Newhaven flood alleviation scheme
seen at 18:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updates made 9 November 2016.

This document explains the plans to reduce flood risk from the sea and the river along the Ouse valley in Newhaven.

Guidance: Financial sanctions, Ukraine (Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity)
seen at 18:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated: Latest Treasury notice, 09/11/2016, Ukraine (Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity) (Reg 2016/1955).

In March 2014 the European Union imposed restrictive measures against certain persons...

Guidance: Financial sanctions: consolidated list of targets
seen at 18:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: 09.11.16 Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2016/1955 Amending Annex 1 to Regulation 269/2014

The Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation is responsible for the implementation and administration...

FOI release: Mineworkers' pension scheme: information release
seen at 18:34, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Responses to 3 FOI requests about the UK mineworkers’ pension scheme, covering:

an asset and liability study pension payment holidays pension surplus

The information has been released under the...

Official Statistics: Water situation report: Yorkshire and north east
seen at 18:34, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: October 2016 stats added.

A monthly summary of the rainfall, soil moisture deficits, river flow, groundwater levels and reservoir stocks for Yorkshire and the north east.

Guidance: Defence Employer Recognition Scheme
seen at 18:34, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated list of Defence Employer Recognition Scheme gold award winners.

The scheme encompasses bronze, silver and gold awards for employer organisations that pledge, demonstrate or advocate support...

Official Statistics: Digest of waste and resource statistics, 2016 edition
seen at 18:34, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Revised - figure 6.4 has been corrected due to errors in the formula used to create the index

The Digest of waste and resource statistics is a compendium of statistics on a range of waste and ...

Official Statistics: Water situation report: Wessex
seen at 18:34, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: October water situation report added.

Summary of the rainfall, soil moisture deficits, river flow, groundwater levels and reservoir stocks in Wessex. Wessex covers Avon, Dorset, Somerset, the ...

Policy paper: Joint Ministerial Committee (EU negotiations) communiqué: 9 November 2016
seen at 18:34, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The Joint Ministerial Committee (EU negotiations), chaired by the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, is a forum to continue the UK Government’s work with the devolved administrations in Scotland...

Corporate report: FCO Diversity and Equality Report 2016
seen at 18:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This report is part of the FCO’s response to the Equality Act. It is intended to offer data on the equality impact of the Foreign Office’s employment practices and activities.

News story: Consumer Minister attends first meeting of working group on product recalls and safety
seen at 18:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

Consumer Minister Margot James attended the first meeting of a working group set up to deliver urgent recommendations to improve the safety of white goods.

The government-backed group, created following...

Press release: Essex waste company and director made to pay £20,000 for waste mountain
seen at 18:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

It prosecuted the company and its director for storing waste so high that it exceeded the site’s permit height restrictions by 6 metres.

Samantha Jones, Director of Connect Waste Management UK Limited...

Press release: Brokenshire attends meeting of devolved administrations in preparation for UK's EU negotiations
seen at 18:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

Earlier today, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, attended a Joint Ministerial Committee on EU Negotiations. The Committee was chaired by Secretary of State for Exiting the ...

News story: Insolvency Rules: Table of destinations now available
seen at 18:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

To assist readers of the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016 a table indicating the destination of the provisions in the 1986 rules has been published.

Insolvency Rules 1986 Table of Destinations...

News story: Fatal tram accident in Croydon
seen at 18:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

RAIB is investigating a fatal accident that occurred near to Sandilands Junction on the London Tramlink system. At around 06:10 hrs on Wednesday 9 November 2016, a tram derailed on the approach to the junction...

News story: Certification Office: mergers
seen at 18:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: The Association of Principal fire Officers (APFO) merged into Prospect on 7 November 2016. Please note that APFO ceased to exist from 6 November 2016 and has been removed from the list of trade union...

News story: CDE themed competition webinar: the future of aviation security
seen at 18:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Change of time for webinar

Registration for this webinar is now open.

The webinar will take place from 12 pm to 1 pm online.

It’s an easy way for you to get more information...

News story: UK works with northern allies to tackle threats
seen at 18:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

Sir Michael Fallon highlighted the co-operation happening with partners such as Denmark during Northern Group discussions in the capital Copenhagen.

Following the NATO Defence Ministerial announcement...

News story: Crime news: campaign to boost use of free witness support service
seen at 18:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

Providers are being encouraged to make greater use of the free Citizens Advice Witness Service which is available to support both defence and prosecution witnesses.

This is funded by the Ministry of Justice...

Guidance: Hospital tap water scheme: current distribution
seen at 16:39, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added hospital tap water scheme: distribution HTW8 request form.

The examination covered will be Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the distribution will consist of 2 samples.

Guidance: Drinking water scheme: current distribution
seen at 16:39, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added drinking water scheme: distribution W172 request form.

For more information, please email

Guidance: Recreational and surface water scheme: current distribution
seen at 16:39, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added recreational and surface water scheme: distribution S75 request form.

The recreational and surface water scheme is suitable for laboratories that routinely monitor for indicator organisms...

Guidance: Legionella isolation scheme: current distribution
seen at 16:39, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Legionella isolation scheme: request form for distribution G104.

The legionella isolation scheme includes samples containing a range of different serogroups of Legionella pneumophila and ...

Guidance: Home Office manual for escorting safely
seen at 16:38, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

In a written ministerial statement (WMS) in June 2014 an undertaking was given to publish a redacted version of HOMES. HOMES is a bespoke restraint system used by escorting teams on in-country, overseas and ...

Guidance: Civil Service redundancy principles: protocol
seen at 16:38, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The government is committed to continuous improvement in delivery of public services to citizens and to providing value for money to taxpayers. This may affect how public services are delivered, and the work, ...

Transparency data: DVLA - spending over £500 on an ePCS from August 2015 to September 2016
seen at 16:38, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

DVLA publishes details of all spending over &pound;500 using an electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS). The ePCS has replaced the government procurement card (GPC).

Transparency data: Record of Financial Stability Report meeting: September 2016
seen at 16:38, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The Financial Policy Committee (FPC) was created by the Financial Services Act 2012 and came into existence on 1 April 2013 as a key element of the government’s reforms to strengthen the financial regulatory...

Decision: Man U Jew: Inquiry report
seen at 16:38, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

A statement of the results of a commission inquiry into Man U Jew (registered charity number 1117800).

Transparency data: Financial management and governance review: Bright Tribe Trust and Adventure Learning Academies Trust
seen at 16:38, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This report sets out the findings of the Education Funding Agency’s review of financial management and governance at Bright Tribe Trust and Adventure Learning Academies Trust.

Guidance: MCA approved doctors UK based
seen at 16:38, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated MCA approved doctors UK based 9 November 2016

This list is for seafarers who need to get an ENG1 medical fitness certificate, and to find a Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) approved...

Guidance: Local health and care planning: menu of preventative interventions
seen at 16:37, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Public Health England (PHE) has worked with partners to identify preventative actions that can improve people’s health, support quality improvement and potentially save the NHS and the wider system money. This...

Research and analysis: Notifiable diseases: annual report
seen at 16:37, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added notified diseases: annual figures 2015 (provisional).

For earlier figures, see archived version of Health Protection Website on the National Archives.

Research and analysis: Notifiable diseases: historic annual totals
seen at 16:37, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated notifiable diseases: annual totals from 1982 to 2015 (provisional).

These documents contain data on notifiable diseases, from 1912 to 2014.

Decision: Company Names Tribunal decision: GFT IT Services Limited
seen at 16:37, 9 November in Search (Our copy).
Application number 1218

Applicant GFT IT Technologies SE objected to the name used by GFT IT Services Limited under the Companies Act 2006.

This decision was undefended. ‘Undefended’ refers to decisions...

Decision: Company Names Tribunal decision: The Old Bushmills Distilleries Company Limited
seen at 16:37, 9 November in Search (Our copy).
Application number 1232

Applicant The Old Bushmills Distillery Company Limited objected to the name used by The Old Bushmills Distilleries Company Limited under the Companies Act 2006.

This decision ...

Guidance: Company Names Tribunal undefended decisions and orders
seen at 16:37, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Decision O/522/16 and O/523/16 added.

Use this guide to find details of all our undefended decisions and orders

Pre 2014 undefended decisions can be found via National Archives...

Official Statistics: Water situation report: south east
seen at 16:37, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated Hertfordshire and North London and Solent and South Downs report

A monthly summary of the rainfall, soil moisture deficits, river flow, groundwater levels and reservoir stocks in the south...

Policy paper: Government Response to the Justice Committee’s Second Report of session 2016/17
seen at 16:37, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This document provides the Government Response to the Justice Committee’s Second Report of session 2016/17.

Guidance: Controlling Migration Fund: prospectus
seen at 16:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The Controlling Migration Fund is designed to support local areas facing pressures linked to recent immigration.

The Fund will be available over the 4 years from 2016-17 to 2019-20, and is in 2 parts:

Statutory guidance: Induction for newly qualified teachers (NQTs)
seen at 16:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Replaced the document with 2016 edition. Annex B, paragraph 18 gives more detail on when overseas trained teachers (OTT) can work in a school without having completed an induction period. Clarified...

Guidance: ILR data: check that it meets standards and quality requirements
seen at 16:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published: Provider data self-assessment toolkit (DSAT) user guide: version 17 Published: User guide: reviewing PDSAT reports - version 17

Colleges, training organisations, local authorities ...

Statistical data set: FE data library: apprenticeship vacancies
seen at 16:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: November 2016 apprenticeship vacancy files uploaded on 9 November 2016.

This statistical data set provides information through a number of reports on the number of apprenticeship vacancies and ...

Transparency data: Cabinet Office: senior officials' business expenses and hospitality, April to June 2016
seen at 16:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Cabinet Office publishes details of senior officials’ business expenses and hospitality on a quarterly basis, for those at SCS2 and above.

Form: IPCC call for experts to produce the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C
seen at 16:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is producing a special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5ºC above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in...

Research and analysis: Research on modern pay systems: November 2016
seen at 16:34, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This report provides a detailed picture of recent developments in pay systems and reward strategies in the private and not-for-profit sectors, focusing on innovation and post-recession reform. The research consists...

Transparency data: HMT exceptions to cross-government moratoria on spending: Q3 October 2015 - December 2015 (Expenditure approvals)
seen at 16:34, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The 5 cross-government moratoria are:

ICT spend above &pound;1 million advertising and marketing consultancy property leases and lease extensions civil service recruitment
Transparency data: Exemption data: April to June 2016
seen at 16:33, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The government has put in place measures to constrain spending. Government departments have been asked to limit their expenditure in 5 areas. These are:

consultancy ICT recruitment of certain new ...
Guidance: Accreditation of GCSEs, AS and A levels for teaching from 2017
seen at 16:33, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updates to GCSE design and technology, classical civilisation, Arabic, modern Greek, Urdu, Chinese, Italian, Russian, Japanese, modern Hebrew, Bengali and Punjabi. Updates to AS and A level Chinese, ...

Form: Voter registration forms (paper versions)
seen at 16:33, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated new register to vote forms.

You can also register to vote online.

Or contact your local Electoral Registration Office and ask them to post a form to you.

Guidance: European Structural and Investment Funds: technical assistance
seen at 16:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published revised versions of the ERDF and ESF project contacts (dated 8 November 2016) and technical assistance guidance (version 2, dated November 2016).

European Structural and Investment Funds...

Guidance: PHE cancer data sets, linkage and availability
seen at 16:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Overview of the cancer data sets held by Public Health England (PHE) and available to request from the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS) to support direct care and secondary use purposes...

Transparency data: PHE prompt payment data: 2016 to 2017
seen at 16:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added October 2016 data.

Invoice payment performance for Public Health England.

Transparency data: DCMS Spend Approvals: 01 April to 30 June 2016
seen at 16:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This data details where approvals have been given for exceptions to controls on 5 key categories of spending (ICT, Consultancy, Recruitment, Advertising and Marketing and Property).

Guidance: Apprenticeship technical funding guide
seen at 16:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This document sets out the technical details of the funding system used to fund apprenticeship frameworks and standards starting on or after 1 May 2017.

It does not apply to apprenticeship programmes ...

Correspondence: SFA update: November 2016
seen at 16:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have now published the latest issue of Update.

In the latest issue (9 November 2016 - issue 334):

Register of apprentice assessment organisations Skills funding service availability...
FOI release: FOI paramedic agency staff hours.
seen at 16:31, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

A request for the total hours submitted to NHS Improvement between July and September 2016 for the use of agency paramedics, agency specialist paramedics and agency 111 call handlers.

NHS Improvement ...

LSB seeks to commission research on lconsumers with mental health issues and with dementia.
seen at 16:30, 9 November in LSB (Our copy).
10 October 2016 - LSB seeks to commission research on lconsumers with mental health issues and with dementia.
LSB seeks to commission research updating its 2015-16 Prices of Individual Consumer Legal Services research.
seen at 16:30, 9 November in LSB (Our copy).
9 November - LSB seeks to commission research updating its 2015-16 Prices of Individual Consumer Legal Services research.
Services Producer Price Indices
seen at 16:30, 9 November in UK Statistics Authority (Our copy).

Letter of confirmation as National Statistics

Assessment Report 290 – Services Producer Price Indices

Man charged with murder over the death of his father
seen at 16:30, 9 November in Crown Prosecution Service Press Releases (Our copy).
Bipin Desai has been charged with murder, with assisted suicide in the alternative, in relation to the death of his father, Dhirajlal Desai.
Press release: Brokenshire attends meeting of devolved administrations in preparation for UK's Brexit negotiations
seen at 16:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

Earlier today, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, attended a Joint Ministerial Committee on EU Exit Negotiations. The Committee was chaired by Secretary of State for Exiting...

Speech: Women in senior leadership: launch of the Hampton-Alexander review report
seen at 16:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

Good morning everybody.

I am very pleased to be here with my ministerial colleague Caroline Dinenage, to launch this important report.

It’s a credit to those who put it together, so I would like...

News story: Insolvency Rules: Table of destinations now available
seen at 16:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

To assist readers of the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016 a table indicating the destination of the provisions in the 1986 rules has been published.

Insolvency Rules 1986 Table of Destinations...

Policy paper: 2016 to 2017 Community Life Survey questionnaire
seen at 14:40, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This document provides the questions asked in the 2016 to 2017 Community Life Survey.

The Community Life Survey has been commissioned by the Office for Civil Society to track the latest trends and developments...

Research and analysis: Community Life Survey 2015 to 2016: technical report
seen at 14:40, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The Cabinet Office commissioned the Community Life Survey. It tracks the latest trends and developments across areas that are important to encouraging social action and empowering communities.

Read the...

Transparency data: DfT: ministerial and special advisers' gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings, April to June 2016
seen at 14:39, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Data on gifts that ministers and special advisers gave and received, their external meetings and any overseas travel.

Further information DfT ministerial and special adviser hospitality on
Guidance: Digital Economy Bill Codes of Practice
seen at 14:39, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

To ensure that departments, local authorities and the wider public sector understand what safeguards are in place and need to be followed, the government has published four codes of practice to give clarity and...

Statutory guidance: Specialist Employability Support provider guidance
seen at 14:39, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published a new form: consent to share information. Also published a revised annex 1, this now includes a link to the new form. No other changes have been made to the annex - it is still version 4.0, ...

Transparency data: Innovate UK funded projects since 2004
seen at 14:38, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated data from 7 November 2016

The spreadsheet includes data about all Collaborative R&D, Feasibility, Smart and Innovation Voucher grants and Knowledge Transfer Partnerships between 2004...

Open consultation: Liverpool Bay / Bae Lerpwl Special Protection Area extension: comment on proposals
seen at 14:37, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Special Protection Areas (SPAs) are special sites designated under the EU Birds Directive to protect rare, vulnerable and migratory birds.

The proposal for Liverpool Bay / Bae Lerpwl is to extend...

Research and analysis: Artificial intelligence: an overview for policy-makers
seen at 14:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The report considers 3 questions:

What is artificial intelligence and how is it being used? What benefits is it likely to bring for society and for government? How do we manage any ethical and legal...
Transparency data: Exceptions to spending controls: advertising and marketing
seen at 14:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published April to June 2016 data.

This set of data covers advertising and marketing expenditure.

Transparency data: Exceptions to spending controls: consultancy
seen at 14:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published April to June 2016 data.

This set of data covers consultancy expenditure.

Transparency data: Exceptions to spending controls: ICT
seen at 14:36, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published April to June 2016 data.

This set of data covers information and communication technology (ICT) expenditure.

Transparency data: Exceptions to spending controls: property
seen at 14:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published April to June 2016 data.

This set of data covers new property leases and extensions.

Transparency data: Exceptions to spending controls: recruitment
seen at 14:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published April to June 2016 data.

This set of data gives details of the government’s exceptions to spending controls on the recruitment of civil servants.

Notice: Funding competition: innovation in health and life sciences round 1
seen at 14:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Removed registration link as registration is now closed

This competition opened on 12 September 2016 and is now closed for registrations.

Innovate UK is investing up to &pound;15...

Transparency data: DfT: exceptions to spending controls for April to June 2016
seen at 14:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Department for Transport publishes details of approved expenditure in areas limited by spending controls on a quarterly basis, this is for April to June 2016.

This data is also available from data....

Transparency data: MOJ data: gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings returns: April to June 2016
seen at 14:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Details of MOJ ministers, directors general, permanent secretary and special advisers’ gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings.

Guidance: Albania - Bereavement Guide
seen at 14:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This information is provided by the British government for the convenience of enquirers. Neither the FCO nor any Consular section official at the British Embassy in Tirana is responsible for the accuracy of the...

Research and analysis: Avian influenza (bird flu) in Europe
seen at 14:35, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the updated outbreak assessment for H5N8 avian influenza in Europe.

A preliminary outbreak assessment for avian influenza (H5 and H7 strains) in Europe and an updated outbreak assessment...

Guidance: Housing Benefit adjudication circulars 2016
seen at 14:34, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Replaced A10/2016 and appendix: Administration of the benefit cap 2016 with revised guidance on Dual cases, Specified Accommodation regulation changes and enhancements regarding Grace Period entitlement...

Transparency data: MOJ data: gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings returns: January to March 2016
seen at 14:34, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This information lists gifts and hospitality received by ministers, as well as travel undertaken and meetings between them and external organisations, between January and March 2016.

Guidance: Pakistan: country information and guidance
seen at 14:34, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: New country policy and information note on Hazaras.

Country information and guidance reports are used by UK Visas and Immigration officials to make decisions in asylum and human rights applications...

Guidance: HB Bulletin U3/2016: Supreme Court judgment: MA and others, A and Rutherford
seen at 14:34, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The claimants challenged the lawfulness of the maximum rent (social sector) on the basis that it is discriminatory on grounds of disability and gender and did not comply with the public sector equality duty (...

Guidance: Ukraine: country information and guidance
seen at 14:33, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated country policy and information note on military service.

Country information and guidance reports are used by UK Visas and Immigration officials to make decisions in asylum and human rights...

Guidance: Dialysis water scheme: current distribution
seen at 14:33, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added dialysis water scheme: distribution DW11 request form.

The examination covered is total viable count (TVC) at 17°C to 23°C for 7 days.

Guidance: Hospital tap water scheme: current distribution
seen at 14:33, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added hospital tap water scheme: distribution HTW8 request form.

The examination covered will be Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the distribution will consist of 2 samples.

Guidance: Drinking water scheme: current distribution
seen at 14:33, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added drinking water scheme: distribution W172 request form.

For more information, please email

Guidance: Recreational and surface water scheme: current distribution
seen at 14:33, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added recreational and surface water scheme: distribution S75 request form.

The recreational and surface water scheme is suitable for laboratories that routinely monitor for indicator organisms...

Guidance: Legionella isolation scheme: current distribution
seen at 14:33, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Legionella isolation scheme: request form for distribution G104.

The legionella isolation scheme includes samples containing a range of different serogroups of Legionella pneumophila and ...

Guidance: Home Office manual for escorting safely
seen at 14:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

In a written ministerial statement (WMS) in June 2014 an undertaking was given to publish a redacted version of HOMES. HOMES is a bespoke restraint system used by escorting teams on in-country, overseas and ...

Guidance: Civil Service redundancy principles: protocol
seen at 14:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The government is committed to continuous improvement in delivery of public services to citizens and to providing value for money to taxpayers. This may affect how public services are delivered, and the work, ...

Transparency data: DVLA - spending over £500 on an ePCS from August 2015 to September 2016
seen at 14:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

DVLA publishes details of all spending over &pound;500 using an electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS). The ePCS has replaced the government procurement card (GPC).

Transparency data: Record of Financial Stability Report meeting: September 2016
seen at 14:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The Financial Policy Committee (FPC) was created by the Financial Services Act 2012 and came into existence on 1 April 2013 as a key element of the government’s reforms to strengthen the financial regulatory...

Decision: Man U Jew: Inquiry report
seen at 14:31, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

A statement of the results of a commission inquiry into Man U Jew (registered charity number 1117800).

Official Statistics: Pre-release access to DWP statistics
seen at 14:31, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated the list of officials with pre-release access to National Insurance numbers allocated to adult overseas nationals statistics (section 25).

We’ve published the DWP arrangements for pre-release...

Transparency data: Financial management and governance review: Bright Tribe Trust and Adventure Learning Academies Trust
seen at 14:31, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This report sets out the findings of the Education Funding Agency’s review of financial management and governance at Bright Tribe Trust and Adventure Learning Academies Trust.

Guidance: MCA approved doctors UK based
seen at 14:31, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated MCA approved doctors UK based 9 November 2016

This list is for seafarers who need to get an ENG1 medical fitness certificate, and to find a Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) approved...

Breastfeeding prevalence at 6 to 8 weeks after birth: 2016 to 2017 quarterly data, Q1
seen at 14:30, 9 November in UK Statistics Authority (Our copy).

This document reports a breach of the Code of Practice for Official Statistics, or the relevant Pre-release Access to Official Statistics Orders, to which the Code applies as if it included these orders.

Caribbean2030 Leaders’ Network created at Wilton Park
seen at 14:30, 9 November in Wilton Park (Our copy).
During our meeting in October on Caribbean 2030 - new thinking for a new generation III, the Caribbean2030 Leaders’ Network was born. This group will build an entrepreneurial spirit of collaboration across the region...
News story: Digital Economy Bill: Codes of Practice
seen at 14:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

Changing technology provides the opportunity to deliver better public services. That is why through the Digital Economy Bill, government is improving services to benefit citizens, reduce fraud and debt, and deliver...

News story: Incident at Sandilands tram stop - Croydon
seen at 14:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

Chris Grayling, the Transport Secretary, said:

I will continue to be updated on the terrible incident in Croydon this morning. I know emergency services are working extremely hard at the scene...

Press release: Alok Sharma visits New Zealand
seen at 14:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

Mr Sharma will meet Deputy Prime Minister Bill English, Foreign Minister Murray McCully and Trade Minister Todd McClay, emphasising the importance of the UK’s relationship with New Zealand in trade and investment...

Press release: London waste company fined for breaching permit
seen at 14:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

The Environment Agency has prosecuted a company operating a waste transfer station in London for breaking rules set out in its environmental permit, which aims to safeguard the local environment and human health...

Press release: Cambridge school wins visit from Wallace & Gromit animators
seen at 14:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

The competition, set up by the UK Intellectual Property Office, aimed to inspire creativity amongst the younger generation. It coincided with the 40th anniversary of Aardman, the company behind Wallace & ...

Press release: Essex waste company and director made to pay £20,000 for waste mountain
seen at 14:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

It prosecuted the company and its director for storing waste so high that it exceeded the site’s permit height restrictions by 6 metres.

Samantha Jones, Director of Connect Waste Management Limited which...

News story: Chindit army cadets enjoy CNC visit
seen at 14:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Typo corrected

The cadets, aged between 12 and 18, paid a visit to the CNC dog section, based near to the Sellafield site.

PC Bill Lane and PC Martin Heffernan, who are both national firearms...

Transparency data: Scotland Office Ministers: quarterly return - April to June 2016
seen at 11:54, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Data on gifts given, gifts received, hospitality received, overseas travel and meetings with external organisations - April to June 2016.

Transparency data: Scotland Office Special Advisers: quarterly return - April - June 2016
seen at 11:54, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Data on gifts received, hospitality received and meetings with senior media representatives - April - June 2016.

Transparency data: Coasting schools in England: November 2016 (provisional data)
seen at 11:54, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Information about the number and characteristics of schools that meet the proposed ‘coasting school’ definition.

Figures are based on:

final 2014 and 2015 school performance results at key stage...
Official Statistics: Statistical Digest of Rural England
seen at 11:54, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Revised September 2016 edition including updated population and migration statistics.

A compendium of rural urban statistics on a wide range of social and economic Government policy areas.

Official Statistics: Rural population and migration statistics
seen at 11:54, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: This publication includes revised data on population at local authority level

Population change is a result of natural change (the difference between births and deaths) and net international migration...

Research and analysis: 2015 Maladministration report
seen at 11:54, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The term ‘maladministration’ refers to any act that could jeopardise the integrity, security or confidentiality of the national curriculum assessments and could lead to results that do not reflect the unaided...

Form: MOD Subject Access Request form
seen at 11:54, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The Data Protection Act (DPA) Subject Access Request (SAR) form 1694 is available in 2 file formats, Portable Document Format (PDF) and Microsoft Word (DOC).

Form: Potentially hazardous exposure form
seen at 11:54, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Following a decision by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) there is now a Special Subject Access Request (SSAR) procedure for individuals who are concerned about any potentially hazardous exposure they...

Correspondence: IP connect newsletter: November 2016
seen at 11:54, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

If you would like to subscribe please email IP connect.

Guidance: Development of a whole system approach to female offenders
seen at 11:53, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The MOJ is providing &pound;800,000 to support local areas to develop a joined-up, multi-agency approach to improve support for female offenders and other women with complex needs who may be at risk of offending...

Form: Income Support claim form
seen at 11:53, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new A1 Welsh version: Ffurflen gais Cymhorthdal Incwm y gallwch ei chwblhau ar sgrîn – ac yna ei hargraffu.

You may not have to fill in this form – the quickest way to claim Income Support...

Policy paper: Joint Statement on the Roadmap to the $US100 billion
seen at 11:53, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Developed countries are pleased to publish the Roadmap to the US$100 billion, in response to the call from the 2015 UNFCCC conference in Paris.

Transparency data: DECC: exceptions to spending controls for April to June 2016
seen at 11:53, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

DECC publishes details of approved expenditure in areas limited by spending controls on a quarterly basis.

DECC was replaced by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) in July...

Transparency data: DFID Secretary of State gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings with external organisations
seen at 11:53, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: April to June 2016 data added.

DFID publishes details of ministers’ meetings with external organisations, gifts (given and received), hospitality and overseas travel on a quarterly basis.

Transparency data: NIO Special Advisor Quarterly Returns April-June 2016
seen at 11:53, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Quarterly Return for NIO Special Advisor 1 April - 30 June 2016:

Jonathan Caine
Transparency data: DFID Parliamentary Under Secretary of State gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings with external organisations
seen at 11:53, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: April to June 2016 data added.

DFID publishes details of ministers’ meetings with external organisations, gifts (given and received), hospitality and overseas travel on a quarterly basis.

Transparency data: DFID Special Advisers' gifts, hospitality and meetings returns
seen at 11:53, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: April to June 2016 data added.

Information about DFID’s special advisers business expenses, gifts received and meetings with external organisations. The information and data is published quarterly...

Transparency data: DFID Minister of State gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings with external organisations
seen at 11:53, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: April to June 2016 data added.

DFID publishes details of ministers’ meetings with external organisations, gifts (given and received), hospitality and overseas travel on a quarterly basis.

Transparency data: SPADS: quarterly return - April to June 2016
seen at 11:53, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Details on gifts received, hospitality received and meetings with newspaper and other media proprietors, editors and senior executives.

Transparency data: DFID Business Appointment Rules
seen at 11:53, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: January to June data added

This page provides information about outside appointments or employment taken up by former members of the DFID. It covers former staff at senior civil service levels ...

Transparency data: Ministers: quarterly return - April to June 2016
seen at 11:53, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Details of gifts given over &pound;140, gifts received over &pound;140, hospitality received, overseas travel and meetings with external organisations (including meetings with newspaper and other media...

Transparency data: Foreign Office senior staff: quarterly returns - April to June 2016
seen at 11:53, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

As part of its commitment to openness, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has published the business expenses and hospitality of its senior London-based staff.

The expenses and hospitality listed result...

Open consultation: Consultation on updates to Schedule 6 of the Gambling Act 2005
seen at 11:53, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This consultation proposes updates to Schedule 6 of the Gambling Act 2005 to better reflect the bodies that the Gambling Commission shares information with on a regular basis.

Guidance: Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) public registers
seen at 11:33, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: November 2016 updated public registers.

2016 registers of EEE producers, approved exporters and approved authorised treatment facilities. Plus a list of WEEE producer compliance schemes and their...

Guidance: Public health skills and knowledge framework: report
seen at 11:33, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This report provides an update on the PHSKF review and includes:

input from the home nations on their national context for workforce development the National Occupational Standards underpinning...
Transparency data: NIO Ministerial Quarterly Returns April-June 2016
seen at 11:33, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Quarterly Return for NIO Ministerial staff 1 April - 30 June 2016:

SofS Villiers

Minister Wallace

Transparency data: DCLG exceptions to spending controls: 1 April 2016 to 30 June 2016
seen at 11:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Approved spending for Department for Communities and Local Government for 1 April 2016 to 30 June 2016.

Guidance: Fire prevention plans: environmental permits
seen at 11:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Text added for clarity - 'This guidance also doesn’t apply to the storage of coal, materials, or wastes that are liquids.'

You must use this guide to make a fire prevention plan if you’re storing...

Transparency data: NIO Senior Staff Quarterly Returns April-June 2016
seen at 11:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

NIO Senior Staff Quarterly Returns 1st April - 30th June 2016

Dawn Johnson

David Brooker

Colin Perry

Mark Larmour

Sir Jonathan...

Transparency data: MOD exceptions to spending controls for January to December 2016
seen at 11:32, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added quarter 1 2016/17

MOD publishes details of approved expenditure in areas limited by spending controls on a quarterly basis.

To help tackle the budget deficit, the government introduced...

Policy paper: Policing and Crime Bill: firearms and alcohol licensing
seen at 11:31, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated impact assessment (alcohol licensing: cumulative impact policies) published.

These documents relate to the firearms and alcohol licensing provisions in the Policing and Crime Bill.

Transparency data: Department for Education: exceptions to spending controls
seen at 11:31, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added data on DfE exceptions to government spending controls for April to June 2016.

Quarterly information about DfE’s spending on property, advertising, consultancy, technology and recruitment...

Transparency data: Wales Office SPAD Transparency Return April - June16
seen at 11:31, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

April - June 2016

Transparency data: Wales Office Ministerial Transparency April - June16
seen at 11:31, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

April - June 2016

Guidance: Israel – Consular Fees
seen at 11:31, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Consular fees updated 1 November 2016.

A full list of Consular fees.

Official Statistics: Early access to medicines scheme applications: pending, refused, granted
seen at 11:31, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated PIM designation statistics added to EAMS page.

These tables show the number of applications made to the early access to medicines scheme for the promising innovative medicine (PIM) designation...

Upscale & Future Fifty: Apply
seen at 11:31, 9 November in Tech City UK (Our copy).

Last week we announced that applications for two of our business support programmes – Upscale and Future Fifty – have opened. Read all the criteria below and apply today.


Upscale is...

Speech: Michael Grenfell on the CMA’s progress in enforcing competition law
seen at 11:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).
UK competition enforcement – progress and prospects

A year ago this week, when I was newly appointed in my job as the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) Executive Director for Enforcement, I gave a talk...

News story: Incident at Sandilands tram stop Croydon
seen at 11:30, 9 November in News and communications (Our copy).

Chris Grayling, the Transport Secretary, said:

I am aware of the serious incident in Croydon this morning. I know emergency services are working extremely hard at the scene and my thoughts are...

Transparency data: Home Office: special advisers' gifts, hospitality and meetings, April to June 2016
seen at 10:44, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

The Home Office publishes quarterly details of special advisers’ meetings with senior media figures and any gifts or hospitality they received.

Guidance: Local area SEND inspection outcome letters
seen at 10:44, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Rochdale joint local area SEND inspection outcome letter published.

Ofsted and Care Quality Commission inspect local areas’ effectiveness in identifying and meeting the needs of children and young...

Transparency data: Cabinet Office: business appointment rules advice
seen at 10:44, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added December - July 2016 data.

This page provides information about outside appointments or employment taken up by former members of staff at the Cabinet Office. It covers former staff at senior...

Transparency data: MOD: ministerial gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings, January to December 2016
seen at 10:44, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Q1 2016/2017

MOD publishes details of ministers’ meetings with external organisations, gifts (given and received), hospitality and overseas travel on a quarterly basis.

Transparency data: Cabinet Office spend data over £25,000
seen at 10:43, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added September 2016 data

In line with UK government commitments to increase transparency, we are now publishing details of spend over &pound;25,000 since 1 April 2010 and over &pound...

Guidance: Civil Service management code
seen at 10:43, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated November 2016 guidance

The management code sets out regulations and instructions related to civil servants’ terms and conditions of service. It covers:

recruitment and probation...
Transparency data: Ministerial and special advisers quarterly transparency information - April to June 2016
seen at 10:43, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Ministers and special advisers - Transparency data ministers and special advisers’ quarterly transparency information - April to June 2016.

Transparency data: DCMS: Senior officials' business expenses and hospitality, 1st April to 30th June 2016
seen at 10:43, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Data on senior officials’ business expenses and hospitality, and permanent secretaries’ meetings with external organisations.

Transparency data: DCMS Ministerial hospitality, overseas travel, meetings and gifts: 1 April 2016 to 30 June 2016
seen at 10:42, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Hospitality, gifts received and overseas travel claimed by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport’s ministers from 1 April to 30 June 2016.

Transparency data: DfE: ministerial gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings - 2016
seen at 10:42, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added quarterly returns for April to June 2016.

DfE publishes details of ministers’ meetings with external organisations, gifts (given and received), hospitality and overseas travel on a quarterly...

Transparency data: DCMS Special Advisers' gifts, hospitality and meetings 1 April 2016 to 30 June 2016
seen at 10:41, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Hospitality, gifts received and overseas travel claimed by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport’s ministers from 1 April to 30 June 2016.

Corporate report: Standards and Testing Agency Review: final report and STA response
seen at 10:41, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

In April 2016, Minister Nick Gibb announced a ‘root and branch’ review of the operations of the Standards and Testing Agency, following security breaches during the administration of the 2016 key stage 1 and ...

Transparency data: DfE: special advisers’ gifts, hospitality and meetings - 2016
seen at 10:41, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added quarterly returns for April to June 2016.

DfE publishes quarterly details of special advisers’ meetings with senior media figures, and any gifts or hospitality they received, on a quarterly...

Guidance: Apprenticeship standard: animal technologist
seen at 10:41, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

This document is relevant to:

those looking to apply for an apprenticeship employers wanting to recruit an apprentice training organisations working with employers to make the apprenticeships available...
Official Statistics: Water situation report: Devon and Cornwall
seen at 10:40, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Updated: October 2016 stats added.

Summary of the rainfall, soil moisture deficits, river flow, groundwater levels and reservoir stocks in Devon and Cornwall.

Policy paper: DfT response to Natural England’s review of HS2 Ltd’s ‘no net loss in biodiversity’ metric: ancient woodland recommendations
seen at 10:40, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Natural England published a review of HS2 Ltd’s ‘no net loss in biodiversity’ metric. This metric measures HS2 Ltd’s progress towards achieving their ambition of no net loss in biodiversity for Phase...

Transparency data: Scotland Office Ministers: quarterly return - April to June 2016
seen at 10:40, 9 November in Search (Our copy).

Data on gifts given, gifts received, hospitality received, overseas travel and meetings with external organisations - April to June 2016.