First of all, I’d like to thank you for your kind invitation to speak today. I am delighted to have the opportunity to join you for the great debate finale, the culmination of more than 50 events in Elevation...
Updated: Updated pdf.
Use this form to report these medical conditions:
blepharospasm branch retinal vein occlusion cataracts diplopia (double vision) glaucoma...
Updated: Welsh version published.
Our prison system needs reform. It fails to rehabilitate or make sure criminals are prevented from offending again. Currently, nearly half of adult prisoners are reconvicted...
Updated: Added Programme cortisone: programme blueprint document version 5.0 (25 October 2016)
Information about programme cortisone and the ‘Programme blueprint document’.
Related information: <...
Updated: Updated Crown Representative and strategic supplier list.
These documents provide a list of the Crown Representatives and the strategic suppliers they work with. The risk management policy relating...
Updated: Figures for October added.
We review these standards regularly to try to improve them.
We will:
respond to over 80% of general e-mail enquiries, letters and faxes to our Information...
Updated: Added new payment services brochure
Information about the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) range of fleet solutions, including eAuctions, payment services and the Managed Print, Multifunctional Devices...
Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses published during the week commencing 14 November 2016.
Updated: Extra presentation added
The event, held on Monday 14 November, featured eminent speakers from the UK and abroad.
Sue Bloxham (MS Powerpoint Presentation, 11MB)
The new Defence and National Rehabilitation Centre will see leading rehabilitation services, currently delivered at Headley Court, move to a purpose-built location at Stanford Hall near Loughborough.
Merci beaucoup, monsieur le Président. Thank you for convening this important debate, and I join others in thanking the briefers.
I warmly congratulate Yusuf Al Uthaimain on his election as the Secretary...
Updated: update
Latest updateMonday 14 November – Typhoons supported the liberation of Nimrud, while a Reaper assisted Kurdish forces north of Mosul.
Tuesday 15 November – Tornados...
Updated: Updated higher and degree apprenticeship fact sheet.
Higher and degree apprenticeships are available at levels 4 to 7. They combine work with study and may include a work-based, academic or combined...
Requirements R103:To produce an appropriate social baseline to develop and monitor English marine plans, appraise their sustainability and where required assess impact.
Requirement detailMMO requires...
Updated: Added national flu report and surveillance graphs (week 46, 2016).
These reports summarise UK surveillance of influenza and other seasonal respiratory illnesses from October 2013 onwards.
Updated: Added report for week 46, 2016.
Public Health England’s (PHE’s) weekly all-cause mortality surveillance helps to detect and report significant weekly excess mortality (deaths) above normal seasonal...
Provisional monthly seasonal flu vaccine uptake data in children of primary school age, covering cumulative flu vaccinations administered from 1 September to 31 October 2016. The data is presented for children...
Provisional monthly seasonal flu vaccine uptake data for frontline healthcare workers (HCWs), covering cumulative flu vaccinations administered from 1 September to 31 October 2016. The data is shown at national...
Updated: New data added 17 November 2016.
These graphs compare current data with the average, using the latest information gathered from Environment Agency telemetry equipment based at remote stations.
Updated: Published revised version of forms SF200 and SF200W.
You may not have to fill in a form. There are other ways to claim.
Updated: Added November guidance
Regular assurance and challenge for good governance and efficiency of public bodies is central to the government’s public bodies transformation programme.
This tailored...
Updated: Added 17 November Business Statement
The Business Statement takes place every Thursday morning when the House is sitting, usually at 11:30am. Statements are available here shortly after being ...
Updated: Replaced business and technical specification document with version 1.4. The document explains what has changed.
This is technical information about submitting data for the children in need ...
Updated: Replaced business and technical specification document with version 1.1. The document explains what has changed.
This is technical information about submitting data for the children in need...
Updated: Metrics for October 2017 added.
For national applications (UK marketing authorisations only) we show the time taken for:
the first assessor to start the assessment all allocated assessors...
This document looks at key findings and lessons learned from the evaluation of the End of Life Social Action Fund. The Cabinet Office commissioned Lancaster University’s International Observatory on End of Life...
Updated: Updated apprenticeship frameworks fact sheet.
An apprenticeship framework:
covers all the statutory requirements for an apprenticeship programme in England is used by colleges, employers...
Updated: Added the results to "Infocus, women in innovation award"
Note: These proposals have succeeded in the assessment stage of this competition. All are subject to grant offer and conditions being met...
This document provides information about the underlying principles used by the Home Office Centre for Applied Science and Technology (CAST) in the preparation of each CAST key reference hard drive (CKRHD). A ...
The CAST Key Reference Hard Disk (CKRHD) consists of a conventional mechanical hard disk drive of a specific capacity; the complete user addressable storage capacity which is present on the disk is prepared with...
DVLA publishes details of all spending over £500 using an electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS). The ePCS has replaced the government procurement card (GPC).
Updated: English PDF updated.
Guidance on how to fill in form V85, for making an application to tax a heavy goods vehicle.
Updated: Updated document - changes are set out in the document’s version history.
This guide is for local authorities preparing a children in need census 2017 to 2018 return.
It includes...
Updated: Updated document to latest version.
There are currently no cases recorded in humans, and only one outbreak affecting birds recorded in the UK, however further outbreaks in birds are possible.
This study examines the quality of the available evidence on the effectiveness of reforms aimed at improving legislative oversight to attain improved development outcomes, and summarises the available lessons...
This is an independent review of the Home Office’s EGYV programme by Dr Simon Harding from the University of Middlesex.
As part of the review, Dr Harding studied 20 local areas to understand the changes...
Updated: Updated for next round of applications.
National CEA 2016Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards (ACCEA), launched the 2016 round of national CEA on Friday 11 March 2016. The results ...
A request was made under the Freedom of Information Act for a copy of the Temporary Traffic Regulation Order that enabled us to close the A1307 on the weekend of 6/7 August 2016.
Updated: Updated pdf.
Use this form to report these medical conditions:
blepharospasm branch retinal vein occlusion cataracts diplopia (double vision) glaucoma...
Updated: Welsh version published.
Our prison system needs reform. It fails to rehabilitate or make sure criminals are prevented from offending again. Currently, nearly half of adult prisoners are reconvicted...
Updated: Added Programme cortisone: programme blueprint document version 5.0 (25 October 2016)
Information about programme cortisone and the ‘Programme blueprint document’.
Related information: <...
Updated: Updated Crown Representative and strategic supplier list.
These documents provide a list of the Crown Representatives and the strategic suppliers they work with. The risk management policy relating...
Updated: Added translation
Form and guidance on how to fill in form V317, application to transfer or retain a vehicle registration number.
Online servicesYou can now transfer or retain a registration...
Updated: Added translation
Form and guidance on how to fill in form V317, application to transfer or retain a vehicle registration number.
Online servicesYou can now transfer or retain a registration...
Updated: Figures for October added.
We review these standards regularly to try to improve them.
We will:
respond to over 80% of general e-mail enquiries, letters and faxes to our Information...
Updated: Added new payment services brochure
Information about the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) range of fleet solutions, including eAuctions, payment services and the Managed Print, Multifunctional Devices...
Updated: Added launch date update details.
Details of the new online electronic procurement system, project milestones and implications for defence suppliers in 2016.
Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses published during the week commencing 14 November 2016.
The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...
The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...
Date: Wednesday 7 December 2016 Venue: Estádio do Dragão, Porto Kick off time: 7:45pm (local time)
As well as this advice, check out our travel advice for Portugal.
Passports and visas...
Updated: Extra presentation added
The event, held on Monday 14 November, featured eminent speakers from the UK and abroad.
Sue Bloxham (MS Powerpoint Presentation, 11MB)
Thank you Sharon for the introduction and to ACEVO for inviting me today.
Firstly, I’d like to congratulate Vicky Browning on her appointment as the new Chief Executive of ACEVO. I look forward to working...
I’m delighted this year’s conference has such a keen focus on building new homes.
No doubt a Martian passing through Knightsbridge today would not be surprised – after all, the name of your association...
Updated: Updated document - changes are set out in the document’s version history.
This guide is for local authorities preparing their children in need census 2016 to 2017 return.
It includes...
This bulletin contains information about:
Funeral Payments Team request for contact details Benefit cap update: ‘active but not capped cases’ cases with the Upper Tribunal Statutory Instruments
Updated: Updated to include: Country and Regional Analysis 2016: interactive tables in Excel format Country and Regional Analysis 2016: database in Excel format
The country and regional analysis (CRA) ...
Updated: Updated PDF to November 2016 version.
This register of interests records those interests that members of PHE’s board hold outside the agency.
Updated: Forthcoming notice removed for Mr Christiaan Latus
Details of a forthcoming hearing will appear here 5 working days before it is due to take place.
Members of the press and the public ...
The Science and Innovation Network Country Snapshot for The Netherlands provides information on the local Science and Innovation landscape and the UK priorities and successes. There is also a list of Science ...
In September 2016 the VOA held a user engagement event focusing on its private rental market statistics (PRMS). It was attended by representatives from the VOA, the Office for National Statistics (ONS), and various...
A review of the rainfall and river flow data for England covering the 7 day period (Wednesday to Tuesday).
Requirement R086The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) requires information on the location, condition and features of sites that could be used in a relatively easy manner for habitat creation or restoration...
Updated: Added translation
Use these forms to object to someone registering a lasting power of attorney (LPA) or an enduring power of attorney (EPA).
To object to registration of an LPA use:
Updated: Added translation
Use these forms to object to someone registering a lasting power of attorney (LPA) or an enduring power of attorney (EPA).
To object to registration of an LPA use:
Updated: Updated guide to apprenticeships.
A guide to apprenticeships - provides information for young people on the opportunities, progression and benefits of doing an apprenticeship with case studies ...
Updated: Updated higher and degree apprenticeship fact sheet.
Higher and degree apprenticeships are available at levels 4 to 7. They combine work with study and may include a work-based, academic or combined...
Requirements R103:To produce an appropriate social baseline to develop and monitor English marine plans, appraise their sustainability and where required assess impact.
Requirement detailMMO requires...
Updated: Added national flu report and surveillance graphs (week 46, 2016).
These reports summarise UK surveillance of influenza and other seasonal respiratory illnesses from October 2013 onwards.
Updated: Added report for week 46, 2016.
Public Health England’s (PHE’s) weekly all-cause mortality surveillance helps to detect and report significant weekly excess mortality (deaths) above normal seasonal...
Provisional monthly seasonal flu vaccine uptake data in children of primary school age, covering cumulative flu vaccinations administered from 1 September to 31 October 2016. The data is presented for children...
Provisional monthly seasonal flu vaccine uptake data for frontline healthcare workers (HCWs), covering cumulative flu vaccinations administered from 1 September to 31 October 2016. The data is shown at national...
Updated: New data added 17 November 2016.
These graphs compare current data with the average, using the latest information gathered from Environment Agency telemetry equipment based at remote stations.
Updated: Published revised version of forms SF200 and SF200W.
You may not have to fill in a form. There are other ways to claim.
Updated: Added November guidance
Regular assurance and challenge for good governance and efficiency of public bodies is central to the government’s public bodies transformation programme.
This tailored...
Updated: Added 17 November Business Statement
The Business Statement takes place every Thursday morning when the House is sitting, usually at 11:30am. Statements are available here shortly after being ...
Updated: Replaced business and technical specification document with version 1.4. The document explains what has changed.
This is technical information about submitting data for the children in need ...
Updated: Replaced business and technical specification document with version 1.1. The document explains what has changed.
This is technical information about submitting data for the children in need...
Updated: Metrics for October 2017 added.
For national applications (UK marketing authorisations only) we show the time taken for:
the first assessor to start the assessment all allocated assessors...
This document looks at key findings and lessons learned from the evaluation of the End of Life Social Action Fund. The Cabinet Office commissioned Lancaster University’s International Observatory on End of Life...
Updated: Updated apprenticeship frameworks fact sheet.
An apprenticeship framework:
covers all the statutory requirements for an apprenticeship programme in England is used by colleges, employers...
Updated: Case number C-418/16 P added.
The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) publishes information on cases that comes to its attention concerning intellectual property matters. We publish the specific...
Updated: Added the results to "Infocus, women in innovation award"
Note: These proposals have succeeded in the assessment stage of this competition. All are subject to grant offer and conditions being met...
This document provides information about the underlying principles used by the Home Office Centre for Applied Science and Technology (CAST) in the preparation of each CAST key reference hard drive (CKRHD). A ...
The CAST Key Reference Hard Disk (CKRHD) consists of a conventional mechanical hard disk drive of a specific capacity; the complete user addressable storage capacity which is present on the disk is prepared with...
DVLA publishes details of all spending over £500 using an electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS). The ePCS has replaced the government procurement card (GPC).
Updated: English PDF updated.
Guidance on how to fill in form V85, for making an application to tax a heavy goods vehicle.
Updated: Updated document - changes are set out in the document’s version history.
This guide is for local authorities preparing a children in need census 2017 to 2018 return.
It includes...
Updated: Updated document to latest version.
There are currently no cases recorded in humans, and only one outbreak affecting birds recorded in the UK, however further outbreaks in birds are possible.
This study examines the quality of the available evidence on the effectiveness of reforms aimed at improving legislative oversight to attain improved development outcomes, and summarises the available lessons...
This is an independent review of the Home Office’s EGYV programme by Dr Simon Harding from the University of Middlesex.
As part of the review, Dr Harding studied 20 local areas to understand the changes...
Updated: Updated for next round of applications.
National CEA 2016Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards (ACCEA), launched the 2016 round of national CEA on Friday 11 March 2016. The results ...
A request was made under the Freedom of Information Act for a copy of the Temporary Traffic Regulation Order that enabled us to close the A1307 on the weekend of 6/7 August 2016.
This one-day annual conference hosted by OFFA, Action on Access and Universities UK provides a unique opportunity to find out more about OFFA’s priorities for 2018-19 access agreements. The...
Sales of antibiotics for use in animals in the UK are at a four-year low, putting the UK on track to meet ambitious targets to tackle antibiotic resistance, according to a Defra report released today.
Advice for fans travelling to Portugal for Leicester City’s match with FC Porto on 7 December.
Date: Wednesday 7 December Venue: Estádio do Dragão, Porto Kick off time: 7:45pm (local time)
Updated: Update 17 November with details of further 3 licences.
Natural England is committed to being as open and transparent about its licensing decisions as it can be and the documents relating to that...
I know what it feels like to sweat over cashflow and to worry about paying the wages at the end of the month, but also the exhilaration of winning a key contract.
I know this because before I went into...
It’s a great pleasure to be at the UK Internet Governance Forum – my first as Digital Minister – and a crucial event in the life of the Internet’s governance.
It’s a great honour to speak here because...
Mr David Concar has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Somalia in succession to Ms Harriet Mathews OBE, who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Mr ...
Thank you Mr President and thank you Special Representative Tanin for your briefing just now.
I welcome Ambassador Citaku and Deputy Prime Minister Dacic back to the Council again and I thank you both...
Thank you for inviting me to speak today. The Internet Governance Forum is a unique venue that brings together a wide range of stakeholders from industry, civil society, government, parliamentarians to academics...
IntroductionYour excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to be here in Vietnam, a part of the world that is so critical to defeating the illegal wildlife trade.
Meeting here to combat this...
The decision the British people made on 23rd June to leave the EU was a momentous one. It will lead to change, and much detail about that change is still uncertain. But there are some very important certainties...
What is the Gender Pay Gap?The gender pay gap is an equality measure that shows the difference in average earnings between women and men.
The UK gender pay gap is at its lowest level ever - just over...
Updated: Government response and impact assessment published.
The consultation sets out proposals for how to improve the environmental cost protection rules.
The consultation is aimed at those who...
Updated: Closing date for round 2 updated to 12 December 2016.
What is EIP-Agri?The European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-Agri) provides support to projects...
A request was made under the Freedom of Information Act for a copy of all letters Highways England has written in support of a Third River Crossing and correspondence between Peter Aldous MP and the Secretary...
Updated: Update made 17 November 2016.
This document explains the plans to reduce flood risk from the sea and the river along the Ouse valley in Newhaven.
Updated: Latest registrations added (17 November 2016).
As regulator, we maintain a statutory register of social housing providers (the register) which lists private (not-for-profit and for-profit) providers...
The Commonwealth Marine Economies (CME) Programme aims to support the sustainable growth of Commonwealth Small Island Developing States (SIDS) within the Caribbean, Pacific and Indian Ocean regions.
The Commonwealth Marine Economies (CME) Programme aims to support the sustainable growth of Commonwealth Small Island Developing States (SIDS) within the Caribbean, Pacific and Indian Ocean regions.
The Commonwealth Marine Economies (CME) Programme aims to support the sustainable growth of Commonwealth Small Island Developing States (SIDS) within the Caribbean, Pacific and Indian Ocean regions.
Items for academies Reminder Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) 2017 to 2018 Information new energy efficiency loan fund Information English and maths...
Updated: Updated 'Driver CPC monthly statistics with data for October 2016.
About this data setThis data set comes from data held by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA).
It isn’t classed...
Updated: New local authority service for Southampton.
Use this guide to find the details of local authorities in England that offer a European passport return service for EEA(QP) or EEA(PR) applications...
This guide includes information on:
benefits of building a relationship with defence how employers can support defence and the armed forces community contact informationWelsh language ...
This guide includes information on:
benefits of building a relationship with defence how employers can support defence and the armed forces community contact information
Updated: Updated to include latest version of Partnering with Defence guidance document.
The employer toolkit provides information on all aspects of employing reservists. This includes:
an outline...
Updated: New file titled Apprenticeships by region and sector subject area: participation 2009/10 to 2015/16 uploaded on 17 November 2016.
This statistical data set provides information on apprenticeships...
Updated: Added translation
Use this form if you are a deputy appointed by the Court of Protection and need help with the cost of the:
£100 deputy assessment fee £...
Updated: Added translation
Use this form if you are a deputy appointed by the Court of Protection and need help with the cost of the:
£100 deputy assessment fee £...
Published title: Exchange of Notes to amend the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America for the Sharing ...
Published title: Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay for the Exchange of Information relating to...
Published title: Maritime Labour Convention 2006
Updated: Added syndromic surveillance summary for week 45, 2016.
Public Health England collects and analyses health related syndromic surveillance data and important public health mesages, and publishes...
Updated: Added bulletin for week 45, 2016.
Monitoring patterns in phone calls to the NHS 111 service each day across England, to track the spread of infectious diseases like flu and norovirus.These data...
Updated: Added bulletin and data for week 45, 2016.
Monitoring the number of visits to GPs during regular surgery hours for important clinical indicators. This system reports daily, and covers over 55% ...
Updated: Added bulletin for week 45, 2016.
Monitors the number of unscheduled visits and calls to GPs every day:
during evenings overnight on weekends on public holidaysThis system complements...
Updated: Added bulletin for week 45, 2016.
The Emergency Department Syndromic Surveillance System (EDSSS) monitors the patient attendances each day, and what symptoms patients have, in a network of emergency...
Summary for the week including 17 November 2016.
Updated: Updated 'Control of Dust' document added
Minimum and desirable requirements to help delivery partners and contractors prevent Ill health and environmental nuisance from activities which produce...
Updated: Updated document - changes are set out in the document’s version history.
This guide is for local authorities preparing their children in need census 2016 to 2017 return.
It includes...
This bulletin contains information about:
Funeral Payments Team request for contact details Benefit cap update: ‘active but not capped cases’ cases with the Upper Tribunal Statutory Instruments
On Sunday 13 November 2016 we hosted the third presentation of The Marsh Award for Peacemaking and Peacekeeping. This year’s recipient, Dr Rouba Mhaissen, is a Lebanese-Syrian and the Founder and Director of Sawa...
Jose Leonardo, 56, was today (17 November) sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum of 22 years for murdering his wife Maria Mbombo in their home in Belsize Park on 18 May this year. Leonardo was convicted ...
A Downing Street spokesperson said:
This afternoon the Prime Minister welcomed President of Portugal Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa for a bilateral meeting at Downing Street.
The Prime Minister ...
The Parole Board is very concerned about the plight of many prisoners serving IPP sentences and welcomes the HMIP report.
Nick Hardwick Parole Board Chairman said:
“I very much welcome the publication...
Noel will, on 1 January 2017, succeed Guy Beringer QC CBE as Chair of the UK Export Finance (UKEF) Board. As part of her role as UKEF Board Chair she will also be a Non-Executive member of the Department for ...
In addition to this they also are reinforcing the bank of the River Windrush near Standlake in Oxfordshire. The work forms part of a programme of maintenance works in the Thames Valley to ensure that rivers and...
Enforcement officers paid unannounced visits to sites suspected of operating in the waste business without the required environmental permits, flouting the law and committing crime. Of the 21 sites visited, 6...
Inspector General of Police,
Commissioners of Police,
Regional Commanders,
Media, ladies and gentlemen all protocol observed.
I am delighted to be here this morning as a representative...
Advice for fans travelling to Portugal for Leicester City’s match with FC Porto on 7 December
Date: Wednesday 7 December Venue: Estádio do Dragão, Porto Kick off time: 7:45pm (local time)
Updated: Update 17 November with details of further 3 licences.
Natural England is committed to being as open and transparent about its licensing decisions as it can be and the documents relating to that...
Medical devices cover a wide range of products – from sticking plasters to hip replacements, from contact lenses to personal oxygen tanks and implanted pacemakers. These devices and others like them, can be found...
Frederick Arthur Bartlett and Clive Victor Tayton, directors of Bionova Recycling Ltd, have each been disqualified from acting as a director for 10 years for obtaining a loan by false pretences.
Updated: Appearance amendments only
Three directors of a London-based company service provider have been disqualified for a combined 16 years for failing to keep records and, in one case, acting as a director...
At a hearing on 13 September 2016, a bankruptcy restriction order was made against Christopher John Day of Northampton for 10 years as a result of his conduct, lasting until 12 September 2026.
Mr Day ...
The director of an Indian Restaurant in Southend-On-Sea has been disqualified for 6 years for employing illegal workers.
Anwar Hussain (“Mr Hussainâ€) has given an undertaking to the Secretary of State...
I know what it feels like to sweat over cashflow and to worry about paying the wages at the end of the month, but also the exhilaration of winning a key contract.
I know this because before I went into...
Highways England will be resurfacing just over 2 miles of the A64 between Rillington and East Knapton.
Overnight closures on Monday to Thursday nights, between 8pm and 6am, started on Monday 14 November...
Updated: Table 14 of the tables and table 11 of the supplementary tables have been updated after it was found that the initial publication on 29 September 2016 contained a significant over-reporting by one licensing...
Updated: Section 7.5 of the commentary, table 14 of the tables and table 11 of the supplementary tables have been updated after it was found that the initial publication on 29 September 2016 contained a significant...
Updated: Updated tables 1000, 1006 to 1009 and 1011.
Live tables Table 1000: additional affordable homes provided by type of scheme, EnglandMS Excel Spreadsheet...
Updated: Updated: Country and regional analysis: pre-release access list
The Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 required the UK Statistics Authority to publish a Code of Practice for statistics...
Updated: Updated with October statistical notice and dataset.
This monthly publication gives UK statistics on the slaughter of cattle, sheep and pigs, dressed carcase weights and meat production. Additional...
Updated: Index updated.
Roll on, roll off international freight: table indexRoll on, roll off international freight: table index (ODS, 4.66KB)
Contact us Roll-on roll-off international...
Updated: Updated with September 2016 statistical notice.
This publication gives previously published copies of the National Statistics publications on the number of cattle, sheep and pigs slaughtered in...
Chief Financial Officers in 348 Local Authorities in England and Wales were invited to participate in an online survey that was open from December 2015 to January 2016. The response rate was 43%.
Housing Benefit Officers in 290 Local Authorities in England were invited to participate in an online survey that was open from December 2015 to January 2016. The response rate was 34%.
Property Services (often known as DVS) is the specialist property arm of the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) and provides professional property advice to clients from across the public sector.
This report...
This annual publication provides an overview of official UK spend on international development.
Compensation paid to passengers since 2009 by all train operating companies. Figures include compensation arising from delays to journeys under the:
delay repay scheme traditional compensation scheme...
Government response to the Office of Rail and Road’s (ORR) investigation of the Which? super-complaint into compensation arrangements in rail passenger services.
This explains the actions we would...
This infographic shows the range of grants available to help farmers and land managers slow the flow of water within a catchment and reduce the impact of flooding downstream.
See the main Countryside...
This annual publication presents veterinary antimicrobial sales data in the UK from 2011 to 2015 and antimicrobial resistance data for England and Wales from 2013 to 2015.
Antimicrobial sales dataVeterinary...
Data on Foreign Office Official Development Assistance for 2014 to 2015 Q3.
Data on Foreign Office Official Development Assistance through the British Council.
Data on Foreign Office Official Development Assistance for 2014 to 2015 Q4.
Data on Foreign Office Official Development Assistance for 2014 to 2015 Q4.
Data for quarters 1 to 4, financial year 2015 to 2016.
Data for quarters 1 to 4, financial year 2015 to 2016.
Data for quarters 1 to 4, financial year 2015 to 2016.
Data on Foreign Office Official Development Assistance for 2015 to 2016.
A request was made under the Freedom of Information Act for information relating to communications sent by Highways England to local authorities about litter on the A12.
A request was made under the Freedom of Information Act for information on corporate and strategy reports. The information was provided in the response letter attached.
After the floods in December 2015, the government committed £45 million to reduce the risk of flooding and increase the level of protection to at least 2,000 homes in York’s city centre over the next...
A response to questions about flexible working in the Treasury.
Updated: Uploaded updated version of activities overview 2014 to 2016.
The main aim of the 2013 campaign was to:
educate and inform patients, healthcare professionals and the general public about...
Updated: Added 2017 to 2018 schools funding: historic commitments supplementary guidance for local authorities.
Read the written ministerial statement for information on the schools revenue funding...
Updated: New document titled LFS regional estimates of educational attainment November 2016 uploaded on 17 November 2016.
Mean Hourly Wage by Level of Highest Qualification ...
Updated: Update to table
Find out what services are PSN-compliant, when their compliance status runs out and which services are in the process of becoming PSN-compliant.
Updated: Added translation
Use this form if you want to apply for information about a specific vehicle from DVLA. You need to show reasonable cause for wanting this information and how it will be used.
Updated: Added translation
The V888/2 application form is for companies who want to apply for information about specific vehicles from DVLA’s vehicle records. They will need to show ‘reasonable cause’ for...
Updated: Added translation
The V888/3 application form is for use by companies who issue parking charge notices. They need to show ‘reasonable cause’ as to why they want information released from DVLA records...
Updated: Government response and impact assessment published.
The consultation sets out proposals for how to improve the environmental cost protection rules.
The consultation is aimed at those who...
Updated: Closing date for round 2 updated to 12 December 2016.
What is EIP-Agri?The European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-Agri) provides support to projects...
A request was made under the Freedom of Information Act for a copy of all letters Highways England has written in support of a Third River Crossing and correspondence between Peter Aldous MP and the Secretary...
Abbeyfield 60th anniversary
Rail passengers are more willing and able than ever before to demand and get fair compensation if their train is late or cancelled with nearly £45 million paid out to successful claimants in 2015 to...
A new five-year plan to better protect the City of York against flooding has been announced (Thursday 17 November).
The plan sets out our options to reduce the risk of flooding to 2,000 properties across...
A European funding programme is to invest more than €300 millon across 11 initiatives launched this month.
Business support is available for projects in a range of fields including cloud computing, Internet...
Last week, 11 UK entrepreneurs took part in the Connected Cities Mission to India. They were able to pitch their ideas to potential customers, partners and investors. Delegates visited Pune and Kochi and attended...
The government has today (17 November 2016) confirmed an additional £10 million to help strengthen the resilience of the railway line from Exeter to Newton Abbot via Dawlish.
The funding comes...
Sir Michael made the announcement, which further deepens the UK-France defence relationship, at the Franco-British Council meeting today in Paris.
The revolutionary Cross-Channel Centres of Excellence...
A British Army team from 1 (UK) Division will deploy early in the new year to train Malawi park rangers as combat tracking instructors, which will in turn help neutralise the threat of poaching, and bring those...
Four new Department for International Trade (DIT) non-executive board members (NEBMs) with extensive business and policy experience, were announced today by International Trade Secretary Dr Liam Fox. The new ...
Mr Vice-President, your Excellencies.
The United Kingdom is, and will continue to be, a passionate advocate for the rules-based international system. As such, I want to express the United Kingdom’s continued...
Monthly statistics for the RHI programme present the number of applications and accredited installations on the non-domestic and domestic schemes so far.
This report contains data on the Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) superfast broadband programme. It shows the number of premises covered per £million of broadband delivery programme expenditure.