05 July 2017

Speech: "There’s an unprecedented demand for multilateral responses to global challenges – and the international system must evolve to keep up."
seen at 23:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Well thank you very much Mr. President, thank you Secretary-General, thank you Deputy Secretary-General for your initiative, for your report, and for your presentation this morning.

Look, we’re here for...

Speech: "DPRK clearly intends to threaten directly an ever greater number of States, and indirectly the whole world."
seen at 23:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Mr President,

Like the previous speakers from the United States, Japan and France, the United Kingdom condemns in the strongest terms the DPRK’s flagrant violation of unanimous decisions of the Security...

Guidance: Guatemala: Consular Fees
seen at 21:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated as 5 July 2017

A full list of Consular fees

Guidance: USA – Consular Fees
seen at 21:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to include July rates.

A full list of Consular fees

Transparency data: DCMS Tax Reporting Data for off-payroll Workers, April 2016 to March 2017
seen at 20:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Following the ‘Review of the Tax Arrangements of Public Sector Appointees’ published by the Chief Secretary to the Treasury on 23 May 2012, government departments and their Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs) must publish...

FOI release: FOI release: meeting with Petrofac’s Ayman Asfari
seen at 20:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

FOI 0025-17 relates to the Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, meeting Petrofac’s Ayman Asfari on 16 August 2016 to discuss the situation in Syria

Form: Pubs Code: how to refer an issue to the adjudicator
seen at 20:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated referral form.

You can only refer an issue to the Pubs Code Adjudicator (PCA) if you are a tied tenant (or a pub owning business in relation to market rent only disputes), or authorised...

FOI release: FOI release: Pathfinder Minerals Ltd
seen at 20:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

FOI ref 0028-15 relates to correspondence held by the FCO on Pathfinder Minerals Limited

Guidance: Hexavalent combination vaccine: programme guidance
seen at 20:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).
Routine programme

From autumn 2017, all babies born on or after 1 August 2017 will become eligible for a hexavalent vaccine which includes hepatitis B (HepB) for their primary immunisations. This vaccine, called...

Research and analysis: Notifiable diseases: last 52 weeks
seen at 20:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated tables for week 26, 2017.

The data in this spreadsheet is updated weekly.

Research and analysis: Notifiable diseases: weekly reports for 2017
seen at 20:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added report for week 26, 2017.

Registered Medical Practitioners in England and Wales have a statutory duty to notify a Proper Officer of the local authority, often the CCDC (Consultant in Communicable...

Corporate report: Severn Bridges Act 1992: account 2014 to 2015
seen at 20:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This paper was laid before Parliament in response to a legislative requirement and was ordered to be printed by the House of Commons.

FOI release: FOI responses published by MOD: week commencing 3 July 2017
seen at 20:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses published during the week commencing 3 July 2017

Corporate report: Severn Bridges Act 1992: account 2015 to 2016
seen at 20:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This paper was laid before Parliament in response to a legislative requirement and was ordered to be printed by the House of Commons.

Guidance: Jamaica and Bahamas - Consular Fees
seen at 20:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to reflect fees as of July 5 2017

Fees are non-refundable, subject to change and an official receipt must be given for all fees.

Guidance: Recall of 'Deli Filler' products: Listeria contamination
seen at 20:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

On 26 June 2017, Sainsbury’s carried out a national recall of ‘Deli Filler’ products because of contamination with Listeria monocytogenes. This document provides guidance for health professionals and duty doctors...

Guidance: Guatemala: Consular Fees
seen at 20:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated as 5 July 2017

A full list of Consular fees

Guidance: USA – Consular Fees
seen at 20:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to include July rates.

A full list of Consular fees

Press release: £100 million Rutherford Fund to attract best researchers to the UK
seen at 20:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Portuguese translation added.

Universities and Science Minister Jo Johnson today (4 July 2017) confirmed the government is investing £100 million to attract highly skilled researchers...

Form: DEFIB1: report your medical condition
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: PDF form updated.

Use this form to report these medical conditions:

atrial and ventricular defibrillator other related conditions

Check the list of health conditions

Form: PK1: report your medical condition
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: PDF form updated.

Use this form to report Parkinson’s disease and other related conditions.

Use a different form to report these conditions if you have a lorry, bus or coach...

Open consultation: Caste in Great Britain and equality law: a public consultation
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The closing date for responses to the consultation has been extended to 18 September 2017

This consultation is about how to ensure that there is appropriate and proportionate legal protection against...

Promotional material: 2017 national curriculum assessment results at the end of key stage 1: information for parents
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This information is for parents with children in year 2 at primary school.

It explains what to expect in reports from schools about pupils’ assessments at the end of key stage 1. It describes the role...

Promotional material: 2017 national curriculum assessment results at the end of key stage 2: information for parents
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This information is for parents with children in year 6 at primary school.

It explains what to expect in reports from schools about pupils’ assessments at the end of key stage 2. It describes the role...

Regulation: Regulatory Article (RA) 5000 series: type airworthiness engineering regulations (TAE)
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The combined 5000 series has been updated to reflect the changes to RA 5720 – Structural Integrity Management Issue 5; RA 5721 – System Integrity Management and RA 5722 – Propulsion Integrity Management...

Regulation: Regulatory Article (RA) 5720: structural integrity management
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Issue 5 has been published under NAA 17/21.

The purpose of Regulatory Articles (RA) is to provide the framework of policy, rules, directives, standards, processes and the associated direction, ...

Regulation: Regulatory Article (RA) 5721: system integrity management
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Issue 5 has been published under NAA 17/21.

The purpose of Regulatory Articles (RA) is to provide the framework of policy, rules, directives, standards, processes and the associated direction, ...

Policy paper: Ukraine government priority action plan to 2020
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This document provides the Ukrainian government’s mid-term action plan 2017 to 2020, laying out their future reform plans. This unofficial translation is published for the Ukraine Reform conference held in London...

Regulation: Regulatory Article (RA) 5722: propulsion integrity management
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Issue 7 has been published under NAA 17/21.

The purpose of Regulatory Articles (RA) is to provide the framework of policy, rules, directives, standards, processes and the associated direction, ...

Guidance: Setting prices on online travel agents: advice for hotels
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

In July 2015, online travel agents and Expedia removed specific clauses in their contracts that prevented hotels from advertising lower room prices with other agents.

This summary explains...

Decision: Medicines: new manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: new list of licenses for June 2017

This document lists all the new manufacturer or wholesale dealer licences that have been granted by MHRA for February 2016 through to January 2017.


Notice: Medicines: terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: List of terminated and cancelled manufacturers and wholesale dealers licenses updates.

Termination of a licence, authorisation or registration takes place at the request of the holder of the licence...

Policy paper: Disabled people's rights: information for the UK's first periodic review
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

The government published its initial report on the rights of disabled people in November 2011, as required by the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Decision: Human and veterinary medicines: register of licensed manufacturing sites 2017
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: New document added to the page.

This document contains details of all sites licensed by the Department of Health and Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to manufacture human...

Regulation: Notice of authorised amendments (NAA) 2017 documents
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: NAA 17/21 relating to RA 5700, RA 5721 and RA 5722 has been published

A notice of authorised amendments (NAA) will be issued detailing which part of the MAA regulatory publications (MRP) have ...

Guidance: Military low flying: MOD sponsored air exercises
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 3 July 2017.

A timetable of the current and future planned MOD sponsored low flying exercises by fast jets, rotary and transport...

Research and analysis: Small Business Survey 2016: businesses with employees
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This is one of our Small Business Survey (SBS) reports. It provides the findings for businesses with employees in 2016.

The report provides details of business performance and the factors that affect ...

Research and analysis: Small Business Survey 2016: businesses with no employees
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This is one of our Small Business Survey (SBS) reports. It provides the findings for businesses with no employees in 2016.

The report provides details of business performance and the factors that affect...

Research and analysis: Small Business Survey 2016: panel report
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This is one of our Small Business Survey (SBS) reports. It provides the data from the first set of panel data from the SBS. That is data on businesses that were interviewed in 2015 and then re-interviewed in ...

Guidance: Austria – Consular Fees
seen at 18:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Uploaded latest fee table.

A full list of Consular fees

Statistical data set: Quota use statistics
seen at 18:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Spreadsheets updated

The level of catches and landings of key quota species are monitored throughout the year through a series of weekly and monthly spreadsheets.

The management of these...

Transparency data: DCMS Tax Reporting Data for off-payroll Workers, April 2016 to March 2017
seen at 18:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Following the ‘Review of the Tax Arrangements of Public Sector Appointees’ published by the Chief Secretary to the Treasury on 23 May 2012, government departments and their Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs) must publish...

FOI release: FOI release: meeting with Petrofac’s Ayman Asfari
seen at 18:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

FOI 0025-17 relates to the Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, meeting Petrofac’s Ayman Asfari on 16 August 2016 to discuss the situation in Syria

Form: Pubs Code: how to refer an issue to the adjudicator
seen at 18:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated referral form.

You can only refer an issue to the Pubs Code Adjudicator (PCA) if you are a tied tenant (or a pub owning business in relation to market rent only disputes), or authorised...

FOI release: FOI release: Pathfinder Minerals Ltd
seen at 18:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

FOI ref 0028-15 relates to correspondence held by the FCO on Pathfinder Minerals Limited

Guidance: Hexavalent combination vaccine: programme guidance
seen at 18:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).
Routine programme

From autumn 2017, all babies born on or after 1 August 2017 will become eligible for a hexavalent vaccine which includes hepatitis B (HepB) for their primary immunisations. This vaccine, called...

Research and analysis: Notifiable diseases: last 52 weeks
seen at 18:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated tables for week 26, 2017.

The data in this spreadsheet is updated weekly.

Research and analysis: Notifiable diseases: weekly reports for 2017
seen at 18:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added report for week 26, 2017.

Registered Medical Practitioners in England and Wales have a statutory duty to notify a Proper Officer of the local authority, often the CCDC (Consultant in Communicable...

Corporate report: Severn Bridges Act 1992: account 2014 to 2015
seen at 18:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This paper was laid before Parliament in response to a legislative requirement and was ordered to be printed by the House of Commons.

FOI release: FOI responses published by MOD: week commencing 3 July 2017
seen at 18:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses published during the week commencing 3 July 2017

Corporate report: Severn Bridges Act 1992: account 2015 to 2016
seen at 18:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This paper was laid before Parliament in response to a legislative requirement and was ordered to be printed by the House of Commons.

Guidance: Jamaica and Bahamas - Consular Fees
seen at 18:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to reflect fees as of July 5 2017

Fees are non-refundable, subject to change and an official receipt must be given for all fees.

Guidance: Recall of 'Deli Filler' products: Listeria contamination
seen at 18:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

On 26 June 2017, Sainsbury’s carried out a national recall of ‘Deli Filler’ products because of contamination with Listeria monocytogenes. This document provides guidance for health professionals and duty doctors...

Press release: International Development Minister reaffirms UK commitment to Burma
seen at 18:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Alistair Burt has visited Burma on his initial trip as International Development Minister to see first-hand how the UK is supporting Burma to become a more peaceful and prosperous country.

During his ...

News story: Civil news: extension date set for 2014 Standard Civil Contract
seen at 18:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

We are planning to put the contract extension for the 2014 Standard Civil Contract announced in May 2017 in to effect by 31 July.

Supporting contract schedules will also be issued to cover the period ...

News story: UK trains over 5000 Ukrainian Armed Forces
seen at 18:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

The Defence Secretary made the announcement following a meeting between him and his Ukrainian counterpart, Stepan Poltorak in London earlier today.

This comes as the UK prepares to refine Operation Orbital...

Press release: Foreign Secretary supports announcement on MH17
seen at 18:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

The MH17 Joint Investigation Team countries (Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine) have announced that a Dutch national prosecution will be used to hold to account those responsible for the...

Statement to Parliament: Grenfell rehousing
seen at 18:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

With permission Mr Speaker, I would like to update the House on the ongoing work to rehouse the victims of the tragedy at Grenfell Tower.

Three weeks have now passed since the fire.

As we all ...

News story: Scottish economy returning to growth
seen at 18:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Added You Tube video link

Responding to the Scottish GDP figures published today, which show 0.8 per cent growth in the Scottish Economy in 2017’s first quarter, the Secretary of State for Scotland...

News story: Tenth UK-Kuwait Joint Steering Group
seen at 18:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

The Tenth meeting of the biannual UK-Kuwait Joint Steering Group took place in London on 4-5 July 2017, co-chaired by the UK’s Minister for the Middle East, Mr Alistair Burt MP, and Kuwait’s Deputy Foreign Minister...

News story: Parents urged to remind teenagers to get MenACWY vaccine
seen at 18:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Parents are being reminded this summer to encourage their 18 year old children to get vaccinated against deadly meningitis and septicaemia. Those who are due to leave school this summer, or aged 17 to 18 and ...

Press release: PM meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Groysman: 5 July 2017
seen at 18:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

A Downing Street spokesperson said:

The Prime Minister welcomed Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman to Downing Street this afternoon for a bilateral meeting.

The talks took place...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Leytonstone Jobcentre
seen at 17:06, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Leytonstone Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.


Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Pyle Jobcentre
seen at 17:06, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Pyle Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

The Department...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Petersfield Jobcentre
seen at 17:06, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added government response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Petersfield Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

The Department...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Newton-le-Willows Jobcentre
seen at 17:06, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added government response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Newton-le-Willows Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.


Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Bridgeton, Castlemilk and Maryhill jobcentres
seen at 17:06, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added government response.

DWP does not own any of the property it occupies – the estate is managed under a commercial agreement that delivers fully serviced accommodation. On 31 March 2018 this...

Guidance: Grenfell Tower fire: handling immigration cases
seen at 17:06, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This guidance tells UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) and Immigration Enforcement (IE) how to consider the immigration status of those affected by the Grenfell Tower fire.

It allows affected individuals...

Guidance: Local area performance metrics
seen at 17:06, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated the 'Integration and Better Care Fund planning requirements 2017-2019' document.

The NHS social care interface dashboard provides a set of measures indicating how health and social care...

Research and analysis: Scientific papers published by APHA
seen at 17:06, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published June 2017 report

These lists provide bibliographical details of:

scientific papers published by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (formerly known as the Animal Health and Veterinary...
Corporate report: Office for Budget Responsibility annual report and accounts 2016 to 2017
seen at 17:06, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

The OBR’s annual report and accounts for 2016 to 2017 details their budget and finances for the year, audited by the National Audit Office. It also sets out their achievements, staffing structure and operations...

Form: DEFIB1: report your medical condition
seen at 17:06, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: PDF form updated.

Use this form to report these medical conditions:

atrial and ventricular defibrillator other related conditions

Check the list of health conditions

Form: PK1: report your medical condition
seen at 17:06, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: PDF form updated.

Use this form to report Parkinson’s disease and other related conditions.

Use a different form to report these conditions if you have a lorry, bus or coach...

Open consultation: Caste in Great Britain and equality law: a public consultation
seen at 17:06, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The closing date for responses to the consultation has been extended to 18 September 2017

This consultation is about how to ensure that there is appropriate and proportionate legal protection against...

Decision: CAC Outcome: Oracle EWC & Oracle Corporation UK Ltd
seen at 17:06, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

The decisions set out:

names of CAC panel members name of the case manager issue in dispute views of the parties considerations of the panel final decision
Promotional material: 2017 national curriculum assessment results at the end of key stage 1: information for parents
seen at 17:06, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This information is for parents with children in year 2 at primary school.

It explains what to expect in reports from schools about pupils’ assessments at the end of key stage 1. It describes the role...

Promotional material: 2017 national curriculum assessment results at the end of key stage 2: information for parents
seen at 17:06, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This information is for parents with children in year 6 at primary school.

It explains what to expect in reports from schools about pupils’ assessments at the end of key stage 2. It describes the role...

Regulation: Regulatory Article (RA) 5000 series: type airworthiness engineering regulations (TAE)
seen at 16:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The combined 5000 series has been updated to reflect the changes to RA 5720 – Structural Integrity Management Issue 5; RA 5721 – System Integrity Management and RA 5722 – Propulsion Integrity Management...

Regulation: Regulatory Article (RA) 5720: structural integrity management
seen at 16:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Issue 5 has been published under NAA 17/21.

The purpose of Regulatory Articles (RA) is to provide the framework of policy, rules, directives, standards, processes and the associated direction, ...

Regulation: Regulatory Article (RA) 5721: system integrity management
seen at 16:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Issue 5 has been published under NAA 17/21.

The purpose of Regulatory Articles (RA) is to provide the framework of policy, rules, directives, standards, processes and the associated direction, ...

Policy paper: Ukraine government priority action plan to 2020
seen at 16:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This document provides the Ukrainian government’s mid-term action plan 2017 to 2020, laying out their future reform plans. This unofficial translation is published for the Ukraine Reform conference held in London...

Regulation: Regulatory Article (RA) 5722: propulsion integrity management
seen at 16:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Issue 7 has been published under NAA 17/21.

The purpose of Regulatory Articles (RA) is to provide the framework of policy, rules, directives, standards, processes and the associated direction, ...

Regulation: Notice of authorised amendments (NAA) reference table
seen at 16:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: NAA 17/21 relating to RA 5700, RA 5721 and RA 5722 has been published

A notice of authorised amendments (NAA) will be issued detailing which part of the MAA regulatory publications (MRP) have been...

Guidance: Setting prices on online travel agents: advice for hotels
seen at 16:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

In July 2015, online travel agents and Expedia removed specific clauses in their contracts that prevented hotels from advertising lower room prices with other agents.

This summary explains...

Decision: Medicines: new manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences
seen at 16:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: new list of licenses for June 2017

This document lists all the new manufacturer or wholesale dealer licences that have been granted by MHRA for February 2016 through to January 2017.


Notice: Medicines: terminated and cancelled manufacturing and wholesale dealer licences
seen at 16:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: List of terminated and cancelled manufacturers and wholesale dealers licenses updates.

Termination of a licence, authorisation or registration takes place at the request of the holder of the licence...

Policy paper: Disabled people's rights: information for the UK's first periodic review
seen at 16:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

The government published its initial report on the rights of disabled people in November 2011, as required by the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Decision: Human and veterinary medicines: register of licensed manufacturing sites 2017
seen at 16:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: New document added to the page.

This document contains details of all sites licensed by the Department of Health and Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to manufacture human...

Regulation: Notice of authorised amendments (NAA) 2017 documents
seen at 16:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: NAA 17/21 relating to RA 5700, RA 5721 and RA 5722 has been published

A notice of authorised amendments (NAA) will be issued detailing which part of the MAA regulatory publications (MRP) have ...

Statutory guidance: Fishing vessel licence variations
seen at 16:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Variations effective from 00:01 hours, Friday 7 2017 added

Variations occur to reflect changes in quota limits and closures or openings of sea areas.

Current licensing documents are published...

Guidance: Military low flying: MOD sponsored air exercises
seen at 16:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 3 July 2017.

A timetable of the current and future planned MOD sponsored low flying exercises by fast jets, rotary and transport...

Research and analysis: Small Business Survey 2016: businesses with employees
seen at 16:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This is one of our Small Business Survey (SBS) reports. It provides the findings for businesses with employees in 2016.

The report provides details of business performance and the factors that affect ...

Research and analysis: Small Business Survey 2016: businesses with no employees
seen at 16:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This is one of our Small Business Survey (SBS) reports. It provides the findings for businesses with no employees in 2016.

The report provides details of business performance and the factors that affect...

Research and analysis: Small Business Survey 2016: panel report
seen at 16:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This is one of our Small Business Survey (SBS) reports. It provides the data from the first set of panel data from the SBS. That is data on businesses that were interviewed in 2015 and then re-interviewed in ...

Guidance: Austria – Consular Fees
seen at 16:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Uploaded latest fee table.

A full list of Consular fees

Correspondence: ESFA update: July 2017
seen at 16:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Please share Update with your colleagues, who might like to register for web alerts. This will notify them by email when we publish new editions of Update on GOV.UK.

If you have any feedback, ...

Statistical data set: Quota use statistics
seen at 16:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Spreadsheets updated

The level of catches and landings of key quota species are monitored throughout the year through a series of weekly and monthly spreadsheets.

The management of these...

Press release: Business rates boost for broadband
seen at 16:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Homes and businesses across England are set to benefit from better broadband thanks to new laws introduced by the government today (4 July 2017).

The Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill is paving...

News story: Good signs of progress for Dover traffic flow
seen at 16:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

The update came at Highways England’s Stanford motorway depot, where the government owned company unveiled one of 29 new electronic signs that are being installed along the road in the coming weeks and will enable...

Press release: UK field hospital in South Sudan fully operational
seen at 16:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

British troops are supporting the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and Sir Michael Fallon has confirmed that the Bentiu-based medical facility is fully operational, and will support over 1,800 UN peacekeepers...

Press release: Delivering a more efficient and modern employment service
seen at 16:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Added a link to the written ministerial statement.

Today’s announcement confirms that some smaller jobcentres will merge with larger ones, and others will be co-located with local government premises...

News story: Looking ahead to the Ukraine Reform Conference
seen at 16:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

On 6 July 2017 the UK jointly with Ukraine will host a major international conference in London on reform in Ukraine. It brings together Ukraine and its international partners to strengthen support for reform...

Press release: Views on proposed improvements to Funeral Expenses Payments sought
seen at 16:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Funeral Payments are available to people who receive certain income-related benefits to help pay for the funeral of an immediate friend or relative.

The government wants to make it clearer who is eligible...

Press release: End of the road for director of second-hand car business
seen at 16:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

An Insolvency Service investigation found Mr McMonagle (48) had caused the company to trade in a manner which breached consumer protection legislation, causing a loss to customers in the region of &pound...

News story: Minister of State for Asia & the Pacific summons DPRK ambassador
seen at 16:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Following the meeting, Minister of State for Asia and the Pacific Mark Field MP said:

I summoned North Korea’s Ambassador today to stress in the strongest terms the UK’s condemnation of their latest...

News story: Fine of £2,367.40 imposed for fisheries offences
seen at 16:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

On 23 June 2017 Robert Nye, master of the Scottish registered fishing vessel Rebecca KY982 pleaded guilty to an offence under the Fisheries Act 1981 at North Tyneside Magistrates’ Court.

The court heard...

Transparency data: Accelerator funded contracts
seen at 14:35, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with recent contracts awarded

Details of successfully funded Defence and Security Accelerator contracts, organised by the financial year in which the contract was placed and competition...

Corporate report: Public Health England (PHE) research involving animals
seen at 14:35, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This is an overview of the work we conduct with animals, including our commitment to being more transparent and only using animals where there is no other viable option.

Guidance: Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) organisation chart
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated chart to reflect DE&S organisation at May 2017.

To request a hard copy version of the organisation chart you can write to:

DE&S Corporate Communications Larch 0a, #2020 ...

Decision: Improvement notice issued to Knowsley council
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated as this notice was closed on 13 June 2017.

Ofsted’s inspection report of 30 June 2014 identified widespread failures and inconsistent practice across the range of Knowsley’s children...

Decision: Improvement notice issued to Coventry city council
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated as this notice was closed on 13 June 2017.

Ofsted inspected Coventry’s services for children in need of help and protection, looked-after children and care leavers. The inspection also ...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Brighouse Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Brighouse Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.


Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Broxburn Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Broxburn Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

The ...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Clay Cross Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Clay Cross Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.


Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Coventry Tile Hill Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Coventry Tile Hill Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Darwen Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Darwen Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

The Department...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Westminster Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Westminster Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.


Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Wilmslow Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Wilmslow Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

The ...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Whitstable and Herne Bay jobcentres
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added government response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Whitstable and Herne Bay jobcentres and the delivery of service to the customers served by these offices.

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Edgware Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Edgware Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

The ...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Wellington Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added government response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Wellington Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

The Department...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Tunbridge Wells Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added government response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Tunbridge Wells Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.


Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Eltham Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Eltham Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

The Department...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Southall Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added government response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Southall Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

The Department...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Finchley Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Finchley Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.


Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Shipley Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added government response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Shipley Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

The Department...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Highgate Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Highgate Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

The ...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Hoylake Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Hoylake Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

The ...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Sheffield Eastern Avenue Jobcentre
seen at 14:34, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added government response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Sheffield Eastern Avenue Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Leytonstone Jobcentre
seen at 14:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Leytonstone Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.


Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Rotherham Goldthorpe Jobcentre
seen at 14:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added government response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Rotherham Goldthorpe Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Liverpool Edge Hill and Liverpool Wavertree jobcentres
seen at 14:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Liverpool Edge Hill and Liverpool Wavertree jobcentres and the delivery of service to the customers...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Mountain Ash Jobcentre
seen at 14:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Mountain Ash Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.


Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Pyle Jobcentre
seen at 14:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Pyle Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

The Department...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Petersfield Jobcentre
seen at 14:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added government response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Petersfield Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.

The Department...

Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Newton-le-Willows Jobcentre
seen at 14:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added government response.

This consultation seeks views on proposals for the future of Newton-le-Willows Jobcentre and the delivery of service to the customers served by this office.


Consultation outcome: Proposal for the future of Bridgeton, Castlemilk and Maryhill jobcentres
seen at 14:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added government response.

DWP does not own any of the property it occupies – the estate is managed under a commercial agreement that delivers fully serviced accommodation. On 31 March 2018 this...

Guidance: Grenfell Tower fire: handling immigration cases
seen at 14:33, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This guidance tells UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) and Immigration Enforcement (IE) how to consider the immigration status of those affected by the Grenfell Tower fire.

It allows affected individuals...

Guidance: Local area performance metrics
seen at 14:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated the 'Integration and Better Care Fund planning requirements 2017-2019' document.

The NHS social care interface dashboard provides a set of measures indicating how health and social care...

Research and analysis: Scientific papers published by APHA
seen at 14:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published June 2017 report

These lists provide bibliographical details of:

scientific papers published by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (formerly known as the Animal Health and Veterinary...
Guidance: Financial management: college accounts
seen at 14:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: College accounts academic year 2015 to 2016 data and College accounts academic year 2015 to 2016 data field definitions uploaded on 5 July 2017.

This release of data is taken from the Skills Funding...

Guidance: VAT Notes 2017 Issue 2
seen at 14:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This note explains:

the important changes from 1 April 2017 to the Alcohol Wholesaler Registration Scheme and what you must do if you buy alcohol to sell from a UK wholesaler that HM Revenue and Customs...
Open consultation: Reforms to the Social Fund’s Funeral Expenses Payments scheme
seen at 14:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

People can claim a Funeral Expenses Payment (also known as a Funeral Payment) if they’re on a low income and need help to pay for a funeral they’re arranging.

This set of reforms is designed to clarify...

Corporate report: Office for Budget Responsibility annual report and accounts 2016 to 2017
seen at 14:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

The OBR’s annual report and accounts for 2016 to 2017 details their budget and finances for the year, audited by the National Audit Office. It also sets out their achievements, staffing structure and operations...

Founder to Founder Series: Metail and Lyst discuss recruitment
seen at 14:31, 5 July in Tech City UK (Our copy).

Anoop Unadkat, COO at Metail, and Matt Buckland, Head of Talent and HR at Lyst, share the recruitment challenges they faced when scaling their businesses in episode 2 of our Founder to Founder series...

Founder to Founder Series: Secret Escapes and Growth Street talk funding
seen at 14:31, 5 July in Tech City UK (Our copy).

James Sherwin-Smith of Growth Street and Tom Valentine of Secret Escapes talk raising capital and funding rounds, in episode 3 of our Founder to Founder series.

Any scaling, fast-growth digital business...

UK Tech in 2022: “We can’t rest on our laurels”
seen at 14:31, 5 July in Tech City UK (Our copy).

Despite the lingering uncertainties surrounding the start of Brexit negotiations – now led by a minority government – confidence in the UK’s technology scene apparently remains robust. Almost three-quarters...

Founder to Founder Series: Brandwatch and Bloom & Wild talk company culture
seen at 14:31, 5 July in Tech City UK (Our copy).

Naomi Trickey of Brandwatch and Aron Gelbard of Bloom and Wild discuss the importance of having a unique company culture and how to protect it.

Having a strong company culture has long been...

Founder to Founder Series: Crowdcube and Sybernetix discuss leadership
seen at 14:31, 5 July in Tech City UK (Our copy).

Luke lang, CMO and co-founder at Crowdcube and Wendy Jephson, co-founder and Chief Behavioural Officer at Sybernetix discuss the importance of strong business leadership from launch through to scaling.

New dining offer at The National Archives
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

We are working in partnership with BaxterStorey to provide an exciting new dining offer from Saturday 1 July 2017.

There will be an extensive new menu using fresh British produce, catering for different...

New resource for A level and GCSE students: investigate Richard II
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News Archives - The National Archives (Our copy).

… false traitors to and enemies of the king and kingdom, perceiving the tender age of our said lord the king and the innocence of his royal person, so caused him to believe many falsities devised and plotted...

Press release: UK Government awards £1.4million to South Wales Police & Crime Commissioner to tackle violence against women and girls
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

A South Wales project will receive a share of a &pound;17million UK Government fund to help prevent and address violence against women and girls.

The UK Government has today announced that it will...

News story: Academy summer news bulletin (June 2017)
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Our summer 2017 news bulletin is now available and offers the latest Academy news and information and features the following articles:-

‘Who are the Academy?’

A potted history...

Press release: Businesses get on board with Prompt Payment Code
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

32 of the biggest suppliers to the government have voluntarily committed to pay 95% of invoices within 60 days - and to work towards adopting 30 days as the norm.

This fulfils a key manifesto pledge and...

News story: Watch Live: Ukraine Reform Conference
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

On 6 July 2017, the UK and Ukraine will jointly host a major international conference in London. It brings together Ukraine and its international partners to strengthen support for reform in the country.

News story: Businesses get on board with the Prompt Payment Code
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).
32 of the biggest suppliers to the Government have voluntarily committed to pay 95% of invoices within 60 days - and to work towards adopting 30 days as the norm.

This fulfils a key manifesto pledge and will...

News story: Nasal decongestant to be available to buy from pharmacies
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has today agreed that Otrivine Extra Dual Relief Nasal Spray Solution will be available through pharmacies without prescription.

Otrivine Extra ...

Press release: Disqualification extended for Stoke joiner who breached directorship ban
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Mr Ashton gave a disqualification undertaking to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, not to run or control a company without leave of the Court until 14 May 2027.

An investigation...

Speech: Launch of the Business and Property Courts of England and Wales
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Can I first thank you, Sir Geoffrey, for your warm words of welcome, and say how delighted I am to be attending what is a landmark event for our judges as they lead change from the front and look for the new ...

News story: New Immingham Port link officially opens
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Maritime Minister John Hayes MP was in Immingham to open the scheme which has provided vital transport improvements to reduce congestion and increase capacity for the 40,000 vehicles that use this route daily...

Press release: £50 million investment in M6 Knutsford roundabout
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

The ‘Option A’ idea, to provide a new bridge across the middle of the roundabout where the motorway meets the A556, received the backing of three quarters of drivers, Cheshire East and Tabley councils and other...

Press release: New fourth lane opens on M3 smart motorway
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Main construction on a &pound;174 million project to upgrade the M3 in Surrey and Hampshire to a smart motorway has been completed on time Highways England announced on Saturday 1 July.

Overnight ...

Press release: PM call with Greek Prime Minister Tsipras: 5 July 2017
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

A Downing Street spokesperson said:

This morning the Prime Minister spoke to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of Greece to discuss the ongoing Cyprus settlement talks in Geneva.

The Prime Minister...

Speech: 55th Special Session of OPCW Executive Council
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Thank you Mr Chair,

The United Kingdom supports the statement made by the Ambassador of Estonia on behalf of the European Union. I would like to make a few additional remarks.

The United Kingdom...

Press release: Chief Executive of new Office for Students announced
seen at 14:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

The Department for Education has today (5 July 2017) announced the appointment of Nicola Dandridge as the inaugural Chief Executive of the Office for Students (OfS).

Ms Dandridge was selected for the ...

National Statistics: UK official holdings of international reserves: June 2017
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This monthly release shows details of movements in the UK’s official holdings of international reserves, or assets. These consist of gold, foreign currency assets and International Monetary Fund assets.

Transparency data: HMRC exceptions to the government spending moratorium: 1 July 2016 to 30 September 2016
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Government departments have been exercising tighter controls on expenditure as part of a spending freeze (moratorium) in five key areas: consulting, property, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), recruitment...

Official Statistics: Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme statistics
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new report 'Diffuse Mesothelioma Payment Scheme statistics for April 2014 to March 2017' and revised data tables for April 2014 to March 2017. Also added a notice asking for comments on changing...

Research and analysis: National child measurement programme: data sharing and analysis
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added NCMP analysis guidance for 2015 to 2016.

This guidance is designed to support those local authorities and other organisations that wish to undertake additional investigation of the data. ...

Official Statistics: MOD statistics pre-release access list
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Pre-Release Access List dated 30 June 2017.

This is a list of the individuals who currently have pre-release access to MOD’s key national and official statistics. The list includes the titles...

National Statistics: Clostridium difficile infection: monthly data by NHS acute trust
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to include May 2016 to May 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following statistics for patients aged 2 years and over:

C. difficile infection counts by NHS acute trust and...
National Statistics: Clostridium difficile infection: monthly data by attributed clinical commissioning group
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to include May 2016 to May 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following statistics for patients aged 2 years and over:

C. difficile infection counts by clinical commissioning...
National Statistics: MRSA bacteraemia: monthly data by post infection review assignment
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to include May 2016 to May 2017 data.

From June 2014, July 2014 and August 2014

These spreadsheets contain the following statistics:

MRSA PIR assigned counts by acute trust and...
National Statistics: MRSA bacteraemia: monthly data by attributed clinical commissioning group
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to include May 2016 to May 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following statistics:

MRSA counts by CCG and month (table 6a) archive of monthly counts of MRSA by CCG for...
National Statistics: MSSA bacteraemia: monthly data by NHS acute trust
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to include May 2016 to May 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following monthly statistics:

MSSA bacteraemia counts by NHS acute trust and month: trust apportioned cases...
National Statistics: MSSA bacteraemia: monthly data by attributed clinical commissioning group
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to include May 2016 to May 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following monthly statistics:

MSSA bacteraemia counts by CCG and month (table 8a) archive of monthly counts...
National Statistics: Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteraemia: monthly data by NHS acute trust
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to include May 2016 to May 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following statistics:

Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteraemia counts by NHS acute trust and month - all reported...
National Statistics: Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteraemia: monthly data by attributed clinical commissioning group
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to include May 2016 to May 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following statistics:

Escherichia coli bacteraemia (E. coli) by clinical commissioning group (CCG) and month...
National Statistics: Building materials and components statistics: June 2017
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Presents information on selected building materials, including monthly data on price indices, bricks, cement and concrete blocks. It also presents quarterly data on sand and gravel, slate, concrete roofing tiles...

Guidance: Crown Commercial Service agreements
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated framework list.

This list provides a summary of the CCS frameworks currently available through which government, public and third sector organisations can buy common goods and services. ...

Guidance: Violence against women and girls service transformation fund: successful bids 2017 to 2020
seen at 11:42, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

The violence against women and girls service transformation fund offers nearly &pound;17 million for local commissioners that help prevent and address violence against women and girls.

The table above...

Guidance: Disclosure of information in CMA work: CC7
seen at 11:41, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: ‘Detail’ section updated (3rd bullet) following consultation on the CMA’s approach to market investigations.

This guidance was originally published by the Competition Commission (CC) and has been...

Guidance: Market investigations guidelines: CC3
seen at 11:38, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Table in ‘Detail’ section updated (5th row) following consultation on the CMA’s approach to market investigations.

This guidance was originally published by the Competition Commission (CC)

Guidance: Market studies and investigations - guidance on the CMA’s approach: CMA3
seen at 11:37, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Guidance updated following consultation on the CMA’s approach to market investigations.

This guidance is aimed at businesses and their advisers on the changes to the markets regime introduced by...

Consultation outcome: Updated guidance on the CMA’s approach to market investigations
seen at 11:36, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Consultation responses published.

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is inviting views on its proposals to make changes to the way market investigations are undertaken in the future, and...

Transparency data: SSRO gifts and hospitality 2017
seen at 11:36, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

The Single Source Regulations Office (SSRO) publishes quarterly details of any gifts and hospitality that staff have received or provided.

Guidance: Planning Inspectorate: List of inquiries
seen at 11:36, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: July, August and September data added

The list is updated monthly so may not reflect changes to the schedule

Guidance: Luxembourg – Consular Fees
seen at 11:36, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated July 2017

A full list of Consular fees for Luxembourg.

Policy paper: Local Environmental Management Plans for HS2 Phase One
seen at 11:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd and its consultant have produced Local Environmental Management Plans (LEMPs), a requirement under the Code of Construction Practice (CoCP). These plans are specific to each local...

Correspondence: Vaccine update: issue 265, July 2017, BCG special edition
seen at 11:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

This edition features:

BCG vaccine supply and ordering update on BCG vaccine supply ensuring all eligible groups can access BCG vaccine occupational health annex A. Priority Groups for BCG Vaccine...
Form: COVER vaccine coverage data submission forms
seen at 11:32, 5 July in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added COVER data submission parameters form for April to June 2017.

This document includes a form and guidance for local health authorities on submitting quarterly and annual immunisation data...

Response to appointment of Office for Students Chief Executive
seen at 11:32, 5 July in OFFA (Our copy).

Commenting on Nicola Dandridge’s appointment as Chief Executive of the Office for Students, Professor Les Ebdon, Director of Fair Access to Higher Education, said:

“I am delighted by Nicola’s appointment...

Trustees warned to meet basic governance requirements or face financial penalties
seen at 11:31, 5 July in Latest news from The Pensions Regulator (Our copy).
New data published today by TPR shows that trustees of pension schemes who fail in their basic duties can expect to receive a penalty from TPR.
News story: Primary school tests show schools rising to the challenge
seen at 11:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

The national key stage 2 results show that 61% of primary school children in England achieved the expected standard, compared to 53% last year.

This year’s results are the second to be released...

News story: Reducing delays for people moving from hospital to social care
seen at 11:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

In a written ministerial statement Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt announced (on 3 July 2017) measures to support the NHS and local government in reducing delays for people being discharged from hospital ...

News story: Scottish economy returning to growth
seen at 11:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Updated.

Responding to the Scottish GDP figures published today, which show 0.8 per cent growth in the Scottish Economy in 2017’s first quarter, the Secretary of State for Scotland, David Mundell...

News story: Academy summer news bulletin (June 2017)
seen at 11:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Our summer 2017 news bulletin is now available and offers the latest Academy news and information and features the following articles:-

‘Who are the Academy?’

A potted history...

News story: CMA to introduce market investigation changes
seen at 11:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Market investigations are powerful tools that can bring in major changes to make markets work better for consumers and businesses.

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) committed, in its Annual ...

Press release: Independent Recovery Taskforce for Kensington and Chelsea council
seen at 11:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

Communities Secretary, Sajid Javid, has today (5 July 2017) announced that he is putting in place an independent Recovery Taskforce to help the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) deal with the longer...

Press release: Government / industry partnership to boost construction exports
seen at 11:30, 5 July in News and communications (Our copy).

The Department for International Trade will join with 17 of the UK’s leading firms from the infrastructure industry in a new partnership to help UK companies secure major international contracts.
