04 October 2017

News story: Operational Honours and Awards List September 2017
seen at 22:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

A total of 50 members of the Armed Forces and one civilian have been named in the latest Operational Honours and Awards List.

The full list, which recognises and honours service on operations is below...

Guidance: Venezuela – Consular Fees
seen at 21:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Consular fees updated, 4 October 2017.

A full list of Consular fees in GBP (£) and their equivalent in local currency VEB (Bolivars).

Corporate report: Annual Review of Performance 2016/17
seen at 20:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Keeping Sellafield safe and secure and cleaning-up the nuclear site is a nationally important mission. The annual review of performance sets out the progress we made against that mission during the 2016/17 financial...

Form: Rotavirus: infant immunisation surveillance laboratory form
seen at 20:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This form should be used by referring laboratories to submit surveillance samples for the infant rotavirus immunisation programme to the Enteric Virus Unit (EVU) for genotypic analysis.

Do not submit ...

Guidance: Earnings adjustment statement (EAS) 2017 to 2018
seen at 20:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The Earnings Adjustment Statement (EAS) is an online process that you use to claim funding that is not reported in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR).

This funding falls into the following categories...

Guidance: Individualised Learner Record (ILR): check that data is accurate
seen at 20:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the 2017 to 2018 ILR funding reports guidance.

Funding Information System (FIS)

FIS is one of a number of software packages freely available to further education providers, to assist with...

Guidance: Venezuela – Consular Fees
seen at 20:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Consular fees updated, 4 October 2017.

A full list of Consular fees in GBP (£) and their equivalent in local currency VEB (Bolivars).

News story: Campus visits
seen at 20:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).
Law Fairs

Law fairs are a good opportunity for students to find out more about the work of government lawyers and the legal trainee scheme.

Please contact the universities listed below for further...

Guidance: Apprenticeship standard: engineering construction pipefitter
seen at 18:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: uploaded assessment plan

This document is relevant to:

employers wanting to recruit an apprentice training organisations working with employers to make the apprenticeships available <...
Guidance: Bottled and mineral water scheme: recent reports
seen at 18:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added bottled and mineral water scheme: distribution BMW17 report.

For further information please email:

Form: COVER vaccine coverage data submission forms
seen at 18:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated COVER data submission parameters form for July to September 2017.

This document includes a form and guidance for local health authorities on submitting quarterly and annual immunisation...

Guidance: Management of health and safety in defence: high risk activities on the defence estate (JSP 375 part 2, volume 3)
seen at 18:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated chapter 6: Confined spaces.

Joint Service Publication (JSP) 375 is owned and produced by Defence Safety and Environment Authority (DSEA).

Note: DIO Policy Instructions have...

Corporate report: BEIS accounting officer system statement
seen at 18:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The accounting officer system statement sets out all of the accountability relationships and processes within the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, detailing where accountability sits at...

Statutory guidance: Electricity meter type approval certificates Annex V (MI-003)
seen at 18:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Addition of meter type approval certificate: SGS0313,

This is a list of downloadable electricity meter type approval certificates issued by UK notified bodies under the Measuring Instruments Directive...

Guidance: Material measures type exam certificates (length and capacity)
seen at 18:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Certificate UK/0126/0158 has been revised to revision 9. Certificate UK/0126/0126 has been revised to revision 13.

A list of certificates issued to manufacturers of material measures of length...

Guidance: Whittington ranges firing times
seen at 18:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Whittington range complex firing times 6 to 20 October 2017.

The only right of way available for use by the public on the range complex is via the bridle path.

Maps are located at...

Guidance: Kingsbury ranges firing times
seen at 18:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Kingsbury range complex firing times 6 to 20 October 2017.

The range danger area consists mainly of Kingsbury Woods and access to these is restricted to within the times when the range is...

Guidance: DE&S engineering management apprenticeships
seen at 18:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added updated information for the DE&S engineering management apprenticeships in 2018.

The MOD engineering management apprenticeship is an enhanced version of the modern (advanced) apprenticeship...

Form: Health and Wellbeing Fund 2017 to 2018: application form
seen at 18:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added additional guidance document and a budget template.

The fund is part of the health and wellbeing programme. Each round focuses on a specific theme. The theme for this round is social prescribing...

Guidance: Doubtful and disputed nationality cases
seen at 18:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated guidance.

Asylum policy guidance used by UK Visas and Immigration when the applicant’s nationality is doubtful or disputed.

Statutory guidance: Slavery and human trafficking in supply chains: guidance for businesses
seen at 18:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated guidance published.

Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires certain organisations to develop a slavery and human trafficking statement each year. The slavery and human trafficking...

Transparency data: Housing Benefit subsidy mid-year estimates: Apr 2017 to Mar 2018
seen at 18:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated 2017/18 Housing Benefit subsidy mid-year estimates expenditure/subsidy data for England, Scotland and Wales, with latest data.

The data table shows the local authority Housing Benefit (...

Open consultation: Open access restriction at Holme Dunes Norfolk Wildlife Trust (NWT): how to comment
seen at 18:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Page content has been updated for the second consultation.

Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site.

Policy paper: Mental Health Act: independent review
seen at 18:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The independent review of the Mental Health Act will:

look at how the legislation is currently used look at its impact on service users, families and staff make recommendations for improving the legislation...
Corporate report: Annual Review of Performance 2016/17
seen at 18:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Keeping Sellafield safe and secure and cleaning-up the nuclear site is a nationally important mission. The annual review of performance sets out the progress we made against that mission during the 2016/17 financial...

Form: Rotavirus: infant immunisation surveillance laboratory form
seen at 18:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This form should be used by referring laboratories to submit surveillance samples for the infant rotavirus immunisation programme to the Enteric Virus Unit (EVU) for genotypic analysis.

Do not submit ...

Transparency data: NHS foundation trust directory and register of licensed healthcare providers
seen at 18:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated the FT directory to include Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.

The foundation trust directory has links to foundation trust publications. Providers licensed by Monitor include...

Notice: NR16 1BA, Fyebridge Developments Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: SP3 6RH, Wessex Water Services Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: GU27 2DE, Mr David Culhane and Ms Kate Organ: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: DY9 9RR, Mr Peter Squire: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: CH43 3BU, Iberdrola Engineering and Construction UK Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: NR16 1BA, Fyebridge Developments Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: GL12 7QP, Bristol Water plc: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 18:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Guidance: Earnings adjustment statement (EAS) 2017 to 2018
seen at 18:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The Earnings Adjustment Statement (EAS) is an online process that you use to claim funding that is not reported in the Individualised Learner Record (ILR).

This funding falls into the following categories...

Guidance: Individualised Learner Record (ILR): check that data is accurate
seen at 18:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the 2017 to 2018 ILR funding reports guidance.

Funding Information System (FIS)

FIS is one of a number of software packages freely available to further education providers, to assist with...

Correspondence: ESFA update: October 2017
seen at 18:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Please share Update with your colleagues, who might like to register for web alerts. This will notify them by email when we publish new editions of Update on GOV.UK.

Transparency data: School land: decisions about disposals
seen at 18:32, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Update to decisions on school land decisions

This document explains decisions about the disposal of school land and the background to how these decisions are made.

Schools themselves and...

Long-term outcomes for the natural environment – the climate change challenge
seen at 18:30, 4 October in Climate Change Committee (Our copy).

The independent Natural Capital Committee has just published its advice to the government on what long-term goals are needed for the UK’s natural environment over the coming 25 years. Climate change will exacerbate...

News story: Government announces consultation on organ donation opt-out system
seen at 18:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

The Prime Minister has announced the intention to launch a public consultation on increasing rates of organ donation. The proposals will include a new opt-out system for organ donation for England. The consultation...

News story: Prime Minister announces review to tackle detention of those with mental ill health
seen at 18:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

Prime Minister Theresa May has announced plans for an independent review of mental health legislation and practice to tackle the issue of mental health detention.

There have been concerns that detention...

Press release: £2 billion boost for affordable housing and long term deal for social rent
seen at 18:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

Government has confirmed plans for a new generation of council and housing association homes. Funding for affordable homes will be increased by a further &pound;2 billion to more than &pound;9 billion...

Government response: DFID in the News
seen at 18:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Tough new reforms on aid suppliers - 4 October 2017

Tough new reforms on aid suppliers - 4 October 2017

There has been widespread coverage of the International Development Secretary’s announcement...

Open consultation: Future of East Midlands rail franchise
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Consultation event presentation slides released.

We are seeking your views on the future of the East Midlands rail franchise to ensure the new franchise delivers the best railway for:

Research and analysis: Cancer in the West Midlands
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added executive summary.

The aim of this report is to equip care providers and policy makers with an insight into the burden of cancer, as well as providing an overview of the extent of the identified...

Notice: ME3 0AR, Uniper UK Limited, EPR/EP3533RY/S004: environmental permit issued
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency publish permits that they issue under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).

This decision includes the permit and decision document for:

Operator name: Uniper UK Limited...
Promotional material: HS2 Design Panel newsletters
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Newsletter number 12 added

The HS2 Design Panel will enable decision making at early stages of project development and it will review and critique outcomes at key stages in the design process. ...

Transparency data: Home Office prompt payment data 2017 to 2018
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Percentage of invoices to Home Office paid within 5 and 30 working days of receipt, from April 2017 onward.

Research and analysis: Scientific papers published by APHA
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published September 2017 report

These lists provide bibliographical details of:

scientific papers published by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (formerly known as the Animal Health and...
Form: Plant varieties: technical questionnaires
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated turnip document

An application for plant breeder’s rights and National Listing of agricultural and vegetable crops must include:

a completed, signed, application form a completed...
Guidance: Holcombe Moor firing times
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Holcombe Moor firing times 21 to 27 October 2017.

The ‘firing times’ are presented in 2 file formats. The PDF format is web browseable and accessible on mobile devices such as Blackberrys...

Guidance: IHAT work completed
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated the work completed table to the October 2017 edition

A short summary of each completed Iraq Historic Allegations team (IHAT) review or investigation including an explanation of the original...

Guidance: UK maritime power (JDP 0-10)
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

It outlines the enduring utility of maritime power and how the maritime environment is crucial to the rules based system within which the UK operates. It further explains the principles that underpin the way...

Transparency data: Department for International Development: spending over £500, August 2017
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

DFID publishes details of all departmental spending over &pound;500 on a monthly basis.

Guidance: How to make a complaint to Defence Business Services
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated leaflet with the latest edition.

A guide for external customers (non MOD civilian employees) who are dissatisfied with the service they have received from the Defence Business Services (...

Guidance: Uruguay – Consular Fees
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: List of consular fees updated to Oct. 2017

A full list of Consular fees

Guidance: Netherlands – Consular Fees
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Consular Fees as of 6 October 2017

A full list of Consular fees

Guidance: Apprenticeship standard: engineering construction pipefitter
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: uploaded assessment plan

This document is relevant to:

employers wanting to recruit an apprentice training organisations working with employers to make the apprenticeships available <...
Guidance: Bottled and mineral water scheme: recent reports
seen at 16:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added bottled and mineral water scheme: distribution BMW17 report.

For further information please email:

Form: COVER vaccine coverage data submission forms
seen at 16:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated COVER data submission parameters form for July to September 2017.

This document includes a form and guidance for local health authorities on submitting quarterly and annual immunisation...

Guidance: Management of health and safety in defence: high risk activities on the defence estate (JSP 375 part 2, volume 3)
seen at 16:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated chapter 6: Confined spaces.

Joint Service Publication (JSP) 375 is owned and produced by Defence Safety and Environment Authority (DSEA).

Note: DIO Policy Instructions have...

Notice: PR7 1NH, Ruttle Plant Holdings Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 16:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Corporate report: BEIS accounting officer system statement
seen at 16:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The accounting officer system statement sets out all of the accountability relationships and processes within the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, detailing where accountability sits at...

Statutory guidance: Electricity meter type approval certificates Annex V (MI-003)
seen at 16:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Addition of meter type approval certificate: SGS0313,

This is a list of downloadable electricity meter type approval certificates issued by UK notified bodies under the Measuring Instruments Directive...

Guidance: Material measures type exam certificates (length and capacity)
seen at 16:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Certificate UK/0126/0158 has been revised to revision 9. Certificate UK/0126/0126 has been revised to revision 13.

A list of certificates issued to manufacturers of material measures of length...

Guidance: Whittington ranges firing times
seen at 16:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Whittington range complex firing times 6 to 20 October 2017.

The only right of way available for use by the public on the range complex is via the bridle path.

Maps are located at...

Guidance: Kingsbury ranges firing times
seen at 16:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Kingsbury range complex firing times 6 to 20 October 2017.

The range danger area consists mainly of Kingsbury Woods and access to these is restricted to within the times when the range is...

Guidance: DE&S engineering management apprenticeships
seen at 16:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added updated information for the DE&S engineering management apprenticeships in 2018.

The MOD engineering management apprenticeship is an enhanced version of the modern (advanced) apprenticeship...

Form: Health and Wellbeing Fund 2017 to 2018: application form
seen at 16:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added additional guidance document and a budget template.

The fund is part of the health and wellbeing programme. Each round focuses on a specific theme. The theme for this round is social prescribing...

Consultation outcome: Open access restriction at Holme Bird Observatory: how to comment
seen at 16:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Link to consultation outcome added

Natural England is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site.

Correspondence: Circular 010/2017: Guidance to local policing bodies on providing financial assistance to police officers and staff facing legal proceedings
seen at 16:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).
broad subject: police service sub category: police funding implementation date: 5 September 2017 from: Crime and Policing Group (CPG) - policing directorate for more information contact: Karenza Breyer...
Guidance: Doubtful and disputed nationality cases
seen at 16:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated guidance.

Asylum policy guidance used by UK Visas and Immigration when the applicant’s nationality is doubtful or disputed.

Statutory guidance: Slavery and human trafficking in supply chains: guidance for businesses
seen at 16:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated guidance published.

Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires certain organisations to develop a slavery and human trafficking statement each year. The slavery and human trafficking...

Transparency data: Housing Benefit subsidy mid-year estimates: Apr 2017 to Mar 2018
seen at 16:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated 2017/18 Housing Benefit subsidy mid-year estimates expenditure/subsidy data for England, Scotland and Wales, with latest data.

The data table shows the local authority Housing Benefit (...

Athlete Banned for Attempted Use and Possession of Steroids
seen at 16:31, 4 October in News (Our copy).
Robert Myring-Thomson banned from all sport for four years
Press release: Jealous ex has sentence increased after causing GBH
seen at 16:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

A 53 year old man, Graham Gawley, has had his sentence increased to 4 years 8 months after Solicitor General Robert Buckland QC MP referred the sentence to the Court of Appeal for reconsideration.


Press release: £50 million flood defence scheme opens in Leeds
seen at 16:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

A &pound;50 million flood alleviation scheme in Leeds which uses moveable weir technology – a first for flood risk reduction in the UK – has opened today (4 October 2017).

The first phase of the award...

Press release: From Scotland with love: British Ambassador hands over funds to Muday Charity Association
seen at 16:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

On 3 October, British Ambassador to Ethiopia Susanna Moorehead presented the Muday Charity Association with almost 200,000 Birr (&pound;6500) – the result of a fundraising drive centred on one of Scotland...

News story: WW2 fusilier's grave rededicated 74 years after his death
seen at 16:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

The World War 2 resting place of Edward Graham, a Soldier of 1st Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers, has finally been identified. A new headstone has been installed and a rededication service has taken place today...

News story: Government announces consultation on organ donation opt-out system
seen at 16:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

The Prime Minister has announced the intention to launch a public consultation on increasing rates of organ donation. The proposals will include a new opt-out system for organ donation for England. The consultation...

News story: Civil news: avoiding case outcome delays and speedier payments
seen at 16:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

Remember to avoid repeating actions when submitting claims in CCMS as this could lead to a delay in your payment being processed.

Duplicate outcomes

You should submit all the case outcomes in CCMS for...

News story: New rail academy to train 500 apprentices opened by Transport Secretary
seen at 16:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

Transport Secretary Chris Grayling today (October 4 2017) opened a new north-west rail academy which is due to train 500 apprentices over the next 5 years.

Thousands of extra rail apprentices will be ...

News story: Innovative female entrepreneurs: 7 selected for US mission
seen at 16:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

Next week (10 to 15 October 2017) the 7 female entrepreneurs will travel to Boston, Massachusetts on an international entrepreneurial mission, hosted by Innovate UK, Digital Catapult and the British...

Corporate report: International Partnership Programme: Call 1 Projects
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The International Partnership Programme (IPP) is a five year, &pound;152 million programme run by the UK Space Agency.

IPP focuses strongly on using the UK space sector’s research and innovation strengths...

Open consultation: International students: economic and social impacts
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

We are publishing a call for evidence and briefing paper.

This call for evidence sets out how the MAC will approach responding to this commission and how stakeholders can be involved in this process. ...

Guidance: Housing Benefit subsidy circulars 2017
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added revised HB circular S5/2017 with amended examples on pages 6 and 7 - Treatment of HB following referral to a Rent Officer.

Housing Benefit subsidy (S) circulars give information about:

Statutory guidance: Specialist Employability Support provider guidance: effective from September 2017
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Revised guidance about outcome payments in chapters 1 (paragraph 1.13) and 13 (paragraph 13.05). Both chapters are now labelled v2.0 Oct 17.

Read the SES live running memos for updates to...

Official Statistics: Funding for flood and coastal erosion risk management in England
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: minor changes to pdf and repair link to statistics announcements

This document sets out Central Government funding for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) in England, since financial...

Guidance: Apprenticeship standard: civil engineer degree (approved for delivery)
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This document is relevant to:

employers wanting to recruit an apprentice training organisations working with employers to make the apprenticeships available

The approved standard outlines the skills...

Guidance: British Forces Post Office locations
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added information about BFPO locations for the Foreign & Commonwealth Office.

This document lists British Forces Post Office (BFPO) locations, together with their respective numbers and their postcodes...

Open consultation: Future of East Midlands rail franchise
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Consultation event presentation slides released.

We are seeking your views on the future of the East Midlands rail franchise to ensure the new franchise delivers the best railway for:

Transparency data: NHS Injury Costs Recovery scheme: April 2017 to March 2018
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: September 2017 figures added.

The NHS Injury Costs Recovery (ICR) scheme aims to recover the cost of NHS treatment where personal injury compensation is paid, for example after a road traffic accident...

Research and analysis: Cancer in the West Midlands
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added executive summary.

The aim of this report is to equip care providers and policy makers with an insight into the burden of cancer, as well as providing an overview of the extent of the identified...

Transparency data: PHE prompt payment data: 2017 to 2018
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added September 2017 data.

Invoice payment performance for Public Health England.

Notice: ME3 0AR, Uniper UK Limited, EPR/EP3533RY/S004: environmental permit issued
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency publish permits that they issue under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).

This decision includes the permit and decision document for:

Operator name: Uniper UK Limited...
Notice: MK43 9LY, Covanta Energy Limited: environmental permit draft decision advertisement
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The deadline for comments has been extended to 07 November 2017.

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, ...

Notice: DN19 7NQ, Elsham Linc Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Transparency data: HS2 Exceptional Hardship Scheme and HS2 Need to Sell Scheme: applications statistics
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Criterion 5 statistics updated

Need to Sell: panel guidance

In the interests of transparency, the Department for Transport is making available the document issued to Need to Sell Scheme panel ...

Promotional material: HS2 Design Panel newsletters
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Newsletter number 12 added

The HS2 Design Panel will enable decision making at early stages of project development and it will review and critique outcomes at key stages in the design process. ...

Transparency data: Home Office prompt payment data 2017 to 2018
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Percentage of invoices to Home Office paid within 5 and 30 working days of receipt, from April 2017 onward.

Research and analysis: Scientific papers published by APHA
seen at 14:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published September 2017 report

These lists provide bibliographical details of:

scientific papers published by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (formerly known as the Animal Health and...
Form: Plant varieties: technical questionnaires
seen at 14:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated turnip document

An application for plant breeder’s rights and National Listing of agricultural and vegetable crops must include:

a completed, signed, application form a completed...
Guidance: Holcombe Moor firing times
seen at 14:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Holcombe Moor firing times 21 to 27 October 2017.

The ‘firing times’ are presented in 2 file formats. The PDF format is web browseable and accessible on mobile devices such as Blackberrys...

Guidance: IHAT work completed
seen at 14:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated the work completed table to the October 2017 edition

A short summary of each completed Iraq Historic Allegations team (IHAT) review or investigation including an explanation of the original...

Guidance: UK maritime power (JDP 0-10)
seen at 14:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

It outlines the enduring utility of maritime power and how the maritime environment is crucial to the rules based system within which the UK operates. It further explains the principles that underpin the way...

Transparency data: Department for International Development: spending over £500, August 2017
seen at 14:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

DFID publishes details of all departmental spending over &pound;500 on a monthly basis.

Guidance: How to make a complaint to Defence Business Services
seen at 14:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated leaflet with the latest edition.

A guide for external customers (non MOD civilian employees) who are dissatisfied with the service they have received from the Defence Business Services (...

Guidance: Uruguay – Consular Fees
seen at 14:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: List of consular fees updated to Oct. 2017

A full list of Consular fees

Guidance: Netherlands – Consular Fees
seen at 14:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Consular Fees as of 6 October 2017

A full list of Consular fees

Guidance: How to develop an apprenticeship standard: guide for trailblazers
seen at 14:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: updated links for assessment, standard and proposal submissions

An apprenticeship standard shows what an apprentice will be doing and the skills they need.

This guidance sets out the process...

How to work with investors, according to the investors, with Helena Prokhorenko
seen at 14:33, 4 October in Tech City UK (Our copy).

Helena Prokhorenko is an investment associate at Highland Europe, a fund aimed at venture and growth-stage companies across Europe and globally. We asked Helena how she’d advise businesses to work...

How to work with investors, according to the investors, with Vanessa Gstettenbauer
seen at 14:33, 4 October in Tech City UK (Our copy).

Vanessa Gstettenbauer is a senior investment manager at Founders Factory, the corporate backed incubator and accelerator based in London. Here she lifts the lid on how to get the most out of your conversations...

Upscale 3.0 – Applications open now
seen at 14:33, 4 October in Tech City UK (Our copy).

Upscale is an established scaleup growth programme aimed at accelerating the growth of the UK’s leading scaleups, and we’ve just opened applications for Upscale 3.0.

If you’re a UK-headquartered digital...

Press release: Three...two…one…blast off! Dstl launches £50 million Space Programme
seen at 14:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

The Science Programme at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) is set for a rocket boost of cash having recently begun a new 5 year &pound;50 million programme of innovation.

The money...

News story: Dstl opens graduate recruitment scheme for 2017
seen at 14:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Added information about Space to CIS graduate recruitment role.

At the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), we work to harness science and technology (S&T) to protect our nation...

News story: World Space Week: International Partnership Programme (IPP)
seen at 14:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

The IPP is a &pound;152 million programme, designed to partner UK space expertise with overseas governments and organisations.

In 2017 more than &pound;70 million in funding has already been allocated...

Press release: New PHE figures show decline in HIV diagnosis rates
seen at 14:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

The decrease in HIV diagnoses in gay and bisexual men represents the most exciting development in the UK HIV epidemic in the last 20 years, when effective treatment became widely available.


News story: Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) launches new online services
seen at 14:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

We’ve introduced new digital services for you to use. We know that you’d like more online services, which will improve our processing times and help you manage your information quickly and easily.

Press release: National Park Authorities, Broads Authority and AONB Conservation Boards appointments
seen at 14:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

Appointments to England’s National Park Authorities, the Broads Authority and the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Conservation Board have been made by Secretary of State for Environment, Food and...

National Statistics: MSSA bacteraemia: monthly data by NHS acute trust
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added August 2016 to August 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following monthly statistics:

MSSA bacteraemia counts by NHS acute trust and month: trust apportioned cases only (...
National Statistics: MSSA bacteraemia: monthly data by attributed clinical commissioning group
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added August 2016 to August 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following monthly statistics:

MSSA bacteraemia counts by CCG and month (table 8a) archive of monthly counts of MSSA...
National Statistics: Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteraemia: monthly data by attributed clinical commissioning group
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added August 2016 to August 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following statistics:

Escherichia coli bacteraemia (E. coli) by clinical commissioning group (CCG) and month (table...
National Statistics: P. aeruginosa bacteraemia: monthly data split by location of onset by CCG
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This document shows:

monthly counts of P. aeruginosa bacteraemia by location of onset, by attributed CCG (table 16)
National Statistics: Klebsiella species bacteraemia: monthly data split by location of onset by CCG
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This spreadsheet contains the following statistics:

monthly counts of Klebsiella spp. bacteraemia by location of onset by attributed clinical CCG (table 14)
National Statistics: Building materials and components statistics: September 2017
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Presents information on selected building materials, including monthly data on price indices, bricks, cement and concrete blocks. It also presents quarterly data on sand and gravel, slate, concrete roofing tiles...

National Statistics: Klebsiella spp. bacteraemia: monthly data split by location of onset by NHS trust
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This spreadsheet contains the following statistics:

monthly counts of Klebsiella spp. bacteraemia split by location of onset, by NHS acute trust (table 13)
National Statistics: P. aeruginosa bacteraemia: monthly data split by location of onset by NHS Trust
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This spreadsheet contains the following statistics:

monthly counts of P. aeruginosa bacteraemia split by location of onset, by NHS acute trust (table 15)
Decision: Company Names Tribunal decision: Intel Deals Ltd
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Signed order 10639457 added.

Application number 1457

Applicant Intel Corporation objected to the name used by Intel Deals Ltd under the Companies Act 2006.

This decision was undefended...

Decision: Company Names Tribunal decision: Sun Microsystems Ltd
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Signed order 10350367 added.

Application number 1420

Applicant Oracle America, Inc objected to the name used by Sun Microsystems Ltd under the Companies Act 2006.

This decision was undefended...

Decision: Company Names Tribunal decision: Alcatel Lucent
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Signed order 09001330 added.

Application number 1417

Applicant Alcatel5 Limited objected to the name used by Alcatel Lucent under the Companies Act 2006.

This decision was undefended. ‘...

Decision: Company Names Tribunal decision: Guardian Management UK Ltd
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Signed order 09784621 added.

Application number 1415

Applicant Guardian Assurance Ltd objected to the name used by Guardian Management UK Ltd under the Companies Act 2006.

This decision...

National Statistics: Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteraemia: monthly data by NHS acute trust
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added August 2016 to August 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following statistics:

Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteraemia counts by NHS acute trust and month - all reported cases...
Guidance: School census 2017 to 2018: COLLECT term-on-term queries
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

You should use this guide while completing the school census in COLLECT, DfE’s centralised data collection and management system.

COLLECT automatically checks your data for substantial increases...

Guidance: Apprenticeship standard: building services design engineer (approved for delivery)
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: attached assessment plan and funding band

This document is relevant to:

employers wanting to recruit an apprentice training organisations working with employers to make the apprenticeships...
Official Statistics: New CICs registered in September 2017
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: new CICs registered in September 2017

The Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies publishes monthly updates showing the names and locations of newly formed CICs.


Transparency data: Pubs Code Adjudicator (PCA) and Code Compliance Officers (CCO) Forum Meeting Notes June 2017.
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

These notes are an agreed overview of the meeting held in June 2017.

Transparency data: Pubs Code Adjudicator (PCA) and Code Compliance Officers (CCO) Forum Meeting Notes March 2017.
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

These notes are an agreed overview of the meeting held in March 2017

Regulation: Notice of proposed amendments (NPA) documents
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: NPA 17/23 has been published proposing amendments to RA 1240 which closes for comments on 01/11/2017.

If consultation is to be undertaken on an amendment to the regulations or the implementation...

Official Statistics: Housing Benefit: entitlement reductions, 2016 to 2017 (experimental)
seen at 11:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added a message that the next release of these statistics has been delayed. They were due to be released on 25 October 2017. We will publish the revised release date on this page and in the DWP statistics...

Corporate report: International Partnership Programme: Call 1 Projects
seen at 11:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The International Partnership Programme (IPP) is a five year, &pound;152 million programme run by the UK Space Agency.

IPP focuses strongly on using the UK space sector’s research and innovation strengths...

Open consultation: International students: economic and social impacts
seen at 11:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

We are publishing a call for evidence and briefing paper.

This call for evidence sets out how the MAC will approach responding to this commission and how stakeholders can be involved in this process. ...

Guidance: Notices of Supervision: guidance for youth justice professionals
seen at 11:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

It contains information on:

when requirements can be applied to a Notice of Supervision how to decide whether the requirements are necessary and proportionate when licences apply to children and young...
Guidance: Housing Benefit subsidy circulars 2017
seen at 11:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added revised HB circular S5/2017 with amended examples on pages 6 and 7 - Treatment of HB following referral to a Rent Officer.

Housing Benefit subsidy (S) circulars give information about:

Guidance: EU VAT Refunds: service availability and issues
seen at 11:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Explained what customers should do if they were unable to access the EU VAT Refunds online service between 29 September and 1 October 2017.

Latest updates on the availability and any issues affecting...

Statutory guidance: Specialist Employability Support provider guidance: effective from September 2017
seen at 11:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Revised guidance about outcome payments in chapters 1 (paragraph 1.13) and 13 (paragraph 13.05). Both chapters are now labelled v2.0 Oct 17.

Read the SES live running memos for updates to...

Press release: Pengwedna poultry farm public consultation now live
seen at 11:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

The Environment Agency has received a permit application from Richland Foods who want to operate an egg-laying chicken farm at Pengwedna Poultry Farm, Nancegollan, Helston, Cornwall TR13 0AZ.

The Environment...

Guidance: Sickle cell and thalassaemia: screening handbook
seen at 10:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new html edition of programme handbook.

This handbook includes guidance for healthcare professionals who provide counselling and referral for prenatal diagnosis (PND) to couples and women...

National Statistics: UK official holdings of international reserves: September 2017
seen at 10:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This monthly release shows details of movements in the UK’s official holdings of international reserves, or assets. These consist of gold, foreign currency assets and International Monetary Fund assets.

Guidance: Sepsis in children: advice for health visitors and school nurses
seen at 10:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This guidance includes:

causes and symptoms of sepsis support for parents additional resources for health visitors and school nurses
Official Statistics: MOD statistics pre-release access list
seen at 10:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added MOD statistics pre-release access list: 29 September 2017.

This is a list of the individuals who currently have pre-release access to MOD’s key national and official statistics. The list ...

National Statistics: Clostridium difficile infection: monthly data by NHS acute trust
seen at 10:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added August 2016 to August 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following statistics for patients aged 2 years and over:

C. difficile infection counts by NHS acute trust and month...
Official Statistics: Rural economic bulletin
seen at 10:35, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Published today, latest available indicators on the rural economy

The indicators currently used are:

claimant count economic activity redundancies house prices business insolvencies...
National Statistics: Clostridium difficile infection: monthly data by attributed clinical commissioning group
seen at 10:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added August 2016 to August 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following statistics for patients aged 2 years and over:

C. difficile infection counts by clinical commissioning group...
National Statistics: MRSA bacteraemia: monthly data by post infection review assignment
seen at 10:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added August 2016 to August 2017 data.

From June 2014, July 2014 and August 2014

These spreadsheets contain the following statistics:

MRSA PIR assigned counts by acute trust and month...
National Statistics: MRSA bacteraemia: monthly data by attributed clinical commissioning group
seen at 10:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added August 2017 data..

These spreadsheets contain the following statistics:

MRSA counts by CCG and month (table 6a) archive of monthly counts of MRSA by CCG for previous financial ...
National Statistics: MSSA bacteraemia: monthly data by NHS acute trust
seen at 10:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added August 2016 to August 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following monthly statistics:

MSSA bacteraemia counts by NHS acute trust and month: trust apportioned cases only (...
National Statistics: MSSA bacteraemia: monthly data by attributed clinical commissioning group
seen at 10:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added August 2016 to August 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following monthly statistics:

MSSA bacteraemia counts by CCG and month (table 8a) archive of monthly counts of MSSA...
National Statistics: Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteraemia: monthly data by attributed clinical commissioning group
seen at 10:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added August 2016 to August 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following statistics:

Escherichia coli bacteraemia (E. coli) by clinical commissioning group (CCG) and month (table...
National Statistics: E. coli bacteraemia: monthly data split by location of onset by CCG
seen at 10:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This spreadsheet contains the following statistics:

monthly counts of E.coli bacteraemia by location of onset by attributed CCG (table 12)
National Statistics: P. aeruginosa bacteraemia: monthly data split by location of onset by CCG
seen at 10:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This document shows:

monthly counts of P. aeruginosa bacteraemia by location of onset, by attributed CCG (table 16)
National Statistics: Klebsiella species bacteraemia: monthly data split by location of onset by CCG
seen at 10:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This spreadsheet contains the following statistics:

monthly counts of Klebsiella spp. bacteraemia by location of onset by attributed clinical CCG (table 14)
National Statistics: Building materials and components statistics: September 2017
seen at 10:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Presents information on selected building materials, including monthly data on price indices, bricks, cement and concrete blocks. It also presents quarterly data on sand and gravel, slate, concrete roofing tiles...

National Statistics: Klebsiella spp. bacteraemia: monthly data split by location of onset by NHS trust
seen at 10:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This spreadsheet contains the following statistics:

monthly counts of Klebsiella spp. bacteraemia split by location of onset, by NHS acute trust (table 13)
Decision: Direction issued to Slough borough council
seen at 10:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: This direction has closed.

This direction follows the now-revoked second direction issued in September 2015.

This direction has closed. A direction issued by DfE on 2 October ...

National Statistics: P. aeruginosa bacteraemia: monthly data split by location of onset by NHS Trust
seen at 10:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This spreadsheet contains the following statistics:

monthly counts of P. aeruginosa bacteraemia split by location of onset, by NHS acute trust (table 15)
Decision: Company Names Tribunal decision: Intel Deals Ltd
seen at 10:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Signed order 10639457 added.

Application number 1457

Applicant Intel Corporation objected to the name used by Intel Deals Ltd under the Companies Act 2006.

This decision was undefended...

Decision: Company Names Tribunal decision: Sun Microsystems Ltd
seen at 10:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Signed order 10350367 added.

Application number 1420

Applicant Oracle America, Inc objected to the name used by Sun Microsystems Ltd under the Companies Act 2006.

This decision was undefended...

Decision: Company Names Tribunal decision: Alcatel Lucent
seen at 10:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Signed order 09001330 added.

Application number 1417

Applicant Alcatel5 Limited objected to the name used by Alcatel Lucent under the Companies Act 2006.

This decision was undefended. ‘...

Decision: Company Names Tribunal decision: Guardian Management UK Ltd
seen at 10:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Signed order 09784621 added.

Application number 1415

Applicant Guardian Assurance Ltd objected to the name used by Guardian Management UK Ltd under the Companies Act 2006.

This decision...

Guidance: Company Names Tribunal undefended decisions and orders
seen at 10:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Signed orders 10078482, 10639457, 10350367, 09001330 and 09784621 added.

Use this guide to find details of all our undefended decisions and orders.

Pre 2014 undefended decisions...

National Statistics: Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteraemia: monthly data by NHS acute trust
seen at 10:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added August 2016 to August 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following statistics:

Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteraemia counts by NHS acute trust and month - all reported cases...
Guidance: School census 2017 to 2018: COLLECT term-on-term queries
seen at 10:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

You should use this guide while completing the school census in COLLECT, DfE’s centralised data collection and management system.

COLLECT automatically checks your data for substantial increases...

Guidance: Apprenticeship standard: building services design engineer (approved for delivery)
seen at 10:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: attached assessment plan and funding band

This document is relevant to:

employers wanting to recruit an apprentice training organisations working with employers to make the apprenticeships...
Guidance: Pre-release access list: mandatory HCAI statistical releases
seen at 10:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added 'Head of Infection Prevention & Control' under 'NHS Improvement'.

Mandatory enhanced surveillance of HCAI (MRSA bacteraemia, MSSA bacteraemia, E. coli bacteraemia and Clostridium difficile...

Guidance: Apprenticeship standard: civil engineering technician (approved for delivery)
seen at 10:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: added funding band

This document is relevant to:

employers wanting to recruit an apprentice training organisations working with employers to make the apprenticeships available


Official Statistics: New CICs registered in September 2017
seen at 10:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: new CICs registered in September 2017

The Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies publishes monthly updates showing the names and locations of newly formed CICs.


Transparency data: Pubs Code Adjudicator (PCA) and Code Compliance Officers (CCO) Forum Meeting Notes June 2017.
seen at 10:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

These notes are an agreed overview of the meeting held in June 2017.

Transparency data: Pubs Code Adjudicator (PCA) and Code Compliance Officers (CCO) Forum Meeting Notes March 2017.
seen at 10:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

These notes are an agreed overview of the meeting held in March 2017

Regulation: Notice of proposed amendments (NPA) reference table
seen at 10:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: NPA 17/23 has been published proposing amendments to RA 1240 which closes for comments on 01/11/2017.

If consultation is to be undertaken on an amendment to the regulations or the implementation...

Regulation: Notice of proposed amendments (NPA) documents
seen at 10:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: NPA 17/23 has been published proposing amendments to RA 1240 which closes for comments on 01/11/2017.

If consultation is to be undertaken on an amendment to the regulations or the implementation...

Press release: £2.5 million cash boost for garden towns
seen at 10:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

A &pound;2.5 million cash boost to speed up the delivery of over 155,000 new homes across England, has been announced by the Communities Secretary Sajid Javid today (3 October 2017).

Nine locally-...

Speech: Opening of the legal year October 2017
seen at 10:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

The wheels of justice, they say, turn slowly.

Well, not this morning.

Between the Royal Courts of Justice, the Supreme Court and Westminster Abbey, we have dealt with a very full caseload – and...

News story: Line-side workers near miss, Dutton Viaduct
seen at 10:30, 4 October in News and communications (Our copy).

At around 16:57 hrs on Monday 18th September 2017, a passenger train travelling at 125 mph (200 km/h), encountered three line-side workers on Dutton Viaduct. The workers managed to move clear of the track less...

Notice: Patent Journal special notices: 6698
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

These are notices which appear for a limited number of weeks.

They include Intellectual Property policy announcements and recent additions to the British Library.

Notice: TR13 0AZ, Richland Foods Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: B25 8HH, Terry & Thomas Construction Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Guidance: Belarus – Consular Fees
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Consular fees October 2017

A full list of Consular fees

Guidance: Luxembourg – Consular Fees
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Amended fees October 2017

A full list of consular fees for Luxembourg.

Guidance: Crown Commercial Service update: October 2017
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This customer update from the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) provides government, public and third sector buyers with the latest information about developments in procurement policy, the range of CCS frameworks...

Open consultation: Draft legislation: Help-to-Save accounts
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the document 'Arrangements made between HMRC and NS&I in respect of Help-to-Save accounts', to provide context and further information as part of the consultation.

In May 2016, the government...

National Statistics: E. coli bacteraemia: monthly data split by location of onset by NHS trust
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This spreadsheet contains the following statistics:

monthly counts of Escherichia coli (E.coli) bacteraemia split by location of onset, by NHS acute trust (table 11)
Official Statistics: NHS referrals for first outpatient appointments: August 2017
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Therefore, referrals received at non-Welsh NHS providers (e.g. England) are not included.

Guidance: Sickle cell and thalassaemia: screening handbook
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new html edition of programme handbook.

This handbook includes guidance for healthcare professionals who provide counselling and referral for prenatal diagnosis (PND) to couples and women...

National Statistics: UK official holdings of international reserves: September 2017
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This monthly release shows details of movements in the UK’s official holdings of international reserves, or assets. These consist of gold, foreign currency assets and International Monetary Fund assets.

Official Statistics: Sexual identity, UK: 2016
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Official statistics are produced impartially and free from political influence.

Official Statistics: Dementia Assessment and Referral July 2017
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This section of the website provides information on Dementia Assessment and Referral data collection which has been made mandatory since April 2013 for all NHS funded trusts providing acute services.


Official Statistics: Maternity Services Monthly Statistics May 2017
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This is a report on NHS-funded maternity services in England for May 2017, using data submitted to the Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS). The MSDS has been developed to help achieve better outcomes of care for...

Guidance: Sepsis in children: advice for health visitors and school nurses
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

This guidance includes:

causes and symptoms of sepsis support for parents additional resources for health visitors and school nurses
Official Statistics: MOD statistics pre-release access list
seen at 09:34, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added MOD statistics pre-release access list: 29 September 2017.

This is a list of the individuals who currently have pre-release access to MOD’s key national and official statistics. The list ...

National Statistics: Clostridium difficile infection: monthly data by NHS acute trust
seen at 09:33, 4 October in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added August 2016 to August 2017 data.

These spreadsheets contain the following statistics for patients aged 2 years and over:

C. difficile infection counts by NHS acute trust and month...