Thank you Mr President.
And thank you to our briefers. Jeff, for your comprehensive presentation of the Secretary-General’s fourth report. Jo, for your update on the Joint Commission. And Sebastiano, ...
Updated: New version of FIS and data returns known issues 2017 to 2018 uploaded on 19 December 2017.
Funding Information System (FIS)FIS is one of a number of software packages freely available to further...
This note applies to all Central Government Departments, their Executive Agencies and Non Departmental Public Bodies. Other public bodies will also be subject to the new Data Protection Legislation and may wish...
Updated: Added summary of responses.
In October 2015, the government committed that, by the end of the Parliament, local government should retain all taxes raised locally, including 100% of locally collected...
The settlement funding assessment calculation model sets out the calculation of the settlement funding assessment at local authority level, to enable local authorities to check their funding for the forthcoming...
West Nile virus (WNV) infections have long been recognised in Europe where there is annual surveillance for human and equine disease. There is no evidence that WNV is present in the UK and very few travel-related...
This report updates our legislation review with developments in food and feed law and related scientific and regulatory issues for the period from July to September 2017.
It covers key publications by...
This guide outlines policy on the screening of women at a different NHS breast screening unit from the one the screening provider invites her to attend. Attending an alternative screening unit is called ‘out-...
Decision reference: REF3348
Type of decision: referral of admission arrangements - do not conform
School type: community
School phase: secondary
Local authority: Brighton and Hove...
Presentations from MCA maritime health seminars
Updated: New version of FIS and data returns known issues 2017 to 2018 uploaded on 19 December 2017.
Funding Information System (FIS)FIS is one of a number of software packages freely available to further...
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:
I am appalled by another attempted missile strike on Riyadh on 19 December. This is the second such shocking incident in six weeks, which yet again deliberately...
Updated: Updated with 2017 data.
This is the latest list of local authority-maintained primary schools in England the Secretary of State has designated as rural under the Designation of Rural Primary Schools...
Updated: Amended Annex 22
This guidance is for:
marine surveyors and inspectors fishing vessel owners fishing vessel builders anyone else who needs to know how Maritime and Coastguard Agency...
Updated: Latest eNewsletter for December 2017.
Previous issues of eNews can be found at the archived GAD website
Referral from Stoke-on-Trent City Council on behalf of the Adults and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Updated: Correction slip to the draft order removes a typo at the end of para (1)(a), tidies up quotation marks, and corrects misnumbering throughout.
This command paper presents a remedial order to Parliament...
Updated: Small change to title and summary. Added context for users to the detail.
Healthcare professionals can use these resources to understand:
the availability and effectiveness of alcohol and...
Updated: Published December 2017 gazette
The Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette is published monthly by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).
It provides information on practices and procedures...
This consultation seeks views on proposals for the local government finance settlement for 2018 to 2019 and for the approach to future local government finance settlements.
This table sets out the key information on the settlement for pilot authorities.
This table sets out the key information on the settlement for non-domestic rates pools and their constituent authorities.
This table sets out the key information on the settlement for individual authorities and classes of authorities.
BackgroundThe draft opinion published by the Government Chemist is in answer to a query raised by a public analyst on a disagreement between a producer of fruit based liqueurs and the public analyst about the...
This report sets out the aspects of the settlement which will require specific approval by the House of Commons, including the amount and basis of distribution of the revenue support grant in 2018 to 2019.
A draft report assessing the potential effects of the 2018 to 2019 settlement on disadvantaged and vulnerable people within society.
The fair funding review will set new baseline funding allocations for local authorities by delivering an up-to-date assessment of their relative needs and resources, using the best available evidence.
Updated: Added response to the call for evidence on needs and redistribution.
This consultation seeks views on the government’s commitment to allow local government to retain 100% of the business rates ...
Updated: New rows C006, U072, U099, U176 and Y061 have been added
A reference must be entered for harmonised declarations. This should be one of the following:
as quoted on the document, certificate...
Updated: Added summary of responses.
The consultation paper sets out the government’s intended approach for the third year of the multi-year local government finance settlement.
It will be of particular...
Updated: Small change to title and summary. Added context for users to the detail.
Healthcare professionals can use these resources to understand:
outcomes of alcohol and drug treatment services...
Draft reports on:
Council Tax referendum principles for local authorities, fire and rescue authorities, and police and crime commissioners in respect of 2018 to 2019
Core spending power measures the core revenue funding available for local authority services, including Council Tax and locally retained business rates. This page has:
an explanatory note, which...
Supporting tables showing funding elements which have been kept visible in the core spending power of local authorities.
Updated: List republished following amendments to the EU dual-use export control list in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 which came into force on 16 December 2017.
The consolidated list of ‘controlled...
he New Homes Bonus gross payment calculator is based on the provisional allocations for 2018 to 2019 announced in December 2017.
This report sets out the government’s position on the implementation of human rights judgments from the domestic courts (declarations of incompatibility under the Human Rights Act 1998) and the European Court...
The New Homes Bonus is a grant paid by central government to local councils to reflect and incentive’s housing growth in their areas.
It is based on the amount of extra Council Tax revenue raised for ...
Updated: TUR1/1023(2017) Unite the Union & Skanska– Bargaining Unit decision issued
The decisions set out:
names of CAC panel members name of the case manager issue in dispute views of the...
Updated: December 2017 update
These statistics provide estimates on the number of companies involved in the Electronics Systems Community (ESCO) by employment size as well as the total employment in those...
The FAnGR Committee’s guidelines for breed societies on contingency planning for preservation of their genetic resources in case of a notifiable disease outbreak.
Derogation from culling for ‘breeds at...
This note applies to all Central Government Departments, their Executive Agencies and Non Departmental Public Bodies. Other public bodies will also be subject to the new Data Protection Legislation and may wish...
Updated: Added summary of responses.
In October 2015, the government committed that, by the end of the Parliament, local government should retain all taxes raised locally, including 100% of locally collected...
The settlement funding assessment calculation model sets out the calculation of the settlement funding assessment at local authority level, to enable local authorities to check their funding for the forthcoming...
Gender Pay Gap legislation introduced in April 2017 requires all employers of 250 or more employees to publish their gender pay gap as of 31 March 2017. The gender pay gap is the difference between the...
West Nile virus (WNV) infections have long been recognised in Europe where there is annual surveillance for human and equine disease. There is no evidence that WNV is present in the UK and very few travel-related...
This report updates our legislation review with developments in food and feed law and related scientific and regulatory issues for the period from July to September 2017.
It covers key publications by...
This guide outlines policy on the screening of women at a different NHS breast screening unit from the one the screening provider invites her to attend. Attending an alternative screening unit is called ‘out-...
Decision reference: REF3348
Type of decision: referral of admission arrangements - do not conform
School type: community
School phase: secondary
Local authority: Brighton and Hove...
Presentations from MCA maritime health seminars
With permission, Mr Speaker, I would like to make a statement on funding for local authorities in England next year.
From 2015 to 2020, councils in England have access to over £200 billion to...
The government has today (19 December 2017) set out funding plans for councils in England so they can continue to deliver the services their residents need while also protecting Council Tax payers from...
To make it easier for SMEs to sell to government, Crown Commercial Service is working to standardise terms and conditions and simplify the language used in contracts. Jason Waterman FCIPS is Deputy Director of...
Thank you Mr President.
The United Kingdom welcomes the renewal of Resolution 2165 today. For a further twelve months, Resolution 2393 will allow us to continue to deliver urgently needed humanitarian...
A Downing Street spokesperson said:
The Prime Minister called President Trump earlier this afternoon. She began by offering her condolences over the loss of life in the terrible train crash in Washington...
This document sets out the Government’s response to the recommendations made by the Competition Markets Authority following its market study into the supply of legal services in England and Wales.
Gender pay gap legislation introduced in April 2017 requires all employers of 250 or more employees to publish their gender pay gap as of 31 March 2017.
The gender pay gap is the difference between the...
Updated: Added record of 4 October 2017 meeting.
The North of England Headteacher Board supports Regional Schools Commissioner Janet Renou.
More information on the responsibilities of ...
Updated: Minor changes to the oil and gas sector strategy 2016 to 2020.
These 14 sector strategy reports give an overview of each sector’s performance and annual emissions. They also list the Environment...
Updated: Added record of 19 October 2017 meeting.
The Lancashire and West Yorkshire Headteacher Board supports Regional Schools Commissioner Vicky Beer.
More information on the responsibilities...
Updated: Added record of 12 October 2017 meeting.
The East Midlands and the Humber Headteacher Board supports Regional Schools Commissioner John Edwards.
More information on the responsibilities...
Updated: Added in 27 November statement
The Business Statement sets out the business of the House of Commons for the following week.
This takes place every Thursday morning when the House is sitting...
The Business Statement sets out the business of the House of Commons for the following week.
This takes place every Thursday morning when the House is sitting, usually at 11.30 am. Statements are available...
Updated: INF4D updated.
Some doctors will be able to fill in both the vision and medical assessment sections of the report. If your doctor is unable to fully answer all the questions on the vision assessment...
Updated: Updated with 2017 data.
This is the latest list of local authority-maintained primary schools in England the Secretary of State has designated as rural under the Designation of Rural Primary Schools...
Updated: Amended Annex 22
This guidance is for:
marine surveyors and inspectors fishing vessel owners fishing vessel builders anyone else who needs to know how Maritime and Coastguard Agency...
Updated: Latest eNewsletter for December 2017.
Previous issues of eNews can be found at the archived GAD website
Referral from Stoke-on-Trent City Council on behalf of the Adults and Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Updated: Correction slip to the draft order removes a typo at the end of para (1)(a), tidies up quotation marks, and corrects misnumbering throughout.
This command paper presents a remedial order to Parliament...
Updated: Small change to title and summary. Added context for users to the detail.
Healthcare professionals can use these resources to understand:
the availability and effectiveness of alcohol and...
This brief explains that a final consumer who has been wrongly charged VAT by a VAT registered business must claim it back from that business but in very exceptional circumstances may be able to claim it from...
Updated: Published December 2017 gazette
The Plant Varieties and Seeds Gazette is published monthly by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).
It provides information on practices and procedures...
This consultation seeks views on proposals for the local government finance settlement for 2018 to 2019 and for the approach to future local government finance settlements.
This table sets out the key information on the settlement for pilot authorities.
Updated: Added context for users to the detail.
Healthcare professionals can use these resources to understand:
the availability and effectiveness of alcohol and drug treatment services for young...
This table sets out the key information on the settlement for non-domestic rates pools and their constituent authorities.
This table sets out the key information on the settlement for individual authorities and classes of authorities.
BackgroundThe draft opinion published by the Government Chemist is in answer to a query raised by a public analyst on a disagreement between a producer of fruit based liqueurs and the public analyst about the...
This report sets out the aspects of the settlement which will require specific approval by the House of Commons, including the amount and basis of distribution of the revenue support grant in 2018 to 2019.
A draft report assessing the potential effects of the 2018 to 2019 settlement on disadvantaged and vulnerable people within society.
The fair funding review will set new baseline funding allocations for local authorities by delivering an up-to-date assessment of their relative needs and resources, using the best available evidence.
Updated: Added response to the call for evidence on needs and redistribution.
This consultation seeks views on the government’s commitment to allow local government to retain 100% of the business rates ...
Updated: New rows C006, U072, U099, U176 and Y061 have been added
A reference must be entered for harmonised declarations. This should be one of the following:
as quoted on the document, certificate...
Updated: Added summary of responses.
The consultation paper sets out the government’s intended approach for the third year of the multi-year local government finance settlement.
It will be of particular...
Updated: Small change to title and summary. Added context for users to the detail.
Healthcare professionals can use these resources to understand:
outcomes of alcohol and drug treatment services...
Draft reports on:
Council Tax referendum principles for local authorities, fire and rescue authorities, and police and crime commissioners in respect of 2018 to 2019
Core spending power measures the core revenue funding available for local authority services, including Council Tax and locally retained business rates. This page has:
an explanatory note, which...
Supporting tables showing funding elements which have been kept visible in the core spending power of local authorities.
Updated: List republished following amendments to the EU dual-use export control list in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 which came into force on 16 December 2017.
The consolidated list of ‘controlled...
he New Homes Bonus gross payment calculator is based on the provisional allocations for 2018 to 2019 announced in December 2017.
This report sets out the government’s position on the implementation of human rights judgments from the domestic courts (declarations of incompatibility under the Human Rights Act 1998) and the European Court...
The New Homes Bonus is a grant paid by central government to local councils to reflect and incentive’s housing growth in their areas.
It is based on the amount of extra Council Tax revenue raised for ...
Updated: TUR1/1023(2017) Unite the Union & Skanska– Bargaining Unit decision issued
The decisions set out:
names of CAC panel members name of the case manager issue in dispute views of the...
Updated: December 2017 update
These statistics provide estimates on the number of companies involved in the Electronics Systems Community (ESCO) by employment size as well as the total employment in those...
The FAnGR Committee’s guidelines for breed societies on contingency planning for preservation of their genetic resources in case of a notifiable disease outbreak.
Derogation from culling for ‘breeds at...
19 Dec 2017 - The Legal Services Board responds to the Government’s response to the CMA 2016ser Legal Services Market Study report.
The National Archives is delighted to announce the launch of a major research project in partnership with Research Libraries UK and Jisc. Titled ‘Citation Capture’, this commissioned...
We will be closed from Saturday 23 December to Wednesday 27 December, and from Saturday 30 December to Monday 1 January inclusive.
Find more information about our opening times and closure dates on our...
The National Archives has announced the closure of the Information Fair Trader Scheme (IFTS). Since the first government information trader was accredited to the Scheme in 2003, IFTS has set and assessed standards...
What will change?
There will be a new section for Committees and Panels, which will sit on our About the Authority menu. The current content will be moved from the National Statistician menu to the new...
The Foreign Office Minister Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon has attributed the WannaCry ransomware incident to North Korean actors the Lazarus Group. The decision to publicly attribute this incident sends a clear message...
With permission, Mr Speaker, I would like to make a statement on funding for local authorities in England next year.
From 2015 to 2020, councils in England have access to over £200 billion to...
Views of teachers, parents and young people to help shape first updating of relationships and sex education guidance since 2000
New approach to combat online issues
The priorities of the Thames Estuary 2050 Growth Commission, which include equipping people with the right skills and providing high quality housing, have been announced during a visit by the new Chair and Deputy...
Updated: Added translation
With permission, Mr Speaker, I would like to make a statement on last week’s European Council.
Before turning to the progress on our negotiations to leave the EU, let ...
The government has today (19 December 2017) set out funding plans for councils in England so they can continue to deliver the services their residents need while also protecting Council Tax payers from excessive...
Minister for Africa, Rory Stewart said:
“I condemn the attack on Saturday against a humanitarian convoy in Borno State, in which four people lost their lives. The UK continues to support the United Nations...
These documents are the UK’s mid-term self assessment report for its third Open Government National Action Plan. This covers the first year of implementation.
Each of the documents were produced by the...
This report summarises the findings of a meeting of experts exploring the opportunities and implications arising from the future transport system.
The workshop considered 3 main questions around planning...
This report summarises the findings of a meeting of experts exploring the opportunities and implications arising from the future transport system.
The workshop considered 3 main questions around data ...
This report summarises the findings of a meeting of experts exploring the opportunities and implications arising from the future transport system.
The workshop considered 3 main questions around freight...
This report summarises the findings of a meeting of experts exploring the opportunities and implications arising from the future transport system.
The workshop considered 3 main questions around mobility...
This report summarises the findings of a meeting of experts exploring the opportunities and implications arising from the future transport system.
The workshop considered 3 main questions around the security...
This report summarises the findings of a meeting of experts exploring the opportunities and implications arising from the future transport system.
The workshop considered 3 main questions around sustainable...
Decision letter and Inspector’s Report for recovered appeals:
for change of use and refurbishment of listed building, demolition of rear buildings and 3 storey new build to provide a new primary school...
We aim to publish all responses to requests sent to us under Freedom of Information (FOI) or Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) where information is partially or fully disclosed.
Updated: Correction to three CN Codes: 1. CN Code 1106 20 (60) against Order No 09.4306 amended to 1103 20 (60) 2. CN Code 1105 90 (00) against Order No 09.4308 amended to 1005 90 (00) 3. CN Code 1105 90 00 against...
Updated: Updated November 2017
The Science and Innovation Network Country Snapshot for Italy provides information on the local Science and Innovation landscape, UK priorities and successes. It offers a ...
Updated: Changes to contact details and text changes.
The Designs Act 1949 allows us to give directions in some areas, so that we can react quickly to change.
Updated: Update for July to September 2017.
This data covers former staff at senior civil service levels SCS1 and SCS2 and equivalents who fall within the scope of the business appointment rules.
Updated: New data for non-obligated WEEE received at approved authorised treatment facilities and approved exporters.
Summary reports for the amount of:
new electrical and electronic equipment (...
Updated: External stakeholder meeting schedule updated.
As part of our commitment to transparency, the Chief Executive Officer of the Intellectual Property Office publishes details of his meetings with ...
Updated: Corrected an error affecting the 2016 to 2017 figures for some schools in table 12 in 'Tables: SFR71/2017'. National and headline figures are not affected.
A summary of data from the consistent...
Updated: Link to consultation outcome added.
Special Protection Areas (SPAs) are special sites designated under the EU Birds Directive to protect rare, vulnerable and migratory birds.
This SSGP Open Call Competition aims to provide funding to support the development of innovative satellite enabled applications for public sector end users. Project proposals are sought for both feasibility studies...
In 2017 the CMA issued the Retail Banking Market Investigation Order. Article 14 of the Order required the 9 largest banks in Great Britain and Northern Ireland to release Read/Write personal current account (...
Updated: Updated telephone details for Erbel.
Use this document to find out where you must be tested for TB if you want to come to the UK for more than 6 months and are a resident of Iraq.
The Payment Accounts Regulations 2015 require the 9 largest personal current account (PCA) providers to offer basic bank accounts that are fee-free for standard operations, including a failed payment, removing...
Updated: Improved the links between the documents to make it clearer that they are all part of a set.
These documents set out what the government is doing to reform the management of water abstraction. ...
Use the allocations tables to see how much funding each local authority receives, and read the conditions of grant to understand how it should be spent.
Read the technical note to understand how we use...
This grant provides additional funding that publicly funded schools in England use to support disadvantaged pupils.
Read the conditions of grant document to understand the terms, which pupils are eligible...
Updated: Updated the pre-September 2014 spreadsheet with information about sector-endorsed Foundation Degrees.
Early years providers can use these early years qualifications lists to:
check if an...
Updated: Figures for April 2017 to March 2018 updated.
We review these standards regularly to try to improve them.
We will:
respond to over 80% of general e-mail enquiries, letters and faxes...
The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...
The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...
The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. In some cases they also consult on ...
Following the European Court of Justice and House of Lords’ rulings in 2000/2001 in favour of part-timers gaining retrospective access to occupational pension schemes, provided they meet the necessary legal requirements...
Updated: Extended consultation end date to 26 January 2018.
We have combined the Enforcement and sanctions statement and the Enforcement and sanctions guidance into one document, the Enforcement ...
Updated: Added local practice examples
This document gives guidance to local authorities on developing local protocols between alcohol and drug services, and children and family services. It provides recommendations...
The Groceries Code Adjudicator (GCA) meets with Code Compliance Officers (CCOs) individually, on a quarterly basis. The GCA explains issues that have been raised by suppliers and others and discusses the ongoing...
Updated: Updated entries for Quick Tag and Roxan ID.
Approved suppliers of sheep and goat ear tags for sheep and goat keepers.
Updated: December versions of Register of standards and Register list of organisations uploaded on 19 December 2017.
The introduction to the register which provides an overview of the role of the register...
Updated: New service for Lancashire.
Use this guide to find the details of local authorities in England that offer a European passport return service for a registration certificate or a document...
The gender pay gap is the difference between women’s and men’s earnings, expressed as a percentage of men’s earnings.
Legislation introduced in April 2017 requires all employers of 250 or more employees...
A request was made under the Freedom of Information Act for details of traffic flow data on the M6 motorway.
Sir David Norgrove, Chair, UK Statistics Authority to Baroness Grender.
Mark Pont, Assessment Programme Lead, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tony O’Connor, Head of Profession for Statistics.
Mark Pont, Assessment Programme Lead, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tony O’Connor, Head of Profession for Statistics.
The Winter 2017-2018 Stakeholder Newsletter provides an update on a number of recent work projects that are being undertaken as part of the Blue Belt programme.
The Blue Belt programme is...
Updated: New Intellectual property clinic date (20 February 2018) added.
The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) is holding free regular IP legal clinics in Newport. The IP clinics are hosted by an IP Attorney...
Gavin Williamson met members of the Household Cavalry at Horse Guards in central London, as they make preparations for their ceremonial duties across the festive period.
As well as providing the Queen...
Over 900,000 new fee-free basic bank accounts were opened between July 2016 and June 2017, taking the total number of fee-free accounts open to nearly 5 million, according to the government’s basic bank account...
The Environment Agency is getting into the festive spirit by providing stocking fillers for anglers as its staff restock rivers with thousands of fish in the run up to Christmas.
Calverton fish farm, ...
Updated: An application to register the Instrument of Transfer of Staff Union West Bromwich Building Society (SUWBBS) to Community was received by the Certification Officer on 18 December 2017.
19 December...
The Foreign Office Minister Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon has attributed the WannaCry ransomware incident to North Korean actors the Lazarus Group. The decision to publicly attribute this incident sends a clear message...
government unveils proposals to make the Highway Code future ready updates will enable drivers to park their cars remotely, and bring forward smarter motorway cruise controlThe government has today...
Home Secretary Amber Rudd has today (19 December) announced a substantial £450 million increase in police funding across England and Wales as part of a comprehensive settlement for forces and counter...
Geoffrey Blake, trading as Ventnor Haven Fisheries in the Isle of Wight, was sentenced at Portsmouth Magistrates’ Court on 11 December 2017 in a prosecution brought by the MMO.
The court heard how the...
With permission, Mr Speaker, I would like to make a statement on funding for local authorities in England next year.
From 2015 to 2020, councils in England have access to over £200 billion to...
Updated: Added 'International Health Regulations: Activity of the UK National Focal Point from 2012 to 2016'.
The International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005 are an international instrument that ...
Updated: Table 0106 updated.
Table BUS0101Passenger journeys on local bus services: Great Britain, annual from 1950 (ODS, 37.8KB)
Table BUS0103
This publication includes data on the use of 30 hours free childcare in the first term of national rollout, from September to December 2017.
It includes;
estimates of the number of children in...
This release presents figures on new build housing starts and completions in England.
Figures for the UK and constituent countries are also available in the accompanying tables.
Updated: Tables updated.
Local authorities compiling this data or other interested parties may wish to see notes and definitions for house building which includes P2 full guidance notes.
Updated: 'UK aviation forecasts 2017: passenger demand and air transport movements data for each modelled airport' published
A 2017 update to the Department for Transport’s aviation demand forecasts. It...
Updated: Added New Style of Information Technology (Base): SRO appointment letter.
Each government department publishes the letters of appointment for their GMPP senior responsible owners (SROs). These ...
Updated: Latest weekly data published
Weekly road fuel prices (Excel)MS Excel Spreadsheet, 255KB
Weekly road fuel prices...
Updated: Replaced form with amended version
Information produced by United Kingdom Security Vetting (UKSV).
Please print the form out to complete and sign. When completed return the form to your...
This publication comprises two tables providing estimates on the number of companies involved in the Electronics Systems Community (ESCO) by employment size as well as the total employment in those companies. ...
The Government has responded to the review of Black, Asian and minority ethnic people’s treatment and outcomes in the criminal justice system, outlining the actions it has taken or will take in relation to each...
This report looks at how local authorities support and accommodate non-European Economic Area (EEA) migrant children identified as potential victims of modern slavery, including trafficking.
The report...
Updated: Added November 2017 report.
This publication provides the 2017 reports.
Legionnaires’ disease monthly surveillance reports for 2016 are also available.
We’re seeking views on the government’s proposal to amend the domestic Minimum Level of Energy Efficiency Regulations to introduce a capped landlord financial contribution element.
This proposal is designed...
Updated: Revised DMG volume 4, chapter 20: JSA and IS - conditions of entitlement. Annotated to new memo 24/17.
This guidance is for DWP staff who make decisions about benefits and pensions. It helps them...
Updated: Revised DMG volume 13 chapter 78: State Pension Credit: additional amounts and special groups. Annotated to new memo 24/17.
This guidance is for DWP staff who make decisions about benefits and ...
Updated: Added DMG memos: 22/17 - Kinship care and continuing care payments: IS, JSA and ESA, 23/17 - October 2017 miscellaneous amendments and 24/17 - The Social Security (misc amdt no. 5) Regs 2017.
Updated: A financial notice to improve has been issued to Brooke House sixth-form college replacing the June 2017 publication.
The letters serve as a written notice to improve financial management, control...
Updated: Additional schedule for St Mary's Sixth-Form College has been added.
The letter serves as a written notice to improve financial management, control and governance at the St Mary’s Sixth-Form College...
This letter and its annex serves as a written notice to improve financial health at Sussex Downs College.
This letter and its annex serves as a written notice to improve financial health at Cadbury College.
Updated: A new supplier has been added to the list.
You can file your VAT Returns online and send online forms using software from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) or a commercial software supplier.
These documents are the UK’s mid-term self assessment report for its third Open Government National Action Plan. This covers the first year of implementation.
Each of the documents were produced by the...
This report summarises the findings of a meeting of experts exploring the opportunities and implications arising from the future transport system.
The workshop considered 3 main questions around planning...
This report summarises the findings of a meeting of experts exploring the opportunities and implications arising from the future transport system.
The workshop considered 3 main questions around data ...
This report summarises the findings of a meeting of experts exploring the opportunities and implications arising from the future transport system.
The workshop considered 3 main questions around freight...
This report summarises the findings of a meeting of experts exploring the opportunities and implications arising from the future transport system.
The workshop considered 3 main questions around mobility...
This report summarises the findings of a meeting of experts exploring the opportunities and implications arising from the future transport system.
The workshop considered 3 main questions around the security...
This report summarises the findings of a meeting of experts exploring the opportunities and implications arising from the future transport system.
The workshop considered 3 main questions around sustainable...
Decision letter and Inspector’s Report for recovered appeals:
for change of use and refurbishment of listed building, demolition of rear buildings and 3 storey new build to provide a new primary school...
We aim to publish all responses to requests sent to us under Freedom of Information (FOI) or Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) where information is partially or fully disclosed.
Updated: Correction to three CN Codes: 1. CN Code 1106 20 (60) against Order No 09.4306 amended to 1103 20 (60) 2. CN Code 1105 90 (00) against Order No 09.4308 amended to 1005 90 (00) 3. CN Code 1105 90 00 against...
Updated: Updated November 2017
The Science and Innovation Network Country Snapshot for Italy provides information on the local Science and Innovation landscape, UK priorities and successes. It offers a ...
Updated: Changes to contact details and text changes.
The Designs Act 1949 allows us to give directions in some areas, so that we can react quickly to change.
Mark Pont, Assessment Programme Lead, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician, Scottish Government.
The Winter 2017-2018 Stakeholder Newsletter provides an update on a number of recent work projects that are being undertaken as part of the Blue Belt programme.
The Blue Belt programme is...
Regulatory alert to charities - safeguardingThe Charity Commission (‘the Commission’), the independent regulator of charities in England and Wales, is issuing this alert to charities as regulatory advice under...
The Charity Commission is alerting all charities to the importance of providing a safe and trusted environment for anyone who comes into contact with them, including staff and volunteers.
The exemption would be valid until 2025 and applicable in situation only when the platform gap is greater than 75mm horizontally and 50mm vertically.
The application is based on current accessibility ...
DfT publishes details of all departmental spending over £500 on a monthly basis.
This data is also available on
Spend over £500 in Department for Transport ...
Official statistics are produced impartially and free from any political influence.