In July 2017, the government deposited a Bill in Parliament seeking powers to construct, operate and maintain the second phase of the High Speed Two (HS2) railway, between the West Midlands and Crewe, known as...
Community area reports describe the supplementary environmental information and changes to the construction assumptions included within the SES2 (Part 1), amendments within the AP2 ES (Part 2) and any new or ...
Volume 3 reports any new or different likely significant environmental effects arising at a route-wide level from the supplementary environmental information and changes to the design and construction assumptions...
Outlines where the Scope and Methodology Report (published in September 2016), and Scope and Methodology Report Addendum 1 (published in July 2017) has been amended to reflect changes to legislation or industry...
Updated: Uploaded new version of the report with updated contact details for LSE and formatting.
Innovate UK commissioned LSE consulting - set up by the London School of Economics and Political...
This document lists corrections identified to the contents of Volume 5 of the main ES submitted in July 2017.
This document has been published as part of the HS2 Phase 2a SES2 and AP2 ES for the...
The report sets out the details of the agriculture, forestry and soils assessment of any relevant SES2 changes and AP2 amendments.
The map book contains maps showing agricultural land quality, farm and...
The reports set out the details of the air quality assessment of any relevant SES2 changes and AP2 amendments for each community area.
The map book contains maps showing the air quality related features...
This document has been published as part of the HS2 Phase 2a SES2 and AP2 ES for the route between the West Midlands and Crewe.
The reports set out the details of the community impact assessment of any relevant SES2 changes and AP2 amendments for each community area.
The map book contains maps identifying community resources along...
These reports present:
the evidence base for the cultural heritage assessment relevant to the SES2 changes and AP2 amendments descriptive information relating to all designated and non-designated assets...
The reports present:
baseline data associated with designated sites that were not reported in the main ES, SES1 or AP1 ES and are relevant to the SES2 and AP2 a summary of local/parish level effects...
These reports set out the baseline conditions for landscape character areas and viewpoints, and summarises the assessment of significant effects of any relevant SES2 changes and AP2 amendments for each community...
The report contains planning data on additional committed developments and proposed developments that have occurred since publication of the SES1 and AP1 ES in March 2018.
The map book contains maps showing...
The map book contains maps identifying updated effects on socio-economic resources as a result of the SES2 changes and AP2 amendments.
This document has been published as part of the HS2 Phase 2a SES2...
The report provides an update to the noise and vibration assessment presented in the main ES in July 2017 and SES1 and AP1 ES in March 2018.
The map book contains maps that support the assessment of significant...
The report provides an update to the transport assessment submitted with the main ES in July 2017 and SES1 and AP1 ES in March 2018.
The map book contains maps showing updates to significant residual ...
The report provides details of changes to the route-wide waste and materials assessment since the main ES in July 2017 and SES1 and AP1 ES in March 2018.
This document has been published as part of the...
The reports present:
an update to the WFD compliance assessment submitted with the main ES in July 2017 and SES1 and AP1 ES in March 2018 an update to the potential impacts on existing water resources...
This report sets out traffic data used for the air quality assessment for SES2 and AP2 ES for HS2 Phase 2a. This document does not form part of the HS2 Phase 2a SES2 and AP2 ES for the route between the...
This report on the additional cultural heritage surveys undertaken since the production of the main ES and SES1 and AP1 ES. This document does not form part of the HS2 Phase 2a SES2 and AP2 ES for the ...
These present the supplementary ecological baseline data since the production of the main ES (July 2017) and the SES1 and AP1 ES (March 2018).
These documents do not form part of the HS2 Phase 2a SES2...
This report sets out the transport Assessment baseline survey data used in the SES2 and AP2 ES for HS2 Phase 2a. This document does not form part of the HS2 Phase 2a SES2 and AP2 ES for the route between...
The report describes the proposals contained in the hybrid Bill scheme (connecting at Rugeley substation), a summary of design development following deposit of the hybrid Bill, along with a description of the...
Outlines the qualifications of the consultant team involved in producing the HS2 Phase 2a Environmental Statement and the HS2 Phase 2a SES2 and AP2 ES. It also supports the statements set out in Volume 1 of the...
Updated: Updated to reflect deposit of AP2
The impact assessment includes any measures which are to be applied in the future to reduce or offset the potential effects of construction and operation.
Updated: Added HPR 13(5) reports.
These data reports are monthly unless otherwise indicated. They comprise:
general outbreaks of foodborne illness (including causative organism and number of people...
As a public body, HS2 Ltd is subject to the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) under the Equality Act 2010. The PSED requires public bodies to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance ...
In July 2017, the government deposited a Bill in Parliament seeking powers to construct, operate and maintain the second phase of the High Speed Two (HS2) railway, between the West Midlands and Crewe, known as...
We have published a suite of materials for providers to use in promoting NAW 2019.
ApprenticesWe will shortly publish assets to include:
Facebook frame Instagram heart EmployersWe will...
Updated: Added HTML (web) version of the report.
Gender Pay Gap legislation introduced in April 2017 requires all employers of 250 or more employees to report annually on their gender pay gap.
If you want to export animals and animal products from the UK, you need to nominate someone to inspect them.
This will be an official vet or local authority inspector (usually an environmental health ...
Updated: Planned downtime for Saturday 16 February 2019 11am to 4pm has been added.
Latest updates on the availability and any issues affecting the ICS online service.
Updated: Planned downtime for Saturday 16 February 2019 11am to 4pm has been added.
Latest updates on the availability and any issues affecting the EMCS online service.
Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt launched the review of Foreign & Commonwealth Office support for persecuted Christians on 30 January 2019. The Rt Revd Philip Mountstephen, Bishop of Truro will lead ...
Press release: Market researcher banned for thousands of unregulated marketing calls
Press release: 4-year ban for director who abused text message regulations
Press release: Parole Board holding event in Sheffield on member recruitment and improving diversity
Press release: Parole Board holding event in Bradford on member recruitment and improving diversity
Press release: £67.4 million Ipswich tidal flood barrier officially opened
Details of where the Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 and Additional Provision 2 (February 2019) have been deposited for inspection are available on the attached lists.
You can also find details...
You can order one set of Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 (SES2) and Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement (AP2 ES) documents free of charge and relevant to one local area comprising of:
The AP2 plans show additional and amended works and land affected by Additional Provision 2. Replacement sections along the centreline of new and amended works show the level of those works in relation to existing...
This summary, in non-technical language, outlines the changes reported in the SES2 (Part 1) and the amendments reported in the AP2 ES (Part 2). It presents a summary of any likely residual significant effects...
Volume 1 introduces the supplementary environmental information and changes to the design and construction assumptions included within the SES2, and the amendments which have resulted in the need to amend the...
Community area reports describe the supplementary environmental information and changes to the construction assumptions included within the SES2 (Part 1), amendments within the AP2 ES (Part 2) and any new or ...
Volume 3 reports any new or different likely significant environmental effects arising at a route-wide level from the supplementary environmental information and changes to the design and construction assumptions...
Outlines where the Scope and Methodology Report (published in September 2016), and Scope and Methodology Report Addendum 1 (published in July 2017) has been amended to reflect changes to legislation or industry...
Updated: Uploaded new version of the report with updated contact details for LSE and formatting.
Innovate UK commissioned LSE consulting - set up by the London School of Economics and Political...
This document lists corrections identified to the contents of Volume 5 of the main ES submitted in July 2017.
This document has been published as part of the HS2 Phase 2a SES2 and AP2 ES for the...
The report sets out the details of the agriculture, forestry and soils assessment of any relevant SES2 changes and AP2 amendments.
The map book contains maps showing agricultural land quality, farm and...
The reports set out the details of the air quality assessment of any relevant SES2 changes and AP2 amendments for each community area.
The map book contains maps showing the air quality related features...
This document has been published as part of the HS2 Phase 2a SES2 and AP2 ES for the route between the West Midlands and Crewe.
This notice sets out how we will use your personal data, and your rights. It is made under Articles 13 and/or 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The reports set out the details of the community impact assessment of any relevant SES2 changes and AP2 amendments for each community area.
The map book contains maps identifying community resources along...
These reports present:
the evidence base for the cultural heritage assessment relevant to the SES2 changes and AP2 amendments descriptive information relating to all designated and non-designated assets...
The reports present:
baseline data associated with designated sites that were not reported in the main ES, SES1 or AP1 ES and are relevant to the SES2 and AP2 a summary of local/parish level effects...
These reports set out the baseline conditions for landscape character areas and viewpoints, and summarises the assessment of significant effects of any relevant SES2 changes and AP2 amendments for each community...
The report contains planning data on additional committed developments and proposed developments that have occurred since publication of the SES1 and AP1 ES in March 2018.
The map book contains maps showing...
Updated: Added HPR 13(5) news and infection report.
Health Protection Report (HPR) comprises routine reports on infections (microbiological and epidemiological data and associated commentary) together with...
The map book contains maps identifying updated effects on socio-economic resources as a result of the SES2 changes and AP2 amendments.
This document has been published as part of the HS2 Phase 2a SES2...
The report provides an update to the noise and vibration assessment presented in the main ES in July 2017 and SES1 and AP1 ES in March 2018.
The map book contains maps that support the assessment of significant...
The report provides an update to the transport assessment submitted with the main ES in July 2017 and SES1 and AP1 ES in March 2018.
The map book contains maps showing updates to significant residual ...
The report provides details of changes to the route-wide waste and materials assessment since the main ES in July 2017 and SES1 and AP1 ES in March 2018.
This document has been published as part of the...
The reports present:
an update to the WFD compliance assessment submitted with the main ES in July 2017 and SES1 and AP1 ES in March 2018 an update to the potential impacts on existing water resources...
This report sets out traffic data used for the air quality assessment for SES2 and AP2 ES for HS2 Phase 2a. This document does not form part of the HS2 Phase 2a SES2 and AP2 ES for the route between the...
This report on the additional cultural heritage surveys undertaken since the production of the main ES and SES1 and AP1 ES. This document does not form part of the HS2 Phase 2a SES2 and AP2 ES for the ...
These present the supplementary ecological baseline data since the production of the main ES (July 2017) and the SES1 and AP1 ES (March 2018).
These documents do not form part of the HS2 Phase 2a SES2...
This report sets out the transport Assessment baseline survey data used in the SES2 and AP2 ES for HS2 Phase 2a. This document does not form part of the HS2 Phase 2a SES2 and AP2 ES for the route between...
The report describes the proposals contained in the hybrid Bill scheme (connecting at Rugeley substation), a summary of design development following deposit of the hybrid Bill, along with a description of the...
Outlines the qualifications of the consultant team involved in producing the HS2 Phase 2a Environmental Statement and the HS2 Phase 2a SES2 and AP2 ES. It also supports the statements set out in Volume 1 of the...
Updated: Updated to reflect deposit of AP2
The impact assessment includes any measures which are to be applied in the future to reduce or offset the potential effects of construction and operation.
Updated: Added HPR 13(5) reports.
These data reports are monthly unless otherwise indicated. They comprise:
general outbreaks of foodborne illness (including causative organism and number of people...
As a public body, HS2 Ltd is subject to the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) under the Equality Act 2010. The PSED requires public bodies to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance ...
In July 2017, the government deposited a Bill in Parliament seeking powers to construct, operate and maintain the second phase of the High Speed Two (HS2) railway, between the West Midlands and Crewe, known as...
We have published a suite of materials for providers to use in promoting NAW 2019.
ApprenticesWe will shortly publish assets to include:
Facebook frame Instagram heart EmployersWe will...
The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...
The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...
The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...
The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...
News story: Innovate on a business-academic project: apply for funding
Press release: Master of Trinity College, Cambridge: Professor Dame Sally Davies
News story: Professor Dame Sally Davies to step down as Chief Medical Officer
News story: UK and EEA EFTA states strike agreement to protect citizens’ rights in a no deal scenario
News story: Professor Dame Carol Black announced as independent reviewer of drugs
Press release: Success of Northern Powerhouse Export Champions celebrated at Export Awards
Press release: EU Exit Local Government Delivery Board: January 2019 update
News story: Cyber security: funding to take academic ideas to market
News story: Civil news: clarification on payment rules for judicial review
Press release: Highways England launches £20m competitions to revolutionise roads
News story: New royalty unit prices for Data Use Licences
News story: Raising awareness of mental health issues in the workplace
News story: Final round of Strategic College Improvement Fund opens
These Regulations amend the Education (Student Loans) (Repayment) Regulations 2009 (S.I. 2009/470) (“the Principal Regulationsâ€), which were made under section 22 of the Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998 (c. 30) and make provision for the repayment of income-contingent student loans in England and Wales.
These Regulations are made in exercise of the powers conferred by section 8(1) of, and paragraph 21(b) of Schedule 7 to, the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (c. 16) in order to address failures of retained EU law to operate effectively and other deficiencies (in particular under section 8(2)(b), (c), and (g) arising from the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.
These Regulations are made in exercise of the powers in section 8(1) of, and paragraph 21 of Schedule 7 to, the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (c. 16) in order to address failures of retained EU law to operate effectively and other deficiencies arising from the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (including deficiencies under paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (g) of section 8(2) of that Act).
These Regulations are made in exercise of the powers conferred by the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (c.16) in order to address failures of retained EU law to operate effectively and other deficiencies (in particular under section 8(2)(a) and (b)) arising from the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.
Updated: Updated pdf.
Use this form to report these medical conditions:
intracerebral haemorrhage stroke other related conditions
Updated: December 2018 published.
Monthly statistics on the population in custody of children and young people within secure children’s homes (SCHs), secure training centres (STCs) and young offender institutions...
Updated: Updated pdf.
Use this form to report Parkinson’s disease and other related conditions.
Use a different form to report these conditions if you only have a car or motorcycle...
Updated: Updated pdf.
Use this form to report Parkinson’s disease and other related conditions.
Use a different form to report these conditions if you have a lorry, bus or coach licence...
Updated: Updated pdf.
Use this form to report these medical conditions:
agoraphobia anxiety Aspergers autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ...
Updated: The reference to the Ipsos Mori survey result in paragraph 4.27 of the consultation document has been updated to clarify the breakdown of respondents to this question.
This consultation is about...
Updated: Updated list of ERS Bronze Award holders and added 'Region' column to list of ERS Gold Award holders
The scheme encompasses bronze, silver and gold awards for employer organisations that pledge...
Updated: Prison population for January 2019 published
Latest prison population figures for 2019.
Ministry of Defence (MOD) Freedom of Information (FOI) responses released during the week commencing 4 February 2019
Updated: Added: Whittington Range Complex firing times 8 February to 22 February 2019
The only right of way available for use by the public on the range complex is via the bridle path.
Maps are ...
Updated: Added: Kingsbury Range Complex firing times 8 February to 22 February 2019
The range danger area consists mainly of Kingsbury Woods and access to these is restricted to within the times when the...
Updated: The closing date has been updated to 22 February 2019.
The Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) was established in 2012 and its indicators are reviewed every 3 years. Public Health England (...
Updated: Attachments replaced with February versions.
Details of all schools in the pre-opening stage of the free school programme, including:
type of school age group served local authority...
Updated: Updated new versions of documents.
This guidance is to help GPs and healthcare staff to treat infections and use antibiotics responsibly.
Public Health England (PHE) and the National Institute...
Updated: Updated Help to Buy Funding Administration Agreement example copy.
The funding administration agreement example copy is the standard contract that developers and house builders will be required...
Updated: Added draft agenda for meeting on 28 February 2019.
The Lancashire and west Yorkshire headteacher board supports Regional Schools Commissioner Vicky Beer.
Read about the responsibilities...
Updated: Added draft agenda for meeting on 27 February 2019.
The North-west London and south-central England headteacher board supports Regional Schools Commissioner Martin Post.
Read about...
Updated: Added draft agenda for meeting on 25 February 2019.
The South-West England headteacher board supports Regional Schools Commissioner Lisa Mannall.
Read about the responsibilities...
Updated: Added the outcome that ministers have approved the WEEE compliance fee proposal submitted by the JTA for the 2018 compliance year.
We want to know whether you think there should be a Waste Electrical...
Published title: Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
Published title: Convention on Future Multilateral Cooperation in North-East Atlantic Fisheries
Published title: Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean
Published title: Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas
Published title: International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
Published title: Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
Published title: Convention on Cooperation in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries
Updated: This service will be unavailable on 23 February 2019 from 9am to 11pm, information about this issue has been added.
Latest updates on the availability and any issues affecting the CFSP online service...
HM Treasury requires that all central government departments publish details of their spending for transactions over £25,000.
UK Export Finance publishes details of invoices on a monthly basis...
HM Treasury requires that all central government departments publish details of their spending for transactions over £25,000.
UK Export Finance publishes details of invoices on a monthly basis...
HM Treasury requires that all central government departments publish details of their spending for transactions over £25,000.
UK Export Finance publishes details of invoices on a monthly basis...
Updated: Updates made to 'Conditions of grant' and 'Withdrawals' for the 2019 to 2020 academic year.
These funding manuals provide information to schools and ITT providers on School Direct (salaried) funding...
Updated: Two new free schools approved and added to 'Section 6A approved/under consideration schools'.
‘Local authorities seeking proposers’ contains details of all local authorities seeking proposers to...
Updated: Planned downtime for Saturday 23 February 2019 9am to 11pm has been added.
Latest updates on the availability and any issues affecting the ATWD online service.
Updated: Updated EEE producer public register.
Registers of EEE producers, approved exporters and approved authorised treatment facilities. Plus a list of WEEE producer compliance schemes and their contact...
Updated: Updated the IWT schedule of terms and conditions
Forms, templates and guidance for projects funded by the Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund.
Reporting requirements for each project ...
Updated: Risktec Solutions Ltd (IMS) and Glasgow Maritime Academy LLP added as providers.
All UK ports must have a certified PFSO. The PFSO is required to:
implement security measures stated in ...
Updated: Fee information updated.
You must be tested for tuberculosis (TB) if you want to come to the UK for more than 6 months and are a resident of Indonesia. Find out the location of approved clinics...
Updated: Replaced Church of England model articles of association with new versions.
There are 3 main draft model articles of association, agreed with the Catholic Education Service and the National Society...
Speech: Investment innovation and future consolidation for occupational DC pension schemes
Press release: Commission applies to High Court to appoint an Official Receiver to charity
Press release: Fraudster ordered to pay back £1.3 million after conning electrical waste industry
News story: West Midlands saddles up for productive year
Press release: Fish stocks boost for North East stillwaters
News story: Red Arrows' North American Display list revealed
Speech: Reaching a proportionate way forward on UN Security Council action on Kosovo
News story: Cyber security: funding to take academic ideas to market
Press release: Handwritten page from Darwin's ‘On The Origin Of Species’ at risk of export from the UK
News story: New guidance to help employers close gender pay gap
Press release: UK Hydrographic Office welcomes Secretary of State for Defence to Taunton
Press release: Training introduced to help faith leaders support their communities
News story: Animal medicines improvement notice: Taggart Jack, Omagh, County Tyrone
News story: Animal medicines improvement notice: Ltd
Dear Mary,
Following on from my previous letter of the 11th June 2018 regarding Code compliance checks undertaken on four of the departments housing statistical releases, I am now pleased to write to you...
Dear Sandra
Thank you for providing an update detailing your team’s improvements in response to findings from our compliance check of Statistics on Housing in...
Updated: Updated the form with the latest version.
The TIR system allows UK customs officials to pack and seal goods before they’re transported outside the EU. The load won’t need to be inspected...
Updated: Updated the form with the latest version.
The TIR system allows UK customs officials to pack and seal goods before they’re transported outside the EU. The load won’t need to be inspected...
Updated: Updated the form with the latest version.
The TIR system allows UK customs officials to pack and seal goods before they’re transported outside the EU. The load won’t need to be inspected...
Updated: Updated the form with the latest version.
The TIR system allows UK customs officials to pack and seal goods before they’re transported outside the EU. The load won’t need to be inspected...
In November 2017 in our Strategic Vision for Rail, the Department for Transport set out ambitious plans for the roll out of smart ticketing across the network, with the aim of making it more convenient for passengers...
Colleagues across the House have expressed concern about the potential dangers posed by ageing tyres. This is also a matter of great concern to the Government, and following my statement to the House of 23 November...
On 24 July 2018, the Home Secretary laid before Parliament the second independent review by Stephen Shaw CBE, into immigration detention. In responding to that review, the Home Secretary committed to going further...
The government’s Sporting Future strategy, published in December 2015, set out a radical new vision for our approach to sport and physical activity, including how we value and measure their immense contribution...
I have today laid before Parliament a report, ‘The European Union (Withdrawal) Act and Common Frameworks - 26 September 2018 to 25 December 2018’ as required by paragraph 4 of Schedule 3 to the European...
Agriculture and Fisheries Council took place in Brussels on 28 January. The UK was represented by Lord Gardiner of Kimble, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Rural Affairs and Biosecurity, and Lords Minister...
Updated: Updated the form with the latest version.
The TIR system allows UK customs officials to pack and seal goods before they’re transported outside the EU. The load won’t need to be inspected...
Updated: Updated the form with the latest version.
The TIR system allows UK customs officials to pack and seal goods before they’re transported outside the EU. The load won’t need to be inspected...
Updated: Updated the form with the latest version.
The TIR system allows UK customs officials to pack and seal goods before they’re transported outside the EU. The load won’t need to be inspected...
Updated: Updated the form with the latest version.
The TIR system allows UK customs officials to pack and seal goods before they’re transported outside the EU. The load won’t need to be inspected...
News story: CMA to launch in-depth investigation of Tobii / Smartbox merger
Press release: UK Government delivers further devolution to Scotland
News story: Scottish Secretary travels to Iceland to boost Scottish trade links