31 March 2019

Guidance: Egypt – List of Lawyers
seen at 16:33, 31 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Dear Subscriber, the List of Lawyers in Egypt has been updated.

The above list of English speaking lawyers and has been prepared for the convenience of British Nationals who require legal advice...

Guidance: Egypt – List of Lawyers
seen at 14:33, 31 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Dear Subscriber, the List of Lawyers in Egypt has been updated.

The above list of English speaking lawyers and has been prepared for the convenience of British Nationals who require legal advice...

Transparency data: Planning Inspectorate spending over £250: February 2019
seen at 10:33, 31 March in Search (Our copy).

These documents show spending by the Planning Inspectorate over £250 for February 2019

Guidance: Bangladesh – Consular Fees
seen at 10:33, 31 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with April 2019 Consular fees.

A full list of Consular fees.

Guidance: UK resettlement programmes: funding instruction 2019 to 2020
seen at 09:33, 31 March in Search (Our copy).

The Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme (VPRS) was originally launched in January 2014. The scheme was intended to provide sanctuary to several hundred vulnerable Syrians over 3 years.

In view...

Transparency data: Planning Inspectorate spending over £250: February 2019
seen at 09:33, 31 March in Search (Our copy).

These documents show spending by the Planning Inspectorate over £250 for February 2019

Guidance: Bangladesh – Consular Fees
seen at 09:33, 31 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with April 2019 Consular fees.

A full list of Consular fees.

Guidance: UK resettlement programmes: funding instruction 2019 to 2020
seen at 02:33, 31 March in Search (Our copy).

The Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme (VPRS) was originally launched in January 2014. The scheme was intended to provide sanctuary to several hundred vulnerable Syrians over 3 years.

In view...

News story: Greater powers for police to use stop and search to tackle violent crime
seen at 02:30, 31 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: Greater powers for police to use stop and search to tackle violent crime
News story: 201 million road repair fund to resurface extra 1,000 miles
seen at 02:30, 31 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: £201 million road repair fund to resurface extra 1,000 miles

30 March 2019

Guidance: EU Settlement Scheme: Assisted Digital service
seen at 16:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Saturday opening hours added.

Information about the assisted digital service for EU citizens and their families applying to the EU Settlement Scheme, and how to access the service.

Promotional material: Tacar Uirlisí do Scéim Lonnaíochta an AE (EU Settlement Scheme): Aistriúchán Gaeilge (Irish)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Priručnik Sustava registracije i boravka državljana EU (EU Settlement Scheme): Prijevod na Hrvatski (Croatian)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Informační sada o EU Settlement Scheme: český překlad (Czech)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Værktøjskasse til EU-ordningen om længerevarende ophold: Dansk oversættelse (Danish)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: EL-i Püsielaniku skeemi abivahendid: Eesti tõlge (Estonian)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: EU Settlement Scheme: suomenkielinen käännös (Finnish)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Factsheet to follow.

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Guide du dispositif d’enregistrement pour les citoyen(ne)s européen(ne)s (EU Settlement Scheme): la traduction française (French)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: „EU Settlement Scheme“ Toolkit: Deutsche Übersetzung (German)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Eszköztár az uniós polgárok letelepedési rendszeréhez: Magyar fordítás (Hungarian)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Safn hjálpargagna aðsetursáætlunarinnar fyrir ESB-borgara: Íslensk þýðing (Icelandic)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Factsheet to follow.

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Strumenti per aderire all’EU Settlement Scheme: traduzione in Italiano (Italian)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: ES nuolatinio gyventojo statuso programos gairės: vertimas į lietuvių kalbą (Lithuanian)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Toolkit van de EU-Vestigingsregeling: Nederlandse vertaling (Dutch)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: ES Pastāvīgā statusa shēmas metodiskais līdzeklis: tulkojums latviešu valodā (Latvian)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Toolkit tal-Iskema għall-Kisba tal-Istatus ta' Stabbilit għaċ-Ċittadini tal-UE: Traduzzjoni bil-Malti (Maltese)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Informasjonspakke om bosettingsordningen for norske borgere (Norwegian)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Informator do systemu osiedleńczego dla obywateli UE – tłumaczenie na język Polski (Polish)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Guia para o Sistema de Registo de Cidadãos da EU (EU Settlement Scheme): tradução portuguesa (Portuguese)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Set de instrumente: Noul Sistem de Înregistrare a cetățenilor din Uniunea Europeană în vederea obținerii noului statut de ședere în Regatul Unit (EU Settlement Scheme): Română traducere (Romanian)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Súbor nástrojov pre Pobytovú schému pre občanov EÚ: Slovenský preklad (Slovak)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Zbirka navodil o shemi za pridobitev statusa za državljane EU: prevod v slovenščino (Slovenian)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Herramienta informativa sobre el sistema de registro de ciudadanos de la UE: traducción al español (Spanish)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Pecyn cymorth y Cynllun Preswylio’n Sefydlog i Ddinasyddion yr UE: Cymraeg (Welsh)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: EU Settlement Scheme verktygslåda: svensk översättning (Swedish)
seen at 10:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Joint European Torus fusion contract secured (Chris Skidmore)
seen at 09:34, 30 March in Written Ministerial Statements (Our copy).

Having made my first speech at Culham, I know how hardworking and dedicated UKAEA staff are, which is why I’m pleased to announce that, on 27th March 2019 the European Commission and the UK signed a new...

Trade Matters (George Hollingbery)
seen at 09:34, 30 March in Written Ministerial Statements (Our copy).

I am pleased to announce that my Department will today publish an impact assessment for the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (FTA). I have separately written to the EU Scrutiny Committees in both Houses of Parliament...

Promotional material: Tacar Uirlisí do Scéim Lonnaíochta an AE (EU Settlement Scheme): Aistriúchán Gaeilge (Irish)
seen at 09:34, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Priručnik Sustava registracije i boravka državljana EU (EU Settlement Scheme): Prijevod na Hrvatski (Croatian)
seen at 09:34, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Informační sada o EU Settlement Scheme: český překlad (Czech)
seen at 09:34, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Værktøjskasse til EU-ordningen om længerevarende ophold: Dansk oversættelse (Danish)
seen at 09:34, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: EL-i Püsielaniku skeemi abivahendid: Eesti tõlge (Estonian)
seen at 09:34, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: EU Settlement Scheme: suomenkielinen käännös (Finnish)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Factsheet to follow.

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Guide du dispositif d’enregistrement pour les citoyen(ne)s européen(ne)s (EU Settlement Scheme): la traduction française (French)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: „EU Settlement Scheme“ Toolkit: Deutsche Übersetzung (German)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Eszköztár az uniós polgárok letelepedési rendszeréhez: Magyar fordítás (Hungarian)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Safn hjálpargagna aðsetursáætlunarinnar fyrir ESB-borgara: Íslensk þýðing (Icelandic)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Factsheet to follow.

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Strumenti per aderire all’EU Settlement Scheme: traduzione in Italiano (Italian)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: ES nuolatinio gyventojo statuso programos gairės: vertimas į lietuvių kalbą (Lithuanian)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Toolkit van de EU-Vestigingsregeling: Nederlandse vertaling (Dutch)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: ES Pastāvīgā statusa shēmas metodiskais līdzeklis: tulkojums latviešu valodā (Latvian)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Toolkit tal-Iskema għall-Kisba tal-Istatus ta' Stabbilit għaċ-Ċittadini tal-UE: Traduzzjoni bil-Malti (Maltese)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Informasjonspakke om bosettingsordningen for norske borgere (Norwegian)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Informator do systemu osiedleńczego dla obywateli UE – tłumaczenie na język Polski (Polish)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Guia para o Sistema de Registo de Cidadãos da EU (EU Settlement Scheme): tradução portuguesa (Portuguese)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Set de instrumente: Noul Sistem de Înregistrare a cetățenilor din Uniunea Europeană în vederea obținerii noului statut de ședere în Regatul Unit (EU Settlement Scheme): Română traducere (Romanian)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Súbor nástrojov pre Pobytovú schému pre občanov EÚ: Slovenský preklad (Slovak)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Zbirka navodil o shemi za pridobitev statusa za državljane EU: prevod v slovenščino (Slovenian)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Herramienta informativa sobre el sistema de registro de ciudadanos de la UE: traducción al español (Spanish)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: Pecyn cymorth y Cynllun Preswylio’n Sefydlog i Ddinasyddion yr UE: Cymraeg (Welsh)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Promotional material: EU Settlement Scheme verktygslåda: svensk översättning (Swedish)
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status for EU citizens and their families is available in 26 EU languages on GOV.UK.

Guidance: EU Settlement Scheme: application processing times
seen at 09:33, 30 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated processing times

This page contains details of the current expected processing times for applications to the EU Settlement Scheme.

Guidance on settled and pre-settled status ...

Klaxon wants to replace email and WhatsApp for real-time incident communication
seen at 09:31, 30 March in Tech Nation (Our copy).

Email is one of the most enduring tools in business owed to its flexibility and familiarity. But when it comes to getting critical information to employees across an organisation in the event of a real-time incident...

Government response: Business Secretary's message of support for Honda Workers
seen at 09:30, 30 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Government response: Business Secretary's message of support for Honda Workers

29 March 2019

Guidance: EU Settlement Scheme caseworker guidance
seen at 21:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: New EU Settlement Scheme on EU, other EEA and Swiss citizens and their family members guide.

This guidance tells caseworkers how to consider applications made under the EU Settlement Scheme.

Guidance: Apprenticeships: off-the-job training
seen at 21:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated the off-the-job guidance attachement - In response to feedback since this document was issued on Friday 22 March 2019, paragraph 69 and Annex A are redacted and under review, in relation to the...

Guidance: Mexico – Consular Fees
seen at 21:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have updated the consular fees for April, 2019.

A full list of consular fees.

Promotional material: Immunisations for young people
seen at 20:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated 'Immunisations for young people' leaflet.

Immunisations for young people

This leaflet is suitable for young people in school years 7 to 13.

The leaflet covers:

the tetanus...
Promotional material: Pre-school vaccinations: guide to vaccinations from 2 to 5 years
seen at 20:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated 'Pre-school immunisations' leaflet.

This leaflet includes:

the MMR booster the diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio booster the annual childhood nasal flu programme revised...
Form: COVER vaccine coverage data submission forms
seen at 20:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added quarterly template for January to March 2019 and annual template for April 2018 to March 2019.

These documents include a form and guidance for local health authorities on submitting quarterly...

Guidance: Nutrient Management Plan: River Wye
seen at 20:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated information and contact.

Working with Natural England and other partners, the Environment Agency has developed a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) for the River Wye Special Area of Conservation...

Guidance: Nutrient Management Plan: River Clun
seen at 20:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Update to contact details.

Working with Natural England and other partners, the Environment Agency has developed a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) for the River Clun Special Area of Conservation...

Correspondence: Vaccine update: issue 292, March 2019
seen at 20:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The March issue features:

National Immunisation Network (NIN) Meeting May 2019 the EU Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) and Delegated Regulation as applicable to centrally supplied vaccines for the...
Corporate report: Branded Health Service Medicines (Costs) Regulations 2018: annual review for 2019
seen at 20:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The statutory scheme for branded medicines pricing is set out in legislation in the Branded Health Service Medicines (Costs) Regulations 2018, which came into force on 1 April 2018.

This is an annual ...

Guidance: Provision of services regulations: guidance for UK service providers and Competent Authorities
seen at 20:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

This guidance on the amended Provision of Services Regulations 2009 explains the duties and obligations for UK businesses, government departments and Competent Authorities. It has been written to reflect...

Guidance: Peru – Consular Fees
seen at 20:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with April 2019 version

A full list of Consular fees at the British Embassy in Lima.

Transparency data: Current registered providers of social housing
seen at 20:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Current lists of registered providers updated.

As regulator, we maintain a statutory register of social housing providers (the register) which lists private (non-profit and profit-making) providers...

Guidance: EU Settlement Scheme caseworker guidance
seen at 20:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: New EU Settlement Scheme on EU, other EEA and Swiss citizens and their family members guide.

This guidance tells caseworkers how to consider applications made under the EU Settlement Scheme.

Guidance: Apprenticeships: off-the-job training
seen at 20:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated the off-the-job guidance attachement - In response to feedback since this document was issued on Friday 22 March 2019, paragraph 69 and Annex A are redacted and under review, in relation to the...

Guidance: Mexico – Consular Fees
seen at 20:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have updated the consular fees for April, 2019.

A full list of consular fees.

Form: Application for adviser raising levels: competence statement
seen at 19:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The page has been checked to ensure the documents are up to date and valid.

This form is for individual advisers who want to raise their authorised level of work, without it increasing the overall...

Guidance: School census autumn 2018 to summer 2019: school summary report
seen at 19:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated 'Summary report technical specification: summer'. Changes are described in the version history.

These documents are for suppliers developing software for school management information systems...

Form: Boosting access for SMEs to energy efficiency (BASEE): competition
seen at 19:32, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: BASEE Competition webinar slides added.

The Clean Growth Strategy (CGS) sets out our commitment to enable businesses to improve their energy efficiency by at least 20% by 2030.


Notice: References to the Court of Justice of the European Union
seen at 19:32, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Case C-783/18 P added.

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) publishes information on cases that comes to its attention concerning intellectual property matters. We publish the specific questions...

Form: Child death reviews: forms for reporting child deaths
seen at 19:32, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Replaced supplementary forms B2 to B13 with 20 new supplementary reporting forms. The new forms do not have a prefix.

When a child dies, child death review partners (clinical commissioning groups...

Decision: Charity Inquiry: Relief for Distressed Children and Young People
seen at 19:32, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

A statement of the inquiry results for Relief for Distressed Children and Young People.

Form: Application form and guidance notes for regulated organisations to work at a new level
seen at 19:32, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The page has been checked to ensure the documents are up to date and valid.

This form is for immigration advice organisations who wish to increase the level that their organisation work at.

Research and analysis: Water levels: weekly reports for Hampshire, West Sussex and Isle of Wight
seen at 19:31, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: New data uploaded 28 March 2019.

These graphs compare current data with the average, using information from Environment Agency telemetry equipment at remote stations.

The graphs give an...

Form: Application for registration of a new legal entity
seen at 19:31, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The page has been checked to ensure the documents are up to date and valid.

All organisations that are currently registered with the OISC and want to change to a different legal status, or register...

Guidance: Escape cases electronic handbook
seen at 19:30, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated handbook.

Instructions on submitting an escape fee case claim as described in sections 4.11 to 4.17 of the 2014 Standard Civil Contract.

For use with Escape fee case claim...

Transparency data: DBS Gender Pay Gap Report 2018
seen at 19:30, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Employers with 250 or more employees are required to report annually on their gender pay gap.

This report fulfils the department’s reporting requirements, analyses the figures in more detail and sets ...

Guidance: Notices Made Under The Customs (Import Duty) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018
seen at 19:30, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The address to send applications for authorisation to use the Simplified Declaration Procedure (SDP) or Entry in the Declarant’s records (EIDR) has been updated.

This document provides notices ...

Form: Registered pension scheme relief at source spreadsheet - 2018 version
seen at 19:30, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: A new version of the file 2018 has been added to this page.

Pension administrators can send HMRC their registered pension scheme relief at source information using this Excel spreadsheet...

Guidance: How to complete your annual return of information for pension schemes operating relief at source - 2018 version
seen at 19:30, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The guidance has been updated to the 2018 version.

This guidance details the required specifications for returns of information.

You must also send a declaration APSS590 ...

Form: Pension scheme administrator declaration: Annual return of information (APSS590)
seen at 19:30, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Use this form to declare that the information you submitted on your annual return of information for relief at source is true and complete to the best of your knowledge and belief.

You must only...

Guidance: Registered pension scheme relief at source spreadsheet – 2019 version
seen at 19:30, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Pension administrators can send HMRC their registered pension scheme relief at source information using this Excel spreadsheet.

Email HMRC to ask for this form in Welsh (Cymraeg).

Guidance: How to complete your annual return of information for pension schemes operating relief at source - 2019 version
seen at 19:30, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

This guidance details the required specifications for returns of information.

You must send a completed declaration for each of your completed annual information returns. This declaration...

Guidance: New Computerised Transit System XML: service availability and issues
seen at 18:52, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Planned downtime for 29 March 2019 11pm to midnight has been cancelled

Latest updates on the availability and any issues affecting the NCTS XML online service.

Guidance: Otterburn firing times
seen at 18:52, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Otterburn firing times 16 to 30 April 2019.

The firing times are presented in 2 file formats. The PDF format is web browseable and accessible on mobile devices such as Blackberrys, smart ...

Transparency data: UK Space Agency spending report: January 2019
seen at 18:52, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The UK Space Agency publishes details of all its spending, both over &pound;25,000 and under, on a monthly basis.

Research and analysis: Bluetongue virus in Europe
seen at 18:52, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the 29 March 2019: updated outbreak assessment for bluetongue virus (BTV-8) in Germany and Belgium.

Preliminary outbreak assessments, qualitative risk assessments and further updates on the...

Guidance: Environmental reporting guidelines: including Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting requirements
seen at 18:52, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updates: group reporting legislation; public sector reporting requirements; mandatory GHG reporting requirement; confirmation that for those organisations choosing not to dual report (still our preferred...

Research and analysis: Foot and mouth disease in North Africa and the Middle East
seen at 18:52, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Foot and mouth disease in North Africa: 20 March 2019 update.

This is a preliminary outbreak assessment for foot and mouth disease in North Africa and the Middle East.

Transparency data: BEIS: gender pay gap report and data, 2018
seen at 18:52, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with amended bonus data (mean, median and % of males and females receiving a bonus).

Gender Pay Gap legislation introduced in April 2017 requires all employers of 250 or more employees...

Guidance: Innovator (Appendix W workers)
seen at 18:52, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

UK Visas and Immigration guidance based on the Immigration Rules, Appendix W, which is for experienced business people seeking to establish an innovative business in the UK.

Guidance: Start-up (Appendix W workers)
seen at 18:52, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

UK Visas and Immigration guidance based on the Immigration Rules, Appendix W, for new entrepreneurs seeking to establish a business in the UK for the first time.

Applicants must have an innovative, viable...

Guidance: Decision makers’ guide: memos: staff guide
seen at 18:51, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Removed memos 15/17, 8/17, 5/17, 4/17, 3/17, 13/16, 11/16, 17/15 as these have been incorporated into the Decision Makers' Guide. Republished memo 2/16 'Right to reside – IS, JSA(IB), ESA(IR) & SPC – ...

Guidance: Decision makers’ guide: Vol 2: International subjects: staff guide
seen at 18:51, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Replaced Chapter 7 Part 3 'Habitual residence & right to reside - IS/JSA/SPC/ESA'. The updated version has annotations to DMG Memo 2/16 'Right to reside – IS, JSA(IB), ESA(IR) & SPC – Effect of Upper...

Guidance: Points based system: Tier 1 (Investor)
seen at 18:51, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated guidance.

UK Visas and Immigration guidance on considering applications on the Tier 1 (Investor) category of the points-based system.

Guidance: Indefinite leave to remain: calculating continuous period in UK
seen at 18:51, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated guidance.

UK Visas and Immigration guidance for staff on how to calculate the five year continuous lawful period in the UK requirement for an applicant.

National Statistics: Machinery investment on farms in England
seen at 18:51, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to reflect amended machinery definitions. There are no changes to the previously published figure.

This release was updated in March 2019 to reflect amended machinery definitions. There...

Promotional material: Immunisations: babies up to 13 months of age
seen at 18:51, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with the new edition of immunisations up to one year of age.

This revised edition of the guide to immunisations for babies up to one year of age includes the routine childhood immunisation...

Policy paper: Direction under regulation 2(2) of the Delivery of Tax Information through Software (Ancillary Metadata) Regulations 2019 (S.I. 2019/360)
seen at 18:51, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The direction sets out the metadata required under the legal obligation on software suppliers (under the Delivery of Tax Information through Software (Ancillary Metadata) Regulations 2019, S.I. 2019/360), to ...

Promotional material: Immunisations for young people
seen at 18:51, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated 'Immunisations for young people' leaflet.

Immunisations for young people

This leaflet is suitable for young people in school years 7 to 13.

The leaflet covers:

the tetanus...
Promotional material: Pre-school vaccinations: guide to vaccinations from 2 to 5 years
seen at 18:51, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated 'Pre-school immunisations' leaflet.

This leaflet includes:

the MMR booster the diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio booster the annual childhood nasal flu programme revised...
Form: COVER vaccine coverage data submission forms
seen at 18:51, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added quarterly template for January to March 2019 and annual template for April 2018 to March 2019.

These documents include a form and guidance for local health authorities on submitting quarterly...

Guidance: International Agreements if the UK leaves the EU without a deal
seen at 18:51, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updates made to the following agreements: Canada Air Safety Arrangement, United States Air Safety Arrangement, Agreement on Humane Trappings, China Forestry MoU, Ghana Forest Law Enforcement, Governance...

Guidance: Nutrient Management Plan: River Wye
seen at 18:49, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated information and contact.

Working with Natural England and other partners, the Environment Agency has developed a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) for the River Wye Special Area of Conservation...

Guidance: Nutrient Management Plan: River Clun
seen at 18:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Update to contact details.

Working with Natural England and other partners, the Environment Agency has developed a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) for the River Clun Special Area of Conservation...

Correspondence: Vaccine update: issue 292, March 2019
seen at 18:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The March issue features:

National Immunisation Network (NIN) Meeting May 2019 the EU Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) and Delegated Regulation as applicable to centrally supplied vaccines for the...
Research and analysis: Health Protection Report volume 13 (2019)
seen at 18:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added HPR 13(11) news and infection reports.

Health Protection Report (HPR) comprises routine reports on infections (microbiological and epidemiological data and associated commentary) together...

Corporate report: Branded Health Service Medicines (Costs) Regulations 2018: annual review for 2019
seen at 18:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The statutory scheme for branded medicines pricing is set out in legislation in the Branded Health Service Medicines (Costs) Regulations 2018, which came into force on 1 April 2018.

This is an annual ...

Guidance: Provision of services regulations: guidance for UK service providers and Competent Authorities
seen at 18:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

This guidance on the amended Provision of Services Regulations 2009 explains the duties and obligations for UK businesses, government departments and Competent Authorities. It has been written to reflect...

Guidance: Family law disputes involving EU after Brexit: guidance for legal professionals
seen at 18:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

This guidance is provided for the information of legal practitioners involved in family law in England and Wales and the EU in the event that the UK leaves the EU without a deal. It is not legal advice. It is...

Guidance: Cross-border civil and commercial legal cases after Brexit: Guidance for legal professionals
seen at 18:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

This guidance is provided for the information of legal practitioners involved in cross-border civil and commercial cases in the event that the UK leaves the EU without a deal. It is not legal advice. It is not...

Notice: Leasehold schemes for the elderly management fee limit
seen at 18:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Leaseholds scheme for the elderly management fee limits updated for 1 April 2019.

From 1 April 2019:

The basic limit &pound;462 The limit when management...
Guidance: EU Settlement Scheme: ID document scanner locations
seen at 18:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Greenwich location added.

This information is for people applying to the EU Settlement Scheme.

You can make an appointment to have your ID document scanned and verified for you <...

Guidance: Peru – Consular Fees
seen at 18:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with April 2019 version

A full list of Consular fees at the British Embassy in Lima.

Transparency data: Current registered providers of social housing
seen at 18:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Current lists of registered providers updated.

As regulator, we maintain a statutory register of social housing providers (the register) which lists private (non-profit and profit-making) providers...

News story: NW seminar: Identity psychology in probation: Implications for working with personality disorder
seen at 18:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: NW seminar: Identity psychology in probation: Implications for working with personality disorder
News story: London seminar: Offender to Entrepreneur Sharing best practice from the USA in enabling individuals to develop a crime free future
seen at 18:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: London seminar: Offender to Entrepreneur Sharing best practice from the USA in enabling individuals to develop a crime free future
News story: NW seminar: County Lines - the inside story
seen at 18:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: NW seminar: County Lines - the inside story
News story: UK businesses embrace global demand for British produce
seen at 18:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: UK businesses embrace global demand for British produce
News story: April tax changes 2019: changes for you
seen at 18:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: April tax changes 2019: changes for you
Press release: Burglar jailed after Solicitor General’s intervention
seen at 18:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Press release: Burglar jailed after Solicitor General’s intervention
News story: RAF Typhoons intercept Russian Aircraft over the North Sea
seen at 18:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: RAF Typhoons intercept Russian Aircraft over the North Sea
News story: New programme launched for armed forces personnel seriously wounded in conflict
seen at 18:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: New programme launched for armed forces personnel seriously wounded in conflict
Guidance: Tri-service regulations for expenses and allowances (JSP 752)
seen at 16:41, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added JSP 752: tri-service regulations for expenses and allowances (version 38).

Joint Service Publication 752, Tri-service regulations for expenses and allowances, is the authoritative publication...

Guidance: New Computerised Transit System Web: service availability and issues
seen at 16:41, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Planned downtime for 29 March 2019 11pm to midnight has been cancelled.

Latest updates on the availability and any issues affecting the NCTS Web online service.

Guidance: New Computerised Transit System email: service availability and issues
seen at 16:41, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Planned downtime for 29 March 2019 11pm to midnight has been cancelled.

Latest updates on the availability and any issues affecting the NCTS email online service.

Transparency data: UK Space Agency spending report: January 2019
seen at 16:41, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The UK Space Agency publishes details of all its spending, both over &pound;25,000 and under, on a monthly basis.

Research and analysis: Bluetongue virus in Europe
seen at 16:41, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the 29 March 2019: updated outbreak assessment for bluetongue virus (BTV-8) in Germany and Belgium.

Preliminary outbreak assessments, qualitative risk assessments and further updates on the...

Guidance: EU Settlement Scheme: ID document scanner locations
seen at 16:41, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: ID document scanning locations list updated.

This information is for people applying to the EU Settlement Scheme.

You can make an appointment to have your ID document scanned and...

Guidance: Meeting climate change requirements if there’s no Brexit deal
seen at 16:41, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The 2018 compliance deadline to surrender allowances for the EU ETS is now 10:59pm on 12 April 2019. If EU exit day is changed again, the compliance deadline will be 30 April 2019 (or immediately before...

Guidance: Environmental reporting guidelines: including Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting requirements
seen at 16:39, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updates: group reporting legislation; public sector reporting requirements; mandatory GHG reporting requirement; confirmation that for those organisations choosing not to dual report (still our preferred...

Research and analysis: Foot and mouth disease in North Africa and the Middle East
seen at 16:39, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Foot and mouth disease in North Africa: 20 March 2019 update.

This is a preliminary outbreak assessment for foot and mouth disease in North Africa and the Middle East.

Transparency data: BEIS: gender pay gap report and data, 2018
seen at 16:39, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with amended bonus data (mean, median and % of males and females receiving a bonus).

Gender Pay Gap legislation introduced in April 2017 requires all employers of 250 or more employees...

Guidance: Advice for decision making: staff guide
seen at 16:38, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Removed memos 10/17, 22/16, 7/16, 13/15 as these have been incorporated into the Advice for decision making staff guide.

This advice for DWP decision makers covers:

Universal Credit (UC...
Guidance: Innovator (Appendix W workers)
seen at 16:38, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

UK Visas and Immigration guidance based on the Immigration Rules, Appendix W, which is for experienced business people seeking to establish an innovative business in the UK.

Guidance: Start-up (Appendix W workers)
seen at 16:38, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

UK Visas and Immigration guidance based on the Immigration Rules, Appendix W, for new entrepreneurs seeking to establish a business in the UK for the first time.

Applicants must have an innovative, viable...

Guidance: Decision makers’ guide: memos: staff guide
seen at 16:38, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Removed memos 15/17, 8/17, 5/17, 4/17, 3/17, 13/16, 11/16, 17/15 as these have been incorporated into the Decision Makers' Guide. Republished memo 2/16 'Right to reside – IS, JSA(IB), ESA(IR) & SPC – ...

Guidance: Decision makers’ guide: Vol 2: International subjects: staff guide
seen at 16:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Replaced Chapter 7 Part 3 'Habitual residence & right to reside - IS/JSA/SPC/ESA'. The updated version has annotations to DMG Memo 2/16 'Right to reside – IS, JSA(IB), ESA(IR) & SPC – Effect of Upper...

Guidance: Points based system: Tier 1 (Investor)
seen at 16:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated guidance.

UK Visas and Immigration guidance on considering applications on the Tier 1 (Investor) category of the points-based system.

Guidance: Indefinite leave to remain: calculating continuous period in UK
seen at 16:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated guidance.

UK Visas and Immigration guidance for staff on how to calculate the five year continuous lawful period in the UK requirement for an applicant.

National Statistics: Machinery investment on farms in England
seen at 16:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to reflect amended machinery definitions. There are no changes to the previously published figure.

This release was updated in March 2019 to reflect amended machinery definitions. There...

Correspondence: Circular 019/2018: Control of pregabalin and gabapentin under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
seen at 16:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).
About: the control of pregabalin and gabapentin under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and scheduling under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 From: Crime, Policing and Fire Group (CPFG) - Crime Directorate ...
Promotional material: Immunisations: babies up to 13 months of age
seen at 16:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with the new edition of immunisations up to one year of age.

This revised edition of the guide to immunisations for babies up to one year of age includes the routine childhood immunisation...

Policy paper: Direction under regulation 2(2) of the Delivery of Tax Information through Software (Ancillary Metadata) Regulations 2019 (S.I. 2019/360)
seen at 16:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The direction sets out the metadata required under the legal obligation on software suppliers (under the Delivery of Tax Information through Software (Ancillary Metadata) Regulations 2019, S.I. 2019/360), to ...

Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) (Extension of Maritime Labour Certificate) (Amendment) Regulations 2019
seen at 16:30, 29 March in Statutory Instruments (Our copy).
These Regulations amend the Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) (Survey and Certification) Regulations 2013 (S.I. 2013/1785) to implement the amendments of 2016 to the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (“the 2016 amendments”), approved at the 105th session of the International Labour Conference (the “ILC”) on 9th June 2016.
Customs (Revocation of Retained Direct EU Legislation, etc) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019
seen at 16:30, 29 March in Statutory Instruments (Our copy).
These Regulations are made in exercise of the powers conferred by section 8(1) of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (c. 16) in order to address failures of retained EU law to operate effectively and other deficiencies (in particular under sections 8(2)(a), 8(2)(b), 8(2)(g) and 8(3)(a)) arising from the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union.
News story: NW seminar: Identity psychology in probation: Implications for working with personality disorder
seen at 16:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: NW seminar: Identity psychology in probation: Implications for working with personality disorder
News story: NW seminar: Identity psychology in probation: Implications for working with personality disorder
seen at 16:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: NW seminar: Identity psychology in probation: Implications for working with personality disorder
Press release: 200ft-long motorway bridge bites the dust
seen at 16:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Press release: 200ft-long motorway bridge bites the dust
Press release: Innovative roadworks scoop top safety award
seen at 16:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Press release: Innovative roadworks scoop top safety award
News story: International Driving Permits (IDPs) – the facts
seen at 16:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: International Driving Permits (IDPs) – the facts
News story: Welsh technology company explores business opportunities in Taiwan
seen at 16:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: Welsh technology company explores business opportunities in Taiwan
News story: London seminar: Offender to Entrepreneur Sharing best practice from the USA in enabling individuals to develop a crime free future
seen at 16:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: London seminar: Offender to Entrepreneur Sharing best practice from the USA in enabling individuals to develop a crime free future
News story: NW seminar: County Lines - the inside story
seen at 16:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: NW seminar: County Lines - the inside story
Speech: Britain has been shaping the world for centuries. That won’t change with Brexit: article by Jeremy Hunt
seen at 16:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Speech: Britain has been shaping the world for centuries. That won’t change with Brexit: article by Jeremy Hunt
News story: UK bsuinesses embrace global demand for British produce
seen at 16:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: UK bsuinesses embrace global demand for British produce
Guidance: Patents: Manual of Patent Practice
seen at 14:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: New PDF version updated 29 March 2019 and a new online version.

The Manual recites sections of the Patents Act 1977 and sections of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act ...

Guidance: Scarlet fever: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
seen at 14:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated 'scarlet fever: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment' document.

This guidance is for health professionals to give to the public. It explains:

what scarlet fever is and how to protect...
Corporate report: Gender Pay Gap Report 2018 /19
seen at 14:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

It’s been one year since we published our first gender pay gap report, where we outlined our commitment to increasing the diversity of our organisation and creating more opportunities for all people to realise...

Corporate report: NDA Mid-Year Performance Report 2018 to 2019
seen at 14:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The NDA Business Plan sets out key activities and expected progress for all 17 of the NDA’s nuclear sites over the 3 years from 01 April 2018 to 31 March 2021. This report shows the performance on each of the...

Map: Roads managed by Highways England
seen at 14:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Replaced document with updated version.

This map contains:

motorways and A roads managed by Highways England Highways England office locations and contact details contact information...
Form: Owner eligibility to register merchant or pleasure vessel MSF 4727
seen at 14:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The eligibility criteria on the declaration form has been updated

Merchant ship and pleasure vessel owners complete this form to confirm their eligibility as owners when registering their vessel...

Corporate report: Progress on plutonium consolidation, storage and disposition
seen at 14:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The safe and secure management of civil separated plutonium is a UK government priority.

Continued, indefinite, long-term storage leaves a burden of security risks and proliferation sensitivities for ...

Guidance: Pension schemes newsletter 108 - March 2019
seen at 14:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

This newsletter is published by HMRC’s Pension Schemes Services to update stakeholders on the latest news for pension schemes. The relief at source pension schemes newsletter has articles on:

relief at...
Guidance: GP contract directions 2019 to 2020
seen at 14:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The Primary Medical Services (Directed Enhanced Services) Directions 2019 sets out the legal framework under which enhanced services must be provided nationally.

The General Medical Services Statement...

Form: Owner eligibility to register a bareboat charter MSF 4735
seen at 14:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The eligibility criteria on the declaration form has been updated

Bareboat charterers complete this form to confirm their eligibility as owners when registering their vessel on Part IV of the UK...

Form: Application for Bareboat Out MSF 4756
seen at 14:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The owners and charterers of Merchant/Commercial or Pleasure vessels who want to register with the UK flag, but operate under a different flag must use this form.

Guidance: Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012
seen at 14:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Amended documents updated and Legislative Instrument published.

You can also claim criminal injury compensation online.

If you need to find out what schemes were in place before...

Guidance: Passport design changes
seen at 14:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated text.

The design of British passports will change in 2019 when the UK leaves the EU. From late 2019, blue passports will start to be issued. All styles of passport will be equally valid...

Statutory guidance: Transitional National Plan (TNP): quarterly register
seen at 14:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated TNP register 2018: quarter 4.

The TNP is issued by Defra in accordance with Article 32 of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) and associated guidance.

The IED sets minimum ...

Notice: WA6 8NH, Mr David Hanratty, Mr David Naylor, Mr Neil Patten and Mrs Ingrid Smillie: environmental permit application advertisement- EPR/LB3290EU/A001
seen at 14:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Transparency data: DCMS prompt payment performance 2018-19
seen at 14:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

From 1 April 2015 all central government departments, including their Executive Agencies and Non Departmental Public Bodies, must publish the percentage of their invoices paid within i) 5 days and ii) 30 days...

Notice: PL15 7EL, Chris Quinn: environmental permit application advertisement- EPR/LB3299WW/A001
seen at 14:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in ...

Notice: NN6 0PE, Hanson Quarry Products Europe Limited: environmental permit application advertisement- PRNNF12399/V001
seen at 14:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Notice: NR13 4TA, PCC St Andrew's Church North Burlingham: environmental permit application advertisement- EPR/MB3093RY/A001
seen at 14:33, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its...

Klaxon wants to replace email and WhatsApp for real-time incident communication
seen at 14:31, 29 March in Tech Nation (Our copy).

Email is one of the most enduring tools in business owed to its flexibility and familiarity. But when it comes to getting critical information to employees across an organisation in the event of a real-time incident...

Speech: Human Rights Council 40th session: Lord Ahmad's UK closing statement
seen at 14:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Speech: Human Rights Council 40th session: Lord Ahmad's UK closing statement
Speech: Addressing the issue of political party funding in Montenegro
seen at 14:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Speech: Addressing the issue of political party funding in Montenegro
News story: Sherry Coutu CBE appointed as Non-Executive Board Member to DCMS
seen at 14:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: Sherry Coutu CBE appointed as Non-Executive Board Member to DCMS
News story: Primary Authority supporting English tourism
seen at 14:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: Primary Authority supporting English tourism
News story: UKHO apprentice wins Somerset Apprenticeship Award
seen at 14:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: UKHO apprentice wins Somerset Apprenticeship Award
Press release: Trustee removed and over 13 million distributed to good causes following the Commission’s inquiry
seen at 14:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Press release: Trustee removed and over &pound;13 million distributed to good causes following the Commission’s inquiry
News story: NW seminar: Identity psychology in probation: Implications for working with personality disorder
seen at 14:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: NW seminar: Identity psychology in probation: Implications for working with personality disorder
News story: Dstl backs local STEM challenge for girls
seen at 14:30, 29 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: Dstl backs local STEM challenge for girls
Regulation: Regulatory Article (RA) 1017: maintenance organisation, airworthiness responsibilities
seen at 11:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Issue 4 has been published under NAA 19/06.

The purpose of Regulatory Articles (RA) is to provide the framework of policy, rules, directives, standards, processes and the associated direction, ...

Regulation: Regulatory Article (RA) 1300: release to service
seen at 11:34, 29 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Issue 4 has been published under NAA 19/07.

The purpose of Regulatory Articles (RA) is to provide the framework of policy, rules, directives, standards, processes and the associated direction, ...