18 March 2019

Statutory guidance: Business impact target: statutory guidance
seen at 20:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to include latest GDP deflators - addition of user guide.

The business impact taget (BIT) concerns the economic impact of regulation on businesses. This guidance is to assist regulators...

Guidance: Financial sanctions, Ukraine (Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity)
seen at 20:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 18/03/2019, Ukraine (Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity) Reg 2019/408)'.

In March 2014, the European Union imposed restrictive measures against those...

Guidance: Financial sanctions, Syria
seen at 20:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 18/03/2019'.


Syria is currently subject to financial sanctions put in place by the European Union (EU) and, therefore, imposed by the UK as a member...

Promotional material: You said, we did 2017
seen at 20:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated you said, we did 2017 English and Welsh versions.

This document gives some examples of changes introduced by HM Passport Office following customer feedback.

Press release: UK to provide up to £6 million of UK aid to support victims of deadly East Africa cyclone
seen at 20:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Press release: UK to provide up to £6 million of UK aid to support victims of deadly East Africa cyclone
Policy paper: Governance for Growth, Stability and Inclusive Development
seen at 18:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Open, inclusive, accountable governance is fundamental to delivering sustainable development and tackling global challenges. And it supports our national interest by contributing to international prosperity, ...

FOI release: First draft of the Agroforestry Review
seen at 18:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

FOI2019/03038: Agroforestry including a copy of the Agroforestry Review (Draft).

Policy paper: DIT Education Sector Advisory Group minutes 20 November 2018
seen at 18:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

The DIT Education Sector Advisory Group:

co-ordinates efforts to boost UK education exports sets the strategic direction for DIT’s education team

Find out more about the DIT Education Sector...

Guidance: Exporting active substance manufacturer in the UK if we leave the EU without a deal
seen at 18:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Uploaded an updated version of the Register of Written Confirmations for UK active substance manufacturers

Leaving the EU with a deal remains the Government’s top priority. This has not changed...

Guidance: Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme grant
seen at 18:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added section 31 grant determination letter for early adopters (March 2019).

These letters set out:

how much funding local authorities are getting as part of the Children’s Social Care...
Statistical data set: River Wear fish counts
seen at 18:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Latest fish count data for the River Wear.

We aim to release this data once a month.

River Wear daily upstream fish counts


Statistical data set: River Tees fish counts
seen at 18:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Latest fish count data for the River Tees.

We aim to release this data once a month.

River Tees daily upstream fish counts


Statistical data set: River Tyne fish counts
seen at 18:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Latest fish count data for the River Tyne.

We aim to release this data once a month.

River Tyne daily upstream fish counts


FOI release: A27 Arundel bypass bat data
seen at 18:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

A request was made under the Freedom of Information Act for all the data Highways England currently holds on bat populations surveyed along the line of the preferred route of the A27 Arundel Bypass, Option 5A...

Guidance: Impact assessment calculator
seen at 18:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to include latest GDP deflators - addition of user guide.

Provides help for policy officials to calculate the figures needed for their impact assessment. The calculator automatically generates...

Research and analysis: Road freight transport after EU exit: RPC Opinion
seen at 18:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

This is the RPC’s opinion on DfT’s final stage impact assessment for the Road freight transport after EU exit: possible arrangements.

Research and analysis: Trailer registration - Primary: RPC Opinion
seen at 18:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

This is the RPC’s opinion on DfT’s final stage impact assessment for the primary legislation in the Road Haulage and Transport Bill.

Statutory guidance: Business impact target: statutory guidance
seen at 18:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to include latest GDP deflators - addition of user guide.

The business impact taget (BIT) concerns the economic impact of regulation on businesses. This guidance is to assist regulators...

Guidance: Financial sanctions, Ukraine (Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity)
seen at 18:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 18/03/2019, Ukraine (Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity) Reg 2019/408)'.

In March 2014, the European Union imposed restrictive measures against those...

Guidance: Financial sanctions, Syria
seen at 18:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 18/03/2019'.


Syria is currently subject to financial sanctions put in place by the European Union (EU) and, therefore, imposed by the UK as a member...

Guidance: Who is subject to financial sanctions in the UK?
seen at 18:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with 'Latest HM Treasury notice, 18/03/2019, Ukraine (Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity) Reg 2019/408) and Latest HM Treasury notice, 18/03/2019'.

The Office of Financial Sanctions...

Form: Counter proliferation programme bidding form
seen at 18:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated because the 2019 to 2020 bidding round has now closed.

See the Counter proliferation programme strategy for information on the government’s approach to counter proliferation. Eligible...

Guidance: Deals for schools
seen at 18:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Amended the end dates for 12 contracts, upated the link for 'spend analysis and recovery services' and added a new 'teaching vacancies' framework.

New deals for schools are added regularly. Revisit...

Promotional material: You said, we did 2017
seen at 18:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated you said, we did 2017 English and Welsh versions.

This document gives some examples of changes introduced by HM Passport Office following customer feedback.

Speech: Supporting Victims of Human Rights Abuses in DRC
seen at 18:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Speech: Supporting Victims of Human Rights Abuses in DRC
Speech: Penny Mordaunt speech to the Bond Conference 2019
seen at 18:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Speech: Penny Mordaunt speech to the Bond Conference 2019
Speech: Home Secretary speech at London Central Mosque
seen at 18:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Speech: Home Secretary speech at London Central Mosque
Form: Import aquaculture animals or products: health certificate
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

You need to fill in this certificate to import from the EU to the UK.

Follow the guidance notes for each certificate on the APHA vet gateway.

Send the completed certificate to:

Guidance: Protected food name: Welsh lamb (PGI)
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated the product specification because the producer group requested an amendment.

This document provides detail on a protected food name product from the UK, Welsh lamb, which has been given...

Corporate report: Met Office Framework 2019
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

The Met Office is the UK’s National Meteorological Service. This document sets out the broad framework within which the Met Office operates, including its:

purpose functions responsibilities


Guidance: General information about compliance checks: CC/FS1a
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: This factsheet has been updated throughout and highlights HMRC support available for customers needing help.

Factsheets are for guidance only and reflect the HMRC position at the time of writing...

Transparency data: High needs: allocated place numbers
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have updated the allocated high needs place numbers for 2018 to 2019, to reflect the final DSG update for this year.

These publications present the allocated high needs place numbers by institution...

Guidance: Dedicated schools grant (DSG): 2018 to 2019
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have updated the published allocations tables to reflect in-year recoupment, and high needs deductions.

Use the allocations tables to see how much funding each local authority receives, and ...

Guidance: Dedicated schools grant (DSG) deficit recovery plans
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

From 2018 to 2019, all local authorities with a cumulative DSG deficit of 1% or more at the end of the financial year must submit a recovery plan to ESFA, showing how they will bring the deficit into balance ...

FOI release: A27 Arundel bypass tree planting
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

A request was made under Freedom of Information Act for details of advice Highways England had received on tree planting ratios to compensate for the loss of ancient woodland.

Transparency data: Homes England spend for transactions over £250
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have added data for January 2019.

Details of Homes England spend for transactions over &pound;250.

FOI release: A27 Arundel Bypass: impact of Option 3 on ancient woodland
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

A request was made under the Freedom of Information Act for all correspondence, documents and maps relating to the assessment of the impact of Option 3 on ancient woodland during the A27 Arundel Bypass Public...

Promotional material: Leaving the EU: advice for businesses
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

When the UK leaves the EU there may be changes that affect your business. This leaflet contains some of the actions you can take now to help you prepare.

It also includes guidance on the wide range of...

Guidance: Guidance on the functions of the CMA after a ‘no deal’ exit from the EU
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Securing a majority in Parliament for leaving the EU with a deal remains the Government’s priority. This has not changed. However, leaving the EU on the 29 March 2019 remains the default position under the European...

International treaty: [TS No.1/2019] UK/Lesotho: Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Published title: Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention...

Research and analysis: Notifiable diseases: causative agents report for 2019
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added report for week 11, 2019.

This report compares the current week’s data on statutory notifications of causative agents to that of the previous 5 weeks.

Older weekly NOIDS causative...

Consultation outcome: Effects of a 'no deal' EU Exit on the functions of the CMA
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added link to the updated guidance on CMA functions in the event of a 'no deal' EU Exit. Published responses to the consultation.

Leaving the EU with a deal remains the Government’s top priority...

International treaty: [TS No.2/2019] UK/Austria: Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion
seen at 16:40, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Published text: Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Austria for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention...

Open consultation: CA98 penalties guidance 'no deal' update
seen at 16:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Securing a majority in Parliament for leaving the EU with a deal remains the Government’s priority. This has not changed. However, leaving the EU on the 29 March 2019 remains the default position under the European...

Guidance: Non-domestic Smart Energy Management Innovation Competition
seen at 16:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We’ve added Phase 3 project summaries, questions and answers with the Phase 3 competition partners and consumer benefits case studies.

The government has committed up to &pound;8.8 million ...

Guidance: MCA approved doctors for shipping companies
seen at 16:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated MCA approved doctors for shipping companies 18th March 2019.

If you’re a seafarer employed by any of the companies listed, and need to get an ENG 1 medical fitness certificate, contact ...

Corporate report: Accounting Officer assessment summary for the Government Gateway Transformation Programme
seen at 16:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

In July 2018, HM Revenue and Customs’ Accounting Officer undertook a review of the Government Gateway Transformation Programme.

This programme is key to government’s digital transformation agenda and ...

Decision: CAC Outcome: RMT & Sodexo
seen at 16:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

The decisions set out:

names of CAC panel members name of the case manager issue in dispute views of the parties considerations of the panel final decision
Policy paper: Governance for Growth, Stability and Inclusive Development
seen at 16:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Open, inclusive, accountable governance is fundamental to delivering sustainable development and tackling global challenges. And it supports our national interest by contributing to international prosperity, ...

FOI release: First draft of the Agroforestry Review
seen at 16:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

FOI2019/03038: Agroforestry including a copy of the Agroforestry Review (Draft).

Guidance: Statutory market values for oil
seen at 16:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The daily values for all Category 1 crude oils for February, 2019 have been updated and published on the GOV.UK website.

If you’re a participator in a UK oil field, you must use these defined market...

Policy paper: DIT Education Sector Advisory Group minutes 20 November 2018
seen at 16:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

The DIT Education Sector Advisory Group:

co-ordinates efforts to boost UK education exports sets the strategic direction for DIT’s education team

Find out more about the DIT Education Sector...

Guidance: Exporting active substance manufacturer in the UK if we leave the EU without a deal
seen at 16:38, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Uploaded an updated version of the Register of Written Confirmations for UK active substance manufacturers

Leaving the EU with a deal remains the Government’s top priority. This has not changed...

Guidance: Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme grant
seen at 16:38, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added section 31 grant determination letter for early adopters (March 2019).

These letters set out:

how much funding local authorities are getting as part of the Children’s Social Care...
Statistical data set: River Wear fish counts
seen at 16:38, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Latest fish count data for the River Wear.

We aim to release this data once a month.

River Wear daily upstream fish counts


Statistical data set: River Tees fish counts
seen at 16:38, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Latest fish count data for the River Tees.

We aim to release this data once a month.

River Tees daily upstream fish counts


Statistical data set: River Tyne fish counts
seen at 16:38, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Latest fish count data for the River Tyne.

We aim to release this data once a month.

River Tyne daily upstream fish counts


FOI release: A27 Arundel bypass bat data
seen at 16:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

A request was made under the Freedom of Information Act for all the data Highways England currently holds on bat populations surveyed along the line of the preferred route of the A27 Arundel Bypass, Option 5A...

Guidance: Impact assessment calculator
seen at 16:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to include latest GDP deflators - addition of user guide.

Provides help for policy officials to calculate the figures needed for their impact assessment. The calculator automatically generates...

Research and analysis: Road freight transport after EU exit: RPC Opinion
seen at 16:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

This is the RPC’s opinion on DfT’s final stage impact assessment for the Road freight transport after EU exit: possible arrangements.

Research and analysis: Trailer registration - Primary: RPC Opinion
seen at 16:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

This is the RPC’s opinion on DfT’s final stage impact assessment for the primary legislation in the Road Haulage and Transport Bill.

News story: What support is available for my small business?
seen at 16:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: What support is available for my small business?
Trade in Torture etc Goods (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019
seen at 14:37, 18 March in Statutory Instruments (Our copy).
These Regulations are made in exercise of the powers conferred by section 8(1) of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (c. 16) in order to address failures of EU law to operate effectively and other deficiencies (in particular under paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (g) of subsection (2)) arising from the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.
Counter-terrorism (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019
seen at 14:37, 18 March in Statutory Instruments (Our copy).
These Regulations are made under the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018 (c.13) (“SAMLA”) to establish a sanctions regime to further the prevention of terrorism in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, to protect the interests of national security in the United Kingdom and to implement the United Kingdom’s international obligations under resolution 1373 (2001) adopted by the Security Council of the United Nations on 28 September 2001 (“resolution 1373”).
Republic of Guinea-Bissau (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019
seen at 14:37, 18 March in Statutory Instruments (Our copy).
These Regulations are made under the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018 (c.13) to establish a sanctions regime in relation to the Republic of Guinea-Bissau for the purpose of encouraging the abandonment of actions that undermine the peace, security or stability of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau. Following the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union, these Regulations replace the EU sanctions regime in relation to the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, implemented via an EU Council Decision and Regulation.
Social Security (Contributions) (Re-rating) Consequential Amendment Regulations 2019
seen at 14:37, 18 March in Statutory Instruments (Our copy).
These Regulations amend the Social Security (Contributions) Regulations 2001 (S.I. 2001/1004) (“the Contributions Regulations”) with effect from 6th April 2019. They are made in consequence of annual regulations setting the rate at which Class 2 National Insurance contributions are payable and which are made under section 141 of the Social Security Administration Act 1992 (c. 5) and section 129 of the Social Security Administration (Northern Ireland) Act 1992 (c. 8).
Port Services Regulations 2019
seen at 14:37, 18 March in Statutory Instruments (Our copy).
These Regulations implement discretionary and mandatory elements of Regulation (EU) 2017/352 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the provision of port services and common rules on the financial transparency of ports (OJ No L 57, 3.3.2017, p.1) (“the EU Regulation”).
Form: Import equine ova and embryos (part B): health certificate
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

You need to fill in this certificate to import from the EU to the UK.

Follow the guidance notes for each certificate on the APHA vet gateway.

Send the completed certificate to:

Form: Import equine semen (part A): health certificate
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

You need to fill in this certificate to import from the EU to the UK.

Follow the guidance notes for each certificate on the APHA vet gateway.

Send the completed certificate to:

Form: Import equine semen (part B): health certificate
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

You need to fill in this certificate to import from the EU to the UK.

Follow the guidance notes for each certificate on the APHA vet gateway.

Send the completed certificate to:

Form: Import equine semen (part C): health certificate
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

You need to fill in this certificate to import from the EU to the UK.

Follow the guidance notes for each certificate on the APHA vet gateway.

Send the completed certificate to:

Form: Import ovine and caprine semen (part A): health certificate
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

You need to fill in this certificate to import from the EU to the UK.

Follow the guidance notes for each certificate on the APHA vet gateway.

Send the completed certificate to:

Form: Import ovine, caprine ova or embryos (part A; 2010/470): health certificate
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

You need to fill in this certificate to import from the EU to the UK.

Follow the guidance notes for each certificate on the APHA vet gateway.

Send the completed certificate to:

Form: Import ovine, caprine ova or embryos (part B): health certificate
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

You need to fill in this certificate to import from the EU to the UK.

Follow the guidance notes for each certificate on the APHA vet gateway.

Send the completed certificate to:

Form: Import ovine and caprine semen (part B): health certificate
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

You need to fill in this certificate to import from the EU to the UK.

Follow the guidance notes for each certificate on the APHA vet gateway.

Send the completed certificate to:

Guidance: Further education: flexible learning fund
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Removed Birmingham Metropolitan College from list of successful applicants.

The &pound;11.4 million fund supports projects to encourage more people to take part in new training or courses that...

Form: Import ovine and caprine semen (part C): health certificate
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

You need to fill in this certificate to import from the EU to the UK.

Follow the guidance notes for each certificate on the APHA vet gateway.

Send the completed certificate to:

Form: Import porcine ova and embryos (part A): health certificate
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

You need to fill in this certificate to import from the EU to the UK.

Follow the guidance notes for each certificate on the APHA vet gateway.

Send the completed certificate to:

Form: Import porcine ova and embryos (part B): health certificate
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

You need to fill in this certificate to import from the EU to the UK.

Follow the guidance notes for each certificate on the APHA vet gateway.

Send the completed certificate to:

Form: Import ovine, caprine ova or embryos (part A; 2013/470): health certificate
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

You need to fill in this certificate to import from the EU to the UK.

Follow the guidance notes for each certificate on the APHA vet gateway.

Send the completed certificate to:

Form: Import pig products (Classical Swine Fever): health certificate
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

You need to fill in this certificate to import from the EU to the UK.

Follow the guidance notes for each certificate on the APHA vet gateway.

Send the completed certificate to:

Form: Import aquaculture animals or products: health certificate
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

You need to fill in this certificate to import from the EU to the UK.

Follow the guidance notes for each certificate on the APHA vet gateway.

Send the completed certificate to:

Guidance: Protected food name: Welsh lamb (PGI)
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated the product specification because the producer group requested an amendment.

This document provides detail on a protected food name product from the UK, Welsh lamb, which has been given...

Corporate report: Met Office Framework 2019
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

The Met Office is the UK’s National Meteorological Service. This document sets out the broad framework within which the Met Office operates, including its:

purpose functions responsibilities


Guidance: General information about compliance checks: CC/FS1a
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: This factsheet has been updated throughout and highlights HMRC support available for customers needing help.

Factsheets are for guidance only and reflect the HMRC position at the time of writing...

Transparency data: High needs: allocated place numbers
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have updated the allocated high needs place numbers for 2018 to 2019, to reflect the final DSG update for this year.

These publications present the allocated high needs place numbers by institution...

Guidance: Dedicated schools grant (DSG): 2018 to 2019
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have updated the published allocations tables to reflect in-year recoupment, and high needs deductions.

Use the allocations tables to see how much funding each local authority receives, and ...

Guidance: Dedicated schools grant (DSG) deficit recovery plans
seen at 14:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

From 2018 to 2019, all local authorities with a cumulative DSG deficit of 1% or more at the end of the financial year must submit a recovery plan to ESFA, showing how they will bring the deficit into balance ...

Guidance: Customs Handling of Import Export Freight: service availability and issues
seen at 14:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: This service will be unavailable on Sunday 24 March 2019 from 5pm to 7pm. Information about this issue has been added.

Latest updates on the availability and any issues affecting the CHIEF online...

Guidance: Pension Schemes Online: user guide
seen at 14:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The guidance on how to apply for a practitioner ID and how to register and activate the online service has been updated.

The Pension Schemes Online user guide contains detailed and step by step...

FOI release: A27 Arundel bypass tree planting
seen at 14:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

A request was made under Freedom of Information Act for details of advice Highways England had received on tree planting ratios to compensate for the loss of ancient woodland.

Form: Claim Child Benefit for one or more children
seen at 14:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added translation

Use form CH2 to claim Child Benefit for up to 2 children.

If you’re claiming for more than 2 children, use form CH2 (CS).

The fill in on screen form

You can fill...

Transparency data: Homes England spend for transactions over £250
seen at 14:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have added data for January 2019.

Details of Homes England spend for transactions over &pound;250.

FOI release: A27 Arundel Bypass: impact of Option 3 on ancient woodland
seen at 14:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

A request was made under the Freedom of Information Act for all correspondence, documents and maps relating to the assessment of the impact of Option 3 on ancient woodland during the A27 Arundel Bypass Public...

Promotional material: Leaving the EU: advice for businesses
seen at 14:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

When the UK leaves the EU there may be changes that affect your business. This leaflet contains some of the actions you can take now to help you prepare.

It also includes guidance on the wide range of...

Guidance: Guidance on pharmacovigilance procedures in the event the UK leaves the EU without a deal
seen at 14:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Leaving the EU with a deal remains the Government’s top priority. That is what the public wants us to do, so we are working hard to get the reassurances Parliament needs on the backstop.

This guidance...

Guidance: Guidance on the functions of the CMA after a ‘no deal’ exit from the EU
seen at 14:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Securing a majority in Parliament for leaving the EU with a deal remains the Government’s priority. This has not changed. However, leaving the EU on the 29 March 2019 remains the default position under the European...

International treaty: [TS No.1/2019] UK/Lesotho: Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion
seen at 14:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Published title: Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention...

Research and analysis: Notifiable diseases: causative agents report for 2019
seen at 14:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added report for week 11, 2019.

This report compares the current week’s data on statutory notifications of causative agents to that of the previous 5 weeks.

Older weekly NOIDS causative...

Consultation outcome: Effects of a 'no deal' EU Exit on the functions of the CMA
seen at 14:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added link to the updated guidance on CMA functions in the event of a 'no deal' EU Exit. Published responses to the consultation.

Leaving the EU with a deal remains the Government’s top priority...

International treaty: [TS No.2/2019] UK/Austria: Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion
seen at 14:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Published text: Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Austria for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention...

Open consultation: CA98 penalties guidance 'no deal' update
seen at 14:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Securing a majority in Parliament for leaving the EU with a deal remains the Government’s priority. This has not changed. However, leaving the EU on the 29 March 2019 remains the default position under the European...

Guidance: Non-domestic Smart Energy Management Innovation Competition
seen at 14:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We’ve added Phase 3 project summaries, questions and answers with the Phase 3 competition partners and consumer benefits case studies.

The government has committed up to &pound;8.8 million ...

Guidance: Goods Location Codes for data element 5/23 of CDS
seen at 14:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Appendix 16M: Rail (CDS) has been added.

This appendix provides details of the codes to be declared in data element 5/23 to identify the precise location of the goods at the time of their entry...

Guidance: MCA approved doctors for shipping companies
seen at 14:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated MCA approved doctors for shipping companies 18th March 2019.

If you’re a seafarer employed by any of the companies listed, and need to get an ENG 1 medical fitness certificate, contact ...

“This visa changes lives. I know, it’s changed mine.”
seen at 14:32, 18 March in Tech City UK (Our copy).

Brenda Della Casa is an award-winning Content Leader, Writer and Strategist. She moved to London from New York in 2016 on a Tech Nation (Tier 1) Visa. Here’s why she chose to come to Blighty.

I have...

News story: Funding boost for child sexual abuse prevention helpline
seen at 14:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: Funding boost for child sexual abuse prevention helpline
News story: Restrictions on adverts for food high in fat, sugar and salt: public asked for views
seen at 14:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: Restrictions on adverts for food high in fat, sugar and salt: public asked for views
Speech: I believe in the power of technology to make lives better
seen at 14:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Speech: I believe in the power of technology to make lives better
Press release: Foreign Secretary Statement on the fifth anniversary of the illegal annexation of Crimea
seen at 14:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Press release: Foreign Secretary Statement on the fifth anniversary of the illegal annexation of Crimea
Press release: Top computer scientist chosen to lead National Centre for Computing Education
seen at 14:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Press release: Top computer scientist chosen to lead National Centre for Computing Education
Press release: £30m Homes England loan brings more new homes to Basildon
seen at 14:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Press release: &pound;30m Homes England loan brings more new homes to Basildon
Press release: Engineering first as Dutch flood defence scheme is unveiled in Somerset
seen at 14:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Press release: Engineering first as Dutch flood defence scheme is unveiled in Somerset
Speech: Baroness Williams: LGBT Conference 2019 speech
seen at 14:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Speech: Baroness Williams: LGBT Conference 2019 speech
Guidance: Immigration Telephone Advice tender 2019
seen at 11:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Publication of Frequently Asked Questions for the Procurement Process of Immigration Telephone Advice Services (ITA Services) document

Latest updates 15 March 2019 - Publication of Frequently Asked...
Open consultation: Further advertising restrictions for products high in fat, salt and sugar
seen at 11:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Our aim is to gather views on how the government can reduce children’s exposure to HFSS advertising, to reduce children’s overconsumption of these products.

We want any future advertising restrictions...

Guidance: 2019 contract profit rate
seen at 11:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Under the Defence Reform Act 2014 (the Act), the Single Source Regulations Office (SSRO) is required annually to review the figures used to determine the contract profit rate for pricing qualifying defence contracts...

Statutory guidance: Allowable Costs guidance (version 4)
seen at 11:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

The Defence Reform Act 2014 (the Act) requires that qualifying defence contracts (QDCs) and qualifying sub-contracts (QSCs) are priced on the basis of Allowable Costs. Section 20(1) of the Act stipulates that...

Open consultation: Pregnancy and maternity discrimination: extending redundancy protection for women and new parents
seen at 11:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Consultation stage Impact Assessment published.

This consultation seeks views on extending redundancy protection for pregnant women and new parents. It also sets out more widely what the department...

Statutory guidance: Guidance on the baseline profit rate and its adjustment (version 5)
seen at 11:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Section 17(2) of the Defence Reform Act 2014 sets out the six steps to be used when determining the contract profit rate for a qualifying defence contract or qualifying sub-contract. The SSRO may issue guidance...

Guidance: Siemens Revelation digital mammography system in 2D mode evaluation
seen at 11:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

The report is one of a series of technical reports evaluating commercially available mammography systems on behalf of the NHS breast screening programme.

The report will help breast screening programme...

Transparency data: UKAEA financial transactions: April 2018 to March 2019
seen at 11:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added Feb.

These datasets show monthly financial transactions made by the UK Atomic Energy Authority, as part of the government’s commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Guidance: Selective Schools Expansion Fund
seen at 11:36, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Application form updated to correct a cell formatting issue.

This guidance is for academy trusts and local authorities.

It applies to academies and local-authority-maintained schools.

Transparency data: Innovate UK funding competition winners 2018
seen at 11:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added competition results for Women in Innovation 2018.

Note: These proposals have succeeded in the assessment stage of this competition. All are subject to grant offer and conditions being met...

Guidance: Universal Credit and landlords
seen at 11:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added guidance for social landlords about April 2019 rent changes.

If a tenant is having difficulty paying their rent, fill in the UC47 form to request payment of rent from a tenant’s...

Guidance: Legionella scheme: recent intended results for distribution
seen at 11:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added 'Legionella isolation scheme: intended results for distribution G114'.

The Legionella isolation scheme includes samples containing a range of different serogroups of Legionella pneumophila...

Guidance: Food and water proficiency testing schemes: scheme guide
seen at 11:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated 'PHE food and water proficiency testing schemes guide (English)'.

This guide is designed to help participants gain maximum benefit from the PHE proficiency testing schemes for food and ...

Guidance: Qualification achievement rates (QARs) reports guidance
seen at 11:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have updated the guidance for using the business intelligence (BI) qualification achievement rate reports for 2017 to 2018.

We produce reports for the qualification achievement rates (QARs). ...

Statutory guidance: Traffic commissioners: good repute and fitness, November 2018
seen at 11:35, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Statutory Document updated with new version.

The Senior Traffic Commissioner for Great Britain issues guidance and directions under section 4C(1) of the Public Passenger Vehicles Act...

Statutory guidance: Traffic commissioners: finance, January 2019
seen at 11:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Statutory Document updated with new version.

The Senior Traffic Commissioner for Great Britain issues guidance and directions under section 4C(1) of the Public Passenger Vehicles Act...

Leeds Digital Festival 2019: top tech events for startups and scaleups to attend
seen at 11:33, 18 March in Tech City UK (Our copy).

Leeds Digital Festival is returning on April 23 – May 3, giving coders, creatives and everybody inbetween an excuse to pop out of the coworking space to attend a session or three.

Now into...

Speech: On Southeast Asia and UK's deepening Fintech partnership: Op-ed by Mark Field MP
seen at 11:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Speech: On Southeast Asia and UK's deepening Fintech partnership: Op-ed by Mark Field MP
News story: Combating food shortages: apply for funding
seen at 11:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: Combating food shortages: apply for funding
News story: World-leading UK aerospace designs: get funding for projects
seen at 11:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: World-leading UK aerospace designs: get funding for projects
News story: Creating the 5G network: apply for funding
seen at 11:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: Creating the 5G network: apply for funding
Press release: Quieter, smoother M6 in £7 million Carlisle upgrade
seen at 11:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Press release: Quieter, smoother M6 in &pound;7 million Carlisle upgrade
Press release: New pension scheme "could deliver improved returns for millions"
seen at 11:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Press release: New pension scheme "could deliver improved returns for millions"
Guidance: Iran - consular fees
seen at 10:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Consular rate of exchange updated

A full list of consular fees.

Decision: Winford Parking and Rental Ltd
seen at 10:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

The Traffic Commissioner made orders to:

revoke the operator licence with effect from 23:59 on 16 March 2019 disqualify Dean Baldock for a period of 5 years, with effect from 17 March 2019 from holding...
Guidance: Free school meals supplementary grant: 2018 to 2019
seen at 10:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have corrected a minor error with the published allocations.

The free school meals supplementary grant provides schools with extra funding to help them meet the higher costs of providing extra...

Form: HS2 Woodland Fund 2019 application form
seen at 10:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

The HS2 Woodland Fund 2019 application form is made up of 9 Microsoft Excel worksheets (Parts 1 to 9). The accompanying woodland creation plan (sections WCP 1 to WCP 5) is made up of 5 blue worksheets. You will...

Transparency data: Planning Inspectorate spending over £250: May 2017
seen at 10:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

These documents show spending by the Planning Inspectorate over &pound;250 for May 2017

Guidance: Traffic signs manual
seen at 10:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Alteration to the Traffic Signs Manual chapters 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 to incorporate the regulatory changes introduced in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.


The traffic...

Consultation outcome: Delivering collective defined contribution pension schemes
seen at 10:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response to the consultation.

CDC pension schemes allow contributions to be pooled and invested to give members a target benefit level.

Advantages of CDC schemes ...

Statistical data set: Wholesale fruit and vegetable prices, weekly average
seen at 10:39, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with weekly datasets.

Weekly publications give the average wholesale prices of selected home-grown horticultural produce. The prices are national averages of the most usual prices charged...

Open consultation: Further advertising restrictions for products high in fat, salt and sugar
seen at 10:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Our aim is to gather views on how the government can reduce children’s exposure to HFSS advertising, to reduce children’s overconsumption of these products.

We want any future advertising restrictions...

Notice: Competition guidance for agri-tech Catalyst round 8: agriculture and food systems innovation
seen at 10:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Your project must be collaborative and include all of the following:

a business at least one partner from the UK one partner from an eligible African country

The technical project work can be...

Guidance: Veterans Welfare Service: useful links for the service community
seen at 10:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Officers Association included.

Service personnel may be able to get advice, help and or support from charity or other organisations. See attachment for direct links to relevant bodies.

Guidance: 2019 contract profit rate
seen at 10:33, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Under the Defence Reform Act 2014 (the Act), the Single Source Regulations Office (SSRO) is required annually to review the figures used to determine the contract profit rate for pricing qualifying defence contracts...

Statutory guidance: Allowable Costs guidance (version 4)
seen at 10:33, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

The Defence Reform Act 2014 (the Act) requires that qualifying defence contracts (QDCs) and qualifying sub-contracts (QSCs) are priced on the basis of Allowable Costs. Section 20(1) of the Act stipulates that...

Open consultation: Pregnancy and maternity discrimination: extending redundancy protection for women and new parents
seen at 10:33, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Consultation stage Impact Assessment published.

This consultation seeks views on extending redundancy protection for pregnant women and new parents. It also sets out more widely what the department...

Statutory guidance: Guidance on the baseline profit rate and its adjustment (version 5)
seen at 10:33, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Section 17(2) of the Defence Reform Act 2014 sets out the six steps to be used when determining the contract profit rate for a qualifying defence contract or qualifying sub-contract. The SSRO may issue guidance...

Guidance: Siemens Revelation digital mammography system in 2D mode evaluation
seen at 10:33, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

The report is one of a series of technical reports evaluating commercially available mammography systems on behalf of the NHS breast screening programme.

The report will help breast screening programme...

Leeds Digital Festival 2019: top tech events for startups and scaleups to attend
seen at 10:31, 18 March in Tech City UK (Our copy).

Leeds Digital Festival is returning on April 23 – May 3, giving coders, creatives and everybody inbetween a great excuse to pop out of the coworking space to attend a session or eight.


Press release: M6 upgrade stepped up with bridge demolition
seen at 10:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Press release: M6 upgrade stepped up with bridge demolition
News story: Secretary of State announces new rates for determining profit in regulated defence contracts
seen at 10:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
News story: Secretary of State announces new rates for determining profit in regulated defence contracts
Guidance: Iran - consular fees
seen at 09:41, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Consular rate of exchange updated

A full list of consular fees.

Guidance: Charities: advice for applications sent to HM Land Registry (PG14)
seen at 09:41, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Section 9 has been amended as a result of the Church Property Measure 2018 which came into force on 1 March 2019.

This guide is aimed at conveyancers and legal advisers to charities and to those...

Guidance: Notices, restrictions and protection of third-party interests (PG19)
seen at 09:41, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: The wording of the Form D restriction in section 7.4 has been amended as a result of the Church Property Measure 2018 which came into force on 1 March 2019.

This guide gives advice about how to...

Decision: Winford Parking and Rental Ltd
seen at 09:41, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

The Traffic Commissioner made orders to:

revoke the operator licence with effect from 23:59 on 16 March 2019 disqualify Dean Baldock for a period of 5 years, with effect from 17 March 2019 from holding...
Guidance: Free school meals supplementary grant: 2018 to 2019
seen at 09:41, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: We have corrected a minor error with the published allocations.

The free school meals supplementary grant provides schools with extra funding to help them meet the higher costs of providing extra...

Form: HS2 Woodland Fund 2019 application form
seen at 09:41, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

The HS2 Woodland Fund 2019 application form is made up of 9 Microsoft Excel worksheets (Parts 1 to 9). The accompanying woodland creation plan (sections WCP 1 to WCP 5) is made up of 5 blue worksheets. You will...

Open consultation: Open access restriction at Silence and Old Grove Mines (2): how to comment
seen at 09:41, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Peak District National Park Authority is seeking views on proposals that will restrict public access to open access land at this site.

Transparency data: Planning Inspectorate spending over £250: May 2017
seen at 09:41, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

These documents show spending by the Planning Inspectorate over &pound;250 for May 2017

National Statistics: Consumer price inflation, updating weights: 2019
seen at 09:41, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Official statistics are produced impartially and free from political influence.

Guidance: Traffic signs manual
seen at 09:34, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Alteration to the Traffic Signs Manual chapters 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 to incorporate the regulatory changes introduced in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.


The traffic...

Consultation outcome: Delivering collective defined contribution pension schemes
seen at 09:33, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added the government's response to the consultation.

CDC pension schemes allow contributions to be pooled and invested to give members a target benefit level.

Advantages of CDC schemes ...

Statistical data set: Wholesale fruit and vegetable prices, weekly average
seen at 09:33, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated with weekly datasets.

Weekly publications give the average wholesale prices of selected home-grown horticultural produce. The prices are national averages of the most usual prices charged...

Statistical data set: Commodity prices
seen at 09:33, 18 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Revised release date.

Prices for selected agricultural and horticultural produce are published on a weekly or monthly basis in the following spreadsheets. The data source depends on the item but...

“This visa changes lives. I know, it’s changed mine.”
seen at 09:31, 18 March in Tech City UK (Our copy).

Brenda Della Casa is an award-winning Content Leader, Writer and Strategist. She moved to London from New York in 2016 on a Tech Nation (Tier 1) Visa. Here’s why she chose to come to Blighty.

I have...

Press release: Members of the public “routinely put in danger” by Bristol park and ride business
seen at 09:30, 18 March in News and communications (Our copy).
Press release: Members of the public “routinely put in danger” by Bristol park and ride business