UK Export Finance launches new debt solution to help developing countries with climate shocks
Sir Gavin Williamson's resignation letter and the Prime Minister's response
Sir Gavin Williamson's resignation letter and the Prime Minister's response
Bird flu: near Faringdon, Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire (2022)
Bird flu: premises near Tattenhall, Cheshire West & Chester, Cheshire (AIV 2022/191)
Bird flu: near Faringdon, Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire (2022)
Bird flu: premises near Tattenhall, Cheshire West & Chester, Cheshire (AIV 2022/191)
Rugby League World Cup No10 Reception speech
PESTICIDE USAGE IN NORTHERN IRELAND Survey Report 307 Edible Protected Crops 2021
Coherence of data sources on international migration
Submit returns for Climate Change Levy
Energy and emissions projections: 2021 to 2040
Submit returns for Climate Change Levy
HS2 information for farmers and growers
Waste Metric Dashboard: October 2022
Children in need census 2023 to 2024: specification
HS2 information for farmers and growers
From 14 November 2022, the King’s Bench counter service will be reopening to the public on an appointment only basis.
The following services will be available:
King’s Bench Issues:– Assistance...
International migration research: progress update
Waste Metric Dashboard: October 2022
Children in need census 2023 to 2024: specification
PM248000 - Close companies: loans to participators and arrangements conferring benefit on participator
PM213000 - Mixed member rules: contents
Ms F Johnstone v Piranha Pedi Ltd: 4112379/2021
Mr K McDonagh v Greater Glasgow Health Board: 4102606/2020
Mr C Peden v Chanlon Group Ltd: 4104081/2022
Private registered provider social housing stock and rents in England 2021 to 2022
Population estimates by output areas, electoral, health and other geographies, England and Wales: rebased mid-2012 to mid-2020
Quarterly economic commentary: October to December 2022
Census maps: 29 November 2022
Quarterly conceptions to women aged under 18 years, England and Wales: July to September 2021
Retail Sales, Great Britain, November 2023 time series
Public hearing decision in the case of Charles Salvador
IHTM27077 - Foreign property: locality of assets (situs): Eurobonds
Quarterly economic commentary: July to September 2023
Ms F Johnstone v Piranha Pedi Ltd: 4112379/2021
Mr K McDonagh v Greater Glasgow Health Board: 4102606/2020
Mr C Peden v Chanlon Group Ltd: 4104081/2022
UK and Estonia commit to closer defence cooperation
Private registered provider social housing stock and rents in England 2021 to 2022
Population estimates by output areas, electoral, health and other geographies, England and Wales: mid-2021 and mid-2022
Quarterly economic commentary: April to June 2023
Mr C Rawlingson v A & K Driveways Ltd: 1303739/2022
Mr J Hickinbottom v ACG Building Services Ltd: 1301405/2021
Mr J Brain v Ministry of Justice and Lord Chancellor: 2201500/2015
Armed Forces Covenant Duty Statutory Guidance
Joint Statement between the UK MOD and the Estonian MOD
CPIH-consistent inflation rate estimates for UK household groups: July to October 2022
TR16 6BJ, Mr David Williams: environmental permit application advertisement - EPR/YB3699DR/A001
Public hearing decision in the case of Charles Salvador
GU26 6DN, National Trust: environmental permit application advertisement - EPR/YB3497AK/A001
PM211400 - Loans to participators
Ms C v Thistle Communications Ltd (in liquidation) c/o C Middlebrook Middlebrooks Business Recovery and Advice: 4100336/2022
M Dellapia v D&J Hussey T/a The Black Horse: 1400485/2022
Mr P Simbol v Mr J Tilley and others: 1401601/2021
Retail sales, Great Britain: August 2023 time series
NG24 2ER, Bakkavor Foods Limited: environmental permit application advertisement - EPR/KP3332GH/V003
Retail sales, Great Britain: September 2023 time series
Response to ICIBI's report on the BN(O) visa route
Retail sales, Great Britain: October 2023 time series
M Aston v Hadley Steel Framing Ltd: 1301016/2021
P Blanchette and C Yeomans v The Chief Constable of West Midlands Police: 1301518/2021 and 1303352/2021
Mr C Rawlingson v A & K Driveways Ltd: 1303739/2022
Mr J Hickinbottom v ACG Building Services Ltd: 1301405/2021
Mr J Brain v Ministry of Justice and Lord Chancellor: 2201500/2015
Mr E Dear v Electrical Tech GB Ltd (in Liquidation) and Secretary of State for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy: 4113717/2021
Retail sales, Great Britain: May 2023 time series
IHTM27051 - Foreign property: valuation of assets: conversion of foreign currency
Retail sales, Great Britain: December 2023 time series
Retail sales, Great Britain: July 2023 time series
Ms C v Thistle Communications Ltd (in liquidation) c/o C Middlebrook Middlebrooks Business Recovery and Advice: 4100336/2022
HD2 1FF, Syngenta Limited: environmental permit application advertisement - EPR/UP3138LT/V018
M Dellapia v D&J Hussey T/a The Black Horse: 1400485/2022
Mr P Simbol v Mr J Tilley and others: 1401601/2021
Appoint a tax representative for Aggregates Levy (AL5)
Strategic export controls: licensing statistics: 1 July to 30 September 2022
Teacher misconduct panel outcome: Mrs Sarah Gillett
Government ministers visit spaceport ahead of first UK launch
Retail sales, Great Britain: June 2023 time series
Draft affirmative coming for Investigatory Powers (Communications Data) (Relevant Public Authorities and Designated Senior Officers) Regulations 2022. See other results for details.
Draft affirmative coming for Social Security (Class 2 National Insurance Contributions Increase of Threshold) Regulations 2022. See other results for details.
United Kingdom Non-quota landings from EU waters 2021 & 2022
The impact of COVID-19 on access to dental care
An inspection of the Hong Kong British National (Overseas) visa route April – June 2022
United Kingdom Non-quota landings from EU waters 2021 & 2022
Mr G Hall v Albea UK Ltd: 3205195/2021
Mr R Wispy v Eat Natural Ltd: 3203756/2022
An inspection of the Hong Kong British National (Overseas) visa route April – June 2022
Inspection Report Published: An inspection of the efficiency and effectiveness of the Home Office’s Hong Kong British National (Overseas) visa route
Ms E Butkiewicz v CAD Services Ltd T/a Facilities by ADF: 1601561/2021
Ms J Rees v Mr M Lock T/a The Marxian Club: 1601914/2021
Ms J Barnes v Richard Newton Consulting Ltd: 1601108/2021
Mr B Sani v Cardiff and Vale University Local Health Board and West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust: 1600930/2019
Financial wellbeing: applying All Our Health
K Yonish v JetEngage Ltd and Jet Media Network Ltd: 3205332/2021
Mr G Hall v Albea UK Ltd: 3205195/2021
Mr R Wispy v Eat Natural Ltd: 3203756/2022
Deporting foreign nationals on conducive grounds: caseworker guidance
Setting up ‘My Charity Commission Account’
Ms E Butkiewicz v CAD Services Ltd T/a Facilities by ADF: 1601561/2021
'My Charity Commission Account' privacy notice
Ms J Rees v Mr M Lock T/a The Marxian Club: 1601914/2021
Celebrating the next generation of Sellafield Ltd employees
Ms J Barnes v Richard Newton Consulting Ltd: 1601108/2021
Mr B Sani v Cardiff and Vale University Local Health Board and West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust: 1600930/2019
Ms S Khamis and others v Simply Cover Ltd (In Liquidation) and The Secretary of State for BEIS: 2407946/2022 and others
Mr M Reid v Home Heat Gas Ltd: 2401218/2022
Mr G Singh v Thornleys Ltd: 2405126/2022
Mr D Fernandes v Pure Technology Systems Ltd (in administration): 2400534/2022
Mr P Childs and others v Pure Business Group Ltd (In Administration) and Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy: 2300486/2022 and others
Miss M Courtney and others v Pure Claims Support Services Ltd (In Administration) and Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy: 2415107/2021 and others
£2.5 million available for research and innovation to help Defence better understand whole body vibration
Laser power moves a step closer for UK defence
Isis Winter League 2023: river restriction notice
Ms S Khamis and others v Simply Cover Ltd (In Liquidation) and The Secretary of State for BEIS: 2407946/2022 and others
Mr M Reid v Home Heat Gas Ltd: 2401218/2022
Mr G Singh v Thornleys Ltd: 2405126/2022
Mr D Fernandes v Pure Technology Systems Ltd (in administration): 2400534/2022
Mr P Childs and others v Pure Business Group Ltd (In Administration) and Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy: 2300486/2022 and others
Miss M Courtney and others v Pure Claims Support Services Ltd (In Administration) and Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy: 2415107/2021 and others
Field Safety Notices: 31 October to 4 November 2022
UK international sea passengers: October 2022
Ms S Delnevo v Kingsmead School: 3322773/2021
The Personal Representatives of Mr P Ashmore v Servitech International Ltd: 3300792/2021
Competition: Understanding Whole Body Vibration
UK steps up climate finance support for African countries
Mr S Homwe v Rerun Ltd: 3300551/2022
UK Export Finance: spending over £500 on a GPC, October 2022
Mr T Kousouris v Gardarica Ltd: 3306250/2021
Mrs M Mizrahi v Dr A Naseri: 3321319/2021
Minister of State (Minister for Crime, Policing and Fire)
Ms S Delnevo v Kingsmead School: 3322773/2021
Energy Bill Relief Scheme: privacy notice
The Personal Representatives of Mr P Ashmore v Servitech International Ltd: 3300792/2021
NHS Digital annual report and accounts 2021 to 2022
Additional family members under Pathway 3 of the Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme
Mr S Barnes v PTM International Ltd: 3322332/2021
S Cope v John Lewis plc: 3304460/2020
Mr S Homwe v Rerun Ltd: 3300551/2022
UK Export Finance: spending over £500 on a GPC, October 2022
Retail sales, Great Britain: January 2023 time series
Mr T Kousouris v Gardarica Ltd: 3306250/2021
Retail sales, Great Britain: February 2023 time series
Mrs M Mizrahi v Dr A Naseri: 3321319/2021
Miss K Sangster v UK Carline Ltd: 2411560/2019
Ms M Urbas v Team Industrial Services (UK) Ltd: 2405733/2020
L Milton-Barker v Clearway Drainage Systems Ltd: 2405925/2021
Dr M Krysmann v University of Central Lancashire: 2403176/2020
Mr R Kumar v Gallagher Group Ltd: 3323214/2021
Mrs J Costello v The City of Liverpool College: 2402674/2022
Miss S Peart v Ministry of Defence: 2406405/2020
Mr C Smith v HGV Drivers UK Ltd: 2403111/2022
Mrs P Skeer v Northwest One to One Care Ltd: 2402815/2021
Miss S Dees v Shaping Cloud Ltd: 2401601/2022
Mr O Adewusi v UNBXD Studios FAO: W Niven: 2414013/2021
Mr S Barnes v PTM International Ltd: 3322332/2021
Local sites and numbers of employees linked to businesses involved in international trade in goods, by subnational areas of the UK 2020
National reference laboratory for food microbiology: annual report
Mr M Dalmer v A Jawwad and others: 3313451/2020
Mrs K Brunton v The Clear Company Ltd: 4105128/2022
Mr O Mate Langlah v Sasse Ltd: 4104468/2022
Product recall: Wooden Cloud Crochet Mobile Clips with Organza Bag sold via Etsy (2205-0160)
Sustainable Support Strategy
M Donnelly v Build A Rocket Boy Games Ltd: 4102964/2022
Mrs K Brunton v The Clear Company Ltd: 4105128/2022
Mr O Mate Langlah v Sasse Ltd: 4104468/2022
Draft regulations: amendment to the Hybrid and Other Mismatches rules to retain an exemption for certain hybrid instruments issued by banks
Claim Guardian's Allowance (BG1)
Product recall: Wooden Cloud Crochet Mobile Clips with Organza Bag sold via Etsy (2205-0160)
Sustainable Support Strategy
M Donnelly v Build A Rocket Boy Games Ltd: 4102964/2022
How HMRC assesses profits for some sole traders and partnerships to change
Draft regulations: amendment to the Hybrid and Other Mismatches rules to retain an exemption for certain hybrid instruments issued by banks
Claim Guardian's Allowance (BG1)
Liverpool City Council: Representation (30 August 2022)
Liverpool City Council: Finance Commissioner appointment letter
Liverpool City Council: Letter to Interim Chief Executive (8 November 2022)
Liverpool City Council: Letter to commissioners (8 November 2022)
Liverpool City Council: updated Directions (8 November 2022)
In March 2020 the MHRA Inspectorate published a blog post in which we announced that until further notice we would only conduct on-site inspections linked to the UK Government’s COVID-19 response or any...
Liverpool City Council: Representation (30 August 2022)
Liverpool City Council: Finance Commissioner appointment letter
Liverpool City Council: Letter to Interim Chief Executive (8 November 2022)
Liverpool City Council: Letter to commissioners (8 November 2022)
Liverpool City Council: updated Directions (8 November 2022)
Mr K W Haughton v The Hemp Room Café Ltd (SC650756): 4101597/2022
Intervention at Liverpool City Council expanded to deliver value for money for taxpayers
Mr I Durham v B&Q Ltd: 3321279/2021
Mr J Parkins v Morrison Data Service: 3322664/2021
UK steps up climate finance support for African countries
Online payment plans help almost 21,600 customers pay their Self Assessment bill
Apply for temporary use of land or buildings to keep livestock
Post-legislative scrutiny of the Licensing Act 2003: follow-up report
The government response to the report from the House of Lords Select Committee on the Licensing Act 2003